from Connecticut USA on 2001-06-06 22:11 [#00008519]

I could make some music for the game. Give me an email and tell me what you'd like.
from Western Canada on 2001-06-06 22:46 [#00008526]

Nuker43: email the either of us two who are the creators
reflexation@yahoo.ca lordmayhem13@hotmail.com
Organ Grinder
from my own little fantasy world on 2001-06-07 01:54 [#00008547]

okay ppls. i'd just like to thank all the ppl who have been to our site so far and have checked it out, did the polls, guestbook, etc. You ppl rule! Poe, why do you think it "sucks ass?" I'd like your opinion, being that you are an AFX fan.
For those of you who haven't been to the page, here it is:
href="http://www.geocities.com/rdjrpgmaker/main.html">Aphex Twin RPG Page
from New Zealand (www.mp3.com/aureus) on 2001-06-07 06:52 [#00008556]

I'd like to do some music. I could do a videogamey sounding version of an Aphex song.
More Ideas: Have a hidden area, the planet mars, and have one of the songs from melodies from mars! And have a creature called italic eyeball.
from Western Canada on 2001-06-07 07:23 [#00008560]

We already have a monster named Italic Eyeball, and its a great one indeed. Please email either of us about you making a few songs, or whatever for us. We still need lots of time, and much effort is needed by the two of us [myself, and organ grinder]
from Australia on 2001-06-07 08:49 [#00008565]

well reflex,.. organ grinder and me hopefully :)
from USA on 2001-06-07 09:32 [#00008568]

dude, you gotta have THE MILK MAN as one of the 'hero' partners of Richard. I think this idea of yours kick ass. I'm sure people will buy it if it will be in stores. "I raise my lit up ZIPPO lighter to you!" Kick ass!
from Western Canada on 2001-06-07 14:55 [#00008611]

BubbleFX: currently the Milkman Is a foe of RDj in the game..... well we will take that comment into considerations. Its overwhelming the amount of stuff needed tobe prepared.
Organ Grinder
from from my own little fantasy world on 2001-06-07 15:18 [#00008612]

IF ANYONE would like to do music for this game, please feel free to send an e-mail to [REFLEX] or myself! We will appreciate your help!
Music Makers So Far: 1: Rob Fragilnine
rob fragilenine
from polyhouse 4 on 2001-06-07 15:19 [#00008613]

about this yellow calx monkey... have all the other colours with different powers, like the chocobos from FF7
rob fragilenine
from polyhouse 4 on 2001-06-07 15:22 [#00008614]

can i do some original songs too? i'm better at originals than remixes
from Ontario on 2001-06-07 15:23 [#00008615]

I think that the milkman wifes tits should be a power up. That would be funny.
from Western Canada on 2001-06-07 19:03 [#00008638]

yes, we need good remixers and original pieces, please no big beats or crazy IDM shit, we need good video game music, ambeint, or abstract.
from Connecticut USA on 2001-06-08 02:25 [#00008662]

Well if this helps to make milk man an ally.... Richard's girl friend used to sing this song while she went shopping. So maybe it would be better if the milk man was an ally? =)
from Western Canada on 2001-06-08 02:49 [#00008665]

I dunno, we don't want to base the entire game after all real AFX things, we need a lot of elements of the game that are made up by us. To be more original, and not boring. Although that may be a good idea, Ill keep it in mind.
from New Zealand (www.mp3.com/aureus) on 2001-06-08 07:30 [#00008672]

I have a funny idea: the milkman (who absolutely loves his wife) starts out as an ally, but then Richard makes the milkman song as a joke, which infuriates the milkman and he becomes the monsterous version that has been drawn already and Richard them fights him as a boss.
from New Zealand (www.mp3.com/aureus) on 2001-06-08 23:25 [#00008825]

EEEK! We can't let this thread die!
from Western Canada on 2001-06-08 23:38 [#00008836]

What do you mean?
Rough Spittle
from London on 2001-06-09 00:14 [#00008845]

