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The most hardcorest member

offline RussellDust on 2018-06-22 18:07 [#02554857]
Points: 16025 Status: Regular

For me it has to be mohamed. That guy doesn’t give a
shit. He will fuck you up.


offline Hyperflake from Wirral (United Kingdom) on 2018-06-22 18:33 [#02554859]
Points: 30988 Status: Addict

Im surprised you can find the keyboard with your face buried
that deep in his ass cheeks


offline Hyperflake from Wirral (United Kingdom) on 2018-06-22 18:35 [#02554860]
Points: 30988 Status: Addict

He is a cream puff full of fucking hot air, Id blow the cunt
away if he came in 10 feet of me


offline Hyperflake from Wirral (United Kingdom) on 2018-06-22 19:25 [#02554861]
Points: 30988 Status: Addict

Mo is your archetype keyboard warrior who feels he can slag
anyone off without an repercussions what so ever, I wont
kowtow to the cunt anymore, in real life one soft slap and
he would be running scared. Ive known people like him in
real life, they are all the same, billy big bollocks who
think he is cock of the walk, when in reality he is an
overweight puff rapidly approaching middle age, so lets stop
the pretence that he is in anyway hardcore, he is a cunt
pure and simple/


offline SignedUpToLOL from Zuckuss fanfiction (United Kingdom) on 2018-06-22 19:27 [#02554862]
Points: 2853 Status: Regular | Followup to RussellDust: #02554857

What have you... done... to.... Hyoerflake?


offline Hyperflake from Wirral (United Kingdom) on 2018-06-22 19:35 [#02554863]
Points: 30988 Status: Addict


I was watching this


offline Hyperflake from Wirral (United Kingdom) on 2018-06-22 19:36 [#02554864]
Points: 30988 Status: Addict

I didn't really mean anything I wrote, perhaps a small bit
but I just really wanted to get a funny response loool


offline mermaidman on 2018-06-22 20:06 [#02554865]
Points: 8269 Status: Regular

lol. when you say hardcorest do you mean he can take it
pretty deep and wide? but how do you know?


offline belb from mmmmmmhhhhzzzz!!! on 2018-06-22 20:09 [#02554867]
Points: 6360 Status: Regular

ecnadniarb stopped by a couple of months back, does that
count? if he's still the lee i knew he'd have the soft mr
whippy shites on here for breakfast, then do their mums up
the wrongun for a laugh


offline Hyperflake from Wirral (United Kingdom) on 2018-06-22 20:23 [#02554868]
Points: 30988 Status: Addict



offline RussellDust on 2018-06-22 22:11 [#02554873]
Points: 16025 Status: Regular | Followup to belb: #02554867

If it was really a couple of months then yes. So no.


offline RussellDust on 2018-06-22 22:12 [#02554874]
Points: 16025 Status: Regular | Followup to SignedUpToLOL: #02554862

I correctly prodded, and by golly it moves!


offline mohamed from the turtle business on 2018-06-23 11:53 [#02554899]
Points: 31145 Status: Regular | Show recordbag

best thread about me ever, thanks for this


offline Hyperflake from Wirral (United Kingdom) on 2018-06-23 12:19 [#02554900]
Points: 30988 Status: Addict



offline Hyperflake from Wirral (United Kingdom) on 2018-06-23 12:33 [#02554901]
Points: 30988 Status: Addict

THIS fahkin' tool


offline mermaidman on 2018-06-23 14:02 [#02554904]
Points: 8269 Status: Regular

this is too gay, i’m out. *why did i even...*


offline mohamed from the turtle business on 2018-06-23 15:01 [#02554907]
Points: 31145 Status: Regular | Show recordbag

well im just back from 1½ hours of bike, if you dont call
this hardcore


offline RussellDust on 2018-06-23 15:17 [#02554908]
Points: 16025 Status: Regular | Followup to mermaidman: #02554904

Don’t be silly! You’re his arch nemesis. The only
obstacle in his path; your fights are legendary.


offline mohamed from the turtle business on 2018-06-23 19:14 [#02554952]
Points: 31145 Status: Regular | Show recordbag

let him back into his cage


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