Organ Grinder
from my own little fantasy world on 2001-05-31 20:08 [#00007762]

Don't know if anyone cares right now but i am working on an Aphex Twin RPG using PSOne's RPG Maker. It's primitive, i know. My storyline is this: Aphex is trapped in a nightmare where he must fight demons of his own creation. Some level names will be "Schottkey 7th Path" or "Portreath Harbour." Weapons like the "Astroblaster." But I'm sorta stuck on party member concepts -- i was thinking along the lines of Squarepusher or Mike (U-Ziq) but i'm also thinking of original shit, like a Yellow monkey named Yellow Calx. I don't know. Just an idea. If anyone has any input, e-mail me at lordmayhem13@hotmail.com -- if not, whatever. It's just an idea i've been playing with.
from Denmark on 2001-05-31 20:11 [#00007763]

Yellow calx is a boy
from Lincoln on 2001-05-31 22:13 [#00007772]

Mookid - A cow kid who "moos" at you Alberto Balsam - A dude who's the shape of a shampoo bottle Humanoid - Robot console that RDJ uses Isopropanol - One of the drinks RDJ drinks:) ~ that's all I can think of
from Western Canada on 2001-05-31 23:09 [#00007782]

Email me, I have tons of ideas about this topic, that was sort of my idea a while ago
from Ontaioaioaioaioaio on 2001-05-31 23:14 [#00007784]

LOL sounds great man! One boss would have to be the boy/girl machine gun weilding thing. The bullets would produce various drum sounds resembling the song!
from Montreal on 2001-06-01 00:53 [#00007791]

one of the bosses should be the Logan Rock Witch. you should have to cure a weakling child. one of the bosses should be called Daddy, and he'd say "come to daddy!". some of the villains should be called Slags. come on you slags!
from the uk on 2001-06-01 01:37 [#00007794]

i like the idea, i will have a think!
from perth on 2001-06-01 05:50 [#00007805]

thats mental. get one of the net techno ppl to do funk sounds effects
from perth on 2001-06-01 05:50 [#00007806]

i mean funky sound effects.... i wonder if the post i just did worked
from New Zealand (www.mp3.com/aureus) on 2001-06-01 07:43 [#00007812]

Wicked idea! I'd love to see that in the shops! You have to incorporate anagrams as one of the puzzles in the game.
It should start off with RDJ bcoming a DJ, he gets sucked into some world of some sort and has to progress in his style of music. When he makes hardcore dance stuff like classiscs, he basically smashes the enemy, ambient music puts them to sleep or scares them, drill & bass is super powerful etc.
Or something like that. Have SP and Mike and Autechre and the lot. Secret areas should be signified with a warp logo, you then warp to the secret bit.
I could go on but I won't.
from Milan on 2001-06-01 07:49 [#00007813]

Don't forget "Funny Little Man" one of the most dangerous enemys!
Organ Grinder
from my own little fantasy world on 2001-06-02 15:30 [#00008016]

HEY EVERYBODY THANX FOR THE IDEAS! Crapnose: cool enemy concepts!
Springy: good storyline! I was thinking something along the lines of.... an RDJ nightmare where he has to escape, but i like your idea better.
I will definitely expand on these concepts. anymore ideas, please reply or e-mail.
delet...still here ..
from .. counting sheep .. paddock .. on 2001-06-02 15:52 [#00008017]

.. yeah .. and you win by not releasing anything ... o(~; - p ...
.. is it gonna be a MUD .. with a server .. ??
from Denmark on 2001-06-02 16:43 [#00008026]

I was being serius, RDJ says himself that Yellow calx is a boy!
fucked up but true...
from Ultraworld on 2001-06-02 18:43 [#00008040]

Crap,this has to be the best idea ive heard in a ood long time....please email me when you have it done!!
Anway,suggestions Come on....Donkey Rhubears have to be in there somewhere!!!they rocka!!!
i think some sorta primitive fortress called "aegispolis" should be in it....
man this is fucking lush
Organ Grinder
from my own little fantasy world on 2001-06-02 18:49 [#00008041]

actually -- i had already planned on a primitive fortress called Aegispolis -- but ican't believe i almost forgot the Rhubears!! *hits self* Reflex, who had the idea first, is hopefully collaborating with me on this.
from Ultraworld on 2001-06-02 18:53 [#00008042]

oh yeah,arent calx plants? mebbe they could be the healing shnizz
from Australia on 2001-06-03 08:49 [#00008088]

