Saman Perera
on 2001-09-11 14:21 [#00030699]

from the Jupiter Mission on 2001-09-11 14:22 [#00030700]

Fucking madness. Really, really bad news. George Bush will have nukes flying off everywhere, the mad cunt.
Saman Perera
on 2001-09-11 14:25 [#00030701]

Oh shit you're right. Thisis more awful than I first thought.
on 2001-09-11 14:28 [#00030702]

from europe on 2001-09-11 14:30 [#00030703]

there was some footage shown at cnn, where you can see one passenger jet crashing in one of the towers in a vast explosion... i saw this just by chance in tv some minutes ago, and i thought i have just halluzinations or something. shit, this is so strange.
on 2001-09-11 14:38 [#00030706]

How long before they blame "Islamic fundamentalists"? BUSH:"Terrorism against theUS will not stand." TRANSLATION:"Im gonna declare war against a nation of brown people."
on 2001-09-11 14:46 [#00030708]

The Pentagon on fire, too.
from europe on 2001-09-11 14:47 [#00030709]

shit. this is really scary.
from the Jupiter Mission on 2001-09-11 14:59 [#00030711]

The death toll will be way above six, you can fit 190 people on a 737. Fuckin hell.
wizards teeth
on 2001-09-11 15:01 [#00030712]

It may be aliens.
from europe on 2001-09-11 15:05 [#00030713]

one tower collapsed and the smoke covers lower manhattan...
Sound Assassin
from Patent Office UK on 2001-09-11 15:07 [#00030714]

That is completely f****d !! Shit, that ain't good news.
from Canada on 2001-09-11 15:21 [#00030715]

Damn this is some crazy ass shit!!!!
Saman Perera
on 2001-09-11 15:27 [#00030716]

The death toll must be thousands by now. This is mind-blowing; it's like something out of Independence Day.
from Frankfurt/Germany on 2001-09-11 15:27 [#00030717]

This is giving me the creeps! My whole office crew is under a big shock!
Bush won't let this do to him....!!
from europe on 2001-09-11 15:30 [#00030718]

the second tower just collapsed.
wizards teeth
on 2001-09-11 15:39 [#00030719]

I think I will wait a few hours, if things get worse I will ask every lass i see if they fancy a shag.
There may not be much time left.
Make love not war.
Make cakes not love.
Cakes are nice, bombs are not.
João Evangelista
from Portugal on 2001-09-11 15:49 [#00030720]

Today is a great day for the world. But let's not get too euphoric. Those stuuupid americans will never learn their lesson.
from a warm place on 2001-09-11 15:55 [#00030722]

you can always count on wizards teeth to cheer you up in the bad situations...
apparently people were jumping out of the windows of the 2nd world trade centre seconds before it collapsed...
from CH on 2001-09-11 15:55 [#00030723]

that's incredible....the BIG state in our world is hurted, hard.
all these innocently people in the city. Now. i hope Buch will have good ideas. and hopefully it doesn't develope a war.
from UK on 2001-09-11 16:03 [#00030724]

When I first heard it.... I wished Bruce Willis was there...
from Switzerland on 2001-09-11 16:05 [#00030725]

another plane is crashed in pennsylvania what still will happen???
from europe on 2001-09-11 16:07 [#00030726]

all downtown manhattan is covered with thick white ash like snow.
on 2001-09-11 16:12 [#00030727]

i cant wait for letterman tonite!
from a giraffes throat on 2001-09-11 16:14 [#00030728]

maybe it's the apocolypse for america...probably not. too bad. i'd like to see something interesting happen in this country.
from Switzerland on 2001-09-11 16:14 [#00030729]

and the world trade is crashing down....
wizards teeth
on 2001-09-11 16:20 [#00030730]

Right ladies, who wants a shag ?
Sound Assassin
from Patent Office UK on 2001-09-11 16:22 [#00030731]

More like I'll meet you down the nuke bomb shelter, It's hard to grasp but this is the biggest thing to happen since the Gulf the war, shit it's probably bigger than that!
Have fun. (or not as the case may be)
from Netherlands on 2001-09-11 16:23 [#00030732]

Ok, the things so far:
2 Planes crashing into WTC//Both collapse
Pentagon attacked by Airplane
Economical Downfall due to closing Wallstreet and stuff
Plane crashed in Pensylvania...What happened to it?
Several Carbombs.
Man, this is the beginning of something big!
PS: Think of all those innocent people trapped in the buildings....Condoleances!
from UK on 2001-09-11 16:27 [#00030734]

