Re: getzoink(getzoink()) | xltronic messageboard
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Re: getzoink(getzoink())

offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2017-01-02 22:02 [#02509902]
Points: 24970 Status: Addict

analog recursion

for purposes of TLDR i've set the needle drop to a little
under six minutes in. some lead-in fumble, and then you're
hearing a bassline made purely from feeding a korg monotron
(delay edition (delay edition back on itself.

eventually i get bored of it, and a bit after seven minutes
in, there's a totally different feedback bassline there. you
can guide/sculpt these things by manipulating EQ as part of
the feedback loop (more bass, less treble etc) and then by
eight minutes it sounds pretty chris clark, then some noise
aphex used on analogue bubblebath

anyways, laptops are much easier, what plugins will do all
this for me? thanks


offline Hyperflake from Wirral (United Kingdom) on 2017-01-02 22:56 [#02509914]
Points: 30888 Status: Addict

i guess its trial and error, just try as many as you can,
thats what im planning to do anyway, i'll let yuou know if i
get anywhere


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2017-01-02 23:02 [#02509917]
Points: 24970 Status: Addict

i think you're onto something, because i've heard that
computers see things like this: five volts is 1. zero volts
is 0. everything else is error and error gets quantized to 0
or 1.

perhaps i could switch this feature off? it's pretty clear
my basslines are made from amplifying the error in my


offline Hyperflake from Wirral (United Kingdom) on 2017-01-02 23:27 [#02509927]
Points: 30888 Status: Addict

its weird how good bass sounds haven't been reproduced in
plugins for the most part yet, as when you listen to a
reproductive digital file of a track with analogue
instruments the sound is great, so you would think its a
matter of going back and reconstructing the timbre from
freqency analysis to get the same sounds, but it doesnt seem
like that works for some reason


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2017-01-02 23:47 [#02509933]
Points: 24970 Status: Addict | Followup to Hyperflake: #02509927

i'd use a sampler for that if i were you


offline Hyperflake from Wirral (United Kingdom) on 2017-01-02 23:51 [#02509934]
Points: 30888 Status: Addict

i know what your saying,it never sounds quite right does it
it though, oh well probably good enough for what im doing
and better than most vsts


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2017-01-03 02:56 [#02509936]
Points: 24970 Status: Addict

id also be interesting in knowed to know this: which vst
plugins did normal cook sample on his fatboy songs?

thampks, eMT


offline w M w from London (United Kingdom) on 2017-01-03 07:18 [#02509941]
Points: 21386 Status: Regular

I hardly know anything about how to do interesting things
with tones, like all the typical effects you hear on a tone,
I don't know what's happening on the micro level. Maybe a
sine wav morphing into a square/saw etc. I read maybe it's
called "overtones" like to make a violin sound like a piano
you add or remove overtones (which are simply other keys of
the same sine wav playing at once) like not just a c-5 but
simultaneously play a c5/d/5/etc, but prob hav c5 the
loudest. DFJOPI anyway, I don't get hardware stuff like
that, I'm too poor to have ever used any of it. How the hell
do you know what does what, too many knobs like a 747
cockpit. So that's my useless reply.


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2017-01-03 11:07 [#02509946]
Points: 24970 Status: Addict | Followup to w M w: #02509941

the korglie monotron (delay edition (delay edition can be had
for a braingarn shop udder twenty quid. at that price, it's
ununaffordable. poorhadable

it accepts audio input and has a headphone output. there's a
delay circuit (delay circuit) in there that holds a small
imaginary tape delay unit (tape delay unit). the delay
(delay) has feedback (feedback[feedback and if you
crank that up, it will keep churning around whatever audio
you feed into it forever. well, no, not forever, it slowly
turns into a moshbodge of noise and static and churn. this
in and of itself is pretty cool.

with the speed/duration you can do things like record a
click and expand it into cccclllliiiccck. it is fuzzy and
crappy. ununaffordable. practically poorhadable

my mixer is in between the monotron output and the monotron
input. the mixer can be used to do the same thing as the
monotron's internal feedback loop (the monotron's internal
feedback loop). the mixer will happily rocket way past the
tame amount of feedback available into the monotron, blast
everything into the red, distort, clip, get mom angry, etc

each channel strip has EQ -- equivalent to putting a filter
into the feedback loop between the mixer and the monotron.

