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shy and quiet people

wayout on 2002-01-24 05:48 [#00074349]

hmm..i never realized so many people on this board were a
slight variation on myself... not sure why im still so shy...i've been this way since
like 5th grade...when all my elementary school friends kinda
abandoned me to hang out with other kids and play
sports..then i moved which didnt help...

all through high school i did a pretty good job of blending
into the background..which was good in a way since my
supposed weirdness kept most of the people i didnt want to
have anything to do with away ...but it also kept everyone
else away...except for the occasional nice person who took
the extra effort to be nice to me..

so being like this has been both good and bad...i've been
able to develop myself without much 'outside
interference'...and have been kept away from the bad things
kids tend to fall into...but at the same 19 and
have never had a relationship...and have the life experience
of a 14 year old (i look like one too...:/ )

now that i go to art school...and dont have to deal with all
the caste system of high school..i figured i would open up
more...which i have a little...but not that i've
been kinda disappointed with myself...but its not that i
lack confidence...and im not as intimidated by people as i
was...maybe its not all me...maybe the fact that i still
live at home..and am not really as independent as most of my
peers..separates me even more from the whole college social

the internet is a good place for me too..
i would never be able to ramble like this in person...though
sometimes i feel like i could if given the chance
to...heheh..its sad when most of your daydreams of girls
involve having a personal conversation..

though dont get me not trying to have a pity
party for myself...there are a lot of things i like about
being this way...


wayout on 2002-01-24 05:57 [#00074350]

heheh...think thats incoherent...try talking to me in

and another thing that i just thought about...most of you
have said that theres no one like yourself to hang around
with...what if there actually is?
being an introverted person...means that anyone like you
would be just as shy..
so you could see people you have a lot in common with
everyday...but you'll never meet them...since youre too shy
to go up and talk to them...and theyre too shy to come up
and talk to you...
its seems that most of the people i've become
friends/aquainted with in the past have been extroverts...


Xanatos from NYC on 2002-01-24 06:22 [#00074355]

"think thats incoherent...try talking to me in
person... "

I didn't read either of your posts yet, but that's a fucking
genius line. I might quote you at some point.


Alf Strudel from Here on 2002-01-24 15:59 [#00074456]

You filled up my Inbox you BASTARDS


Winged Freak from Gotham City on 2002-01-24 18:23 [#00074507]

This is creepy. I'm just like everybody here. I'm nodding
to everything you guys say. I know what everybody is coming


JOB on 2002-01-24 19:08 [#00074516]

and in the corner of a vast space they all met, and
discussed, but they never did meet, but rather discused on
the matter of meeting others.


hevquip from 45.697 bits of electricity on 2002-01-24 19:12 [#00074518]

no, no, no...and on a messageboard, they convened. they
nodded, but it was enough for them to know what was going


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