from United Kingdom on 2015-02-13 14:30 [#02484318]
Points: 10789 Status: Regular
sam harris
there are 2 types of ppl (especially since hebdo). i was talking about them the last 2 years remember?
u with greenwald or u with sam harris? u with karen armstrong or u with maajid nawaz? u lie or tell the truth?
from Horny for Truth on 2015-02-13 15:02 [#02484319]
Points: 18042 Status: Lurker
The problem with athiests like Sam Harris is they cannot account for the absolute laws of logic without God. Their worldview has to presuppose Christ in order to use reason, though they will not admit it. They lie to themselves and to others.
from United Kingdom on 2015-02-13 15:18 [#02484320]
Points: 10789 Status: Regular
ok man can u expound cos im unsure..
from Horny for Truth on 2015-02-13 15:29 [#02484321]
Points: 18042 Status: Lurker
I'm just trolling there.
Anyhow the real issue I have with the new atheists like Sam Harris and Richard Dawkins is they can be a little(!) tone deaf. Also Dawkins is a cranky old sexist twit.
That's not trolling. At the same time I don't know how you can tell people "your most cherished beliefs are wrong and even harmful". Sometimes it needs to be said. I'm not sure if there's a right way to say it.
It sounds especially bad coming from Sam Harris. He needs to see an acting coach about developing less smug facial expressions.
Hold me, I am frightened and confused.
from Zuckuss fanfiction (United Kingdom) on 2015-02-13 16:14 [#02484324]
Points: 2853 Status: Regular
Greenwald's a dishonest hack. At least Harris seems like he actually thinks about what he's saying.
There's a prevalence of intellectual dishonesty and this thing about "taking offence" over trivial matters whilst blithely letting pass genuine crimes against humanity, daily, makes me wonder if the world isn't being directed by some agit group created from an algorithm on Twitter.
on 2015-02-13 16:58 [#02484327]
Points: 214 Status: Regular
Ampi, why does islam concern you?
Just curious, I'm not trying to trap you into an islamophobic corner or anything pointless like that. I'm a muslim, I'm white, I drink beer, smoke trees, etc... I won't bite basically, my brother's an atheist and I haven't considered issuing a fatwa on him. But I wouldn't side with any of those people, they seem pretty irrelevant.. to me at least
from Zuckuss fanfiction (United Kingdom) on 2015-02-13 20:12 [#02484362]
Points: 2853 Status: Regular
I notice you don't mention anything about not considering women as second-class citizens but that's probably why you feel at home here.
from Greatest Hits on 2015-02-13 20:25 [#02484363]
Points: 25361 Status: Addict
the name was close enough to "sam hyde" that the twitter link wasn't what i was expecting
from United Kingdom on 2015-02-14 01:27 [#02484380]
Points: 10789 Status: Regular
islam worries me it shouldnt be weird to say it guys. islam worries us because it has been consistently calling for censorship in modern democracies for a long time its also succeeding
setting examples for everyone else who'd like to tell free societies what to do
im with harris and dawkins and hes not really a sexist is he cmon
here is prolly what u read and its like we have all forgotten what a SEXIST is. thats just my view
from United Kingdom on 2015-02-14 01:35 [#02484381]
Points: 10789 Status: Regular
i dont want muslims to feel any different than the rest of us free souls. all of us have to stand as one against violence hate and dishonesty.
from Greatest Hits on 2015-02-14 01:40 [#02484383]
Points: 25361 Status: Addict
tell me, is there a burqa equivalent of a dutch oven?
from Greatest Hits on 2015-02-14 01:41 [#02484384]
Points: 25361 Status: Addict
wait, shit, i was thinking sam hyde again
from United Kingdom on 2015-02-14 01:43 [#02484385]
Points: 10789 Status: Regular
dawkins is ok man dont take him serious
on 2015-02-14 13:56 [#02484416]
Points: 214 Status: Regular | Followup to SignedUpToLOL: #02484362
Ahha sure buddy keep guessing.
tbh I do wonder why this place is a total sausage fest.. Would be great to have some women around, it'd lift the mood up a little.
on 2015-02-14 14:15 [#02484418]
Points: 214 Status: Regular
You know I can't really oppose you on that point, although I see it as part of a much, much wider problem. In any case, "islam" isn't an umbrella term for people. The ones calling for cencorship are the ones living closest to you, and I support you in that they need to chill out and accept the laws of the land they immigrated to..
