does anyone else feel like a hipster every time you see a syro article or read something about | xltronic messageboard
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does anyone else feel like a hipster every time you see a syro article or read something about

offline djhardcode from Netherlands, The on 2014-08-26 13:28 [#02475537]
Points: 498 Status: Addict

Does anyone else feel like a hipster everytime you see
something about SYRO or hear other people talking about it?

I do

Fuck this lame shit

It will be absolutely impossible to enjoy

Every single tool on the planet will love it though.


offline drill rods from 6AM-8PM NO PARKING (Canada) on 2014-08-26 14:17 [#02475538]
Points: 1171 Status: Regular

Go blow a hamster. I hope you get hamster AIDS


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2014-08-26 14:35 [#02475539]
Points: 25185 Status: Lurker

prime opportunity to hone my aura of detached indifference


offline Indeksical from Phobiazero Damage Control (United Kingdom) on 2014-08-26 14:37 [#02475540]
Points: 10671 Status: Regular | Show recordbag

You shouldn't measure your enjoyment of things by how much
other people enjoy them. That's silly. Do you do that with


offline Indeksical from Phobiazero Damage Control (United Kingdom) on 2014-08-26 14:37 [#02475541]
Points: 10671 Status: Regular | Show recordbag

Potatoes are so passé.


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2014-08-26 14:38 [#02475542]
Points: 25185 Status: Lurker

now it's all about bean spouts


offline djhardcode from Netherlands, The on 2014-08-26 23:38 [#02475552]
Points: 498 Status: Addict

It's not a big deal at all. Most of the tracks are at least
5 years old an everyone has heard them in live sets already.

Everyone posting about this stupid mainstream bullshit like
its the second coming of christ is a huge tool and needs to

Sorry to ruin your special little internet coolguy hipster


offline djhardcode from Netherlands, The on 2014-08-26 23:40 [#02475553]
Points: 498 Status: Addict

The other tracks are made from the sounds of rdj licking
joyrex's crusty anal dingleberries while he types away code
for watmm with those elite php skillz.


offline Cliff Glitchard from DEEP DOWN INSIDE on 2014-08-27 02:16 [#02475554]
Points: 4151 Status: Lurker

This stinks of bitter only child introduced to his new

Toys thrown everywhere. Smeared shit on the walls. refusing
to walk to school and having to be strapped into the car
seat in fits of rage.


offline debaser on 2014-08-27 04:41 [#02475556]
Points: 214 Status: Regular

So true...

djharcode after hearing about syro


offline djhardcode from Netherlands, The on 2014-08-27 11:26 [#02475557]
Points: 498 Status: Addict

You guys are so funny all nice and safe on your little
bandwagon and all sure of yourselves in your element here on
this pathetic nerdly forum.

Don't like syro? get ragged on by jocks.


offline Haft from Tublin (Ireland) on 2014-08-27 13:31 [#02475558]
Points: 884 Status: Lurker | Followup to djhardcode: #02475557

You really struggle with reality. Even on a virtual forum


offline drill rods from 6AM-8PM NO PARKING (Canada) on 2014-08-27 13:34 [#02475561]
Points: 1171 Status: Regular | Followup to djhardcode: #02475552

actually on that note I've never heard any of these live
tracks. I have never been to a single real-world electronic
music event in my life actually. That's what you get for
living in the sticks your whole life I guess

so if these tracks were all played live once, they'll still
be new to me anyway


offline SignedUpToLOL from Zuckuss fanfiction (United Kingdom) on 2014-08-27 14:41 [#02475562]
Points: 2853 Status: Regular

Old el Paso


offline SignedUpToLOL from Zuckuss fanfiction (United Kingdom) on 2014-08-27 14:43 [#02475563]
Points: 2853 Status: Regular

I'll enjoy Syro but I'll really hate myself for it. Is that


offline larn from PLANET E (United Kingdom) on 2014-08-27 21:03 [#02475581]
Points: 5473 Status: Regular | Show recordbag

Is it possible you are slowly devolving into a hipster? You
are in denial and as a result have become bitter and
twisted. If you have an urge to shave the aphex logo on your
face and wear sunglasses in a night club then don't fight
it, just do it and be proud to be a hipster fan boy.


offline djhardcode from Netherlands, The on 2014-08-27 23:20 [#02475587]
Points: 498 Status: Addict

I listen to boards of canada, autechre, zomby, burial and
die antwoord, have a ps4, beard, know php/ruby/python, have
an iphone and macbook with logic pro installed on it
alongside ableton. Well-known veteran accounts here, watmm,, idmforums. Make 303 acid music all day mate.
Basically what I am saying is that I think I am in a little
higher of a position on the totem pole for you to be
starting shit.


offline ddrummondd on 2014-08-28 01:33 [#02475589]
Points: 558 Status: Regular

hey watch out guys dis guy is like well safe u get me?


offline envmod from Northern Mariana Islands on 2014-08-30 11:53 [#02475661]
Points: 203 Status: Lurker

you forgot to list DJ


offline -crazone from smashing acid over and over on 2014-08-30 12:38 [#02475663]
Points: 11186 Status: Regular | Show recordbag

I"m gonna shave my beard today


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2014-08-30 16:25 [#02475664]
Points: 25185 Status: Lurker

the ego has landed


offline Oakwood from El Paso (United States) on 2014-09-05 19:47 [#02475930]
Points: 3 Status: Regular

Its kinda like with the new nin album that dropped I'm a
huge nin fan and i was just nothing but excited. Why would i
have to worry about what other people are going to be saying
about it or who the hell is going to be listening to it. Its
like album reviews who the fuck cares its about what you
think about it in the end right? You are basically saying
you are going to judge a piece of music by how many people
are listening to it not on if it is good to you or not. You
are just denying your self music that you enjoy for a
feeling of superiority over others to compensate for your
small penis.

Just do you.


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