with just monotron, EQ, mixer feedback, i can get a bassline
going. it is more or less a churning mess of unexpected
intolerables that would severely annoy whoever designed any
of these noisemakers. it is incredibly unpredictable yet
controllable. ununaffordable. absolutely not unpoorhadable.
it's sort of like japanese ink painting with the inherent
error in the machinery


offline umbroman3 from United Kingdom on 2017-01-03 11:15 [#02509947]
Points: 6096 Status: Regular

fatboy had two akai s950s with analogue filters!
sequenced by an atari st


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2017-01-03 11:32 [#02509948]
Points: 24970 Status: Addict

the mixer's internal delay does not allow the user to set
the level of feedback (that was too expensive for this
model). it is hardwired to a very small amount of feedback.
it is still a delay, though (delay, though and what if we
put a delay into a delay? super!

the mixer's aux send knobs allow me to control how much of
what goes into the inputs to both the mixer delay (mixer
delay) and the monotron delay (monotron delay). the grunge
from the audio will bounce back and forth between them quite

analorg: a slllliight bit of monotron output goes into mixer
delay input. a huge amount of the mixer delay output goes
back into the monotron.

by aimlessly fussing around with the subtleties of how much
of what goes into where you eventually stumble into
something kinda cool, and at that point you move on to
carefully fussing about with making something kinda cool you
stumbled into something owsum you sculpted out of the
aforementioned. feedback loops that have been developed over
time can get rather intricate and i generally have no idea
exactly what's going on myself. i just listen carefully and
try to coax fings out of the wall warts


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2017-01-03 11:50 [#02509949]
Points: 24970 Status: Addict

recording for jan 02 in which i took a moment to try and
demonstrate. then i took 1.5

0 - 1min ~ goblin box, mixer delay, mixer feedback
1 - 2.5min ~ korglie monotron, mixer delay, mixer
2.5+ ~ engage yamaha's "ibiza" preset; begin
aimlessly fussing around


aux #0 - "the white knob every channel has (above the
red knob every channel has)" -- mixer internal fx. hallverb,
shaniqua echo. i generally set it to one of the better delay
fx (delay fx) and forget about it, but there are times the
fire will take me and i'll sweep the effect selection knob
urgently, like a man trying to use the radio tuner dial to
shake a gorilla off his car roof. this generates fragments
of aborted delay (deland hallverb instead of just delay
(just delay). turning the white knob up results in more of
whatever's sounding on that channel going into the mixer
delay (going into the mixer delay).

aux #2 ~ "the blue knob every channel has (above the
white knob every channel has)" -- "send this amount of the
noises on this channel to the monotron."

aux #1 "the blue knob every channel has (above the
blue knob every channel has [above the white knob every
channel has])" -- "send this amount of the noises on this
channel to the goblin box."

channels (lit) are, left to right: one (1) mic, one (1)
yamaha set to "ibiza" style, one (1) failed kickerstarter
prototype, one (1) ununaffordable korgilie, and finally, one
(1) channel of whatever the mixer's internal delay is
putting out (is putting out [out]).


offline umbroman3 from United Kingdom on 2017-01-03 13:25 [#02509952]
Points: 6096 Status: Regular

have you tried supercollider? stevemcqueen uses it


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2017-01-03 13:39 [#02509953]
Points: 24970 Status: Addict

i can't afford a mac.


offline umbroman3 from United Kingdom on 2017-01-03 13:43 [#02509955]
Points: 6096 Status: Regular

it's on pc now and works really well


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2017-01-03 13:53 [#02509956]
Points: 24970 Status: Addict

oh! ok.

will supercollider emulate the famous portasound "ibiza"
style, or do i need the norman 950 for that?

where is the menu to control my roommates wandering into the

my current solution is to just throw a pg-58 somewhere
noninconvenient and leave it down down down until the
moments when noise not from my noise table (external to my
noise floor [not from my nose hair]). if you can't beat 'em,
conjoin 'em. there is something suitable about catching bits
of a noise table saw in the basetooter [fffvvvHHHRRR!!1] and
having it echo around my semi-accidentally coherent feedback
network ofvv networkVVrr ovvvVVrr VVRRRrrrRrr rrt q spurt

i came close to pulling this off with cubase sx once, but i
ran out of cpu


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2017-01-03 13:57 [#02509957]
Points: 24970 Status: Addict

bootnote: the shure pg-58 is the morepoorable version of the
shure sm-58.


