from i on 2001-09-12 04:11 [#00030921]

fly planes and helicopters.... into our trade center buildings?? no no now.. come on... I train you to say thank-you you spit on me...your dancing around the reality of this whole situation...
those responsible need to be punished... you seem to want to take the balme off those actually responsible and put it on those killed... you sound like the guy in the new york subway who everyone saw killing passengers and who was tackled by passengers, then defended himself in court and said it was maybe this other guy who I shot earlier, when we all saw YOU with the trigger... thats not the way its going to play out.. those responsible will be pusnished, sorry but its true...
from NZ on 2001-09-12 04:11 [#00030922]

Dear Friend...the problem remains..in all the political brouhaha..the victims get ignored..just like we started doing in this exchange..it's time to refocus..innocent people died horribly...it shouldn't have happened...and it should not lead to other innocent people dying
from NZ on 2001-09-12 04:14 [#00030925]

no no no you got me all wrong..I really feel for the inncoent victims..I have been there and seen people killed senselessly was nearly killed myself several times won't wish it on any living being...I had fanatics issuing death warrants on me...
but that's beside the point..I blame the culture of violence reciprocated with violence..no one else
from i on 2001-09-12 04:15 [#00030926]

revenge on those ressponsible is the only way to rectify this whole situation ask any little girl or boy out here with out a Dad tonight, what they think about us training people to fly in afganny.. " umm... ok.. so we are going to get those who did this right?.. "yes dear.. we will!!"
but anyways I goota go see whats going on... later
from i on 2001-09-12 04:17 [#00030928]

ok.. this is just to great a thing to sum up on a message board.. to all those invloved with friends and family I am sorry this happend and there is not a bone in my body that doesnt ache becasue of this terrible thing we had to witness today.. its just horrible...
on 2001-09-12 04:32 [#00030933]

New York Police Department Live Radio Broadcast
from Berlin on 2001-09-12 04:58 [#00030936]

this whole thing is FUBAR... i am at a total and utter shock of this... i only ask one question, how could america have pissed off all of the terrorists? americans will be justified in retaliating to this kind of act, and i completely agree with it... the terrorists fucked with the biggest and most powerful/influential nation in the world... big mistake
peace, -pat aka Quoth
from japan on 2001-09-12 05:09 [#00030937]

though I feel awful about the incident, america itself is not without fault. it too has comitted heanous acts towards countries. i.e. hiroshima/nagasaki
i've also heard that eight planes have been hijacked. just wait and see...
from Miami, FL on 2001-09-12 05:10 [#00030938]

This is sick. Fuck the assholes who did this. Such cowards to use inocent people to justify some political or religious belief. keep the peace. RIP Chris Freeport, my cousin presumed dead... Please pray for his safe return home
from me on 2001-09-12 05:35 [#00030943]

so this is retaliation for a atom bombed droped in Japan during WW2
what the FUCK does that have to do with this?? "American is not innocent we did this that blah blah blah, " so let them fly planes into our buidlings.. GO FUCK YOURSLEF!!!
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-09-12 05:50 [#00030949]

hiroshima and nagasaki aren't countries. they're cities in japan.
and only 4 were taken.
Israeli tanks and bulldozers have invaded Palestine....... this is gonna get alot worse before it gets better.
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-09-12 06:39 [#00030967]

the attack in afganastan was missles fired into the capital by 2 of osama bin laden's helicopters.
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-09-12 06:53 [#00030981]

he's fucked. where is he going to go now? no one wants him..... he may be getting ready to go all out, as he's not really got alot of choices of where to go... my and a friend were talking about that.
no one is going to want him, and his communication with afganastan's officials has been cut off by the afganastan officials. so maybe he's about to just blow as much shit up as he can....
you never know.............
but i doubt that. the world would be a much safer place when bin laden is dead....
on 2001-09-12 07:48 [#00030986]