Get a fucking life.
from Western Canada on 2001-06-09 00:16 [#00008847]

Shutup lamer ass fag. Im telling people to get a life and yet im on the exact same thread, in the exact same place. I wonder, how much brains it takes...
from London on 2001-06-09 00:21 [#00008848]

Excellent stuff people! I got some RDJ sprites laying about in my HD somewhere that I was going to use for my AFX game. I'll send 'em to you lot if you want.
Also, will there be a Mac port of the game or will I be deprived of it? :)
from Western Canada on 2001-06-09 00:26 [#00008849]

japes: please email me soon!. I run wth a Mac G4 and Im trying to talk to some people about porting it to the mac so we mac users can play it too. let me know.
Organ Grinder
from my own little fantasy world on 2001-06-09 07:18 [#00008873]

God, I've been SO fucking stumped on ideas lately. Sorry REFLEX if i've been slowing down on my pics but i've been caught up in my music and i have my own musical concepts in my head so there isn't much room for AFX stuff right now.... i apologize for the apparent laziness.
from London on 2001-06-09 11:49 [#00008891]

I've done several character sketches Organ and Reflex. You can see 'em below.
If you'd like me to do more, just ask. I won't be offended if you don't use these. I've got some ideas for levels, more characters and pickups.
on 2001-06-09 13:11 [#00008895]

hey japes: the daddy rules his weapon must be crying action .... he blows you trough the level
from London on 2001-06-09 14:40 [#00008923]

I don't know if you want to use these ideas, but here they are anyway:
1. Rich drives an armoured assault vehicle (called a Ferret). This could be in the game so he can drive and let off rounds from the machine gun.
2. "Cornish Acid" (acid being the drug in this case) could speed you up, while a slpliff could slow the game down. Both could be useful in certain situations.
3. Additional characters could be a Pancake Lizard and Goon Gumpas. The latter make me think of crazy little blobby things!
4. More locations: * Window World (hence Caustic Window, Polygon Window and Windowlicker)
* Clayhill (Urban area with a place called Pigeon Street) * The Garden of Linmiri (perhaps within the Rhubear Forest as a sort of eerily beautiful place)
5. The Calx Monkeys (moods based on the tunes): Yellow --> Clever Blue --> Calm Green --> Crazy
I've got more pics to put up too.
from London on 2001-06-10 12:06 [#00009007]

This thread fell back to page two. I'm just keeping it on page one, because it's so good, just in case anyone missed it.
from one lover to another, uh huh... on 2001-06-10 13:29 [#00009011]

Hey guys, check out "Frankie Goes To Hollywood" (circa 1986), for C64, Amstrad CPC and Spectrum (get an emulator). Lots of crazy shit based on the band's lyrics.
Object of the game is to escape from "dullsville" and become a "real person" (via the Pleasuredome, natch). Very weird.
Organ Grinder
from my own little fantasy world on 2001-06-10 17:09 [#00009024]

ha ha. i kept the thread on the first page.
i'd personally like to thank you all for the help you've offered so far. Everyone here is great! We'll keep up the good work!
: )
from Denmark on 2001-06-10 17:33 [#00009025]

I remember being scared to death by that game... Frankie goes to hollywood.
Didnt finish it ever...
How does it end?
Leo DeBoe
from USA on 2001-06-10 18:38 [#00009041]

he he he. I still recall the idea for a Squarepusher doll. I'd still buy it.
rob fragilenine
from ... on 2001-06-11 03:14 [#00009156]

that's how the intro music should sound.
from i.v. on 2001-06-11 06:00 [#00009179]

why don't you just do a quake mod or something? you can create whole levels and creatures in that and it's rather easy i've heard. that'd be easier than writing your own game engine.
from .. akhsdlkahsdlkhasbdhabskdhkashd ... gulag on 2001-06-11 09:16 [#00009186]

... or an half life mod ... easy pease'ee ..
from one lover to another, uh huh... on 2001-06-11 13:35 [#00009206]

