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Space Karen

offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2022-11-19 01:26 [#02622422]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

...comes out looking like richie hawtin

context ~ LAZY_TITLE ~ someone across the street from
twitter HQ is projecting a ticker of elon musk insults onto
the side of the building


offline Wolfslice from Bay Area, CA (United States) on 2022-11-19 04:58 [#02622424]
Points: 4857 Status: Regular

I'm just trying to figure out your actual, substantive,
salient points lately. As in, the specific reason you post
the progressive news articles you do, and what you actually
think about them.

here I the points I gather are:

1. Huffingtonpost has an article about elon musk
(Gee, I wonder what they're slant is going to be)

2. he looks like like richie hawtin
(an "in one ear and out the other" electronic musician i
havent seen mentioned since 2007).

I'm just making sure I didn't miss anything


offline Wolfslice from Bay Area, CA (United States) on 2022-11-19 05:10 [#02622425]
Points: 4857 Status: Regular

elon musk "owned" by sjw text crawl, topic reposted by au....


offline Wolfslice from Bay Area, CA (United States) on 2022-11-19 05:10 [#02622427]
Points: 4857 Status: Regular

target=_blank>elon musk "owned" by sjw text crawl, topic
reposted by autsitic millennial ignites firestorm on dead
electronic forum .


offline Wolfslice from Bay Area, CA (United States) on 2022-11-19 05:16 [#02622428]
Points: 4857 Status: Regular

i dont post on twitter and all and I dont care one single
iota if elon musk lives or dies

but i can roleplay as the midlly acidic twitter guy that
replies and you instablock. i can roleplay this guy all day


offline Wolfslice from Bay Area, CA (United States) on 2022-11-19 05:16 [#02622429]
Points: 4857 Status: Regular

did you read the huffpo article whilst putting in your
nosering bro


offline Wolfslice from Bay Area, CA (United States) on 2022-11-19 05:17 [#02622430]
Points: 4857 Status: Regular



offline Wolfslice from Bay Area, CA (United States) on 2022-11-19 05:20 [#02622431]
Points: 4857 Status: Regular

my family is in town for an early thanksgiving.

im gonna see if anyone wants to play sheriff of nottingham

it's pretty fun. people create these little sacks (game
comes with colored bags) and try to sneak in contraband.
they're like "I have 5 bread good sir" and the person
playing as a sheriff is like "fuck that, you're sneaking in
some mead and crossbows" and if they're wrong the other guy
gets the points.

I suspect, very strongly, that breakdown was more
interesting than the topic itself, so you can consider this
thread saved


offline Wolfslice from Bay Area, CA (United States) on 2022-11-19 05:23 [#02622432]
Points: 4857 Status: Regular

and while we play sheriff of nottingham

we're not gonna mention anything from ariana huffington. and
we're not gonna talk about elon musk or nancy pelosi.
floridians wont be brought up in discussion. anything to say
about that, epic?


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2022-11-19 05:27 [#02622433]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

i love the concept of projector graffiti; it's perfect. just
project light from a bit away onto the headquarters of some
nonsense that needs a solid slapping. and yes, a projector
across the street, with a marquee ticker saying, like:
"...Petulant pimple Spoiled Oligarch Apartheid benefiter
Space karen"

...and, yeah, Space Karen, whoever came up with that, i owe
you a beer. it is just beyond perfect.

and i'm just here for the lulz.


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2022-11-19 05:31 [#02622434]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular | Followup to Wolfslice: #02622429

> did you read the huffpo article whilst putting in

> bro

it's kind of strange to see someone aspiring to be
mermaidman. ah well; elon musk twitter takerover still

i have no piercings; no tattoos. i am not from california. i
am from massachusetts, and we don't put up with that
nosering horseshit over here


offline Wolfslice from Bay Area, CA (United States) on 2022-11-19 05:35 [#02622435]
Points: 4857 Status: Regular

I'll be honest

I dont really know mermaidman's style too well. I remember
his name, so he's an older user, but I think his persona has
mutated over the years.

