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New member? Say Hi!

offline SwitchFrontside on 2007-12-11 05:07 [#02153005]
Points: 818 Status: Regular

I'm not new but i come here very rarely these days. "Hi".


offline tridenti from Milano (Italy) on 2007-12-11 07:01 [#02153015]
Points: 14653 Status: Lurker



offline analogousdoom on 2007-12-12 14:51 [#02153544]
Points: 3 Status: Lurker

Greetings xltronic! I'm an electronic guru and a gear freak
with no life.


offline staz on 2007-12-12 15:57 [#02153558]
Points: 9844 Status: Regular

what the holy shit. analogous doom is fucking AWESOME, i
just noticed you registered!


offline Ead1528 from Bucks County, PA (United States) on 2007-12-13 16:08 [#02153877]
Points: 203 Status: Lurker

Hi, I just registered. I am a huge fan of Autechre, and
Aphex Twin (SAW II in particular), so I joined this site. I
am trying to get an avatar which can meet the bullshit 80x60


offline alphaminor from dallas (United States) on 2007-12-14 06:41 [#02154058]
Points: 1 Status: Lurker

Hello everyone!Found this place during a D'arcangelo
search,nice to be here!


offline Indeksical from Phobiazero Damage Control (United Kingdom) on 2007-12-14 22:14 [#02154371]
Points: 10671 Status: Regular | Show recordbag



offline Broken_Drum from United Kingdom on 2007-12-17 14:52 [#02155266]
Points: 207 Status: Lurker

Hello all, all of this music you kids are listening to these
days is simply delicious.


offline Needlenose from my red hot car on 2007-12-23 17:05 [#02157435]
Points: 19 Status: Lurker

Um, hi. I love all sorts of music and have recently gotten
into electronic music. Right now I'm into Aphex Twin and
related (a LOT) and Squarepusher.


offline odiethe666 from da dirty south (United States) on 2007-12-24 09:07 [#02157600]
Points: 15 Status: Regular

tickled to find someone else tuned into the maelstrom known
as afx. i've been a fan since bubblebath. trying to organize
a bribe for some american gigs, any the
site. wishing all merry x-mas and a happy new year.


offline analogousdoom on 2007-12-27 23:27 [#02158462]
Points: 3 Status: Lurker

wow, thanks staz. Great to know I have listeners out there!


offline redRummy from Brighton (United Kingdom) on 2007-12-31 20:51 [#02159653]
Points: 403 Status: Regular

Hello again!!

I originally joined this messageboard in 2002, and hung
about for a while, then dipped in and out when I became
distracted by other websites.... but always came back to
XLT!! :)

Well, I'm still trying to make some music, have swtiched
application again to another sequencer/tracker, switched
devices again, with not much output for some time...

I've come back, cos I'm going to give it another go... and I
really enjoyed coming here previously, and reading the
random ramblings....


Peace out.



offline Dih from AZUGA (Romania) on 2008-01-04 07:17 [#02160282]
Points: 19 Status: Lurker

Hi everybody
I find this message board very simpatico and after lurking
like an underground owl for 5 months I decided to join you.
I'm a big fan of electronica and I hope I'll learn someday
to make some sweet tunes.


offline nightex from Šiauliai (Lithuania) on 2008-01-06 10:33 [#02160995]
Points: 1275 Status: Lurker

Hi everyone. I am from Lithuania. I foun this place when i
was searching info about Aphex Twin. I hope it will be
intresting to share ideas about electronic music.


offline rad smiles on 2008-01-06 13:21 [#02161112]
Points: 5608 Status: Lurker

hi nightex welcome


offline Cliff Glitchard from DEEP DOWN INSIDE on 2008-01-13 14:07 [#02163324]
Points: 4151 Status: Lurker



offline CowCudIsATwin on 2008-01-22 23:34 [#02166576]
Points: 173 Status: Lurker

Hi to all. Big fan of Richard D James and all other sorts of
great electronic music. Have been using this site for a
couple of years, probably been browsing the forum here and
there for a year now. Nice to finally pop in formally.


offline beNito from Paris (France) on 2008-01-23 16:20 [#02166953]
Points: 68 Status: Lurker

Hello !