Anyway carry on, was just curious :)
on 2015-02-14 14:19 [#02484419]
Points: 214 Status: Regular
oh and screw Dawkins man, the guy is a total materialist (forget sexism or anything else). Can you even imagine being on a strong lsd trip with him, it'd be pretty weird and awkward
from Zuckuss fanfiction (United Kingdom) on 2015-02-14 14:40 [#02484420]
Points: 2853 Status: Regular
I think we'd all like to get along. I want to say I don't have a problem with Islam but I actually really do. It's little wonder it thrives in prisons.
What annoys me more than stupid religious people though is the media, council officials and politicians bending over to be taken up the arse by the most rabid islamists. There must be a reason beyond "protecting minorities", because these same people don't protect the disabled or other "minorities" to such an extent. Why was the British press so quiet about the huge, retarded Muslim rally in Whitehall a week or so back that was asking for restrictions on freedom of speech? What fucking herd of hennah-bearded old pricks protests IN FAVOUR OF being oppressed? Is that why our Masters encourage these people over and give them fertile breeding spots? So they can outgrow the awkward people who like to think for themselves and might question authority? Do we want an endless Israel or Syria recreated here so people can just test out the latest weapons while Muhammed-al and Al-Muhammed butcher each other over the smallprint in the fucking one and only book they read? The future is going to be so fucking grim and, worst of all, fucking stupid.
from lsg on 2015-02-14 14:48 [#02484421]
Points: 23807 Status: Regular | Show recordbag
i have a friend who thinks dawkins is cool, just like any other outspoken atheist, like, for instance, hitchens. my friend is very wrong though and that pisses me off
from Zuckuss fanfiction (United Kingdom) on 2015-02-14 17:28 [#02484433]
Points: 2853 Status: Regular
Aaaaand in Denmark, let's unthinkingly jump to conclusions when it comes to guessing which branch of moron is behinds the Shooting at Copenhagen blasphemy seminar. Probably a Mossad false flag attack, right?
from Zuckuss fanfiction (United Kingdom) on 2015-02-14 18:08 [#02484434]
Points: 2853 Status: Regular
Let's scrabble to find a Christian extremist who did something similar to "defend their faith" recently. Let's organise thousands of people to attend a show-funeral for people they didn't personally know and condemn hate crimes. Let's remember that Mohammed loves his own fuckwits, but even more, he loves lily-buttocked appeasers.
from Horny for Truth on 2015-02-14 22:26 [#02484444]
Points: 18042 Status: Lurker
sorry debmark, charlie hebdo is still 2015s most fire euroterror
on 2015-02-14 23:20 [#02484452]
Points: 18 Status: Regular
niggers and pakistanis
from one source all things depend on 2015-02-15 13:00 [#02484489]
Points: 11010 Status: Lurker
What worries more than Islam is the 'left'. They hate Israel, they hate free speech, the west and western values. It is amazing how so many people still see the 'left' as morally superior or the good guys, when the left really consists out of anti-semites and authoritarian assholes.
from one source all things depend on 2015-02-15 13:04 [#02484490]
Points: 11010 Status: Lurker
Than you see these european third wave feminists who have a huge problem with pick-up artists, but no problem with how Islamists treat women. I think these feminists should have more RESPECT for the pick-up artist culture.
from Zuckuss fanfiction (United Kingdom) on 2015-02-15 19:32 [#02484495]
Points: 2853 Status: Regular
Channel 4 news attempts to persuade someone who was actually there and heard the repeated cry of "Allahu Akbar" that it wasn't a religiously motivated attack , like they fucking would.
on 2015-02-15 19:59 [#02484497]
Points: 214 Status: Regular | Followup to SignedUpToLOL: #02484420
Indeed, the future looks dumb as fuck, and it's true that we can't all get along. Ultimately, conflicts can be expected or at least easy to ignite.