That said, his "I can sere your little peen" posts WERE
inspiring to a degree, but duplicating that is not the
specific goal I guess.

The goal is more like... well you're the most prolific
poster these days and what you're posting is like top of the
"reddit meta" garbage and I just think you could be a little
more interesting, as you have in the past. People go through
phases. Yours right now is like, I'm triggered by musk and
gonna keep posting the stupidest trash and peacing out of
the thread
mine is more like, that deserves to be shit on and I have
the ability to do it

were gonna play that game now. I listened to part of your
album you posted and I liked what i heard so far.


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2022-11-19 07:00 [#02622437]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

i am reacting to current news? that, i have, like, almost a
year of random threads going back to how: i told microsoft
"i hope whoever made this decision dies in a fire" and i got
suspended from twitter and i haven't used it since? that
i've been making threads about all sorts of other
interrelated topics... musk, how discord is plundering
internet communities for their IPO, how this should be just
fucking destroyed as a viable business model where some
asshat feudal landlord demands everyone be "hardcore" or get
kicked out of the tribe and fend for yourself in the jungle.
so i see "mastodon" and at first, it's like: this is the
right idea, this is the sort of thing. but then i take a
closer look and this is terrible shit, and the paranoid side
of me say this is almost a straw man to train people to
avoid open source as a solution and stick with fucking
massive feudal concentration cramps like facebook, tiktok,

but, honestly -- i just consistently post a bunch, about all
sorts of stuff, about nirvana, about aphex, complaining
about the carbon footprint of streaming [is it even a
fucking discussion yet? you fucking stupid, stupid idiots]
and more and no

i tried using reddit. i made a few subreddits and everything
i posted was in a fake vaguely asian broken english that
really didn't add up to any particular variety of asian,
like "food i like eat" and no one posted in my subreddits
and i decided i hated reddit and that was like 2015 and my
position has not evolved since. that i actively avoid
evening visiting that site unless no other links have the
juicy datum i require


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2022-11-19 07:08 [#02622438]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

i think perhaps it would help if i say where i do get my
dat(a|um) from

- there was the thread where i'm bitching about new google
news and tony danza recommends feedbro and now i'm largely
coming from a curated pile of about 100 RSS feeds.
admittedly mostly "liberal" but i make sure to keep some

- i listen to most episode of marketplace on NPR

- i was listening to this new "hard fork" podcast from NYT
and it's almost like someone is answering my posts in part
of it. that i'll go with the lesser ego interpretation, that
it's nothing to do with me except i'm dead on with what many
are thinking now

and, well, you? i get the whiff of someone who feels
threatened. but it is, frankly, annoying... that this is an
issue? my album is another thread? we can disagree and i
don't hate you? etc


offline Tony Danza from NAFO Suicide Hotline on 2022-11-19 15:00 [#02622441]
Points: 3622 Status: Regular

feedbro with huffpo, npr, nyt

damn dude it's like you installed a wet bar to drink the
kool aid


offline Wolfslice from Bay Area, CA (United States) on 2022-11-19 19:41 [#02622442]
Points: 4857 Status: Regular

yeah, I'm not actually trying to talk shit or be mean
spirited. I just think it's a weak thread centered on a weak
article that has a weak political spin. If Elon's twitter
fails completely, and it probably will, it'll be because of
the progressive pressure on advertisers and no other
tangible reason.

Your opinion that I'm feeling threatened is pretty on point,
but I'd just say the threat is over, the culture that I
enjoyed for most of my life is actually *gone.* Not a threat
anymore, just a reality. It would have happened regardless
at some point with age, but it happened so fast (all post
2016- a reaction to Trump, perhaps) that I'm still


offline Wolfslice from Bay Area, CA (United States) on 2022-11-19 19:44 [#02622443]
Points: 4857 Status: Regular

will the next cultural phase produce anything of value?

It hasn't yet, to my subjective tate. Not one show worth
watching, not one movie, not one piece of music that has
stood out yet.

