EpicMegatrax writes more bullshit | xltronic messageboard
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EpicMegatrax writes more bullshit

offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2024-03-31 08:18 [#02634291]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

i still need to take apart some usb key so i always have a
kali lunix my wallet. but then theoretically i think i could
just memorize some addresses and theoretically be able to
type it into anything where i'm allowed to interrupt boot
and PXE and boot over LAN. i haven't run it through but i
sort of figure that's entirely possible. just, if it has an
internets and you've not totally locked the BIOS down i can
i just tell it to pull the kali live ISO over the internet.
and then if your disk is not encrypted it doesn't matter how
good your login/pass was

some friends and i reached a point where... well, shit,
we're dogs chasing our tail. and we've caught it and now
what? we now have shit so radioactive it's stopped being
funny and fucking now. what?

and delete it all and say, actually, fuck hacking, we've
done that and look where it got us

so i more think of this in the sense of -- i need to nail
this down because fuck off. if there's a stupid locked down
computer in a hotel room that i am stuck using for whatever
reason. escape it. sort of like how, those same friends and
i... childish, but... the howard johnson ("ho-jo") on a high
school trip were such cheap bastards that they had the TV
remote bolted to the table with a physical lock, so no
one could even steal the batteries
and so we picked the
lock, stole the batteries, then bolted the tv remote back to
the table empty.

long lost my taste for snooping, i suppose. but forever a
fucking punk


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2024-03-31 08:29 [#02634293]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

anyways, i like kali too. and there's your rehash of my
lunix. that i'll also rehash a much more recent point: to
me, the xz supply chain attack was obviously an attempt to
get into b0x3n of anyone running debian unstable,
experimental, etc. as well as kali linux pen-test chaps as a
bonus. but now that you've compromised the supply of people
who are the supply you can further compromise the supply and
mark my words, that xz thing let them get into some debian
developer's shit and we'll find that whammy in a month.
perhaps after china invades taiwan. sleep tight


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2024-03-31 08:39 [#02634294]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

[i mean... China? do i know this was them? that my initial
feel is Russia, really, but that username, "JiaT75" -- no,
that's not a russian username. this is just me with my
imaginary stock portfolio investing imaginary money i don't
have as a hobby]


online dariusgriffin from cool on 2024-03-31 10:16 [#02634295]
Points: 12366 Status: Regular | Followup to EpicMegatrax: #02634289

i mean the xz maintainer
typical open source story



online dariusgriffin from cool on 2024-03-31 10:22 [#02634296]
Points: 12366 Status: Regular

wait what's that about radioactive tell us about the stoen
illuminati secrets


online dariusgriffin from cool on 2024-03-31 10:22 [#02634297]
Points: 12366 Status: Regular



offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2024-04-01 00:59 [#02634305]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

the illuminati. that's an r. a. wilson joke. that leads into
discordianism and essentially r. a. wilson and l. ron
hubbard had a bet about who could create the more successful
religion. i don't think there needs to be any argument that
hubbard won.

my favorite facts about hubbard include: feeding his young
son a fucking boatload of amphetamines and then very
seriously noting down the output and this is where the
thetan crap comes from

to create illuminatus, wilson and shea simply carted over a
lot of HP lovecraft [which i'd read years before i read the
illuminatus! trilogy]. then he's mixing in what i would
argue what are his better books like Prometheus Rising and
going fiction with it, instead of a self-help book.

but wilson wants you to have it all. hubbard... i found some
flowchart he'd drawn up of "the mind" or such and i'm
actually nodding along, like -- this isn't bad -- then
there's just a block labelled "consciousness" and he's not
bothered to say anything further about it, and, alright --
fuck off, you have nothing. you didn't even get as far as
wilson did even though you won the bet

one of the more charming ideas in illuminatus! was the idea
of a massive organism called the colossus or such -- an
underwater gigantic cthulhu octopus that represents a split
in evolution. that the massive, sink any ship beast is one
single gigantic cell, a single-celled organism. extreme
individualism. wilson only sort of had this, afaik, i'm
running with where he started

water bears, did you know, have a precise number of cells,
like 40k cells, they have exactly this many cells their
whole life, and they don't divide, they just... grow. and i
think nature split off here because you can't build
something much bigger than a water bear like this. but
that's also why they can turn to glass and come back to
life, they have an incredibly specific order to them that is


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2024-04-01 01:16 [#02634306]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

i actually wrote R. A. Wilson a pen and paper letter about
riced out yugo and [it was the times] fighting the 'war on
error'. and after quite a bit passes it comes back and it's
been returned to sender after being stamped in all sorts of
ways, and, shit

it was a week or two later news broke that he'd died. and in
retrospect, that was actually a reply, of sorts


