Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-09-11 22:21 [#00030844]

from nz on 2001-09-11 22:30 [#00030846]

I just woke up --- holy fuck
This is insane!!!
fucken scary - nostradamus aye !
on 2001-09-11 22:32 [#00030847]

fucking pricks, 10,000 people ahve been announced dead and thousands more likely...
from nz on 2001-09-11 22:34 [#00030848]

a suspected 40 000 dead !! shit man .. i doubt Bush will be content with just a few missiles... unfortunately he probably doesnt have a target .. to fire.
Fuckin terrorism!
Chris Ochre
from Newcastle, UK. (www.mp3.com/ochre) on 2001-09-11 22:43 [#00030849]

Oh my God! I cannot believe what's occurred today - complete insanity! I've just heard that another building has collapsed, next to the WTC!
What a cheapshot by mis-led extremist terrorist fools. Fucking insane.
How do you tolerate such actions? Is retaliation the answer? How do you eradicate such vermin without causing more innocent deaths? Arrrrrrrrrrgh!!! Fucking mis-led morons.
I hope any of you guys in NY/Washington are safe and sound.
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-09-11 22:44 [#00030850]

they more or less have known the whole time who was behind it. it hasn't been 100% confirmed, but everyone knows who it was.
on 2001-09-11 22:46 [#00030851]

this is just terrible. some people are really fucked up in the head. some of you fuckers as well. quit being so petty, look at the big picture. innocent people have died, and others who are alive have lost their mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, etc. this is just bad. sure, people are gonna die eventually, but they shouldnt have died like this- this is just wrong.
and to the mother fuckers who celebrate this day, i hope you burn in hell you sadistic fucks.
on 2001-09-11 23:07 [#00030853]

Aren't the U.S. supposed to have the most sophisticated defence and intelligence in the world? How did they ever fail to stop this? PS Apparently there is n fighting in Kabul now. Real doomsday stuff.
on 2001-09-11 23:08 [#00030854]

right now.....explosions in afghanistan....
i dont condone violence, but i hope the responsible parties get what they deserve
from manchester on 2001-09-11 23:10 [#00030855]

My girlfriends cousin (random link, i know) lives in lower manhatan and they have had no word from him, also one of my m8 from schools broterh is trapped in one of teh building. And theres more, considering i live in ENgland and have never been to NY or washington i have a suprisingly large amoutn of peoepl in possible peril.
Its strange.
Saman Perera
on 2001-09-11 23:12 [#00030856]

Saman Perera
on 2001-09-11 23:18 [#00030857]

(I know it hasn't been confirmed that the US are responsible for the explosions, but who else can it be?)
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-09-11 23:19 [#00030858]

jesus. why does everyone assume that it's america attacking afghanistan? i was thinking it could be bin laden for some reason, and now the guy in kabul is saying it could be internal.... a civil war or whatever.
don't freak when you're assuming.
from Seoul, South Korea on 2001-09-11 23:31 [#00030859]

Horrible. Terrible Tragedy!
Guess I was on the airplane, See Rushing to the Building, Oh my God.
Guess I was in the building, See the airplane outside the window, OH MY GOD. OH MY GOD. OH MY GOD. George Bush!
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-09-11 23:33 [#00030860]

it's not america attacking. it's official.
see? settle.
from Pornocopolis Japanopolis on 2001-09-12 00:18 [#00030862]

I see a world of people not ready to die.
Jaffa Kid
from who cares.. on 2001-09-12 00:19 [#00030863]

I don't know what I'm feeling right now, but it ain't pretty. I feel physically sick aswell as mentally. I give up on the world, don't mean to sound negative but at this point in time I can't see optimism in amongst all this madness and chaos. I'm gonna go to bed now and pray it was all just some horrible nightmare, it isn't ofcourse. I won't get over this. God only knows what it means for everyone now. I don't think we'll be hear to see in the 22nd Century at this rate. I feel ashamed to be part of this world. Once again, I am just a mixture of things at the moment now, getting angry real quick , I could lie to you and say things are going to get better soon, but that would be beyond condescension.
from Vancouver, Canada on 2001-09-12 00:45 [#00030869]

A question...about the plane downed outside of Pittsburgh....
Why has the CIA/American Government denied shooting this plane down?
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-09-12 00:48 [#00030870]

because they might not have. the terrorist was the one flying the plane. who's to say he fucked up?
if they did shoot it down, then i applaud them. that plane was going down no matter what. better it crash in a feild than into camp david (where cnn reported it was headed).
from Vancouver, Canada on 2001-09-12 00:54 [#00030872]