SWAI - I never finished it either. There was no save game function and like most 80s games it was ruthless and unforgiving and required superhuman reflexes. I got into the pleasuredome plenty of times - I solved the murder mystery once, but still didnt clock it...
hmmm maybe I'll get a cpc emulator that lets you save a RAM image... then i could save my game.. heh heh...
Frankie Say : You have 23480 pleasure points and you're 67% a Real Person.
from www.drehwelt.de on 2001-06-11 13:50 [#00009209]

Heyho! Nice idea... if you need some soundFX or weird soundtrack-like samples I could support your project.
cu nsr***
rob fragilenine
from a pink house with a yellow man in a tree on 2001-06-12 01:48 [#00009280]

if you end up doing it with the quake engine etc, don't use quake III or a new game cos i won't be able to play it :( use quake 1 or 2, or even the strife engine (which uses doom's engine). I can do levels for doom.
from Western Canada on 2001-06-12 01:57 [#00009283]

If we were ever do do it in a quake/cs game thing.. it would most defnintly be Quake3
rob fragilenine
from picnic 301 on 2001-06-12 02:02 [#00009285]

sorry i get a bit carried away sometimes...
can somebody buy me a new pc? i currently have a 166 shit.
from Western Canada on 2001-06-12 03:40 [#00009295]

Rob: its ok, we aren't going to be doing that, so don't worry about it, I doubt that Organ Grinder and I really wanted to take this game to a Q3 engine or whatever you will. I think that this is.. well totally original. I don't take care of that kind of stuff though, im more into the content, overview and editing and stuff, and the page.. updating it and adding info.
Organ Grinder
from from er........... wherever. on 2001-06-12 14:21 [#00009363]

okies. i got the thread back on the first page. we have a LOT of help now so i'd like to thank everybody for their help.
: )
from Australia on 2001-06-13 01:18 [#00009430]

this game is supposed to be an rpg,... traditionally rpg's are to be made from top view,... there is a program called "rpg maker 2000" which can help us to make this thing a reality,....
Here's the URL : www.rpgmaker.chat.ru It's a shit site,.. but you can find RPGmaker 2000 there,.. and download it,. the only problem with it is that the fighting is turn based
from Western Canada on 2001-06-13 04:03 [#00009441]

Ah well, I Dunno..... thats up to organ grinder. I think that Im sticking to contect and suCH.
Organ Grinder
from my own little fantasy world on 2001-06-14 17:46 [#00009677]

sounds good to me! : )
from New Zealand (www.mp3.com/aureus) on 2001-06-15 08:05 [#00009783]

I have some great ideas, mainly charater sketches (unfortunately I have no scanner) but here's some stuff:
Sqaurepusher has a "red hot car" that's like a red version of the car in men in black (that transforms). Wehn RDJ meets him, SP can taxi him around places.
I made a whole sequence involving autechre, I'll E-mail it.
Mike P should attack with a giant spatula (as in, kid spatula).
from New Zealand (www.mp3.com/aureus) on 2001-06-15 08:07 [#00009785]

Japes: Excellent sketches!
from CH - Mulligan on 2001-06-15 08:12 [#00009787]

how about his brother ? he search the real history of his brother, bit he never find it......or see it
from CH - Mulligan on 2001-06-15 08:15 [#00009788]

the real "twin". or some..... erm... the "aphex" the acid with the real PH Value for the blast exciting, no ?
from Western Canada on 2001-06-15 16:03 [#00009823]

Organ Grinder and I shall take in whatever you give us, but there is no promise that it will make it into the game, for obvious reasons of being busy, and too much stuff to just do all at once. But we sure as hell enjoy people getting us help, and making things for us. Thanks.
rob fragilenine
from what was that song again? oh yeah, its called on 2001-06-15 16:34 [#00009828]

100! 100 100 100 100! yay 100th post.
just letting you guys know that i'm working on some kickass ambient stuff that sounds like the quake soundtrack.
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