\/\/oofer attack, anyone? | xltronic messageboard
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\/\/oofer attack, anyone?

offline fuckmusicians on 2002-02-20 16:17 [#00094831]
Points: 136 Status: Lurker

Has that guy made his way over yet?

Phob, I know you said you were good friends, has he just not
got onto v5 yet, or did he just decide that RDJ is not that


offline sine707 from Frankfurt (Germany) on 2002-02-20 16:30 [#00094852]
Points: 1285 Status: Regular

he's there, no worries ;-)


offline rovshell from None (Netherlands, The) on 2002-02-20 16:55 [#00094899]
Points: 70 Status: Lurker

Phob must set my wallP on the V5 of Costemzones :) but that
was Yesterday.
I have a Preview for every one !! : ad :

http://www.angelfire.com/ma4/wc/aphexghost3.jpg .

:) .. i make a Topic of it :)


offline nacmat on 2002-02-20 17:48 [#00095000]
Points: 31271 Status: Lurker | Followup to fuckmusicians: #00094831

he is still a regular here dont worry its just that he didnt
connect today... well he is actually much more than a
regular... he is one of the best here


offline Phobiazero from the next Xltronic (Sweden) on 2002-02-20 21:39 [#00095246]
Points: 10507 Status: Webmaster | Show recordbag

'browse members' man


offline marlowe from Antarctica on 2002-02-20 21:58 [#00095264]
Points: 24571 Status: Regular

do i have to write or somethin to get a link in? i tried
using just before, but humiliatingly enough, it
just printed all my code which made my face turn a shade of
crimson usually reserved for gentlewomen when they see their
gardener's posterior as they glance out of their country
home into the gardens outwith


offline sine707 from Frankfurt (Germany) on 2002-02-20 22:10 [#00095281]
Points: 1285 Status: Regular

type this:

<a href="http://www.whatever.com">Type the text you
want to display</a>

this should do it...


offline nacmat on 2002-02-20 22:13 [#00095287]
Points: 31271 Status: Lurker


offline nacmat on 2002-02-20 22:14 [#00095288]
Points: 31271 Status: Lurker | Followup to nacmat: #00095287

it didnt work


offline sine707 from Frankfurt (Germany) on 2002-02-20 22:17 [#00095292]
Points: 1285 Status: Regular

try again, it should work....
maybe you just misspelled something... ;-)


offline tunemx from Budapest (Hungary) on 2002-02-20 22:19 [#00095294]
Points: 2142 Status: Webmaster | Show recordbag

and do it in one line


offline Phobiazero from the next Xltronic (Sweden) on 2002-02-20 22:23 [#00095297]
Points: 10507 Status: Webmaster | Followup to nacmat: #00095288 | Show recordbag

you forgot to type a text, replace "Type the text you
want to display" from sine's description with something....


offline nacmat on 2002-02-21 01:32 [#00095486]
Points: 31271 Status: Lurker



offline nacmat on 2002-02-21 01:34 [#00095489]
Points: 31271 Status: Lurker

ok thanks a lot sine707 and phobiazero...now I finally know
how to do it


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