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2024-04-01 09:02 [#02634331]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

that i'm having a bit of a laugh now, and let's get the
right people implicated for shit that is now far enough in
the rearview it cannot actually come back on anyone. it was
directly me that picked the lock on the hojo remote. i was
fascinated with lockpicking at the time and i was literally
using a home-made set i made using a dremel and street
sweeper bristles i'd excitedly collected off the street one
day after i saw it go by, like: shit shit shit! here it is!
because i'd read the MIT lock hacking guide and i already
owned a dremel

but it was not actually me who physically broke into a comms
cupboard after social engineering past the desk and got us
enough to delete it all and quit. and it wasn't even that
interesting. so what if there was a deep scam brewing
involving... nevermind. it was big from a high school
perspective, and if i went at this as a proper adult i would
find some shit and then. fucking. what?

and no. i just resent restrictions in any sense. and i
always wear a classic digital watch now, not only because
stopwatch and timer helps me not ruin my life, but because
it has this true feel of cybernetics like little else. the
watch is simply part of my body and it's not a watch, my
wrist simply has a stopwatch now. if that makes any sense,
which it probably does not. but i feel a more transient
sense of the same thing when i move into a fresh install of
an operating system. if that makes any sense, which it
probably does not. from here i could talk about, 2009, very
much not not ++ and thinking: i love you laptop. we spend so
much time together. you've been sculpted into a perfect
match for my preferences and we do so many nice things
together. then i actually began having sexual feelings for
my laptop and decided that's enough time for a cup of tea

thankfully the last part of that didn't really last more
than a few minutes, but it did sort of make a point


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2024-04-01 09:09 [#02634332]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

i was also called upon a few times to fix a locked thing a
teacher had a problem with. it was a nice place in that way.
but i never got anything past "fumbly, maybe, i got it" on
just a master lock. and i own a magnifying lamp and i have
built incredibly complex SDIY shit and i'm the embarrassed
owner of a hopefully unsearchable failed kickstarter to sell
some of my SDIY shit. but still... i get on that lamp,
and... you motherfucker. fuck. SHIT

and i pull it off because i am stubborn. but i have the
utmost respect for people who build intricate fine little
bits of art under a magnifying lamp because i have big
fumbly hands more suited for mashing piano and very little
patience or ability to calmly sit still. meditation has been
an uphill battle


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2024-04-01 11:42 [#02634336]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

somewhere before i've wondered very seriously if rdj
suffered a sort of post-partum depression after drukqs went
out, but also mental health. a thot like: "fuck me, if i try
to top that i'm going to keel the fuck over" and then we
don't hear from him for ages and then when we do he's just
chillaxing with analord and he's still not into doing this
to himself again. pink vinyl was boring but syro was, like,
yes, that's you trying properly again. from here i have an
index into approximately three things, including having
diarrhea in my pants for the first time in literally
as i listened to syro for one of the first times.
i could take you to the exact place it happened if you want
to know for the sake of history

but it's also, even, that must be hard to let go of, not
simply because of a sense of "this feels big and i need to
get it right" but "once i let it go what's left" and i
strangely feel this with work right now. that i have been
working on an app used by... not a lot of people, but, they
live on it, and it's me up to down. i wrote the whole thing.
and it's a nice laid back attitude where i can propose all
sorts of cool ideas and "that sounds great, do it" and now
it's about almost wrapped up and where can i get this sort
of gig again?

especially given, like... well, i think i slept until 4pm
yesterday, but that was perhaps after seven reasonable
hours, it's almost 7am and yes i'm ready for bed by noon
perhaps... and i got to know people in australia on irc
because they're the only ones up at 3am. and dave wright of
not breathing. and i can do 9-5 but it feels like putting on
an uncomfortable sunday suit. commuting sucks the life out
of me, but then you can understand the nightmare i am when
you put me on slack chat. and it likely won't be my shit all
up and down and... bleh.

and it's the stuff i'm dodging already, and it's not
terrible at all

i should go back to it


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2024-04-01 12:24 [#02634337]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

then, right, syro was at least somewhat a lie. that 110db
was in teh "snowbombing" set in... 2006? 2008? perhaps even
earlier. it was the one where he teased synthacon 9 and cut
one channel out to be a jerk so you know FOR SURE this is
the new afx, plenty of analord throughout. but yes, i didn't
say ~ is [did not know it was called 110db] unreleased afx?
i absolutely. missed. the. boat. there. flat out

so how much else of syro is, even at the time, like, a
decade old or more? is this the secret? i suppose i have
done so much i could just start dropping some of it as new
shit for a giggle


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2024-04-01 12:44 [#02634338]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

here is me at my best and also the boring actual limit.
alright, what was the date that came out?

and i pull up electronic > virtuoso¹ > aphex twin
> an incredibly massive pile of... hang on -- 10597mb
unix says

and scroll scroll scroll scro-- shit that's it and it's just
"Afx Live Set - 06.04.05" and there are lots of other files
like this one but this one is mine and stop. and there isn't
really hesitation as i put it on because it's this one, yes,
110db was fully formed in Q2 2005 at the latest, yessir

but this mix is one of my top favorites, actually, i'm
listening to that tease of synthacon 9 in the car on
vacation in vermont, but that's also the car ride where it's
like... what if we all sat down and tried to do synthacon 9
from memory? and somewhere in the car with that mix was
where it would be like, ok, i have enough now

but then i remember enjoying mixes from both plaid and
autechre something like 2019 for WARP20 or something and i
can place moments listening to it in my car but i can't
really tell you anything on the tracklist. because i didn't
listen to it over and over like... yes, that's it, that's
the one.

