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know of Biosphere? (1) EmptyNight 2001-06-24 07:49
boycot rob (2) thanksomuch 2001-06-24 02:27
s (3) rob 2001-06-24 02:14
i repspect your opinions (1) radiowerkshop 2001-06-24 02:01
APHEX TWIN CDS (4) Vince 2001-06-23 23:26
Wagon Christ - Musipal (10) Rough Spittle 2001-06-23 21:41
Favourite µziq's song (7) \/\/ooÆ’erAttack!!! 2001-06-23 19:46
Darkwave Electro Evolution (2) ])avid Violence 2001-06-23 19:29
Aphex Twin Merchandise (5) Aled Jones 2001-06-23 17:44
Drum machine or what? (7) luke 2001-06-23 16:16
free parties (1) rob 2001-06-23 14:13
bonar, sarcelona (2) al >< 2001-06-23 11:05
got some free time? (1) evolume 2001-06-23 08:54
What is this shit?! (9) SWAI 2001-06-23 02:29
cylob- loops and breaks (3) ross 2001-06-23 00:43
RDJ - Witness Protection? (2) rob fragilenine 2001-06-22 20:56
confield or double figure? (6) Romano-povo 2001-06-22 20:40
How do you pronounce Autechre? (7) Japes 2001-06-22 18:17
rephlex back in dublin... (1) al >< 2001-06-22 17:21
Eggshell from Ae (4) Quoth 2001-06-22 12:37
www.mp3dotcom/mp3dotcom (3) mp3dotcom 2001-06-22 10:43
700 Brown Jockeys (2) rob fragilenine 2001-06-22 10:32
I Just Got Autechre (15) Justin Schiz 2001-06-22 08:26
Review of my first gig (10) wizards teeth 2001-06-22 08:11
Faveorite mp3.com artists. (30) Aron? 2001-06-22 04:56
Airplay on Solstice Day--AK (1) EvanC 2001-06-22 01:00
AD: My Music: Free (4) Quoth 2001-06-21 22:43
my vacation (1) hevquip 2001-06-21 20:13
HELP ME ANYONE!!!!!!! (1) Matt 2001-06-21 19:06
DACKSANDRUMSANDROCKANDROLL (6) \/\/ooÆ’erAttack!!! 2001-06-21 19:02
im scared.. (5) Ross 2001-06-21 18:47
Bjork and IDM (10) Leo DeBoe 2001-06-21 17:42
V/VM Fakes??? (5) radiowerkshop 2001-06-21 17:11
i'm back (20) Quoth 2001-06-21 17:06
Po(e)'s a newbie (11) DirtyLittleBoy 2001-06-21 15:42
James Bond (4) wizards teeth 2001-06-21 14:01
µZIQ best Album (28) \/\/ooÆ’erAttack!!! 2001-06-21 10:17
RDJ's equipment (3) Luke 2001-06-21 07:56
squeeling gucci little piggy (9) Romano-povo 2001-06-21 06:51
aphex identities (3) loukoum 2001-06-21 01:31
how to "rip" files (5) thanksomuch 2001-06-21 01:29
Wacky Sounds / Effects Modules (2) wizards teeth 2001-06-20 17:40
charles mingus (13) Ross 2001-06-20 17:33
WHY DOES po e SUCK?? (36) Richard 2001-06-20 16:23
Precenphix (1) Justin Schiz 2001-06-20 15:59
Please Help / Philips PMC100 (1) Wizards Teeth 2001-06-20 14:38
usa braindancers live/dj rumo... (1) bob 2001-06-20 09:40
I have this spider on my wall... (4) Richard 2001-06-20 07:33
AFX in Star Wars?? (3) RockHoward 2001-06-20 07:23
Phobiazero (2) Justin Schiz 2001-06-20 07:04