you should have the levels resembling stuff off of the film clips,.. the beach in the "on" video,.. the carpark in the "Come to Daddy" video,.. and the streets from the windowlicker clip,.. as well as some cool trippy dream sections,.. oh yeah and the grassy hills out of donkey rhubarb,...
from the uk on 2001-06-03 16:36 [#00008112]

i think it would work best if it didnt follow a rules system, it is purely defined by players only, and whatever they want to do in the game goes, also a nice soundtrack to go along with it :D
Organ Grinder
from my own little fantasy world on 2001-06-04 07:07 [#00008176]

hey everyone. just thought i'd let you know that i have finished drawing some thumbnail sketches for levels, weapons, and enemies in the game. So far:
Levels: Rhubear Forest, Schottkey 7th Path, Aegispolis
Weapons: Digeridoo, Tamphex (a staff or boomerang, i can't decide which),
Astroblaster, Wet Tip Hen Ax
Enemies: Slag, Yip, Milkman, Daddy, Phloam, Carn Malth, Tha, Phlange Phace (2 versions), and Flaphead
ideas will keep coming. I also have drawn a giant computer boss but i have no name for him yet.
By the way, this is [REFLEX] and I's concept.
We have a site: www.geocities.com/rdjrpgmaker/main.html
By Monday evening we should have the pics on the site!
thank you all for your interest. now we know that a walloping ten ppl might download it once it's finished....
from Australia on 2001-06-04 09:41 [#00008183]

from Denmark on 2001-06-04 17:41 [#00008222]

from up in yo ass with the resurrection! on 2001-06-04 20:26 [#00008236]

shit,id didnt know you coulddl it!!! gah!!! id love to play it
from Western Canada on 2001-06-04 20:44 [#00008237]

Yes, the project is under way, our site isn't much too look at now. But I put up all the new pics of levels, weapons and enemies. Its looking good so far, its being updated all the time with new info and pics. So please chec it out if you want to, its very cool. This is a collaberation between myself and Organ Grinder. The new skteches are just wonderful, and things seem to be coming along smoothly. Anyway, go check it out please.
Aphex Twin RPG Page!
Organ Grinder
from my own little fantasy world on 2001-06-04 22:30 [#00008248]

i shall be putting some polls on the AFX RPG page soon so please feel free to vote on them! pleeeeeeeease!
by the way, SWAI, i believe you. Yellow Calx is a boy. You can stop informing me of that now. Lol.
Organ Grinder
from my own little fantasy world on 2001-06-04 23:02 [#00008251]

I now have put polls on our page for party members and the opening song. Any other poll ideas?
Aphex Twin RPG Page
from Australia on 2001-06-04 23:48 [#00008253]

has anyone suggested pac-man? (as a psuedonym alias or an enemy)
from Australia on 2001-06-04 23:49 [#00008254]

has anyone suggested pac-man? (as a psuedonym alias or an enemy)
also,.. I'm a level designer (and a pretty good one at that) If you can send me some stuff to make it with then I'll gladly create the levels sketched at the site,..
I can also make sprite based enemies too :-)
from Australia on 2001-06-04 23:51 [#00008256]

ohh yeah,.. and you there should be a battle between Richard D James and his dead brother,.. that would be cool,.. kinda like an end boss
from New Zealand (www.mp3.com/aureus) on 2001-06-05 07:23 [#00008279]

GOOD IDEAS: Right, Windowlicker was his last release, so the last boss should be a big tounged, afro haired, aphex faced enemy called windowlicker. Before that should be a hellish level bassed on the images inspired by (equation). Scary. Ending credits should have nannou in the background.
A secret end boss (if you find all the secrets during the game) could be his brother, with Girl/Boy song in the background.
rob fragilenine
from inside a skipping cd player on on on on on on on on on *BANG* on 2001-06-05 08:04 [#00008284]