I honestly think that you brits just have way too many immigrants, the UK is so tiny and densely packed nowadays that it's no wonder your economic situation is tough; and people are constantly rubbing against each other. But your governments kept things that way since it stimulated the economy (more immigrants = cheaper work force, and foreign money coming in). Maybe that explains why they want to appease them to some extent (Whitehall rally). Your government, along with serious vested interests, want to keep the show going at any reasonable cost, because they profit from it ultimately.
We all face some serious problems today. And we all have a moral obligation to improve our local condition of life. We keep watching the news, but that's like watching a magic show without noticing that a huge trick is played on us. We need to focus on the magicians hands so to speak, and keep our eyes fixed on the big picture (history plays a key role here).
I basically know nothing about this new Danish story, but of course it'll turn out to be a muslim (as usual).. Just for your own sake though, it'd be wiser not to dismiss the possibilities because we never really know what's happening behind the screen. Strange pieces of information do arise from these events, like the investigator who allegedly committed suicide following Charlie Hebdo; you can believe what you want but I'm not convinced that it was his choice to die.
Anyhow, I thought I should convey a little from my side as you guys do genuinely seem bothered by muslims in general. I'm deeply disturbed by it all myself, but now I see that i'm not the only one who's forced to deal with this inevitable reality.
from the turtle business on 2015-02-15 20:47 [#02484498]
Points: 31291 Status: Addict | Followup to debaser: #02484497 | Show recordbag
don't talk them about the Chapel Hill shooting, the arson of an Islamic school for children in Houston and the countless attacks the Islamic community has received pre and post Charlie Hebdo.. let them play with their ignorant islamophobic threads on xltronic which seems to have become the pinnacle of the western civilization lately.. seems that Isis have become the official voice of the whole Muslim people, i dunno
from United Kingdom on 2015-02-16 13:48 [#02484521]
Points: 10789 Status: Regular
atheists or critics of islam are not a 'tribe' with a doctrine. when an atheist kills people he does not represent me. islam is a tribe. if you are in a tribe then you are not an individual and the actions of the tribe control and affect you...but they also represent you?
if being western and secular was a collectivist project that i was a member of then maybe id feel responsible for the violent actions of secular people but only if the violence was actually motivated by secular belief....
from Horny for Truth on 2015-02-16 14:22 [#02484522]
Points: 18042 Status: Lurker
Those of you who think the problem is Islam, point final: what are some practical solutions?
Don't answer in the negative, like "well we shouldn't be leftist apologists" etc.
Suggest some positive, practical steps that you want to see happen. Laws passed, policies put into place, that sort of thing.
on 2015-02-16 15:29 [#02484524]
Points: 16080 Status: Lurker | Followup to fleetmouse: #02484522
from Zuckuss fanfiction (United Kingdom) on 2015-02-16 15:35 [#02484525]
Points: 2853 Status: Regular
Put it this way. No non-muslim, outside of prisoners hoping to be protected or aid workers kidnapped by fanatics hoping to extend their lives, or maybe feckless women quite happy not to have to go to work, wants to convert to islam. So I wonder how many would leave "the faith" if they could (without being killed)?
Enshrine in law that people leaving the muslim faith are protected. Stop Saudi funding of mosques in Europe. Starve to death this artificially maintained, odious anachronism.
from Horny for Truth on 2015-02-16 17:36 [#02484531]
Points: 18042 Status: Lurker | Followup to SignedUpToLOL: #02484525
Concerning the killing of apostates: isn't this already covered by homicide laws in Europe? I don't know of any cases where they halted prosecution of a murder because the victim was a Muslim apostate. Or do you mean that apostates should get something akin to a witness protection program? Assigned a security detail, possibly relocated with a new identity?
Halting Saudi funding of mosques sounds like a quagmire. Halt it at what point? Stop Saudi money from entering the country? From private or state sources, or both? Stop it only when it's intended for a mosque, or all Saudi funds, to prevent roundabout transfers? Prevent Saudis or their agents from purchasing land? Prevent the issue of building permits for mosques if it can be shown that Saudi funding is involved? Prevent Saudis or citizens with Saudi heritage from donating to mosques and imams?
