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Great community

offline Phobiazero from the next Xltronic (Sweden) on 2002-03-14 14:29 [#00125805]
Points: 10507 Status: Webmaster | Show recordbag

I just wanted to say "thank you" to all of you for making
this a great community.

I was just browsing the Joyrex board and I noticed some
of them were badmouthing us. Pointless, nuff said. It tells
me more about them, then about us.


offline Ceri JC from Jefferson City (United States) on 2002-03-14 14:31 [#00125807]
Points: 23549 Status: Moderator | Show recordbag

Yep, let's not engage in silly debate with them.

I agree with you saying it's a great community, it's the
only website where I've actually felt "part of it".

Thanks to you for hosting it :)


offline WooferAttack from Milano (Italy) on 2002-03-14 14:31 [#00125809]
Points: 12920 Status: Lurker

Thanx to our great webmaster, too!


offline WooferAttack from Milano (Italy) on 2002-03-14 14:32 [#00125810]
Points: 12920 Status: Lurker

This community V4.5 is totally different compared to v4 of
some month ago... Now, it's much better!


offline shortcircuit from Red Ends (Germany) on 2002-03-14 14:33 [#00125813]
Points: 424 Status: Lurker

Yeah Phobia0 - you're the one who makes this community


offline jand from Braintree (United Kingdom) on 2002-03-14 14:35 [#00125815]
Points: 5975 Status: Moderator | Show recordbag

Yeah, agreed...we're a cool bunch...& it seems to get better
each day...

major props to ya, phobia...


offline IronLung from the 91fwy in soCAL (United States) on 2002-03-14 14:36 [#00125816]
Points: 8032 Status: Lurker | Show recordbag

I agree...Thanks to YOU Phobia...for allowing us our own
little world to escape in out here....

You have done an excellent job...And I love it here.


offline doki from cologne (Germany) on 2002-03-14 14:40 [#00125819]
Points: 494 Status: Lurker

what else could i say!!!!!! :) i love it here ...


offline wizards teeth from Newcastle (United Kingdom) on 2002-03-14 14:51 [#00125825]
Points: 1070 Status: Regular

I spend to much time here, but it is good to get things off
my chest now and again


offline Fernz from A Scottish Wanker (United Kingdom) on 2002-03-14 14:52 [#00125828]
Points: 1692 Status: Regular

I love you guys. :)


offline map from mülligen (Switzerland) on 2002-03-14 14:58 [#00125831]
Points: 3408 Status: Lurker

yes, it give a big thanx out to all of guys, who spended
time here to give others information and a discuss, and
hoply accepted my bad english :)


offline dingle berry from on a small plastic chair breat (Haiti) on 2002-03-14 15:01 [#00125833]
Points: 2389 Status: Regular

yep thanks to mr phobia for giving us the right to freely
express our thoughts and opinions!
and letting me chat endless amounts of wank!


offline Meho Krljic from Beograd (Yugoslavia) on 2002-03-14 15:04 [#00125835]
Points: 6617 Status: Addict

Cheers to phobia and all of you guys, I've hardly done any
work in a last couple of weeks, though. But it's nice to
have so many friends..


offline KEN from BIRMINGHAM (United Kingdom) on 2002-03-14 15:07 [#00125836]
Points: 1844 Status: Regular

yep-ive met aload of smart peeps and as a result ive been
introduced to loads of cool stuff on reconnebdations that i
trust! a big pat on the back!


offline RobE from London (United Kingdom) on 2002-03-14 15:17 [#00125845]
Points: 1608 Status: Regular | Followup to Phobiazero: #00125805