offline umbroman3 from United Kingdom on 2017-01-03 14:01 [#02509958]
Points: 6096 Status: Regular



offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2017-01-03 14:17 [#02509959]
Points: 24970 Status: Addict

it's important to turn the amp up loud. why? so many
reasons... but, apropos supercollider:

as a supercollider fan and
knowing-people-who-use-supercollider-expert, how would you
make the switch from a system in which the client's
subwoofer is discovered to pull so much juice it begins to
effect [the crappy wall warts powering circuit-bent casios]
which begins to effect [the way particular bend settings
mess with the autoriddim's drum sounds] and the client
demanded this power curiosity be retained if he is to use

i'm not sure if my setup has this feature, yet. i tried to
get a leg-up by using an unfiltered, unrackmountable power
non-conditioner: a non-grounded three-prong extension cord
selected for its "from the garage" aesthetic.

this is real, though: back when i had an 800w subwoofer,
though, i realized i could nudge a bent casio into dropping
spazzy glitch fills if i hammered hard enough at the bass
bottoms. these two things fit together naturally

here is a mark bellfo trdack playing out that 800w
suberwoofer (sold on ebay to buy peanut butter) and it pulls
the fuckin' watts. i have two anorak-grade ccd cameras (sony
xc-999, iirc) of identical make/mod connected to the same
video input. the two cameras fight each other for the
capture card's attention, beating each other with their sync
frequencies. as the bell bottoms, the capture card nudges
back and forth between camera signals but there's really a
lot more than just that going on. if you understand what i'm
going on about you understand what i'm going on about


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2017-01-03 15:42 [#02509961]
Points: 24970 Status: Addict

pro/advantage to analog synths: pandora down the hall
puts on a track (supergrass) that's slickly beatmatched to
the yamaha. however, i do not know this. the yamaha is
muted. i aimlessly wander over to it for no particular
reason and mash up the fader. now i know this: context:
these are in sync. as soon as i've processed this context,
my roommate begins whistling in tune. i hastily throw my
pg-58 onto the sofa and capture wisps of it to shred through
machines. dreamy and ambient with edges of a robot phone
menu under seredipitious supergrass whistle.

con/disadvantage to analog synths: i am jamming. it's
owsum. the same roommate walks up and starts talking to me
about cigarettes. it explodes my concentration. i try to
recover by yelling "cigarettes" into the mic in various ways
(to shred through machines) but i was unable to recover

i am eager to see if either or both of those recordings were
crap. also curious to know how this stacks up with


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2017-01-03 16:07 [#02509962]
Points: 24970 Status: Addict

with this sort of approach to intelligent electroacoustic
braindance, little nuanced pokes at knobs trigger spiraling
explosions. i tried adding the casio sk-1 to this setup;
this decision was noep. i found the sk-1 distracting: keep
it simple sampler

with this sort of approach to intelligent electroacoustic
braindance, consequences that are the consequences of
previous consequences have consequences of consequences and
then aux1 sends consequences back into the analog domain...

with this sort of approach to intelligent electroacoustic
braindance, it changes your brain forever. glue fires off a
small grenade of computation exploring all concepts you
associate with glue, along with gluing in a new memory about
corny glueball jokes by epicgigaglue.


offline umbroman3 from United Kingdom on 2017-01-03 17:05 [#02509963]
Points: 6096 Status: Regular

fatboy slim musicradar interview


offline umbroman3 from United Kingdom on 2017-01-03 17:07 [#02509964]
Points: 6096 Status: Regular

sound onsoundpraqise you


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2017-01-03 17:44 [#02509966]
Points: 24970 Status: Addict

i wrote intelligent electroacoustic braindance
when i meant to type electroacoustic
intelligent braindance. at least, i'm pretty sure
that's what i meant to type, as [this] sound system
clearly sounds superior to [that] sound system, and
the wat's that sound system clearly has the superior
system of all the sound system. just listem


offline umbroman3 from United Kingdom on 2017-01-03 17:52 [#02509967]
Points: 6096 Status: Regular

i drive a riced out yugo
geoff is the king of the yugo
if he designed me a BBD delay banana jack circuit
id mass produce it in china in 1U racks
and be a rich man with a chinese fan


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2017-01-03 18:44 [#02509970]
Points: 24970 Status: Addict

i can't afnord a modular that does units.