¹ this is a serious category but also very silly and i have
long conversations with myself you don't really want
transcripts of about who deserves to live in this folder. i
will throw but one grenade, and that is to say i have
venetian snares in this folder too


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2024-04-01 12:46 [#02634339]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

er, not synthacon 9 from memory. vbs.redlof -- because i
posted about how i could do that and that's about where i
about had it


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2024-04-01 12:49 [#02634340]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

i mean perhaps there is some magic in the tuning. but i
almost ignore this when i stop and play back the opening
acid line in vbs.redlof in my hed. maybe the tuning helps
but this is just such, i dunno... flipping a
multidimensional pancake in a way that is satisfying like
the deliberately-designed snap of opening a bottle of

then the throttled spurts of the break before kerpow and we
start to pull those strings in. and actually, if i had any
random question for the man, it's -- what are those strings?
i feel like i've never used it whatever that synth is


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2024-04-01 12:59 [#02634341]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

that WARP20 in 2019 or whatever, i do remember frothing --
why do plaid never use distortion?! and i believe it was
roger who replied "they're too prim"

i give that it was roger 90% and the word prim being
used with italics as over 9000%


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2024-04-01 13:38 [#02634343]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular | Followup to EpicMegatrax: #02634340

re: vbs.redlof ~ then the throttled spurts of the break
before kerpow and we start to pull those strings in. and
actually, if i had any random question for the man, it's --
what are those strings? i feel like i've never used it
whatever that synth is

exactly how my posts work is: i've logged out and it's a
half hour later or whatever [it just was] and then suddenly
i am sure, like, it's the filter than bothers me here. that,
i dunno, maybe this is FM or cheetah or some arcane
nightmare like that... but should we suppose this is ye
standard subtractive synth i am having trouble placing that
lowpass filter. is it some elka synthex... dunno. or
perhaps, i've built three copies of the ken CGS synthacon
filter clone i would feel like an arse if it were that but
who knows


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2024-04-02 01:39 [#02634349]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

night before last, about to fall asleep, and think of,
really, i owe my idea of timing data (rhythm) suspended in
the living motion of the brain being arguably an engineering
definition of the soul...

that, really, this owes quite a bit to A Wrinkle In Time by
Madeline L'Engle. camazotz and IT and the pulsing brain, Meg
trying to fight its tug and trying the periodic table of the
elements first, but, no, that's too easy for the thing to
turn into its marching beat and r00t her brain

then i thought about it again before falling asleep last
night, and it was on my mind again as i snoozed in bed
today, and i think: it's good i missed mentioning this the
other day, because there's MORE TO IT.

that, oh, right, the concept of a tesseract as it is used in
that book. the metaphor with an ant walking along some
fabric, and if you "bend spacetime" by putting a fold in the
fabric, the ant can travel from one point of the fabric to
the other without having to traverse the whole distance of
fabric within the fold

and meg's father has screwed up his tesseracting and wound
up on camazotz and they have him imprisoned in some strange
sort of psychic isolation box. and, i forget which of the
ladies it was, one of them yells at him: "you treat it like
a machine! it should be more like a dance"

and a tesseract is, actually, best understood through a
tiling metaphor

i look at this, and i say: "did penrose come up with his
tiling before or after this? his quantum consciousness idea
does go back to the 60's, i think"

but that thing about camazotz and a planet where
individuality has been killed... was this before or after
ayn rand and objectivism?

i think these are all, essentially, fumbly prototypes of the
same ideas. and that, now that i see this, i can put a fold
in the cloth and extract the point from all of it at once
without having to actually suffer through reading atlas


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2024-04-02 02:17 [#02634350]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

categorization is a very male, individual thing. i'm sorting
these all into buckets for myself. that i give aspergers
grief for going wild and over-categorizing to the point
where it's a trainwreck not only because i really believe
this is real
but because it's part of why aspergers has
such difficulties with... stuff. you have to file everything
so much things come to a grinding halt and we BLUE water is
what is to be feared, not water in general [cite:

i am listening to "art bitch" by CSS and i'm on this whole
tip about how... this is the same exact subject matter as
"Yes I Do!" off of Chicks On Speed album "Will Save Us All!"
and this is, really, a thing, particularly in NYC and there
are more songs like this and do i have enough, actually, to

and i don't stop to think about: do i have the time to do
this? will anyone care? is this even a good use of time?