just thought id share this lil tidbit:
TRIBUTE TO THE UNITED STATES>>This, from a Canadian newspaper, is worth sharing.
>>America: The Good Neighbor.> >Widespread but only partial news coverage was given >recently to a remarkable editorial broadcast from >Toronto by Gordon Sinclair, a Canadian television >Commentator. What follows is the full text of his >trenchant remarks as printed in the Congressional>Record:> >This Canadian thinks it is time to speak up for the >Americans as the most generous and possibly the >least appreciated people on all the earth. Germany, >Japan and, to a lesser extent, Britain and Italy >were lifted out of the debris of war by the >Americans who poured in billions of dollars and >forgave other billions in debts.> >None of these countries is today paying even the >interest on its remaining debts to the United >States. When France was in danger of collapsing in >1956, it was the Americans who propped it up, and >their reward was to be insulted and swindled on the >streets of Paris. I was there. I saw it.> >When earthquakes hit distant cities, it is the >United States that hurries in to help. This spring, >59 American communities were flattened by tornadoes. >Nobody helped. The Marshall Plan and the Truman >Policy pumped billions of dollars into discouraged >countries. Now newspapers in those countries are >writing about the decadent, warmongering Americans. >I'd like to see just one of those countries that is >gloating over the erosion of the United States >dollar build its own airplane. Does any other >country in the world have a plane to equal the >Boeing Jumbo Jet, the Lockheed Tri-Star, or the>Douglas DC10?
>If so, why don't they fly them? Why do all the >International lines except Russia fly American >Planes? Why does no other land on earth even >consider putting a man or woman on the moon? You >talk about Japanese technocracy, and you get radios. >You talk about German technocracy, and you get >automobiles. You talk about American technocracy, >and you find men on the moon - not once, but several >times - and safely home again.>>You talk about scandals, and the Americans put
>theirs right in the store window for everybody to >look at. Even their draft-dodgers are not pursued >and hounded. They are here on our streets, and most >of them, unless they are breaking Canadian laws, are >getting American dollars from ma and pa at home to>spend here.>
>When the railways of France, Germany and India were breaking down through
>age, it was the Americans who >rebuilt them. When the Pennsylvania Railroad and the >New York Central went broke, nobody loaned them an old caboose. Both are
>still broke.>I can name you 5000 times when the Americans raced
>to the help of other people in trouble. Can you name >me even one time when someone else raced to the >Americans in trouble? I don't think there was >outside help even during the San Francisco>earthquake.> >Our neighbors have faced it alone, and I'm one >Canadian who is damned tired of hearing them get >kicked around. They will come out of this thing >with their flag high. And when they do, they are >entitled to thumb their nose at the lands that are >gloating over their present troubles. I hope Canada>is not one of those.">
>Stand proud, America! Wear it proudly!
from Liverpool, NY (USA) on 2001-09-12 08:25 [#00030987]

I live in Syracuse, New York.
I was in NYC last month, as well as this past Christmas, as well as last October.
I've been to the trade center.
Devistating. And anyone, anywhere - that enjoys the sight of thousands dying, and these great monuments destroyed, or takes this as some sort
of joke... fuck you.
The British and surrounding people seem to recognise this tragedy well. You're good people.
Anyone else who doesn't, after seeing the reality of this on TV for hours on end.... fuck you.
Unbelieveable. Completely unbelieveable.
- goodnight.
from UK on 2001-09-12 08:46 [#00030989]

I know whats gonna happen but I know Tony Blair will support us and I know that I've been feeling sick for the past 18 hours... Physically sick. I'm so sorry America. I've been thinking of you guys.
from UK on 2001-09-12 08:46 [#00030990]

I meant I dont know whats gonna happen now.
Sound Assassin
from Patent Office UK on 2001-09-12 09:06 [#00030995]

The security has stepped up a couple of levels in the UK aswell, Even the Patent Office!
Osama Bin Laden
on 2001-09-12 12:38 [#00031022]

Yeah !!! I did it >) you american bastards...
Hash Brown
from UV on 2001-09-12 12:49 [#00031024]

What is the story with these 5 trucks filled with explosives?
-- I'm listening to NIN Broken -- seems to be putting me in the mood.
Fuck all this nonsense and shit. This is freaky shit. Madness I tell you mad. Hasn't Ben Laden denied it? - Although for arguments sake he may well have done it. America can't win. Didn't nostradamus have like more theories about the big third war - like the "persian" power will rise and suprise the pre existing supposed super powers who are powerless at the Persians (arguably can be extrapolated to the Islam brotherhood).
from New Zealand on 2001-09-12 13:09 [#00031027]

Insanity. I don't agree with much of Americas attitude or the way they throw their weight around, but this is completely unjustified. I just watched about 3 hours of coverage and probably the most disturbing thing to watch was the people who jumped.
Watching the buildings get hit and collapse you could distance yourself, but seeing individuals jumping and peoples reactions on the ground...
Its a sad day.
from somewhere on 2001-09-12 15:36 [#00031040]

This message thread is a complete travesty. Half of you seem more concerned with the actual numbers of dead rather than the dead themselves. Your all like "Holy Shit!!This is unbelievable, woah, crazy dude" --grow up you fucking retards--this is reality not twelve monkeys or Independence Day you fucking morons. People have died and all you sick fucks want to talk about is the fatality ratings like a bunch of depraved, drooling for more, Retards .eg some asshole said something like "Its not over yet" which is fairly true in itself, but the way the guy said it itwas like he was rubbing his hands in glee...and all these people posting links to sites in which you can see innocent people having to throw themselves out of windows because their skin is charred, fucking stop it you sensationalist bastards.
No more talk of kicking ass either like some fucking 12 year old retard with no focus,...Blind rage never gets you/gives anything other than more from those you take it out on....fucking thick cunts...
from somewhere on 2001-09-12 15:39 [#00031041]

