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3 years here

offline nacmat on 2005-01-04 09:49 [#01444629]
Points: 31271 Status: Lurker

I am not an old daddy like woofer, reflex, quoth and
others.... but hey 3 years is some time

its been good time


offline epohs from )C: on 2005-01-04 09:51 [#01444631]
Points: 17620 Status: Lurker | Followup to nacmat: #01444629

hi nacman, and welcome to xltronic!


offline tolstoyed from the ocean on 2005-01-04 09:53 [#01444636]
Points: 50073 Status: Moderator

are we going to see more of you now? :)


offline nacmat on 2005-01-04 10:00 [#01444643]
Points: 31271 Status: Lurker

not for a few months


offline mylittlesister from ...wherever (United Kingdom) on 2005-01-04 10:02 [#01444645]
Points: 8472 Status: Regular | Followup to nacmat: #01444629

who hasnt been here 3 years? *rolls eyes*



offline tolstoyed from the ocean on 2005-01-04 10:03 [#01444647]
Points: 50073 Status: Moderator | Followup to nacmat: #01444643

haha, are you trying to prove to your gf that you're not
addicted to the xltronic? :)


offline Ophecks from Nova Scotia (Canada) on 2005-01-04 10:04 [#01444648]
Points: 19190 Status: Moderator | Show recordbag

Only been 3 years? It seems like you've been in my life
forever and then some.

I remember when you were brand new, pre-avatars, you posted
at breakneck pace. Those were the days. They don't make 'em
like they used to, eh? Those were the days.


offline WooferAttack from Milano (Italy) on 2005-01-04 10:04 [#01444649]
Points: 12920 Status: Lurker

congs nacmat, you're very very old for this community! our
experience will help many newbie to grow well... ehehehe...


offline pOgO from behind your belly button fluff on 2005-01-04 10:05 [#01444650]
Points: 12687 Status: Lurker

Happy Anniversary!


offline melack from barcielwave on 2005-01-04 10:08 [#01444653]
Points: 9099 Status: Regular

older and older.
in a week ill be 22,
ive been coming here since i was 18 or something...
its hard to belive how time pass, but nothing changes but
everything seems differents in my head...


offline pomme de terre from obscure body in the SK System on 2005-01-04 10:27 [#01444679]
Points: 11943 Status: Moderator | Show recordbag

I've known many of you longer than some of my real-life
friends. And know more about your lives/personalities..


offline qrter from the future, and it works (Netherlands, The) on 2005-01-04 10:28 [#01444681]
Points: 47414 Status: Moderator

then he went and gone to be a moderator at WATMM's

..and it all went sour..


offline pomme de terre from obscure body in the SK System on 2005-01-04 10:29 [#01444683]
Points: 11943 Status: Moderator | Followup to qrter: #01444681 | Show recordbag

Nacmat doesn't exist to me now.


offline Jedi Chris on 2005-01-04 10:31 [#01444685]
Points: 11495 Status: Regular | Followup to nacmat: #01444629

Its been about the same for me


offline Raz0rBlade_uk on 2005-01-04 10:31 [#01444686]
Points: 12540 Status: Addict | Show recordbag

1 year for me, it's been fun


offline virginpusher from County Clare on 2005-01-04 10:34 [#01444693]
Points: 27326 Status: Lurker

just about 4 here.

1 of those was lurking


offline nacmat on 2005-01-04 10:59 [#01444723]
Points: 31271 Status: Lurker | Followup to pomme de terre: #01444683

I am phanmat


offline nacmat on 2005-01-04 10:59 [#01444725]
Points: 31271 Status: Lurker | Followup to nacmat: #01444723



offline recycle from Where is Phobiazero (Lincoln) (United States) on 2005-01-04 11:14 [#01444744]
Points: 39612 Status: Addict

dont forget



offline giginger from Milky Beans (United Kingdom) on 2005-01-04 11:25 [#01444760]
Points: 26315 Status: Regular | Show recordbag

Shit me 2nd November 2002. I lurked for ages too. DAMN!


offline pOgO from behind your belly button fluff on 2005-01-04 11:46 [#01444811]
Points: 12687 Status: Lurker