I'm not trying to be a dick, I'm actually wondering how these measures could play out in the real world.
from one source all things depend on 2015-02-16 18:14 [#02484534]
Points: 11010 Status: Lurker
We need more porn! Because free speech and such..
on 2015-02-16 18:51 [#02484536]
Points: 16080 Status: Lurker
If there is a devil, he's loving this. I do feel that that would be one of his favoured pleasures: watching the humans divide themselves.
I'm a part of no community. I'm Miss Vermont.
3 centuries after the koran, there was a big decision to be made as to wether scriptures should be interpreted with an open perspective or wether every word should be taken as gospel. Unfortunately the latter was chosen. I see the same problem with idiot God fearing rearwards westerners. Islam was/is the religion of maths, and poetry, as far as I understand. I think right now it's trying to find itself again, and for people like Debaser it mustn't be easy.
Do all muslims keep their women in a cupboard?
Women need to be treated as equals, and it's easy to understand why the western world is concerned.
I read the Lebanese press sometimes, and it's amazing to see how their views are similar to our western views.
As for these terrorists who kill in the name of islam, they're all playstation playing idiots, brain fed bullshit. If anyone has seen Four Lions, I think it's probably a pretty accurate depiction.
I am a man of faith, but not of churches, and division. I don't want to be a part of an "us and them" system.
There are depictions of the prophet that date from centuries ago. I remember one of him with Jesus. Him on a camel, and Jesus on a donkey. I love that.
All religions seem to start out as peaceful, yet now even buddhists are upset. I remember seeing a pic with some monks with a banner saying: the world is not only for muslims.
ISIS, and the likes, with their ideals, would more or less kill us all if they could. Apparently they want "Spain back". They hate everyone. I think it suits Israel fine that they see Hamas as apostates. And there we enter the politics, and SignedUpToLOL is right, the funding has to stop. It's easy to see who all this suits.
A part of my genes participated in the first crusades, another part were the persecuted. God knows how fucked I am.
Idiots are idio
on 2015-02-16 18:52 [#02484537]
Points: 16080 Status: Lurker
Idiot are idiots, and they're everywhere.
on 2015-02-16 18:52 [#02484538]
Points: 16080 Status: Lurker | Followup to RussellDust: #02484536
A bit gobsmacked at the Walmart link there!
on 2015-02-16 18:53 [#02484539]
Points: 16080 Status: Lurker
from Horny for Truth on 2015-02-17 03:18 [#02484551]
Points: 18042 Status: Lurker
It's easy to see who all this suits.
from off the chain on 2015-02-17 12:32 [#02484562]
Points: 3098 Status: Lurker
from Zuckuss fanfiction (United Kingdom) on 2015-02-17 12:53 [#02484563]
Points: 2853 Status: Regular
I don't know. I feel bad being negative. Maybe there's a "Good News from the Middle East" news source, that focuses on upbeat stories from the region and illustrates some of the lighter applications of the religion that don't involve setting people on fire or kicking animals faces in. I wish we could all get along, i wish religion was something that you were allowed to get on with without bothering (or killing) other people about it.
The trouble, as I see it, is that whilst regular people might say "But I wouldn't blow myself up or go on a murderous spree" there's a hell of a lot of people that actively support, encourage and facilitate those actions. Then there's an even greater number of people that may not support it but will "understand why they did it". It's a deeply conservative code to live by and there are A LOT of people involved. This Orwellian mantra of "the religion of peace" (which it isn't, it's the religion of submission) whilst its steeped in the blood of the infidel becomes more and more difficult to maintain. I'm more likely to believe North Korea found the lair of the Unicorn.
I set out to be positive and I just ended up being negative again. I WILL NEVER BANG ON ABOUT ANY OF THIS AGAIN (God knows I wish I knew nothing of all this).
from United Kingdom on 2015-02-17 13:56 [#02484570]
Points: 10789 Status: Regular | Followup to SignedUpToLOL: #02484563
u need to iron out a few conclusions youve jumped to about the motivations of muslims/left but youre not wrong. you are not being 'negative' at all i hate it when people say that.
on 2015-02-17 13:56 [#02484571]
Points: 16080 Status: Lurker | Followup to SignedUpToLOL: #02484563
I don't think your odd with your views. You're worried, and upset about things that are genuinely upsetting.