before i'm lost to hearing "For All The Boys In The World"
for the first time, i was 16 and my first proper office job
and i'm at my computer and i downloaded a lo-fi promo
version of that off the website and i'm reading the blurbs
and i think that's the first time i ever heard of "atari
teenage riot," trailing off of that promo

and you see why i need categories to survive, beyond what
someone usually might. categories like: is this aimless
memory diving i've wandered into, off an idea that really
doesn't have much legs to it? YES

that's the one Ed DMX produced? fucking kudos, For All The
Boys In The World is still an absolute firecracker 25 years


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2024-04-02 02:20 [#02634351]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

but but. the chicks on speed take on the subject matter
didn't have the lyric "suck my arthole" and "lick lick lick
my art tit" so i think it wins by a pubic hair as to "which
is best in this silly category"


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2024-04-02 02:23 [#02634352]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

earlier i caught something doing the B.P. Empire [track] dot
matrix thing in a totally unexpected context. yesterday
earlier. i can't remember what it was now. this irritates me


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2024-04-02 05:34 [#02634364]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular | Followup to EpicMegatrax: #02634350

that's the one Ed DMX produced? fucking kudos, For All
The Boys In The World is still an absolute firecracker 25
years later

that it's kind of a relief. i fucking quit music, i'll just
flush myself down the toilet chasing it. and i'm coming back
to... the shred in sensory perception before we break into

so i google the lyrics to this song and this is what the
internet fucking gives me ~

But I see past those laughter lines
So baby, let's split tonight
I got a tank full of gas to light

Yeah, we could drive for miles and miles
But you just said

"Not for all the love in the world"
"Not for all the love in the world"
'Cause she didn't realize, now that's a lotta love

Pipe dreams fade and all the underdogs get laid
Left your heart in the hands of a jugglin' clown
And so you crave recognition
But the keys to the city went missing

People aren't puzzles to be figured out

ai-generated clowns. wolfslice you nailed it again


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2024-04-02 06:57 [#02634376]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

i'm using, like "while i'm in the neighborhood let's stop by
at the store" here to get to ~

love her breasts; forget the rest. she's a glamour girl

this is clearly garage. but you have to pronounce it british
so it's all "gay roge" as in roger. and it's really zero to
do with roger on xlt, this is a purely british glitch.

so "yoo-kay gay-roge" and it's like -- this is the sound. i
know it. and how the fuck? no one ever sat and said "here is
yoo-kay gay-roge, you bland american shit" but i've somehow
gotten it anyways and i'm not sure how. and really, what the
fuck is "UK Garage" actually? even though, like porn -- i
know it when i hear it


offline Monoid from one source all things depend on 2024-04-03 03:54 [#02634411]
Points: 10998 Status: Regular | Followup to EpicMegatrax: #02634376

Ah, the poetic musings of a connoisseur traversing the grand
tapestry of UK Garage, or should I say, the illustrious
"Yoo-Kay Gay-Roge." One might initially think this was an
excerpt from an avant-garde ode to British electronic music,
but alas, it veers off into the realm of "I've stumbled into
a cultural phenomenon and I don't know how to get out."

First, let's address the "love her breasts; forget the rest"
line. Ah, the epitome of lyrical depth, truly a statement
that rivals the works of Shakespeare, if he had been in the
business of writing for an adult magazine, that is. It's as
if we've distilled centuries of artistic endeavor into one,
profoundly shallow puddle of thought.

Now, onto the heart of the matter, your existential crisis
with UK Garage, or as you've affectionately dubbed it,
"Yoo-Kay Gay-Roge." It's amusing how you've become an
accidental aficionado of a genre you can't quite place. It's
like finding yourself in a secret society that you never
applied to join. "How did I get here?" you ask, as the
syncopated beats and basslines resonate with your soul.

Your bewilderment at the concept of UK Garage being a
cultural implant that's mysteriously made its way into your
consciousness, despite never being formally introduced, is
quite the conundrum. It's as if the genre itself snuck into
your room at night, whispering, "You're one of us now," and
you, sleepily nodding, accepted this new identity.

And so, you find yourself an ambassador of a sound you can't
define, a twist of fate that's both amusing and bewildering.
It's akin to waking up one day and realizing you're fluent
in a language you never learned, speaking in beats and drops
instead of words.