It didn't just crash.....they knew it was one of the 4 planes hijacked. They shot it down and are now denying it....but that's not the issue I know. Thousands dead...and for what? These terrorists have acheived nothing! Fucking bastards!
This is a very dark day for the whole world....I am sitting here in shocked amazement. Horrible.
My condolances go out to all those affected by this dispicable tragedy.
from Vancouver, Canada on 2001-09-12 00:57 [#00030873]

I know. You are right Syd. The hard part for me is that the plane was full of Americans....it's just fucked how these people are sacrificed...I'm just in awe at how this all happens...this war thing...it's new to all of us in North America....
from over yonder on 2001-09-12 01:04 [#00030874]

any of you in major cities noticed any thing different? are there more cops out then usual? here in miami, there is a cop on just about every corner, and i am in the banking/court house district, so there are whole city blocks blocked off by "do not cross. police" tape and marked, unmarked, and SUV police cars..
there has been very little traffic here, it is like people are afraid to come out, and DAMN we ware a ways from NY, and Washington DC!!
I bought a newspaper here and it says "People were screaming, falling and jumping out of windows." I read an interview of a man that just narrowly escaped one of the two buildings as they began to collapse and he said he saw sheets of glass, chunks of cement the size of busses, and bodies falling twards him...
i have said this a couple of times and i'll say it again... i do not want nuclear war. i do not want another heroshima. i hope the US and the rest of the powers that be handle this well... it is all too close to home...
from over yonder on 2001-09-12 01:12 [#00030875]

all you need to know...
from over yonder on 2001-09-12 01:20 [#00030876]

http://www.salon.com/news/feature/2001/09/11/bombings/index .html
all you need to know, and more, with well written articles.. ok, i'm done.
from midwest you ess on 2001-09-12 01:28 [#00030877]

"most of the wold hates the US with just cause in many cases.... I understand their hatred. This has been a long time in comming, and frankly, i'm suprised it took so long......."...
has it occurred to anyone that americans are people, human beings just like you, and they are not symbolic representatives of everything that you despise about united states government policy? the murder of innocent civilians is not a valid criticism of the united states. also, you are not educated about terrorist strikes against the us. the most recent large scale attempt was to blow up los angeles airport in 1999, which was stopped. and i can't believe that you don't know that there was a bomb strike against the world trade center in the early 90's. anyway, people are people.
from Vancouver, Canada on 2001-09-12 01:51 [#00030878]

Thank you!
from KC Missouri on 2001-09-12 01:57 [#00030879]

The creepiest thing i have seen today wasnt seeing the plane smash into the building, but seeing the nation of islam dancing in the streets about it. It gave me a deep chill of anger and i hope bush rocks some shit on this one.
from detroit on 2001-09-12 01:59 [#00030880]

Im sorry but fuck this world, i turn on the tv and there are fuckin palestineans dancing and partying in the streets saying"america had it coming to them"---have we all stooped to this low of a level of civility? even their children were partaking in the festivities and they dont even know what its all about. theyre being taught(by some crazy osama bin laden guy to kill all americans no matter how intelligent, nice, etc they are)that its a good thing to see thousands of innocent people die just because they are american. everyone needs to open there eyes and see that not all americans can be criticized for being ignorant because we all know what happened today and it can happen anywhere elses at anytime because it is human behavior. but we can at least try to change those ways
on 2001-09-12 02:04 [#00030881]

People of America: do not be surprised if your government lies to you.
on 2001-09-12 02:08 [#00030882]

Luke: wtf? Osama Bin Laden has nothing to do with Palestine.
from detroit on 2001-09-12 02:11 [#00030884]

osama bin laden does have something to do with it. they are muslim and he tells muslims to kill americans. and in the words or aphex twin and squarepuser:"We are reasonable People"
on 2001-09-12 02:20 [#00030885]

There are Muslims all over the world. To condemn them all simply due to one man and his small (albeit dangerous) following is churlish, to say the least. Palestinians hate America because they are treated, with tacit acceptance by the US government, as second-class citizens by the Jews.
from over yonder on 2001-09-12 02:35 [#00030886]

yeah, i am afriad we are going to do what we did to the japanese after peral harbor, but all of the muslim types in camps "for their own safety".... and i know there are goign to be some fucking red necks out there beating people up too.....
as for the celecbrating that is going on, damn it, we celebrated when we bombed the shit out of japan!!
Jaffa Kid
from who cares.. on 2001-09-12 02:36 [#00030887]