Hear,hear!! The best yet to come.Thanx to all the AFX
kids.Great site!!(when is my cheque coming?).. }:>


offline nacmat on 2002-03-14 15:32 [#00125857]
Points: 31271 Status: Lurker

this is indeed a great place
with great people posting
with great people in charge of the project

lets keep this atmosphere


offline Meho Krljic from Beograd (Yugoslavia) on 2002-03-14 15:37 [#00125864]
Points: 6617 Status: Addict



offline nacmat on 2002-03-14 15:47 [#00125874]
Points: 31271 Status: Lurker

I never post at joyrex but not that I dont like it...its
just that I dont feel the need as I am so happy here

good people
good posts
nice topics
the best information


offline Meho Krljic from Beograd (Yugoslavia) on 2002-03-14 15:56 [#00125882]
Points: 6617 Status: Addict

AND pretty pictures


offline manicminer from Paris (France) on 2002-03-14 16:00 [#00125889]
Points: 1423 Status: Lurker

Thanks mate


offline Joyrex from (United States) on 2002-03-14 16:03 [#00125895]
Points: 1389 Status: Lurker

...yes, great community here, yes, indeed....

of course nobody has ever talked bad about here, hence why it's such a great community :O]


offline recycle from Where is Phobiazero (Lincoln) (United States) on 2002-03-14 16:07 [#00125903]
Points: 39507 Status: Lurker

i love both and


offline KEN from BIRMINGHAM (United Kingdom) on 2002-03-14 16:10 [#00125913]
Points: 1844 Status: Regular

oooohhhh!!! wheres me washboard joyrex!!! etc etc.

by the by-is that your missus next to you? shes very
small...almost toooo weeeeeeeeeeeee.....


offline KEN from BIRMINGHAM (United Kingdom) on 2002-03-14 16:10 [#00125916]
Points: 1844 Status: Regular

nah-cute kid youve got there mate....


offline Meho Krljic from Beograd (Yugoslavia) on 2002-03-14 16:17 [#00125924]
Points: 6617 Status: Addict

Yo, recycle, just got your e-mail but as I'm going home now,
I'll reply ya tomorrow. Sotrry, everyone and Cheers.

I love ya all.


offline IronLung from the 91fwy in soCAL (United States) on 2002-03-14 16:18 [#00125926]
Points: 8032 Status: Lurker | Show recordbag

latez my friend


offline recycle from Where is Phobiazero (Lincoln) (United States) on 2002-03-14 16:18 [#00125927]
Points: 39507 Status: Lurker

i still love you all.


offline Junktion from Northern Jutland (Denmark) on 2002-03-14 16:21 [#00125929]
Points: 9713 Status: Lurker

I really enjoy this board.... the interactivity and
"surf-joy" is to the max...

thanx to crew =)


offline 010101 from Vancouver (Canada) on 2002-03-14 16:22 [#00125930]
Points: 7669 Status: Regular

I am proud to be a part of this.
Can someone tell me how to work the chat room, I don't
understand it!


offline hexagonaldope on 2002-03-14 16:24 [#00125931]
Points: 441 Status: Lurker

you have a chat room?


offline WooferAttack from Milano (Italy) on 2002-03-14 16:27 [#00125937]
Points: 12920 Status: Lurker is a cool site, and ppl who write there are nice
like ppl who write here, anyway isn't nice to speak bad
about the other messageboards, we're 2 faces of the same
medal and we're all AFX's fans. The best thing will be who
everybody speak well about his mb and not speak bad about
others, imho.


offline WooferAttack from Milano (Italy) on 2002-03-14 16:27 [#00125938]
Points: 12920 Status: Lurker I love you,!


offline map from mülligen (Switzerland) on 2002-03-14 16:28 [#00125941]
Points: 3408 Status: Lurker

so when i've got my new card, some sounds, i'll make video
for this community i think. also a track...


offline map from mülligen (Switzerland) on 2002-03-14 16:29 [#00125942]
Points: 3408 Status: Lurker

and i'm sure you'll laugh everytime when i write something
on this board :P


offline Darth manchu from Cambridge (United Kingdom) on 2002-03-14 17:08 [#00125982]
Points: 1897 Status: Regular

Thanks phob for making something that will end in me failing
my GCSEs. But i wouldnt want to do it anyother way. Well,


offline D-Hex from Blue Springs Missouri (United States) on 2002-03-14 18:00 [#00126046]
Points: 871 Status: Lurker