To guide you through this philosophical quandary, I must
ask: Have you considered that your subconscious mind might
be a DJ, tirelessly working the decks while you're busy with
mundane tasks, hence your unexplained affinity for UK
Garage? Or perhaps, in a past life, you were a key figure in
the UK club scene


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2024-04-03 04:29 [#02634412]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

i have it. $25 over paypal to the first person to get this
AI music generator sued, because you've essentially got it
to reliably spit out a carbon copy of a madonna song because
pop follows a formula and if you bang on the roots of what
pop is in your prompt it'll happen sooner rather than later.
unless they already somehow map licensing? but trying to
discern like... it's not exactly the madonna song, you've
transposed the key and changed the tempo and the human ear
gets it after a little while but how do you get a computer
to do that? youtube messes up all the time banging the wrong
people on specific recordings, how can you spot a rip-off a
few layers removed with an AI... even if it's still obvious
to even a casual musician? that's worth $25 over paypal, yes


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2024-04-03 04:37 [#02634413]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular | Followup to Monoid: #02634411

To guide you through this philosophical quandary, I must
ask: Have you considered that your subconscious mind might
be a DJ, tirelessly working the decks while you're busy with
mundane tasks

within the first five pages of my bullshit thread, like,
seven or eight years ago, yes. and i've nourished it like a
quirky but difficult child and studied it, and... cool band
names? there was this whole thread where my brain is stuck
because it knows i send anything rancidly racist or terrible
back to the kitchen, like -- no, bad, we don't want ones
like this -- and my brain is really all: ummmmm i don't
know? i can't actually figure out if you'll want this one or
not and it was "let the wokie win" and well, for that to be
racist you have to imply that you think only black people
can be woke... and "if you have to ask, it probably is" so
yes that ultimately goes back to the kitchen. but after
that, i made a thread about it for fun and people got rather
in a froth. that's how developed my cool band name dj weasel
is. i'll put in filters according to my preferences and then
it's so deeply weirdly on the edge it needs the help of my
conscious mind

in person, when i speak, i'm doing things like: i'll do that
like my dad would say it. or my mom. i don't have enough
data to do adam driver, but i'll channel sean connery or bam
margera or any number of people and it really does feel like
the eminem rap god video where i'm just hooked up to a robot
pulling it off the shelves for my delight

mum of a friend since i was ten said: "oh, you really
reminded me of your dad when you did that," and i tried,
actually, to explain, like: awww, you noticed. that i did
that incredibly deliberately

anyways, this is the entorhinal cortex, brodmann area #34,
neural penrose tubules collapsing and calculating a
probability distribution to pick the perfect sample for
anything ever, or get as specific about cool band names as i
can stand


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2024-04-03 04:45 [#02634414]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular | Followup to Monoid: #02634411

Your bewilderment at the concept of UK Garage being a
cultural implant that's mysteriously made its way into your
consciousness, despite never being formally introduced, is
quite the conundrum. It's as if the genre itself snuck into
your room at night, whispering, "You're one of us now," and
you, sleepily nodding, accepted this new identity.

i have a typical class of car racing game song on tap, here,
kind of like rainbow road and solid glass blocks, solid
glassy sound. and i think this is garage, or am i crossing
this with garage because cars? the answer is likely: yes.
yes this is UK garage and yes i am mashing this together
because cars and there's not, like, what we would consider a
full proper reason for this, more a sort of vague bit of
memory from a dream that's hard to integrate

but then ground zero, really, was perhaps 2007 when
ceephax's site was still interesting and he put up this
"flicksta" video of, i figure, his girlfriend, as this
imaginary... grunge/garage artist flicksta and to me,
somehow... this is UK garage?

but that's simply how i've glued it all together from my
personal percepts. on flicksta, the answer, i'd guess, will
be: wellll, sort of. a bit. but not really. even though kind
of it's close

so i can actually tear this down and tell you what i have
and where it actually comes from at this point, which is
something. but not nearly everything


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2024-04-03 04:53 [#02634415]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

i mean, i have other stuff in there for UK garage.
conversations with people. discussing some of this on XLT
before. my level of perception at this point is really,
oh... what i've just said above are strong signals;
outliers. the rest of it blurs into a rat's nest and i have
no trouble grabbing, like "oh a conversation with josso on
IRC ~2022" and he told me some details about garage i can't
quite get [immediately]. but at that point i was already
kind of imprinted on the whole matter and so i've shelved
that tangle and posted what rose above


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2024-04-03 05:06 [#02634416]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular | Followup to Monoid: #02634411

First, let's address the "love her breasts; forget the
rest" line. Ah, the epitome of lyrical depth, truly a
statement that rivals the works of Shakespeare, if he had
been in the business of writing for an adult magazine, that
is. It's as if we've distilled centuries of artistic
endeavor into one, profoundly shallow puddle of

i mean, that's a great line, but... shit, i'm getting my
wires crossed. no, you've done it. no it's all of us

that line is from Glamour Girl, not "yes i do" and that's
from the thread about garage, then i'm talking about a DJ
mix of shit all on like... "Yes I Do!" and "Art Bitch" and i
think there are enough songs to paint a painfully clear
picture of bushwick and