You should get all of the people on this messageboard to do the music, either originals or remixes (not including samples). That would be cool.
Did that appear twice? I spelt 'you' wrong.
rob fragilenine
from inside a skipping cd player on on on on on on on on on *BANG* on 2001-06-05 08:15 [#00008287]

here's an idea... have a bucephalus bouncing ball that you can pick up in the game, and it follows you around bouncing on the enemies...
Do you have anyone doing sound fx? i'm kinda good at that stuff..
rob fragilenine
from inside a skipping cd player on on on on on on on on on *BANG* on 2001-06-05 08:16 [#00008288]

here's an idea... have a bucephalus bouncing ball that you can pick up in the game, and it follows you around bouncing on the enemies...
Do you have anyone doing sound fx? i'm kinda good at that stuff..
rob fragilenine
from inside a skipping cd player on on on on on on on on on *BANG* on 2001-06-05 08:17 [#00008289]

here's an idea... have a bucephalus bouncing ball that you can pick up in the game, and it follows you around bouncing on the enemies...
Do you have anyone doing sound fx? i'm kinda good at that stuff..
rob fragilenine
from inside a skipping cd player on on on on on on on on on *BANG* on 2001-06-05 08:18 [#00008290]

good one rob... i've stuffed it up again
from Connecticut USA on 2001-06-05 08:29 [#00008291]

Holy shit. Are you guys going to really pull off a RPG based on RDJ? If so that is amazing and im here all the way. Ill be checking the site and watching for updates... please keep me updated! Email me at Nuker43@hotmail.com
from Denmark on 2001-06-05 10:48 [#00008303]

from Western Canada on 2001-06-05 15:24 [#00008322]

PLEASE *NEW*, if your going to add some information, or want to help us out in some way just email us please. Thanks.
reflexation@yahoo.ca lordmayhem13@hotmail.com
We are still working on this very hard, please make your emails brief as possible. Thank you.
Aphex Twin RPG Page
Organ Grinder
from my own little fantasy world on 2001-06-05 16:23 [#00008327]

hello all you happy AFX ppl!!!! We appreciate all your support. I'm about to start work on some more concepts. If anyone would like to help, please contact us. Any help would be great!!!
---organ grinder
from Australia on 2001-06-05 23:20 [#00008375]

umm,... do you want me to start making some sprites for you or not? what should I do?
from Western Canada on 2001-06-05 23:23 [#00008376]

TekN010G: please email one of us and make it loads easier for the both of us.. please, thanks!
reflexation@yahoo.ca lordmayhem13@hotmail.com
from Australia on 2001-06-05 23:26 [#00008377]

I'm stupid and idn't check my e-mail ignore the last post
from Australia on 2001-06-05 23:26 [#00008378]

I'm stupid and didn't check my e-mail ignore the last post
from Australia on 2001-06-05 23:27 [#00008379]

I'm stupid and didn't check my e-mail ignore the last post
from Australia on 2001-06-05 23:28 [#00008380]

F*uk,.. that's the first time i've "triple posted"
from Western Canada on 2001-06-06 02:48 [#00008400]

Its ok, if you or anyone else feels they can help then email me, or organ grinder. All we need for help, is game stuff... like in game graphics, and all that sort of stuff. But its still in the early stages, so Ill have to consult with organ grinder first, but please email either of us.
Organ Grinder
from my own little fantasy world on 2001-06-06 07:15 [#00008414]

We now have someone designing levels AND sprites! KICK ASS! Now i just need fragilnine to respond and we'll have a soundperson!
By the way, you SLAGS, vote on our polls!!!!
Aphex Twin RPG Page
from Western Canada on 2001-06-06 07:22 [#00008416]

Ok, yes we have someone doing Levels and Sprites, we need that sound person ROB to help us out like he said. Its coming together nicely. Please check out our page, please! Thanks.
reflexation@yahoo.ca lordmayem13@hotmail.com
The Aphex Twin RPG Game Page!
rob fragilenine
from inside a skipping cd player on on on on on on on on on *BANG* on 2001-06-06 07:35 [#00008418]

i'd be happy to do sounds/music, and i can do a pretty realistic rendition of ageispolis, windowlicker, come to daddy, isoprophlex, digeridoo, polynomial-c, and some other songs... i'll put some sounds and mp3 remixes up on my site soon, members.fortunecity.com/fragilenine/naxmusic.html
there's some music there at the moment, check out [ts1:blue] or ambiblismpot or go algorithm...
rob fragilenine
from inside a skipping cd player on on on on on on on on on *BANG* on 2001-06-06 07:35 [#00008420]

i'd be happy to do sounds/music, and i can do a pretty realistic rendition of ageispolis, windowlicker, come to daddy, isoprophlex, digeridoo, polynomial-c, and some other songs... i'll put some sounds and mp3 remixes up on my site soon, members.fortunecity.com/fragilenine/naxmusic.html
there's some music there at the moment, check out [ts1:blue] or ambiblismpot or go algorithm...
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