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2017-01-03 18:46 [#02509971]
Points: 24970 Status: Addict

the way i write xltronic posts bears systemic relevance to
the way fractals of painful noise emerge from the wat's
that sound system
. the wattest system around system


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2017-01-03 20:19 [#02509974]
Points: 24970 Status: Addict

i have a system. i call it "the system." my live instance of
"the system" is referred to as "my system." your live
instance of "the system" is known as "your system."
obviously, which system is my system and which system is
your system depends on which system is the wat's that
sound system





offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2017-01-03 20:21 [#02509975]
Points: 24970 Status: Addict | Followup to umbroman3: #02509963

fatboy slim musicradar interview

i would have enjoyed this interview much more if i'd
actually been able to read it. they wanted one quid, and i
only recognize dollars.


offline w M w from London (United Kingdom) on 2017-01-03 20:35 [#02509978]
Points: 21386 Status: Regular

Can you believe there's a word "cockpit"? A pit for a cock.
What happens is throughout history you have occasional
geniuses that are essentially like a new more advanced
species, to the rest of his peers as we are to chimps. They
regard this whole primate culture an absurdity and they
become trolls, like aphex twin or nikola tesla. They look at
this ridiculous primate symbol language that scaffolds a
sizable portion of this culture and inject words like
"cockpit" into the language brew. Now they have people on
live television saying "cock pit", like it's a normal part
of culture. How do you get all these other chimps to say
"dickhole" a bunch of times? Well you have to be creative,
just a little side project for a genius troll.


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2017-01-03 20:45 [#02509979]
Points: 24970 Status: Addict | Followup to umbroman3: #02509964

sound onsoundpraqise you

much better. legible without foreign currency -- something i
value in an internet article

"But, as I said, before, I sort of come to a standstill
when I try to get the laptop to talk to the outside world. I
get frustrated and then... themoment's gone. I switch
everything off and go into the kitchen to make a cup of

"I'm going to have to bite the bullet at some point. I know
I'm going to have to sit here and make a tune in Ableton.
It'll be good therapy for me."

my analogy for this feeling is one of those science
fishtanks with glove condoms to protect you from any chance
of risking direct, sweaty contact with your music ---
stock image of max martin's assistants working on
britney's next hit-me-a-sphere. his other mistakes about how
comments make it more and louder also resonated my filter

i would love the opportunity to bother him with questions
about workflow: what's the process with that old setup? what
can the old setup do that you can't quite coax out of the
new one?

tactfully-selected, open-ended questions intended to trigger
rambling answers about the fatboy slim system



temtemTemTemSysTEMSysTEMeeeEmiabiabiabia! pizza! pizza! it's
so easy to get acid, you can sample it anywhere


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2017-01-03 20:48 [#02509980]
Points: 24970 Status: Addict | Followup to w M w: #02509978

Now they have people on live television saying "cock
pit", like it's a normal part of culture. How do you get all
these other chimps to say "dickhole" a bunch of times? Well
you have to be creative, just a little side project for a
genius troll.

cockpit is culture.
cakefart is troll.


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2017-01-06 03:21 [#02510092]
Points: 24970 Status: Addict

on the fly debugging on the wall debugging system
includes harassing uncooperative patch cables and having a
frustrating but ultimately successful conversation with
roommates about not talking about cigarettes about the time
about the time delay jam delay jams really jams up the


offline w M w from London (United Kingdom) on 2017-01-06 07:09 [#02510095]
Points: 21386 Status: Regular

Interesting since I'm totally unfamiliar with music
hardware, just software. My guess the yellow lights control
the "parts" of a song (like maybe this yellow for snare drum
beat, this other yellow to turn off/on cymbol beat etc) then
the grey bars below are volume for each part? I don't get
why the beat fades out at the end, are you editing a whole
mp3/wav type object on the fly or are they infinite loops
for each part? I probably need to read a lot of crap to
figure out how to program weird mutating noise type effects
into software, stuff like vocoders etc.