I heard that those images people were talking about of the palestinians dancing around with joy were not representative of the country of Palestine as a whole, in fact most people were in shock at what had happened and were obviously worried at the repercussion that will inevitably fall on them if they are found to be hosting the lunatic faction that carried out todays outrageous tragedy.
Unlike America and most other countries in the West, Palestine suffers from disinformation and tight media control. So, I don't know if its right to blame these people for not knowing any better (civilians I mean, not terrorists).
As for picking the first middle eastern country unable to defend itself and bombing the hell out of it in blind rage, I don't think will really solve anything..
from moon on 2001-09-12 02:56 [#00030888]

well no, you bomb the hell out of those responsible, if it happens to be a small village of defenseless people then, go for it, they obviusoly enjoyed what they heard and were dancing and jumping around in glee.. If someone where to do that too you upon hearing you mother was killed would you a. shake his hand b. ask him why he was so happy? c. punch him in the throat.
C is the correct answer. you dont defend the guilty and punish the innocent, its vise versa,
from NYC on 2001-09-12 03:00 [#00030889]

9:00 AM They make the announcement at my school, its fucking chaos, kids who no longer have dad's and mom's are running through the school screaming, me and my friend Matt start hearing more and more about it, were like OH SHIT, independence day...we're not missing this. We Bounce from school, skate 200 blocks to downtown, change into our shoes. WE WERE 2 BLOCKS AWAY.
I Snuck passed several baracades of cops and went through alleyways and got about two blocks away. It was one of the most singular amazing things I've ever experienced in my fucking life. Has anyone ever seen 12 Monkeys? Where I was was just like that. Everything was covered in 4 inches of soot. Me and my friend with our videocamara in hand were wearing medical masks to protect us from Asbestos. The sky was dark grey in the middle of the day, there was noone around except cops with scary fucking gasmasks covering there faces. People had written apocalyptic messages in the soot on cars and store windows. Everything was abandoned. I filmed a place where there was once tables with umbrellas over now all knocked on their side and covered in dust, the plants in the garden were grey covered with a grey snow. Everything was in black and white. While I was filming the scene I wrote my website's name in the dust on one of the tables with my finger and while I was doing it a cop with a gas mask came and started talking to me through the gas mask, he took my video camera out of my hand and asked for my ID. The conversation I had was fucking surreal, the whole experience was. It was like talking to a Siberian Guard in an outpost in the middle of a Blizzard. He confiscated my tape as well as my fake ID. I don't know how the fuck he could see it we could hardly see each other 2 feet away. After the talk I realizes that things were getting worse, It was getting harder for me to breath and my friends eyes were burning. I told him, "we have to leave now or we are going to die." We RAN uptown, leaving footprints in the ash. There were office papers burning in the streets, other amateur photographers who had gotten past the police and were struggling against the dust filling their lungs. I can't describe this to you, unless you have seen the movie 12 monkeys, that's about as close as it gets, it was whatever I pictured a Nuclear Winter to be. This was a fucking mystical experience, I can't put it any other way.
Since I've gotten home I've just listened to Boards of Canada and been on this insane trip...the whole thing is impossible to describe...
Although I don't have the tape I saved some souveneirs and put them up on my website (the one I wrote on the table)
I wish I had the tape to put online
My life is changed...
from hoji on 2001-09-12 03:02 [#00030892]

thats insane.. I say kill those responsible, attack any nations resposible, and ship thankssomuch and Jaffa Kid and others with warped brains to the middle east to celebrate the tragedy in American with there brothers...
from NYC on 2001-09-12 03:03 [#00030893]

I will have that link corrected, and up and working in about 10 minutes. Just waiting for some batteries to charge.
from world trade center on 2001-09-12 03:08 [#00030895]

this rules...i\'ve been waiting for something like this for years....i hope more of the ignorant arrogant american dorks die!!!!!!! i really hope for a nuclear war, it would jick ass muhahahahaaaa
grim reaper
from richards shoulder on 2001-09-12 03:10 [#00030897]

richard.. above, thats not your real name, tonight I come for you.....
I am sorry its your time..
from NZ on 2001-09-12 03:10 [#00030898]

