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New member? Say Hi!

offline dennis hopper from United States on 2006-02-07 06:01 [#01836173]
Points: 29 Status: Regular

Dennis Hopper is incapable of moderation.

Everything in excess.



offline obara from Aalsmeer on 2006-02-07 06:44 [#01836187]
Points: 19330 Status: Regular | Followup to dennis hopper: #01836173

you're cool. will you add "fuckers" in every post ?


offline mookid_ from Bath (United Kingdom) on 2006-02-13 11:57 [#01840508]
Points: 1 Status: Lurker

hi fans (and yes my name is stolen)


offline tridenti from Milano (Italy) on 2006-02-13 13:08 [#01840543]
Points: 14653 Status: Lurker | Followup to mookid_: #01840508

Hello and welcome!

That track is awesome! :)


offline tolstoyed from the ocean on 2006-02-14 06:14 [#01841003]
Points: 50073 Status: Moderator

it would be lovely if new members would reprazent themselves
when they would make the place look more of a
community, like it used to be..


offline B123 from The wicked underbelly (Australia) on 2006-02-16 00:39 [#01842180]
Points: 1361 Status: Lurker

Hello all.
Im from Australia.. Massive aphex fan, stumbled across the
site looking for information on or a place to DL melodies
from mars.. Somehow got linked to the threat about the vid
of Rich in Dublin and I'm currently D/l-ing it now.. Also,
just finished watching the Torino one !!! Awesome visuals by
Chris C what an amazing set.

Torino gets the winter olympics and aphex GRR hehe

anyway, HI ALL!



offline giginger from Milky Beans (United Kingdom) on 2006-02-16 05:23 [#01842309]
Points: 26315 Status: Regular | Followup to B123: #01842180 | Show recordbag

Did you manage to find Melodies from Mars though? If not,
then I suggest soulseek and the room.


offline tolstoyed from the ocean on 2006-02-17 03:49 [#01842991]
Points: 50073 Status: Moderator | Followup to B123: #01842180

hi! welcome!


offline impakt from where we do not speak of! on 2006-02-17 08:26 [#01843122]
Points: 5764 Status: Lurker | Show recordbag

Hello newcomers!


offline audry on 2006-02-19 04:13 [#01844446]
Points: 3 Status: Regular



offline omgdspmpg from chicago, illinois on 2006-02-19 10:53 [#01844576]
Points: 9 Status: Lurker

gl0tch caused me to be all up in here


offline KSC2-303 from CHELMSFORD, ESSEX (United Kingdom) on 2006-02-19 14:11 [#01844734]
Points: 65 Status: Lurker

Hello everyone, this is a well cool site, very cool idea

my very good buddy told me about it, cuz she thought i'd
like it.

and so far i do :D



offline Phobiazero from the next Xltronic (Sweden) on 2006-02-19 14:22 [#01844742]
Points: 10507 Status: Webmaster | Show recordbag

spread the word....


offline aerophobix from trelao (Argentina) on 2006-02-19 18:45 [#01844996]
Points: 7 Status: Regular

hi everybody, i am new here.
i'm becoming a member because of a friend's invitation: i
appreciate that, Dr. Nach!

hope i get to meet some of you, guys.

see you around! ;)


offline vlari from beyond the valley of the LOLs on 2006-02-20 09:49 [#01845329]
Points: 13915 Status: Regular

hi @ all again :)


offline grizzlybackere from woodend (United Kingdom) on 2006-02-21 20:37 [#01846542]
Points: 54 Status: Regular

hello i'm new and i don't have a clue what all this
technical talk means, and i'm not even a fast learner,
anyway i really love the music so its okay.


offline tolstoyed from the ocean on 2006-02-22 04:36 [#01846645]
Points: 50073 Status: Moderator

music is still imperative here. welcome!


offline obara from Aalsmeer on 2006-02-22 13:08 [#01846988]
Points: 19330 Status: Regular | Followup to grizzlybackere: #01846542

it is okay indeed, a warm welcome to you.


offline DCC Studios from Stockport (United Kingdom) on 2006-02-28 07:16 [#01850179]
Points: 21 Status: Lurker

So technically I've already said my hellos, but a couple of
people got their knickers in a twist coz it wasn't in the
right place, so anyway in the name of conformity and all


....this is my stuff for anyone who cares to take a listen


offline midlander from lancaster (United Kingdom) on 2006-02-28 08:05 [#01850206]
Points: 4 Status: Regular

hello not normally cyber gregarious but this seems a place
of some warmth unlike my room which is not


offline tridenti from Milano (Italy) on 2006-02-28 08:11 [#01850212]
Points: 14653 Status: Lurker

Hello and welcome again!


offline loathsome from United Kingdom on 2006-02-28 12:49 [#01850383]
Points: 15 Status: Regular

Good day to all and sundry.


offline loathsome from United Kingdom on 2006-02-28 12:56 [#01850385]
Points: 15 Status: Regular

apart from the Polish, they should just be lashed until they


offline Franciscus from Netherlands, The on 2006-03-03 12:07 [#01852060]
Points: 7 Status: Regular

Hello. I'm Franciscus, from the Netherlands. I came across
this site due to a member of He gave me the
link to some live sets of Autechre, this was one of them. I
like it here. Yeah.


offline Phobiazero from the next Xltronic (Sweden) on 2006-03-03 12:11 [#01852062]
Points: 10507 Status: Webmaster | Show recordbag

welcome onboard!


offline Franciscus from Netherlands, The on 2006-03-04 01:15 [#01852292]
Points: 7 Status: Regular