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2017-01-06 23:08 [#02510134]
Points: 24970 Status: Addict

that's a lol, really. usually the yellow lights are "on/off"
for the whole channel, but the stereo buss is bussted and so
the button that's effectively on/off is tiny and impossible
to see. i simply switched all the irrelevant yellow lights
on so it was clear which channels were in use. this is
mostly for me (seeing out of the corner of my eye) but i
figured it'd also help anyone trying to figure things out
more carefully.

anyways, i'll try again: put a microphone up to a speaker.
it goes whhEEE! yes?

next, feed a mixer channel back into itself. it goes
wheEEEEEGHHh, with the EEGHHh being distortion.

from there you can use EQ to get whuUUUUUAUGHHh or
whiiiEEEeelllghhrrrn or whatever.

next, add a delay effect, and i stop being able to continue
onomatapoeing without spending 45 minutes thinking about it.
this is more or less what a delay effect is supposed to
delay to delay effect is supposed to to to do

it is pretty much music made from feedback and distortion.
one feedback loop bumps into another, they all cascade and
ripple around. two delay effects give me a stretchable bit
of time to play around with that this is what allows it to
move from tones and squeal to riddim

it is more or less a closed system of mixer knobs and delay
effects. into this, a little dash of yamaha portasound is
fed in. the frequencies effect all the existing feedback
loops in unfathomable ways and then the whole mess begins to
bounce around and pump out brutal acid. is there a sunvox
plugin to do this?


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2017-01-06 23:10 [#02510135]
Points: 24970 Status: Addict

best music sofwares for iphone

irrelevant yellow lights: mic, portasound left, portasound
right, goblin box, korglie monotron, mixer fx out


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2017-01-08 02:26 [#02510155]
Points: 24970 Status: Addict

today has been unpleasant. i have had problems getting even
five minutes uninterrupted to do anything and have gradually
fukt4g0-oetetr9iog. people think i can exercise fine if they
ask me questions, tell me to look at this shit in skyrim,
ask me if i want to go out for a cigarette... ditto for
jamming. mostly, though, "i need to be alone guys or
i will fucking flip" is not really something i seemed to be
able to express adequately.

understanding comes from experience, i suppose, and today i
woke up and punched a hole in the wall. screaming to no one
in particular. i can't recall having done either since i've
moved here before, really, but i suppose i was just tired of
being saturated by the rhythms of others and unable to stew
in my own for long enough to maintain a coherent state of

i can say something like this, and a couple people will nod
and say something sympathetic, but i have to live with this
shit. my coping mechanisms are: exercise, driving, internet,
and music. in that order (like the four most-used [love,
secret, sex, peter molyneux]).

continuing on: i wake up and feel like a caged animal.
trapped. lashing out at anything that even thinks about
restricting anything i'm even thinking about thinking about
doing. hit it. hit. HIT. the wall. ow. for a moment, things
seem to settle down: not bad. my punch has really heavied up
since the time i did that a few years ago

then the anger spikes up again. doing something incredibly
stupid relieves it for but a few moments, and then i'm busy
rejecting one after another stupid idea until i finally slip
and let a screaming f-bomb loose in the shower.

i am asked: "what's wrong? are you ok?" and it drives me
bonkers. dudes, i've ranted about my personal issues until
you called molyneux. i've been giving you daily status
updates on me going bonkers

they nodded. they seemed to understand. they didn't. they
still don't, but perhaps they have a clue now


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2017-01-08 02:32 [#02510156]
Points: 24970 Status: Addict

we're snowed in and i can't exercise or drive or do fucking
anything and it's the most not-doing_anything-ness i've had
in a long stream of 'em and dfgjdfgdfjg.