my sincerest condolences to all american citizens and especially those directly involved with the tragedy...in trying to view the big picture people often ignore the biggest tragedies unfolding in plain sight..the innocent victims...nobody deserves to die in this violent and brutal manner...and the US going out and bombing third world countires just adds to the toll...suffering has no race, colour or religion...ever...it's the little people that always matter, in every corner of the world..because they the first ones to suffer at the hands of blind, brainless fantaticism and that includes terrorists as well as trigger happy American Prisidents and the War Machines. You would think that owning world's most sophisticated forensics, sattellite and surveilance they should concentrate on catching the Criminals (terrorists) involved, rather than taking potshots at underdeveloped countries..Arabs were suspected for a long time before McVeigh was actually arrested...just bombing helpless countries and citizens is no less a terrorist act...CIA and FBI with their wealth of resources should concentrate on bringing the culprits to justice...condeming entire populations is not the solution to war on terrorism.
from hoji on 2001-09-12 03:15 [#00030899]

yes, and deal with them is they main issuse, but they must be dealt with not swept under the carpet like in the past.. and tell me those who are enjoying this when has America done something of this scale to any other country out of pure hatred and anger... never.. we do not send terrosits to Libya and have them fly planes into there malls.. no we attack military targets.. this was an attack on YOU personally not the government.. YOU..
from NZ on 2001-09-12 03:25 [#00030902]

agreed!..but nearly 200,000 died in Iraq only a fraction of which was military..War and Violence is ugly business...America's so called Surgical Strikes are a myth..remember the Chinese Embassy in Serb territory..it was supposed to have been a millitary installation..just the sheer scale of bombing retalliations guarantess roughly about 70% innocent civillian casualties..just as in the case with the world trade center...it's a simple equation...Fanatacism and Terrorism is an abberation, these people are fucked in the head..hunt them down kill em string em up...put em on a slow spit roast for everyone to see..whatever..I will be right there cheering you on...but when you sanction wholesale destruction in response to whole scale destruction...then we are taking about a government no better than the terrorists!
lines have to be drawn between a psychopathic minority and the rest of the population.
from i on 2001-09-12 03:32 [#00030905]

but the sad thing is... you kill those responsible then more are trained.. you need to go in there and stop this from happening, take out the corrupt evil dictators and put in a level of government that has it facalties..
its like an ant hill, when they come into your house you kill one and another one come is.. you have to stop it at the source, go into the hill and kill the queen or king, then the rest die...
from NZ on 2001-09-12 03:41 [#00030907]

um there really are no evil dictators to speak of..only puppets propped up by CIA..
This is from ABC news see if you can figure out, who armed trained and funded those now suspected of these acts.
from NZ on 2001-09-12 03:47 [#00030910]

and at any rate would you still back your anthill theory if it turns out that those responsible for this heinous act weren't outsiders but one of thousands of sects of seperatist millitia's inside the US as was the case with McVeigh..who once again was was trained by the Marines and some suspect CIA...would you once again promote taking out entire towns and clans?wait don't answer that..the ATF already answered that question some time ago.
from i on 2001-09-12 03:51 [#00030912]

haha.. you can bet we did not train them to fly planes into our trade towers..
so helping train for fights with the soviets we are to blame for there attacks on the trade towers.. (we help them they attack us),( I believe you shoot dogs that do that?) that makes a lot of sense... in they being puppets are you refering to the terroists or leaders?? 1. sudan Hussien (know murderer and evil dictator) 2. Fidel Castro, (known butcher and millitant leader.) 3. Yasaar Arofat ((SP) do I need to mention his many great deads of mayhem.)
there are many evil dictaters out there many...yes there are countries behind these actions.. and they will be punished if only by God in the end.. but thats good enough for me..
from i on 2001-09-12 03:54 [#00030914]

look silly, trained for one thing and doing another, is wrong.. he wasnt trained to attack the oklahoma city buidling.. he fought in the golf war.. he had screws loose, deal with it.. oh wait we did hes dead..
if its internal.. deal with them the same way... if its not if its from someone over there in the middle east... then they need to be dealt with....
the ATF issue... and wacko... I believe Clinton was in power then. so that explains that mess..
from i on 2001-09-12 04:01 [#00030917]

oh and yes you I do support the anthill thoery the same if internal, go into the group get them and the leader, deal with him/them and the rest will carry out on its own.. deal with it deal, with it deal with it..
from NZ on 2001-09-12 04:04 [#00030919]

US was helping no one but themselves in Afghanistan..it was instrumental in laying to rest 40 decades long Cold War...and you help a country by providing them with ability to better themselves...food..clean water..education...a solid infrastructure..all the things Afghanistan desperately needed after the war and was ironically the same time the US decided to drop the wole issue like a hot potato and wiped their hands clean off the whole region..see the Soviets were gone no more interest in the stupid bastards who are now starving, uneducated, sick, diseased but armed to the gills with every boom boom goody goody this side of the nukes..and for your information..yes..the US did train them to fly planes and helicopters....
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