THanks dudes,,,its really fun to come home and check the
board, see whats up. Thanks phob!


offline hexagonaldope on 2002-03-14 18:03 [#00126049]
Points: 441 Status: Lurker

darth manchu, peopl can teach you things here, what ru


offline Clobe Smith from san francisco (United States) on 2002-03-14 18:09 [#00126054]
Points: 512 Status: Lurker

i love this site and the mb. this is the one place i
constantly check and go to. i've had an internet connection
for almost a year and this has been the one constant


offline marble from madness (Germany) on 2002-03-14 18:19 [#00126068]
Points: 85 Status: Regular

Hey fellas !

I said it once and I will say it a thousand times more.

I love this side and all you lovely people posting here.

Phob did a great job and is still doing !

... " coz it keeps me hangin´on "...

Greetings from marble


offline Cheffe1979 from fuck (Austria) on 2002-03-14 19:12 [#00126095]
Points: 4630 Status: Lurker

this is a great place here, the only site i visit daily and
- people are friendly, one can do the most stzupid post
without being insulted;
honor to thy name, phob!


offline jayphex from Ottawa (Canada) on 2002-03-14 19:14 [#00126100]
Points: 146 Status: Lurker

thanks phobia, and tunefish and everyone else behind this
awesome piece of conglomatorium!


offline keving73 from west palm beach, fl (United States) on 2002-03-14 19:18 [#00126106]
Points: 158 Status: Lurker

the vibe here is certainly better

props, phobia


offline corngrower from the fertile grounds of Iowa, w (United States) on 2002-03-14 19:21 [#00126111]
Points: 4404 Status: Lurker

Great job on a dawm fine web site Phobiazero, this
messageboard is really a place where you can enjoy your self
and learn new things about music aswell

Keep up the fantastic work man


offline DirtyPriest from Copenhagen (Denmark) on 2002-03-14 19:27 [#00126120]
Points: 5499 Status: Lurker

I cant say anything that has not been said. i agree, its
great! its addictive! its informative! =) thumbs up.

and i apologize for my sporadic jolts of stupidity. ill post
a picture of myself after coming home from rome, and you can
bad mouth me then if you want to =)


offline Phobiazero from the next Xltronic (Sweden) on 2002-03-14 20:10 [#00126184]
Points: 10507 Status: Webmaster | Show recordbag

Ah! You're all GREAT!!! *sniff* :-)


offline AMinal from Toronto (Canada) on 2002-03-14 20:17 [#00126202]
Points: 3476 Status: Regular

like everyone else said:
thank YOU phobia!

this place is great: interesting people.. interesting
discussion, and a great source of new info (music, and other
topics too)
...and, of course, also entertaining!

perhaps thats why its SO addictive... :)

great job phobia!
and all the others who make it possible.. (im not going to
try to name u cus i know ill leave someone out)


offline eXXailon from purgatory on 2002-03-14 20:29 [#00126236]
Points: 6745 Status: Lurker

The idea to change the MB to what it is now was brilliant.
Pictures and profiles make it more personal than it used to
be. To Phobiazero + moderators and of course all of the
great members around here: applause for yourself!!!

I finally found the attention and the love my parents never
gave me :'(

I'm going away now. I'm emotional.


offline Contour Regard from Herscher (come and find me) (United States) on 2002-03-14 20:42 [#00126288]
Points: 132 Status: Lurker

I give Phobiazero all the credit in the world. This is an
awesome messageboard and the point system and the
personalized pictures and everything is perfect. Plus I can
babble on about my burning monk.


offline korben dallas from nz on 2002-03-14 21:10 [#00126381]
Points: 4605 Status: Regular



offline lizard fister from manchester (United Kingdom) on 2002-03-14 21:39 [#00126446]
Points: 142 Status: Lurker

great internet emotion there phobia.

thanks anyway chief, it really nice to be involved here.
thanks. everyone.


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