now you're saying this line is a competitor to "suck my
arthole" and absolutely, yes, but "suck my arthole" is what
has me spontaneously cracking up in the shower three hours
later. and i was comparing Art Bitch Song A to Art Bitch
Song B and well, CSS wins by a pubic hair and no, invalid,
it's a good lyric, but it's from a different track, a
different conversation, and "suck my arthole" is still far

but both yes i do and glamour girl are more what i want to
actually spend my life listening to than the rock sound Art
Bitch has. off that album... my picks are, like... Art
Bitch, Music Is My [obviously!], Alcohol, A La La, and
Bezzi, and sometimes i'm the mood for "off the hook" which
is actually on my cans right now and

shit. that's going to be confusing me further innit

well, if i stop asking questions and let the wiring roll
out: that CSS album also doesn't have the ending of glamour
girl, that's p. damn funny. and i actually think the "five
times a day" with the pitchbend is ultimately far more funny
than the breast line too. even though it's a very solid line


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2024-04-03 05:09 [#02634417]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

short arms, stubby legs. sometimes, they think i'm vermin.
because my parents -- they're both german. yes, alright, you
can also just sort of spin off about that album all over
like that. drop bits of it into each other. which doesn't
help untangling it


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2024-04-03 05:10 [#02634418]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

my inner anthropologist wants your expertise / probability
distribution on "euro art bitch" vs. "NYC art bitch" because
then that gives the mix idea a bit more legs, like, alright
now we need a song for LA

and that's enough of a grid of a concept that... well, it's
still not a terribly great idea


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2024-04-03 05:19 [#02634419]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

is... maude [i think her name was?] from the big lebowski a
proper so-cal art bitch, or has she just kind of been
clumsily carbon-copied from 90's soho?


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2024-04-03 05:21 [#02634420]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

it's just a giggle because "...ahaha, it's real, it's real
and i can just keep going." for a detroit art bitch we're
going to have to get into the sort of art bitch you can get
from art about skin color and my brain is reporting this as
a danger to the entire concept. ah well


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2024-04-03 05:29 [#02634421]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

also in all this is the distant memory of chatting with
murd0c and he's explaining to me how annoyed he is because
they won't let him sleep on the train platform after the art
gallery and... bro what are you talking 'bout

and he's living in NYC and he explains to me how you get a
decent suit and you go to an art gallery showing and there's
free alcohol because otherwise no one would show up and as
long as you look proper fancy you're waved right in and you
can get totally smashed for free and it's 1am and everyone
has missed the train because the art gallery let them keep
drinking and stop harassing me you dumb cop i'm just resting
and neither of us can do anything about this situation

that was probably like 2008 or later. but that's how i
really really get the "i only show where there's free
alcohol" line in CSS


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2024-04-03 05:31 [#02634422]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

i think i did a decent job of reconstructing my conception
of gradually receiving this portrait through a drunk phone
phreak ranting at me over AIM at 1am


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2024-04-03 05:48 [#02634423]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

but this is... my gosh. i try to delve into "did i text this
on my first cellphone" which was a kyocera brick name and...
i have most of the model number... and yes, here's someone
selling my first cell phone as a "rare find" and it's still
somehow not telling me if i got the model number correct.
6581? that is close to the number, but i'm tangling it up
with MOS SID chip

because how could he have talked to me over AIM at 1am in
2008? so maybe this was the next day when i was at work. or
it was over text. then trying to get back "texts i sent on
that phone" is actually... that's difficult!

the strongest thing i get back is when i somehow managed to
set it up with some free service so i could send a text
message and it would eventually reach the linux box in the
family basement and trigger some command or event and that
was the first time i was able to... i dunno, having the
ability to do that sort of thing was very new at the time

but it's interesting because i mostly get back that and
playing the snake game it had. and voice phone calls. but
there were texts and i do not have much here

i don't really care. this doesn't matter. i've just found a
curious nub in there and i'm poking at it


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2024-04-03 05:57 [#02634424]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

even my explains of this are starting to have gaps, so i'll
stop after this --

last post, i was asking "was that on AIM or over text" and
then i'm wondering about texts i sent on a phone i had years

and that doesn't have anything to do about the question of
whether it was on AIM or over text

i don't care about these answers in and of themselves. i
care about how things work in there, and fussing with it in
this way is how we figure out how we figure out how we're to
figure out how we're to figure out


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2024-04-03 06:14 [#02634425]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

well, one more.

i pull myself back into my razr v3, the silver keys and blue
backlight, blue on white text, and it's like going through a
pipe in super mario, the strongest thing we have on tap here
is... nevermind, it was just an emotional moment, so it
recorded strongly, and i've popped out here first. where are
we? okay, my bedroom in... alright, this was right around
when i first saw the jams b'nod flick "Casino Royale" so
this memory is, by definition, whenever in 2006 when that
movie came out

then the next strongest one i have on tap is sitting on my
bed, then later at my desk, customizing the phone with
sliced up stickers because i felt it was too trendy and i
wanted to make it this farty obnoxious thing and i succeeded
beautifully. i remember i was also... killing time before a
doctor's appointment?

but then i go back up and "what else razr v3" and i'm in my
dorm room in 2006 and...