PS--Have some fucking respect for the dead Ba1 you fucking gimp, what if a relative saw you posting links to see their son daughter falling from a window. Jesus Christ..
Baron Von Picklefoot
from The Baron Got a new computer !!!! on 2001-09-12 16:07 [#00031044]

Fucking hell this is crazy they got all of America shutdown for themost part here I sit in ohare airport with my trusty laptop waiting for my flight they are saying that this is going to take a few day's before I can get out of here.I had to spend the last 24 hours sleeping here!A good chunk of Chicago is shutdown this is crazy I just hope this will all end soon P.S. I met a few people here who have family involved in the crash this is just horribal !THE BARON HAS SPOKEN P,S, I THINK I'M GETTING A SOME KIND OF RASH FROM SLEEPING HERE IT'S PRETTY ITCHY BUT THEN AGAIN PEOPLE MAKE ME ITCHY
from japan on 2001-09-12 16:54 [#00031052]

I apologize if my comment angered anyone. I didn't mean it to sound the way it did. I feel awful about what happened. I wish it never did. I would give my life for all those who perished. This wasn't just an act against america, it was an act against humanity.
from the black forest on 2001-09-12 17:01 [#00031053]

D'y'know who trained Osama Bin Laden? The CIA.
from UK on 2001-09-12 17:39 [#00031056]

Personally, i see this as a turning point. Not a shift of power from democary to terror and intimidation, but a shift from ignorance about the power of these organisations, to greater unstanding of what these sick people can and will do to get thier twisted ideas out.
I have all my condolnces with the kind and thoughful people of america and new york that had this awful tragedy happen to them, and hope these sick people are punished and realise what they have done. That alone is even a tiny amount of what the deserve.
Manchu out, peace in.
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-09-12 17:55 [#00031063]

200th post........... damn that came fast.
from NYC on 2001-09-12 19:02 [#00031080]

If anybody would like to see some stuff I took out of the dust from my trip yesterday to the world trade center check it out here
or just check out my thread 'I Was There' ...an amazing experience
from NZ on 2001-09-12 22:08 [#00031146]

24 hours have passed since I first heard about it 8 straight hours of coverage yesterday..still the immenseness of this event is yet to sink in as a whole..so many of the things I saw yesterday made my heart feel sliced with scalpels..I wish people would stop comparing it with a movie..this is not a movie...I kept dreaming of the people in the windows of the Trade Center..waving white cloths..and hoping minutes before the collapse....this is real...REAL LIFE..REAL PEOPLE..this world is never going to be the same again..this was the cataclysm that's switched thousands of years of evolution into reverse gear....
from the UK Plains of Noise on 2001-09-12 22:28 [#00031147]

I dont think that I would ever be able to understand what you guys have seen over there in NY. I've been feeling so strange as though I have no insides... ...so sorry for everyone... People round here I know tell me that they have relatives working in the buildings and havent heard from them... Those attacks hit everyone EVERYONE. I've cryed twice since yesterday
Baron Von Picklefoot
from The Baron Got a new computer !!!! on 2001-09-13 01:06 [#00031212]

There is really nothing more I hate then seeing innocent people dying. Nobody has the right to take another human's life no matter what this is wrong. Now we are going to bomb the hell out of who ever did this I think this is the wrong thing to do! I really do not believe in revenge this just keeps the cycle of violence going ! unfortunately everyone feels that something needs to be done with the people that carried out this attack . If we retaliate we will be also killing thousands upon thousands of people that had nothing to do with this ! I'm sorry I just had to say that I will get off my soapbox now!THE BARON HAS SPOKEN !Chicago is still shut down for the most part !
Jaffa Kid
from UK on 2001-09-13 05:35 [#00031292]

The Baron speaks truth, wise words my friend:)
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-09-13 05:42 [#00031293]

i doubt that alot of innocent people will die.
but killing terrorists isn't a bad thing i don't think. cause a dead one is better than one that's alive.
from Nowhere on 2001-09-13 05:58 [#00031294]

um I am a bit confused here Syd..are you saying that the kind of customary blanket bombing the US is so fond of won't occur as a result of this retalliation that keeps being promised?...or that the civilians that customarily die in these blanket bombings aren't/won't be innocent?
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-09-13 06:11 [#00031295]

no. with NATO involved, i don't beleive it's going to be a slaughter. I expect the terrorists to be killed, but not alot of innocent civilians. but if the country is harbouring the guilty and aiding them, i'm all for holding the country responsible.
Jaffa Kid
from UK on 2001-09-13 06:47 [#00031301]