The people still doing anything worthwhile all the holdovers
swimming against the stream, paddling against the huffing
post and verge and threads like these


offline Tony Danza from NAFO Suicide Hotline on 2022-11-19 20:03 [#02622444]
Points: 3622 Status: Regular | Followup to Wolfslice: #02622443

Wolfie if you want a good post 2016 series check out
Midnight Mass by Mike Flanagan.

As for music it's the same as ever, you gotta dig for the
good stuff. I should bump the bandcamp finds thread if I can
find it, ironically


offline Wolfslice from Bay Area, CA (United States) on 2022-11-19 20:03 [#02622445]
Points: 4857 Status: Regular

One holdover I still have a lot of respect for is

The last two movies I saw in the theatre were Tarantino's
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019, it was great)

and The Northman by Robert Eggers (he did the fantastic "The
Witch" and "The Lighthouse.")

here are some reviews

Toxic avengers: what Scorsese and Tarantino's new films...

"This is a crucial element in Tarantino’s dream-1960s
world: men use violence as the ultimate answer to manly
problems. This assumption dominates the westerns, war films
and spy romps that Tarantino spends much of the film
painstakingly re-creating, and which mean so much to his
central male pairing. The movie’s controversial ending is
essentially Tarantino bringing on stage the enemies of his
fictional world (“fuckin’ hippies”, largely), and then
spectacularly reasserting his worldview against them,
punctuating his argument with every gory slam of a Manson
follower’s head against a telephone."

could that "review" be any more fucking soy?

From the vulture, same trash as the verge you linked the
other day:
On the Troubling Subtext of Once Upon a Time in Hollywood

"You realize that Quentin Tarantino has just made his first
movie since the downfall of Harvey Weinstein — the man who
launched Tarantino’s career and became a symbol of
poisonous male-dominated Hollywood — and made that movie a
celebration of old-school, masculine Hollywood. That
realization makes the final note it strikes, intentionally
or not, feel even more stubborn in its vindication of
old-school macho men."


offline Wolfslice from Bay Area, CA (United States) on 2022-11-19 20:05 [#02622446]
Points: 4857 Status: Regular

I could do Northman too, but I'm getting lazy and they said
ALL the same shit. The point is, the people writing these
articles are the people you've been linking recently. I
already know what they think about everything, and they're
the reason art is currently such trash.


offline Wolfslice from Bay Area, CA (United States) on 2022-11-19 20:07 [#02622447]
Points: 4857 Status: Regular | Followup to Tony Danza: #02622444

I will check out Midnight Mass for sure, Redlettermedia
liked that as well and I actually stopped watching their vid
cause it looked interesting! I just forgot about it since.

Yeah I said in another thread the other day, I'm mostly here
on XLT for the spam (epic yours too!). The amateurs have
been coming through more and more, I think bandcamp is a
pretty cool platform.


offline Wolfslice from Bay Area, CA (United States) on 2022-11-19 20:09 [#02622448]
Points: 4857 Status: Regular

"I actually stopped watching their vid
cause it looked interesting!"

I stopped watching their review to avoid spoilers because it
was immediately interesting!


offline Tony Danza from NAFO Suicide Hotline on 2022-11-19 20:11 [#02622449]
Points: 3622 Status: Regular

oh for sure avoid spoilers. go watch it now go go


offline Wolfslice from Bay Area, CA (United States) on 2022-11-19 20:19 [#02622450]
Points: 4857 Status: Regular

will do, I forgot I paused that review, this was a great

still at my mom's for thanksgiving tho, her internet is
shite. I'd have to buffer every 10 min :-/


offline Wolfslice from Bay Area, CA (United States) on 2022-11-19 20:22 [#02622451]
Points: 4857 Status: Regular

the other show RLM sold me on and I ended up skipping the
review for was some apple tv thing called "Severence."
That's on the list to check out too..