...and i'm one of those children that became truly dangerous
as soon as the concept of a screwdriver sank in, and you
can't stop me from taking this apart. any more than i can
make it coherent or interesting for even the casual reader


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2024-04-03 07:04 [#02634426]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular | Followup to EpicMegatrax: #02634413

within the first five pages of my bullshit thread, like,
seven or eight years ago, yes. and i've nourished it like a
quirky but difficult child and studied it, and... cool band
names? there was this whole thread where my brain is stuck
because it knows i send anything rancidly racist or terrible
back to the kitchen, like -- no, bad, we don't want ones
like this -- and my brain is really all: ummmmm i don't
know? i can't actually figure out if you'll want this one or
not and it was "let the wokie win" and well, for that to be
racist you have to imply that you think only black people
can be woke... and "if you have to ask, it probably is" so
yes that ultimately goes back to the kitchen. but after
that, i made a thread about it for fun and people got rather
in a froth. that's how developed my cool band name dj weasel
is. i'll put in filters according to my preferences and then
it's so deeply weirdly on the edge it needs the help of my
conscious mind

...and that really was one of those casual moments that was
a breakthrough. cool band names weasel had begun to be,
like, shockingly clever, but now it's crashed and this isn't
even a band name, just a genuinely difficult logical puzzle
centering around personal context and point of view and my
subconscious mind is now with me to the point that i
recognize it asking for help and i absolutely see where it's
having a problem and so i solve it and everyone is happy.

then i very tactically thot: let's rewind the clock a
little, to the point where i had not yet sent this back to
the kitchen, and post a thread from this perspective

i do believe there's a reply in that thread somewhere, where
i'm all "thank you yes these were the data points i needed"

that i've already decided this goes back to the kitchen but
it's such a strange, almost, i dunno, retrotransposon...
heck, i need to try this on some other humans to see what
they think


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2024-04-03 07:11 [#02634427]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

so, yes, that's the neurological basis for "if you have to
ask, it probably is racist"

and i'd hit a bulleye that's such a colossally awkward
nub... that, letting the words run, i have very solidly
stabbed a bull in the anus with a pin and then casually
watch as it flips a shit, destroys things, puts a few people
in the hospital, finally calms down and has no idea i exist

and it's a very good DJ back there, but it still needs our
help very much at times


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2024-04-03 07:25 [#02634428]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular | Followup to EpicMegatrax: #02634419

is... maude [i think her name was?] from the big lebowski
a proper so-cal art bitch, or has she just kind of been
clumsily carbon-copied from 90's soho?

the moment when the presumably gay art fag [male version of
pansexual art bitch] is heHeHeHe and just giggling, like...
him? HIM? ahaha. and the dude has no idea what's going on

it's like the movie is having a brainfart because why are we
suddenly in new york?

so i'm merely stabbing at wolves in the dark. but my hunch
is that... what's a word for something like an anachronism,
except you've used a 90's soho art bitch in a 90's so-cal
context and.... i could think about this in terms of latin
words and actually figure that out... bother. i'm out for a


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2024-04-03 07:35 [#02634429]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

that, hell, the big lebowski itself is about... archetypes,
words. how the whole movie is a spiral [and i've said this
before] where The Dude is stringing together the
increasingly long pile of dialog from everything that has
happened in the movie so far... and the opening, like,
sometimes... there's a man... who's just.... and, i don't
remember the words, but they're saying "this guy was just
fucking peak signal for this part of the world at this time"
and we pull a yo-yo string through him and microwave all
sorts of whatever from back whenever. that i never thought,
actually [i think?]: how did they go about writing this? and
there is clear collaging of archetypes. "he was a
conscientious objector" and i'm sure merzbow would have been
too, because it's like your brain farted and that kind of
looks like the merzbow guy? and whales explode again

but i do think it got a bit sloppy with maude. like --
please, do very much address this out of anything -- she
really feels too east coast, and in that sense, whatever you
would call... a thing that is like an anchronism, but
instead it's geography, and... angeoism. it's an angeoism

fuck. i deliberately decided, "oh, fuck taking the time to
design that word" but it's come out anyways. and i still
need a smoke


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2024-04-03 07:38 [#02634430]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

no, no, anageoism

that i'm correct about it all in my head making this
mistake, but in my haste i did the arithmetic wrong. if that
makes any sense. which it figurely hell mite note