Thanks webbie ;)


offline roobik from Gbg (Sweden) on 2006-03-07 13:57 [#01854930]
Points: 26 Status: Lurker

Hi. Found this site because some jackass (j/k hehe) was
spamming the address on soulseek promoting the legowelt+dj
overdose radio show. Seems like a cool place.


offline staz on 2006-03-07 14:00 [#01854935]
Points: 9844 Status: Regular

hello CUNTS U_U


offline impakt from where we do not speak of! on 2006-03-07 14:05 [#01854941]
Points: 5764 Status: Lurker | Show recordbag

I suspect that might have been me, haha. Welcome!


offline Phobiazero from the next Xltronic (Sweden) on 2006-03-07 15:45 [#01855124]
Points: 10507 Status: Webmaster | Show recordbag



offline Aesthetics from the IDM Kiosk on 2006-03-07 19:11 [#01855341]
Points: 6796 Status: Lurker | Followup to loathsome: #01850383

Heya! :)

What brings you here?


offline ahamay from Eindhoven (Netherlands, The) on 2006-03-08 11:36 [#01855607]
Points: 33 Status: Lurker

I'm a new from the Netherlands, Eindhoven and I'm a big Ae/
AFX /VS /BoC /(Chris) Clark / Squarepusher a.o. fan, and
also producing some sounds myself.

I've only been checking this site shortly, but I already
found some very usefull and cool things here.


offline jules from United States on 2006-03-08 20:54 [#01855962]
Points: 754 Status: Lurker

long time reader/first time obsessed with
autechre and chris clark

very impressed at the amount of sharing here


offline carvin77 from Timisoara (Romania) on 2006-03-09 01:38 [#01855994]
Points: 18 Status: Regular

Hi to every one! :)



offline tridenti from Milano (Italy) on 2006-03-09 07:33 [#01856095]
Points: 14653 Status: Lurker | Followup to carvin77: #01855994


Just a quick question: Are you going to add that "www" link
in every post?


offline virginpusher from County Clare on 2006-03-09 09:39 [#01856171]
Points: 27326 Status: Lurker

welcome to all of you people!


offline Phobiazero from the next Xltronic (Sweden) on 2006-03-09 11:15 [#01856238]
Points: 10507 Status: Webmaster | Followup to tridenti: #01856095 | Show recordbag

no, he won't.........


offline kennyjinx from kingston (United States) on 2006-03-10 07:07 [#01856790]
Points: 22 Status: Lurker

not really a new member.....benn lurking here for a while
but i wanted to say hi finally is jinx (kenny) born
and raised in brooklyn, ny currently living near wilkes
barre , pa



offline tridenti from Milano (Italy) on 2006-03-10 07:14 [#01856799]
Points: 14653 Status: Lurker

A special HELLO from Italy, Kenny!

I really like your avatar, post here as much as you can and
stay with us!



offline kennyjinx from kingston (United States) on 2006-03-10 12:56 [#01857074]
Points: 22 Status: Lurker

thanks i avatar is the tat i have on my left



offline paul8088 from United States on 2006-03-14 09:57 [#01859615]
Points: 225 Status: Lurker

dzien dobry


offline obara from Aalsmeer on 2006-03-15 02:54 [#01860124]
Points: 19330 Status: Regular | Followup to paul8088: #01859615

czesc :)


offline aclockworkcalx from São Paulo (Brazil) on 2006-03-16 05:37 [#01860914]
Points: 195 Status: Lurker

Well, I'm not exactly new, but I have been alxay for a long
Now I'm back on college, so I will use the internet here to
stay more in touch with this place :D


offline Aye Yggr on 2006-03-17 01:03 [#01861609]
Points: 6 Status: Regular



offline Phobiazero from the next Xltronic (Sweden) on 2006-03-17 15:14 [#01862197]
Points: 10507 Status: Webmaster | Followup to Aye Yggr: #01861609 | Show recordbag



offline Jarworski from The Grove (United Kingdom) on 2006-03-24 10:03 [#01866664]
Points: 10836 Status: Lurker | Followup to Phobiazero: #01856238



offline dr monster from la voie lactée (France) on 2006-03-26 16:40 [#01867712]
Points: 68 Status: Lurker

hi there, i know xltronic since the xl-vibes vol 2 with the
amazing Ochre.
after a long bored time on internet, i decide to join your
i'm thom aka Dr monster, i come from france. i'm an IDM &
electronica lover.
music is my life, electronic sounds are my orgasm.

who can help me : i made a great avatar (gif) but it took
over than 180 kb.. how can i resize it under 12 .? i use
active gif creator.. is there a better one ?

thx, peace


offline Phobiazero from the next Xltronic (Sweden) on 2006-03-27 14:48 [#01868113]
Points: 10507 Status: Webmaster | Followup to dr monster: #01867712 | Show recordbag

hi there...


offline colinpatrick from chicago (United States) on 2006-03-29 00:25 [#01868777]
Points: 2 Status: Regular

ello everyone. I found this site after googling 'autechre,
glasgow' when I read something on the planet mu
messageboard. clicked on the first link I saw and there you

I was pleased to see autechre's chicago/metro show on the
torrent site (I was there... at the show, that is... is it a
soundboard recording?) and would like to snag it. I noticed
the radio show autechre did right before the untilted album
isn't up there, so I suppose I could offer that mp3 to get
my sharing ratio on the map as soon as I figure this torrent
thing out.

Glad to be among likeminded music folks.


offline colinpatrick from chicago (United States) on 2006-03-29 00:25 [#01868778]
Points: 2 Status: Regular

um, photo not working. will figure that out too.


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