the mb is my end | xltronic messageboard
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the mb is my end

offline Cheffe1979 from fuck (Austria) on 2002-03-11 18:11 [#00121369]
Points: 4630 Status: Lurker

i spend all my money on cd's since i discovered this place
today i bought Boc - MHTRTC and Chiastic Slide wich is one
of the last missing from autechre in my collection.

soon i will sleep under a bridge with 500 cd's with me.


offline The_Funkmaster from St. John's (Canada) on 2002-03-11 18:12 [#00121371]
Points: 16280 Status: Lurker

don't forget your cd player!!!


offline mortsto-x from Trondheim/Bodø (Norway) on 2002-03-11 18:13 [#00121373]
Points: 8062 Status: Lurker

This MB really is a work-killer


offline Cheffe1979 from fuck (Austria) on 2002-03-11 18:13 [#00121374]
Points: 4630 Status: Lurker


*does post #100*


offline nacmat on 2002-03-11 18:14 [#00121375]
Points: 31271 Status: Lurker | Followup to mortsto-x: #00121373

I have boufht 43 cds since i entered this MB...back in


offline AMinal from Toronto (Canada) on 2002-03-11 18:16 [#00121376]
Points: 3476 Status: Regular

i haven't bought that much since i joined.. but i downloaded
i would be buying if i had money


offline Cheffe1979 from fuck (Austria) on 2002-03-11 18:17 [#00121379]
Points: 4630 Status: Lurker | Followup to Cheffe1979: #00121374

i know what you're talking about;
i bought confield cause you said it was a masterpiece; first
i didnt
like it but i listen to it nearly every day now. the same
happens with boc now and others are waiting.


offline Cheffe1979 from fuck (Austria) on 2002-03-11 18:23 [#00121392]
Points: 4630 Status: Lurker

oh, i wasnt talking to me actually but to you, nacmat.

anyway, bye ..


offline nacmat on 2002-03-11 18:27 [#00121399]
Points: 31271 Status: Lurker | Followup to Cheffe1979: #00121392

you bought it cos i said it was a masterpiece?

wow...its a lot of responsability now that i see that my
opinion can make someone buy a cd...anyway i am glad you
liked it finally...cos I really think its great...:-)


offline recycle from Where is Phobiazero (Lincoln) (United States) on 2002-03-11 18:28 [#00121401]
Points: 39507 Status: Lurker

"This MB really is a work-killer" hahahahaahahaha


offline awt from kristianstad (Sweden) on 2002-03-11 18:46 [#00121442]
Points: 152 Status: Lurker

Im thinking about quiting school so I can sit here with you
guys and get a good laugh some more..


offline nacmat on 2002-03-11 18:50 [#00121446]
Points: 31271 Status: Lurker

this MB will be my total destruction if i dont leave now and
have a couple of beers with my bye and see
you in about 4 hours....

till then...
be nice
dont eat mice
dont drink rice
and dont fuck twice

I am such a poet


offline Phobiazero from the next Xltronic (Sweden) on 2002-03-11 18:55 [#00121453]
Points: 10507 Status: Webmaster | Show recordbag

We're truly sorry for affecting your lifes in such negative
ways... ;-)


offline recycle from Where is Phobiazero (Lincoln) (United States) on 2002-03-11 18:59 [#00121457]
Points: 39507 Status: Lurker

"We're truly sorry for affecting your lifes in such negative

ways... ;-) " hahahahahhah again Phobiazero is the

quit school, quit work, drop your in your moms
basement and LIVE HERE......................


offline Resident Evil from heat some coffee, mmm, mmm (Australia) on 2002-03-11 18:59 [#00121458]
Points: 1643 Status: Lurker

"Thank you Phobiazero and all the people from the message board for keeping us in business. "
- From the all the workers at my local CD shop


offline recycle from Where is Phobiazero (Lincoln) (United States) on 2002-03-11 19:01 [#00121459]
Points: 39507 Status: Lurker



offline Archrival on 2002-03-11 19:13 [#00121466]
Points: 4265 Status: Lurker

YEAH Cheffe1979 I TOTALLY agree with ya!!! Im gonna get
broke! THe dudes on this board helped me with so much
amazing music, I dont now how to thank all of yall, but it
cost a dam fortune thats fo sho.


offline Phobiazero from the next Xltronic (Sweden) on 2002-03-11 19:19 [#00121474]
Points: 10507 Status: Webmaster | Followup to Archrival: #00121466 | Show recordbag

...and this is only the beginning, right?


offline marlowe from Antarctica on 2002-03-11 19:20 [#00121476]
Points: 24571 Status: Regular

shit, all i've downloaded since i came on is a johnny cash
cover version of a leonard cohen song...


offline D-Hex from Blue Springs Missouri (United States) on 2002-03-11 19:44 [#00121513]
Points: 871 Status: Lurker

When you dont have a job for money and you live in the
direct center of the us, there really isnt a whole lot of
exciting music going on, but i get by.


offline AMinal from Toronto (Canada) on 2002-03-11 19:46 [#00121515]
Points: 3476 Status: Regular | Followup to Phobiazero: #00121453

lol phobiazero...
i could HONESTLY picture someone SUEING you (or some other
webaster of an addictive site/messageboard) for some sort of

..."i cant keep a steady job cus of you!"