I'm 3rd of feb I think


offline pOgO from behind your belly button fluff on 2005-01-04 11:49 [#01444817]
Points: 12687 Status: Lurker

I can't find my first thread anywhere. It's called Jarworski

Can someone find it for me please? I need it badly to win a


offline nacmat on 2005-01-04 11:51 [#01444823]
Points: 31271 Status: Lurker | Followup to pOgO: #01444817

go to your profile

look for your last 20 posts

then clcik on previous 20 posts... a few times, you will see
what numbers change in the url window name... so you change
it the to see the firsts posts


offline Anus_Presley on 2005-01-04 11:53 [#01444826]
Points: 23472 Status: Lurker | Followup to pOgO: #01444817

it must have been deleted frrom the darrtarr barrse.


offline pOgO from behind your belly button fluff on 2005-01-04 11:53 [#01444828]
Points: 12687 Status: Lurker

ah HA!

Yavo owes me a tenner =op


offline mylittlesister from ...wherever (United Kingdom) on 2005-01-04 12:11 [#01444866]
Points: 8472 Status: Regular

my first one was on 2002-02-07... 7th of Feb, or 2nd of

i remember before we had logins tho, we just put our
username in the box above our reply.


offline Chihiro from twins land on 2005-01-04 12:15 [#01444872]
Points: 4650 Status: Regular

2 years for me...
And many more to come im sure.
i've only started to really become addicted not so long



offline pOgO from behind your belly button fluff on 2005-01-04 12:23 [#01444887]
Points: 12687 Status: Lurker | Followup to nacmat: #01444823

aaahhhh I see what you're on about

First V5 post

I was talking about first post ever ever ever ever ever


offline pachi from yo momma (United States) on 2005-01-04 13:25 [#01444971]
Points: 8984 Status: Lurker

Almost 3 for me as well.

09.02.2002 is when I joined.


offline PigeonSt from Detroit on 2005-01-04 16:23 [#01445252]
Points: 1780 Status: Regular

2 years three months or so


offline FlyAgaric from the discovery (Africa) on 2005-01-04 16:26 [#01445258]
Points: 5776 Status: Regular

it's been a while


offline Combo from Sex on 2005-01-04 16:27 [#01445262]
Points: 7532 Status: Lurker

snif ='(
i only read this mb for 1 year


offline qrter from the future, and it works (Netherlands, The) on 2005-01-04 16:44 [#01445288]
Points: 47414 Status: Moderator








offline Chris Ochre on 2005-01-04 16:45 [#01445289]
Points: 570 Status: Lurker

remember a guy called poe?


offline qrter from the future, and it works (Netherlands, The) on 2005-01-04 16:46 [#01445290]
Points: 47414 Status: Moderator



offline Chris Ochre on 2005-01-04 16:48 [#01445296]
Points: 570 Status: Lurker



offline qrter from the future, and it works (Netherlands, The) on 2005-01-04 16:50 [#01445299]
Points: 47414 Status: Moderator



offline deepspace9mm from filth on 2005-01-04 17:09 [#01445328]
Points: 6846 Status: Addict

Happy wonderful wastage of time nacman.

One year, ten months, five days. This is me.


offline mylittlesister from ...wherever (United Kingdom) on 2005-01-04 17:14 [#01445333]
Points: 8472 Status: Regular

you are a length of time?

that cannot be a happy existance...


offline qrter from the future, and it works (Netherlands, The) on 2005-01-04 17:56 [#01445380]
Points: 47414 Status: Moderator | Followup to mylittlesister: #01445333

we're all a length of time, in some ways.

*large meteor hurtles towards Earth, aimed to take me
out, thrown by God Himself*


offline mylittlesister from ...wherever (United Kingdom) on 2005-01-04 18:03 [#01445393]
Points: 8472 Status: Regular | Followup to qrter: #01445380

you've cost us all our lives :'(


offline qrter from the future, and it works (Netherlands, The) on 2005-01-04 19:18 [#01445506]
Points: 47414 Status: Moderator



offline IronLung from the 91fwy in soCAL (United States) on 2005-01-04 20:05 [#01445556]
Points: 8032 Status: Lurker | Show recordbag

yeah I love the whole gang....

I also have been here for awhile now and still enjoy it.

good times...good times indeed



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