people give up on what's wrong/ruok and move on to being mad
at me for being in an acute state of emotional implosion. i
smoke a j on the porch and have a tense argument with one
roommate. then i went inside to record a jam. had snow all
over me. wet shoes

in this jam are likely the sounds of that guy shoveling
angrily/curtly on the porch. my other roommate bothers me in
the middle of the jam, asking if i want a cigaratte. or
something. i managed to not lose the groove, this time,
though. just waved him off and kept distorting. feeding
back. loud. very loud

then i tore it out and packed it up in boxes. then i cried.
sobbed. it's like i saw my doglay get hit by a buss. at
least i rinsed it for the time i had it

rip wat's that sound system. the wattest system around system


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2017-01-08 02:40 [#02510157]
Points: 24970 Status: Addict

anyways, i'm looking for a VST plugin that sounds like my
roommate angrily shoveling the porch; would appreciate


offline AMPI MAX from United Kingdom on 2017-01-08 23:48 [#02510168]
Points: 10789 Status: Regular

january is pretty miserable. hope u feel better soon


offline belb from mmmmmmhhhhzzzz!!! on 2017-01-08 23:58 [#02510172]
Points: 6299 Status: Regular

yeah hoping yr fighting bears and laughing strong with the
gods soon man, sounds like yr in a dark ol molyneux loop
right now but eat hot pockets and hot dogs (no buns allowed
says eris) and be well my friend


offline mohamed from the turtle business on 2017-01-09 18:50 [#02510190]
Points: 31139 Status: Lurker | Followup to EpicMegatrax: #02510135 | Show recordbag

lol sounds like a gypsy wedding party at some point


offline mohamed from the turtle business on 2017-01-09 18:52 [#02510191]
Points: 31139 Status: Lurker | Show recordbag

da da

da da

da da

da da


offline mohamed from the turtle business on 2017-01-09 18:53 [#02510192]
Points: 31139 Status: Lurker | Show recordbag

very good


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2017-01-09 19:02 [#02510193]
Points: 24970 Status: Addict

thanks guys.


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2017-01-09 19:43 [#02510195]
Points: 24970 Status: Addict

may 2017 be the year of aneristic feedback loops


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2017-01-10 00:01 [#02510219]
Points: 24970 Status: Addict

fact: aneristic feedback loops [apparent order (that
creates apparent order)] are created by running a moment in
time/space through a mechanism known as feedback.

feeding feedback back into itself has rippling effects that
ripple-effect on the effect of feedback, depending on the
level of feedback the user selects to place between feedback
and feedback. put simply, [the missile knows where it is
(because the missile knows where it isn't)].

when the ghetto amp pulls the wat(t)s down as feedback
blasts the bass, the ungrounded outlet the mixer and the amp
share dip and wobble. the mixer begins to lose consciousness
slightly, as blood-flow goes into the amp. this causes the
bass the mixer is pumping into the amp to glitch. wiggle.
wobble. atrophy.... until, since there's less bass, the
mixer gets the current back, and the bass begins to get
louder until it saps down the mixer again. then, perhaps, a
roommate switches on a lamp, and that massively shifts the
apparent order that my digital camera dutifully slices up
into samples w M w could use to seed his function calls.

i figure they would be primo sample kernels, at least,
because they come from an ordered system hell-bent on
ordering systems: irrelevant noise from electrical gremlins
and cheapo TL084 op-amps form a japanese tea ceremony that
is never the same twice. the apparent order comes from a guy
at the knobs making decisions. these decisions are based on
previous experience: well, that knob didn't go very
well... let's try another!

the more i jammed with this setup, the more i knew about the
sweet spots. the interesting noises. what constitutes an
"interesting noise" is subject to personal opinion. over
time personal opinion guides approach. it starts to become a
style: how do you get aphex sound? like, you know, that
kinda moody acid? clark does it too. you know what i mean?

no i no noe what you meano


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2017-02-22 18:31 [#02513774]
Points: 24970 Status: Addict

here is accidents which is a track about accidents,
x-files episodes about accidents, and accidents in tracks
about accidents. like this: 4'07 ~ first time i ever nailed
that shuffly sort of crossfade motion. i did not intend to
do this. it was an accident. i was just super into recording
it, and my hands kind of found it naturally. this was one of
the earliest proper jams i did on the mpc, at least using
the same production process i used for all the albums i put
out 2011-14.

here is terpentintollwut which is more or less me in an atari
battlezone tank made out of disorted 808 noises.


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2023-01-19 20:51 [#02624359]
Points: 24970 Status: Addict

what idiot made this thread


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