Bollocks.......if anything the US expects a slaughter when they do carpet bomb whichever poor country is to take the blame for this atrocity...they won't even need evidence they will simply rush in gung-ho like they always do and show their military capability.....just being honest, wait a few days and then tell me its not so ...:(
They want big figures of dead anyway, so they can compare their own losses with those of the "enemy" (mainly innocent civilians no doubt) and feel some false sense of victory over what has happened..
Thousands more people will die, but dont worry they are only arabic so they dont count half as much as White Anglos anyway....(that is furious sarcasm by the way for those who take it litterally )....hence we're back to square one...east hates west..problem unsolved.....west hates east equally......come on people ....surely there's some other way outta here?
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-09-13 07:20 [#00031319]

jaffa, i don't think so. with the amount of publicity that will cover this? how hard this will be followed? no one is going to go trigger happy.
i'm more than happy to wait a while to see what happens, but when it does, i don't beleive i'll be seeing it your way, but you'll be seeing it a rational way. Bush wouldn't slaughter people if he had any interest in a 2nd term. and people don't want to see high numbers in a death count in afganastan. they want to see the guilty either dead, or brought to america for trial. tho bin ladden would probally die before being captured, it's a possiblility.
they're not going to fuck up the whole thing by blanket bombing everyone. that's just thinking silly!
from NYC on 2001-09-13 07:22 [#00031322]

They want to give closure to the people. They want to restore the false faith we have in the government.
They want to restore the false sense of security we have being the United States.
It would NOT surprise me if the U.S. government had NO leads, found someone who had been a terrorist of some past incident, and tortured him until he confessed, so that they could execute him on TV for all the poor families (god bless those who had to go through that loss) to watch. And please, dont try to tell me the U.S. government has never tortured anyone.
The people who elected George Bush (and I'm not one of the people who say 'George Bush is an idiot' although they have no real idea what the issues are or why people think he is an idiot) will want to see a militant response. If that means killing civilians, so be it.
As you can see...I don't have the uttermost faith, nor patriotism towards the U.S. government.
from Not Here on 2001-09-13 07:24 [#00031329]

one of the things that doesn't occur to the western worlds is that fanatics are always a minority a sect even in most of the countries they originate in..their first target is usually their own countrymen, who according to their doctrines have stryaed from the true path or whatever..they only cast their gaze outward, once they have given up on the fellow citizens, deducing that the evil is coming and plaguing the otherwise decent god fearing people form cultural imperialism of the western world..then the target becomes whatever is harbouring this impurity..i.e Hollywood, English Music..etc..etc..So in the long run when the American go on and bomb the countries they originate from..to them it is necessary sacrife, collateral damage that will hopefully galvanise the rest of their fellow countrymen to see the true way and join in the holy war..on the path to God's Kingdom..the more damage the US bombing does the more the fanatic's message is driven home...btw all of this I am relating from first hand experience...
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-09-13 07:29 [#00031334]

bush IS an idiot though. his speechs are written out phoneticly (dunno how to spell that one) for him. here's a quote of him from time magazine:
"i know what i beleive. i will continue to articulate what i beleive and what i beleive - i beleive what i beleive is right."
that's a direct quote.
from NYC on 2001-09-13 07:30 [#00031336]

Yea, that's true, but Gore is a robot.
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-09-13 07:34 [#00031344]

the past 2 nights conan hasn't been on. i'm twitching and shit. i need my conan fix!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-09-13 07:51 [#00031350]

i've been doing nothing but watching cnn and bbc since early yesterday morning. i need more. UUUUHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! H!H!H!H!EHOE!OHEU
talaban....... uh oh. you'sa gonna get fuck'd
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-09-13 08:50 [#00031373]

i hate jay leno.
Sound Assassin
from Patent Office UK on 2001-09-13 09:48 [#00031401]

They have only rescued 13 people so far from the world trade center...
Sound Assassin
from Patent Office UK on 2001-09-13 14:11 [#00031461]

They reckon somewhere in the region of 8000 people missing from the world trade center so far....
from the black forest on 2001-09-13 14:24 [#00031462]

An interesting viewpoint, from Michael Moore....
Jaffa Kid
from UK on 2001-09-13 14:45 [#00031465]

Reflex, they did do that mate, in Libya in 1985. Tried to kill Gadafi all they ended up killing was his family and innocents,,,,
Jaffa Kid
from UK on 2001-09-13 14:47 [#00031466]

And as far as needing a good enough reason/evidence to go ahead anyway without it Syd.....think Sudan...
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