I'm not really new either, I've been coming here and lurking
since awhile, I'm more of a watmmer normally, but it's
really fun in here too, so here I am, nice to meet you in
person guys.

beN (from Paris)


offline GAK-0 from Gothenburg (Sweden) on 2008-01-23 17:12 [#02166966]
Points: 8 Status: Lurker

Hey all! Also a big fan of richard. I also listen to
venetian snares, estonji, magda, richie hawtin etc.


offline Zephyr Twin from ΔΔΔ on 2008-01-23 17:17 [#02166967]
Points: 16982 Status: Regular | Show recordbag

hello and welcome to all the new members!


offline apolloE from Birmingham, UK (United Kingdom) on 2008-01-23 21:22 [#02167023]
Points: 2 Status: Regular


i came here via google after typing quaristice give me give
me now


offline Indeksical from Phobiazero Damage Control (United Kingdom) on 2008-01-24 12:23 [#02167134]
Points: 10671 Status: Regular | Followup to apolloE: #02167023 | Show recordbag

Wow someone else from Birmingham. Hello! Where about in brum
do you live?


offline rad smiles on 2008-01-24 13:38 [#02167149]
Points: 5608 Status: Lurker

isnt brum a helpful car


online EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2008-01-26 14:21 [#02167799]
Points: 24972 Status: Addict



offline Indeksical from Phobiazero Damage Control (United Kingdom) on 2008-01-26 15:32 [#02167854]
Points: 10671 Status: Regular | Followup to rad smiles: #02167149 | Show recordbag

Depends on whether you're on the right side of the law or
not. I was in an episode of Brum once. Only in the
background mind. Me and a mate had bunked off of school and
walked into a shot of Brum cavorting outside Habitat.


offline kLine from Boston, Ma (United States) on 2008-01-28 20:11 [#02168589]
Points: 7 Status: Lurker

Whats up everyone, never do these new to threads but
whatever haha

from Boston, Mass

big fan of afx (like everyone says), Ceephax, Vibert,
Poborsk, Spenza, Few Nolder, V.Rotz, Telefon Tel Aviv,
Shizuo, etc etc etc

nice to see people that enjoy good music around here, see ya
around peace!


offline elukestevkaif from Tarlunn (Estonia) on 2008-01-29 05:26 [#02168683]
Points: 7 Status: Regular

Hi from everybody to me!
I am from ESTONIA (d'you know where it is?) I have some
illest nu wave elektronika...amongst my fav. japanese
telecom, alexander robotnic, vitalik, anthony rother. Mr
Velcro Fastener and good'old Mr. Oizo which i am using for
mixing and remaking for my-way elektronik..
So I believe i am welcome to the site..

or what?


offline rad smiles on 2008-01-29 09:34 [#02168754]
Points: 5608 Status: Lurker

hi glad to see you


online EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2008-01-29 11:35 [#02168801]
Points: 24972 Status: Addict | Followup to kLine: #02168589

hello kline

i am in the massachusetts also

is that kline as in snorting or kline as in banned from irc


offline kLine from Boston, Ma (United States) on 2008-01-30 20:43 [#02169666]
Points: 7 Status: Lurker

hey, k-Line as in irc, haha you are the first person in like
3 or 4 years to actually know what it was

where in mass you from?


offline baph from Los Angeles on 2008-02-01 20:48 [#02170677]
Points: 7 Status: Lurker

Hey, long-time Ae fan here. I've been lurking (here and
watmm) for a while, finally got around to registering.

/lubz for teh IDMs


online EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2008-02-05 16:48 [#02172248]
Points: 24972 Status: Addict | Followup to kLine: #02169666

eastern mass, suburbs...


offline MASUGNEN from Lund (Sweden) on 2008-02-06 16:01 [#02172606]
Points: 836 Status: Lurker

Yes! Hello!