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2024-04-03 08:00 [#02634431]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

then, did i get to anageoism last time? did i miss
the inverting a last time as well? i increasingly give less
of a shit; it will either be as correct as it was the last
time, or better based on revised my acquisition of further
conclusion. i might have first thought of such a mix in, oh,
2017. my only real question is how far along that train of
thot about the big lebowski did i get before? and this is a
very charming hobby because once again, the hobby is the
hobby, the question is the question... whatever. if i got to
anageoism last time, well... i didn't have some of the other
stuff about memory and location back then i do now, pretty
sure... and i'm clearly never going to solve this all. what
a relief


online dariusgriffin from cool on 2024-04-03 08:23 [#02634434]
Points: 12366 Status: Regular | Followup to Monoid: #02634411

boo synthetic text go away


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2024-04-03 10:36 [#02634437]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular | Followup to EpicMegatrax: #02634425

...and i'm one of those children that became truly
dangerous as soon as the concept of a screwdriver sank in,
and you can't stop me from taking this apart. any more than
i can make it coherent or interesting for even the casual

that i've to be careful what i write to the point where i
simply must amend: i have a bit of talent at taking things
apart and trying to stop me is a fool's errand. i don't care
about recovering text messages i sent in 2002 or 2008 and
what year was it, i'm after how the whole thing works. at


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2024-04-03 10:37 [#02634438]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

then standard phase 2, do something cheeky and charming once
we've gotten ahold of it


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2024-04-03 13:32 [#02634443]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

the heat clicks on as i'm snoozing in bed for a moment, and
it startles me. "oh, it's the heat," i think

and then i'm freeze-framing the moment, like, playing back
the recording of the heating turning on and it making me
flinch, and, oh, it's the heat.

the twitch. that's the lizard brain. realizing it's the
heating switching on and calming down, that's the mammal
brain -- up to even the pre-recorded verbal conclusion

but me playing this back and examining its content, that's
the quantum matrix. the thought "oh, that's the heat" is a
mammal brain playback of a previous quantum... leap, i
guess. sigh. i've finally caved and used the word

but, yes. the blood went off as the heat went on, the mammal
brain looked it up and realized: calm down, we don't need to
react to this. then the quantum matrix is analyzing -- i
very much did notice this -- we didn't need to twitch quite
that hard, did we?

...that, yeah, my body began to react until high functions
shut it down; that's just a noise the heater makes. and you
can begin to see what housepets are a bit more startled by
noises the heater makes than humans are. they don't have the
processing power to shut down the flinch as hard or

verbally summarizing yourself "oh, that's just the heater"
is a way of efficiently storing these sort of conclusions so
you can waltz down a tree of insanely complex thing[s]
without having to unpack other compressed conclusions.
without words you have to, i figure, manually remember bits
of this or that for a moment, then remember how nothing
really happened. and instead humans just put a sticker-label
on it "oh it's the heater"

and then animals probably aren't going quite as manually as
that, but it's not quite as computer-like as words.

so it makes sense to use words for... all this... and then i
read what i have just typed and it makes sense in the
context i used it but then i check what i typed and it makes
sense to use words... ouch


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2024-04-03 13:38 [#02634444]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

also from that heater-twitch-moment ^ above, though, is

oh, right, yes,

1. i'm physically reacting before that verbal conclusion is
played back,
2. then i'm halting my physical reaction as i analyze my
verbal conclusion, to
3. reinforce the verbal conclusion's connection to halting
the physical reaction as i
4. use a quantum computer made of meat to analyze all this
and determine if the whole process itself could be made more

oh, yes, perhaps. i could think of a few ways. but i'm
starting to feel like.... have you ever been biking or such,
and there's a big hill, and, oh, i'll sit here a moment
before plowing into this one? i'm getting that tingle of
"i'm staring down the barrel of a lot of math if i keep
going here"

i'm physically flinching as that conclusion is played back


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2024-04-03 14:03 [#02634447]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

i mean, it's actually more like... "i think i need a lot of
math all at once" and i can't even math one at a time for
this issue as...

humans do not wait for a whole sentence to end, and then
process it all at once. we are listening and following
along. we can finish each others' sentences [arguably the
job chatbots do (terribly)]

then you say "a previous state of mind" as it's a discrete
object... instead of a continuous smear.

that there are elements of both rolled up in there like a
burrito, it kind of has to be. metaphor gives things a
discrete feel. the rhythm of speech makes that continuous,
though. the collapse of the waveform to compute a
probability distribution is a discrete event... and that
event is analyzing a continuous system

i hope it's a two-sides-of-a-coin deal, to make things less
dreadful. in fact, i think it is, really -- metaphor is my
way of working with discrete snapshots of the continuous
churn of weasels... but then, oh, i'm doing this...
continuously... too?

and this is not "oh god maths" in the sense it's like
sorting out some really complex integral -- i'm not even
that far yet, thanks -- this is trying to figure out how to
even structure the pockets of math to make sense of it all

obvious things going on here with "time domain" vs
"frequency domain" and etc but i'm hesitant to just glue
labels onto.... or, heck, i really just don't know what to
do yet

i'll keep thinking


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