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2022-11-19 23:06 [#02622452]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

this may sound strange but i only made the thread because i
thought "Space Karen" was funny, and hey, perhaps other
people will find it funny also? maybe even a liiiitle?

then wolfslice really wants to talk politics. it's not what
i expected, but alright, this is just as good let's roll
with it


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2022-11-19 23:08 [#02622453]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

someone actually linked me the guardian article over
telegram as a response to me linking them my album. just
more details that, well, clash mightily with your


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2022-11-19 23:09 [#02622454]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

but it makes sense the album came back the other end of the
thread through wolfslice; sort of like an einstein-rosen
bridge going on here


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2022-11-20 00:15 [#02622458]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular | Followup to Tony Danza: #02622441

i don't really understand why i'm being accused of drinking
the kool-aid, i guess. what am supposed to RSS, fox news?

that one i can't stomach, but like i said, i dug up a
bajillion feeds, and i did try to represent the gamut. now i
have a giant list of feeds, and i kind of just graze; skip
around. even kind of like... well CNN is saying this, what
is CBS saying. kind of taking a histogram of the headlines
and then selectively reading articles. no bother to read
everything; no preference for any RSS just whatever i deem
worth reading.

i feel like it's more "i feel NYT is wrong and so you are
drinking kool aid" and yeah, you get deep into their opinion
column, and there's some right proper trash to be found in
there; "i can't take this i have to stop reading" etc. and
really you're just mad because you think i'm drinking the
kool-aid that competes with yours when i ain't drinkin'


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2022-11-20 00:27 [#02622459]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

here, let me take a stab at... well, making a mess

one part of the US's inflation/economy spiral is not
discussed: the US has vaguely given up slavery, and used
immigrants as a cheap source of labor. if you're illegal,
you can't tell your boss at mcdonald's to fuck off, because
you're not sure if burger king will also overlook that you,
er, forgot your ID

but then it's also at the top of the chain: importing
desperate engineers from india who simply want an electric
grid that works without having to bribe someone.

pandemic has cut both of these off. that i'm particularly
surprised at biden not opening the gates more. it's kind of
a puzzler. i mean, it's awkward to say, "the economy needs
the flood of immigrant labor it's used to more than ever
right now" but you don't have to do that, you can just
scream "humanitarian" and immigrants, look at that, as you
quietly coyote in a shit-ton of H-1 visas. or something.

that i also think: how can the people running the fed not
see that shit? how can they not see that people still have
to buy potatoes, even though they're more expensive?

and there's where i go properly off the deep end, just as a
lark: is the US deliberately suppressing the world economy
to A) vacuum up resources for itself B) starve both russia
and china off at a time when they really need it

but the fed's job is to control inflation, not to control
the world, and i kind of don't blame them for just focusing
on their literal mandate. because fuck peeing on the third

so probably not. but if you want me to challenge the liberal
whatever, the above should be deece


offline ijonspeches from 109P/Swift-Tuttle on 2022-11-20 09:18 [#02622462]
Points: 7807 Status: Lurker | Followup to Wolfslice: #02622431 | Show recordbag

the sherriff looks like a fun game
good hijack


offline kei9 from Argentina on 2022-11-22 03:46 [#02622498]
Points: 424 Status: Lurker

this thread turned out awesome

"the culture that I
enjoyed for most of my life is actually *gone.* Not a
anymore, just a reality. It would have happened regardless
at some point with age, but it happened so fast (all post
2016- a reaction to Trump, perhaps) that I'm still

are you sure you are not adjusting to being old? dont know
how old you are. Im 36 myself and even if life has gotten
much wider in the last decade my taste is narrower or more
focused, meaning its harder for things to impress me. still
the stuff i do like i enjoy much more


offline Wolfslice from Bay Area, CA (United States) on 2022-11-22 04:09 [#02622505]
Points: 4857 Status: Regular | Followup to kei9: #02622498

Ive considered that too, and it's possible! I mean, I know
I'd eventually age out of everything. I've been spending
time chatting with my 96 year old grandma (she's still ALL
there, it's awesome) and I can only imagine that the culture
has substantially shifted for her 4, maybe 5 times in her

Either way, what the culture is right at this moment, I
strongly dislike.

I think what triggers me though is there's a (mainly
corporate) culture telling me what I like is straight up
wrong. That's what bugs me enough to make these posts.


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