..only in america! ; )


offline recycle from Where is Phobiazero (Lincoln) (United States) on 2002-03-11 19:58 [#00121529]
Points: 39507 Status: Lurker

aminal------dotn say that shite....somebody will. and no



offline REFLEX from Edmonton, Alberta (Canada) on 2002-03-11 19:58 [#00121530]
Points: 8864 Status: Regular



offline recycle from Where is Phobiazero (Lincoln) (United States) on 2002-03-11 20:01 [#00121539]
Points: 39507 Status: Lurker

birds? dont get it reflex.


offline Zombiekev from Ardmore (United States) on 2002-03-11 20:10 [#00121549]
Points: 2857 Status: Lurker

i don't really buy too much.
i try to space out my purchases so that i can enjoy them all
plus i don't waste cash.


offline recycle from Where is Phobiazero (Lincoln) (United States) on 2002-03-11 20:26 [#00121577]
Points: 39507 Status: Lurker

good cds deserve $$ though


offline blue_clax from Edmonton (Canada) on 2002-03-11 20:34 [#00121593]
Points: 411 Status: Regular

I agree!!! I started with just ...I Care Because you do...
Now i have like 23 idm cds.... iv only been comming here for
like 2 months. Its redicules!! I spend the brunt of my pay
check on cds and the rest on booze! And iv began to igonor
my physical apperance... what you done to me... im



offline recycle from Where is Phobiazero (Lincoln) (United States) on 2002-03-11 20:37 [#00121598]
Points: 39507 Status: Lurker

blue_clax ---get used to it......$$ well spent im


offline wayout from the street of crocodiles on 2002-03-11 20:51 [#00121608]
Points: 2849 Status: Lurker

yeah..if it werent for this board..i would be doing homework
right now! bastards! im going to get a bad grade
because of you!

i didnt realize so many bought music based on
recommendations from this that case...i would
recommend buying everything raffi has released...the man is
a musical genius..lightyears ahead of aphex, squarepusher,
ae, boc, etc...


offline recycle from Where is Phobiazero (Lincoln) (United States) on 2002-03-11 20:58 [#00121620]
Points: 39507 Status: Lurker

everything raffi guessign there is also a lot of
dl ya know...but if ya dl it and ya like it then
pay for it


offline blue_clax from Edmonton (Canada) on 2002-03-11 21:02 [#00121629]
Points: 411 Status: Regular

heh... im love the discs!!! deffinetly money well spent.

but im hidious!!! lol... maybe i should spend some money on
a haircut and some new cloths.... but i dunno... that drunks
lp is really tempting... i still havnt bought it yet! Meh...
whats another week or two without a haircut XD


offline recycle from Where is Phobiazero (Lincoln) (United States) on 2002-03-11 21:06 [#00121634]
Points: 39507 Status: Lurker

i have the wife shave my head at 1/4" that saves us $10.00


offline blue_clax from Edmonton (Canada) on 2002-03-11 21:10 [#00121640]
Points: 411 Status: Regular

lol... hillfiger... polo??? lol i dont ware that shit! But i
deffinetly need more then to get ups...


offline Ophecks from Nova Scotia (Canada) on 2002-03-11 21:13 [#00121643]
Points: 19190 Status: Moderator | Show recordbag

Argghg, I should be doing my humanities essay on Augustus
Caesar right now... fuck it, I'll just sit here on the
internet and listen to SAW 2 and eat some Shreddies! Fuck
Octavian, Caesar was cooler anyway.


offline Cheffe1979 from fuck (Austria) on 2002-03-11 21:28 [#00121656]
Points: 4630 Status: Lurker

hehe we'll become a bunch of dumbasses;
**play "telephasic workshop" and doesnt care**


offline nacmat on 2002-03-12 00:47 [#00121981]
Points: 31271 Status: Lurker | Followup to Cheffe1979: #00121656

telephasic workshop

great great track

my fav from boc


offline Xanatos from New York City (United States) on 2002-03-12 00:54 [#00121992]
Points: 3316 Status: Moderator | Show recordbag

Thanks to this board, my mp3 collection has expanded by 3x,
from 5gb to 15gb.

One day I plan to buy most of the stuff =)


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