I said I'm a man of faith, but all I meant by that is that I don't believe all 'this' is down to luck. I don't feel inclined towards any religion though, as all they do is divide, create spite and hatred.
on 2015-02-17 13:57 [#02484572]
Points: 16080 Status: Lurker
"you are not being 'negative' at all i hate it when people say that". LOL
from Horny for Truth on 2015-02-17 14:30 [#02484573]
Points: 18042 Status: Lurker | Followup to RussellDust: #02484571
You should write down about your faith my guy so our descendants can have wars from it
"does it not truly say in russelldustians 4:20 that we must slay the infidel"
"uh no that's about ways to grind herb"
"the herb is a metaphor for the infidel"
on 2015-02-17 14:41 [#02484574]
Points: 16080 Status: Lurker
: ) I love grinding infidels, me, and then smoking them.
I still have The Book of Dave by Will Self hanging around. I tried, and got really bored. I might give Soumission by Michel Houellebecq a go, just for laughs.
from one source all things depend on 2015-02-17 14:44 [#02484575]
Points: 11010 Status: Lurker
Aaaand here is the new ISIS video. Pretty stylish.
Isis execution video
from Zuckuss fanfiction (United Kingdom) on 2015-02-17 14:45 [#02484576]
Points: 2853 Status: Regular
I am eagerly waiting a translation of Soumission, although I am seriously considering learning French just to read it. BIg fan of Houellebecq. I just realised I haven't seen that film about his fictionalised kidnapping. Has anybody?
on 2015-02-17 15:13 [#02484578]
Points: 16080 Status: Lurker
Not seen it, hadn't even heard about it until now!
Interestingly enough, just came across this. Obviously they fail to mention quite a bit. Nice to see Switzerland mentioned. As if the dirty gold wasn't enough. Ah neutrality, I guess it means anything is good if you can make serious profits, even if it means making money from wars, their neutrality meaning from both sides if possible.
from United Kingdom on 2015-02-17 15:18 [#02484579]
Points: 10789 Status: Regular | Followup to fleetmouse: #02484531
fleetmouse am i right about this;
both leftwing program of resistance or the right wing program of conservatism cannot handle the 21st century task of a mixed ethnic secular free thought free market society. only a liberal program can do that. right now there is no proper political system that captures that idea of liberty. we are all waiting
artists thinkers musicians need to define a positive liberal future. we need to feel differently and need to trash the leftwing narrative of resisting modernity. we need to feel fresh about the west. fresh about capitalism and race.
> feel fresh about israel this is the most important step towards a new narrative. some of the lefts worst lies about itself and the world are on israel. but more importantly radical conservative islam sustains itself on that conflict. the palestinians will be kept impoverished cos they are useful victims. and a war against modernity must always start with the killing of jews. grasp that shit real quick its totally key
they want to kill your free thinkers then go shoot up the synagogue. reveal them for what they are. its written all over them.
from Zuckuss fanfiction (United Kingdom) on 2015-02-17 15:32 [#02484580]
Points: 2853 Status: Regular | Followup to mohamed: #02484498
Just to get back to xlt user mohamed (and let's hope you don't get death threats from other muslims for associating an avatar with that username) on "seems that Isis have become the official voice of the whole Muslim people, i dunno".
Several things. Firstly, I would never, ever wish any discrimination of any form against a muslim, or indeed, anybody. I come from a Catholic background, and I am ashamed at what the official Catholic Church disguises and openly endorses. In more recent times, if a Nazi Pope wasn't enough, now we've got one siding with the killers of the staff of Charlie Hebdo. Brilliant.
Secondly; Unfortunately ISIS are associated with Islam because of their name, and that they are exclusively manned by Muslims. This isn't the fucking International Brigade in Spain. If ISIS are perceived to be the official voice of Muslims it's because they easily fill a void created by an absence of any non-batshit muslims. The only message you'll hear from non-lunatic muslims is a bleating "why do we have to answer for something that's nothing to do with us?"
Well, you do. If the apparently largely peaceful majority of the Muslim world, 23.4% of the world's population, got up off their fucking arses for JUST one day and collectively said "Enough" there might be some perspective. But they don't. I wonder why?
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