Old RePHLeX fanatic that recently has dicovered the strange,
beautiful and haunting soundscape of Autechre (LP5 and
Chiastic Slide going for more).


offline vlari from beyond the valley of the LOLs on 2008-02-10 09:42 [#02173597]
Points: 13915 Status: Regular | Followup to baph: #02170677

/lubz right back atya


offline Lavelle Irth from Los Angeles (United States) on 2008-02-11 21:36 [#02174085]
Points: 1 Status: Lurker

Hello im LaVelle from Los Angeles


offline c0metv0mit from essex (United Kingdom) on 2008-02-12 13:05 [#02174274]
Points: 7 Status: Regular



offline Orubasarot on 2008-02-13 00:41 [#02174448]
Points: 36 Status: Lurker

Hello, I'm here to get permabanned as quickly as possible.
I think your community is shit, also go fuck a horse.


offline rad smiles on 2008-02-13 21:06 [#02174701]
Points: 5608 Status: Lurker | Followup to Orubasarot: #02174448

you'll have to try harder than that.


offline SecondaryCell from Nashville (United States) on 2008-02-14 17:30 [#02175052]
Points: 33 Status: Lurker

Hello all of you wonderful Xltronic people!

My favorite artist is BOC, followed by Amon Tobin, Aphex,
Arovane, Autechre, Biosphere, Bitcrush, Bola, Christ., Tim
Hecker, Helios, Jan Jelineck, Kelpe, Kettel, Legiac, Lusine,
Plaid, Proem, Ulrich Schnauss, Speedy J, Squarepusher,
Venitian Snares and pre-80's Tangerine Dream among others.

I also produce my own stuff:

Glad to be here,


offline Matik from Oregon (United States) on 2008-02-19 12:00 [#02177066]
Points: 24 Status: Lurker

hi. i have been lurking here for a couple years. it's an
interesting place. i've discovered some new music and even
a few good movies from the many threads here. for that i
thank you all.


offline Finalcoil1 from Leicester (United Kingdom) on 2008-02-20 02:54 [#02177245]
Points: 5 Status: Regular

Greetings all - I'm new here and generally trying to shout
out about my band Final Coil. For those of you who fancy
checking out our latest ep (which is a remix /
reinterpretation job on our first two records) we cordially
invite you to download it for free from here:

Cheers - Phil


offline Plan R on 2008-03-01 22:01 [#02181082]
Points: 22 Status: Regular


I am crossing my fingers that Autechre will come and visit
Australia sometime soon.


offline tragedy from Gloucester (United States) on 2008-03-07 15:17 [#02182813]
Points: 4423 Status: Lurker | Followup to kLine: #02169666

i'm from mass too. awesome.


offline tridenti from Milano (Italy) on 2008-03-16 13:07 [#02185653]
Points: 14653 Status: Lurker



offline radioheaDredg on 2008-03-20 15:38 [#02186837]
Points: 2 Status: Regular

Hey, I just got some Aphex albums then googled Aphex Twin
and voila, I am here.


offline Sandy from Morocco (Morocco) on 2008-03-20 19:53 [#02186884]
Points: 1493 Status: Regular | Followup to radioheaDredg: #02186837

Do you like Radiohead and/or Dredg?


offline Sandy from Morocco (Morocco) on 2008-03-20 19:53 [#02186885]
Points: 1493 Status: Regular | Followup to tridenti: #02185653

Hi tridenti is be new person not?! haha


offline radioheaDredg on 2008-03-21 11:31 [#02187033]
Points: 2 Status: Regular

Yep, they're my two favorite bands. :D


offline Sandy from Morocco (Morocco) on 2008-03-21 15:21 [#02187119]
Points: 1493 Status: Regular | Followup to radioheaDredg: #02187033

I would have never guessed.


offline Nragzxer on 2008-04-02 16:29 [#02190787]
Points: 386 Status: Lurker

i'm a new member here but i've been reading this board for a
few years now, but never botherd to register (don't know
why) but eventually decided to (guess my senses came to me
in the end... or did they?)


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