I heard that there were 11 planes reported Hijacked.... 5 have done there deeds... this isnt over yet guys... London is also on Red Alert
from a giraffes throat on 2001-09-11 16:27 [#00030735]

i work at los alamos national lab, a governmental funded an run research lab that employs about my whole town and in total 14,000 people. lots of nuclear research gets done around here. think we're a target? i hope so because i want work to get cancelled so i can go home.
wizards teeth
on 2001-09-11 16:34 [#00030736]

Steven Spielburg will be rubbing his hand with delight.
It is a very sad day I think. I am thinking about all the people who have died, I feel quiet upset.
from Switzerland on 2001-09-11 16:48 [#00030737]

people from london city: how is the Tendency in the center? i have heared that perhepas mister BinLaden could be the orderer of these attacks.
from Oxford, UK on 2001-09-11 16:59 [#00030738]

Shit, I was working in Canary Wharf yesterday, thank God not today, apparently it's chaos.
I hope none of the aphex community is victim to this in NY, we better have a rolecall.
wizards teeth
on 2001-09-11 17:02 [#00030739]

Fuck this.
If I get to Ibiza I think I might become a hippy and never come back.
If everyone on earth was given a task in life, to create the most wonderfull art they can, none of this would happen.
If we did not go to work and every person had to paint pictures and make sculptures, no violence would ever occur.
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-09-11 17:06 [#00030740]

"PS: Think of all those innocent people trapped in the buildings....Condoleances!"
they're dead dude.
from manchester on 2001-09-11 17:10 [#00030741]

I think i need to go and see a therapist! WHen iwas told about this i couldn't stop laughing :S. Its not funny at all!. There are apparently any number of planes just gone missing, i agree, this is definetly the beginign of something VERY bad.
I just hope Bush doesn't start gettign trigger happy.
from the Jupiter Mission on 2001-09-11 17:10 [#00030742]

London's not really under threat, there are RAF planes guarding the UK. People are freaking out a bit here though, the stock exhange has been closed etc. I'm right round the corner from Buckingham Palace. 'Tense' is the word.
from Milan on 2001-09-11 17:12 [#00030744]

...it's incredible... I haven't words.
from a giraffes throat on 2001-09-11 17:15 [#00030746]

i'm hoping things get worse. destruction and death fascinate me. i think i enjoy seeing people's emotions and reactions in these situations. terrorists are very smart people. they're very good at doing what they want: inducing fear while bringing people's lives to a halt.
from a giraffes throat on 2001-09-11 17:16 [#00030747]

i just saw footage of the second plane hitting the wtc. i'm in awe.
from the Jupiter Mission on 2001-09-11 17:17 [#00030748]

If it IS Bin Laden, it's unlikely he has nuclear weapons, although he does have biological weapons. Bush, the dangerous idiot that he is, will probably just bomb the shit out of some Middle East country on a whim, as a stupid macho nobody-fucks-with-the-US posture. I wouldn't be surprised if he kills more innocent people than were killed in the US today.
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-09-11 17:17 [#00030749]

you hope things get worse cause you'd like to see people's emotions and reactions?
you're a fucking idiot.
from the Jupiter Mission on 2001-09-11 17:18 [#00030751]

hevquip - you are a fucking idiot. Try and seperate reality from fucking Die Hard films for a minute. Many, many people (kids, mothers, fathers) are dead. It's not exciting, it's fucking tragic.
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-09-11 17:19 [#00030752]

fuckin retard. that's the dumbest thing i've ever heard.
from manchester on 2001-09-11 17:23 [#00030754]

Hmmmm. Its just hitting me how bad this is. We are talking serious ressesion. Just as long as teh otehr trade centres don't get erm, i want to say bombed but i suppose planed is teh rigth word, then it shud b ok. But it cud still b REALL:Y bad.
from the Jupiter Mission on 2001-09-11 17:27 [#00030756]

Leave him alone? Why? Are you my dad?
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-09-11 17:28 [#00030757]

i can't let a comment like that slide.
he's a fucking idiot.
from the Jupiter Mission on 2001-09-11 17:30 [#00030759]

I think hevquip might have been the one missing the point.
And I can see the bigger picture. I am not fucking stupid.
from the Jupiter Mission on 2001-09-11 17:34 [#00030761]

I was disgusted by hevquip's lack of humanity. I expressed my disgust. You attacked me for expressing my disgust. I responded.
Fucking grow up, Reflex. You act like a teenager.
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