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Your pairs of shoes

offline Quoth from Sweden on 2002-02-05 23:50 [#00081009]
Points: 3840 Status: Lurker

I have on Vans "Cab 6" that would be Caballero's skating
shoe :)

what kind of shoes are you wearing?


offline hevquip from megagram dusk sect (United States) on 2002-02-05 23:53 [#00081011]
Points: 3326 Status: Lurker

i've got on some osiris skate shoes. forgot the make. no says they're the 'flux' ones.


offline teapot from Paddington (Australia) on 2002-02-05 23:53 [#00081012]
Points: 5739 Status: Regular

white adidas ROMs with blue trim :D


offline Quoth from Sweden on 2002-02-05 23:55 [#00081013]
Points: 3840 Status: Lurker

do any of you enjoy skateboarding or hackysacking... or
really comfortable shoes?


offline TKR from B'joke (United Kingdom) on 2002-02-05 23:57 [#00081014]
Points: 190 Status: Addict

i like have shell toes, nice and old about 4 years i think


offline hevquip from megagram dusk sect (United States) on 2002-02-05 23:58 [#00081015]
Points: 3326 Status: Lurker

i skateboard, hence my reason for owning skate shoes.


offline Quoth from Sweden on 2002-02-06 00:00 [#00081016]
Points: 3840 Status: Lurker

hence, i understand


offline Zombiekev from Ardmore (United States) on 2002-02-06 00:05 [#00081018]
Points: 2857 Status: Lurker

i've been wearing my shoes for the past year and i'm damn
proud, they are gonna have to peal then off with a crowbar


offline StueF from St. Louis, Mo (United States) on 2002-02-06 00:53 [#00081037]
Points: 181 Status: Lurker

addidas-sambia soccer shoes

been hackysackin for about 4 and a half years now...


offline BaronVonPickleF from United States on 2002-02-06 01:05 [#00081048]
Points: 688 Status: Regular

I have maybe the biggiest feet in the whole world !!!!THE


offline REFLEX from Edmonton, Alberta (Canada) on 2002-02-06 01:22 [#00081056]
Points: 8864 Status: Regular

I sometimes wear skater style shoes, but most of the time Im
weaking stylish boots or something.


offline Ophecks from Nova Scotia (Canada) on 2002-02-06 02:15 [#00081085]
Points: 19190 Status: Moderator | Show recordbag

I have Nike or Adidas or something, they look kind of like a
cross between running and skater shoes... I dunno. I hate
fashion, I wish we could all just go around naked.


offline StueF from St. Louis, Mo (United States) on 2002-02-06 02:17 [#00081086]
Points: 181 Status: Lurker

if we all ran around naked (except for shoes) would people
who wore sandles be considered slutty?


offline REFLEX from Edmonton, Alberta (Canada) on 2002-02-06 02:32 [#00081090]
Points: 8864 Status: Regular

I would consider them so. I like fashion.


offline Xanatos from New York City (United States) on 2002-02-06 02:42 [#00081095]
Points: 3316 Status: Moderator | Followup to Quoth: #00081013 | Show recordbag

Quoth: I don't play hackysack, I play footbag a
little pretentious maybe, but so is having a seperate set of
shoes just for hackysack, which I do =).

me and my bro footbaggin'

They aren't too good for regular use though, especially
because they are bright white and pretty stupid looking, so
normally I wear my two year old ecko shoes which are falling
apart. Time to go to the store.


offline Xanatos from New York City (United States) on 2002-02-06 02:44 [#00081096]
Points: 3316 Status: Moderator | Show recordbag

im on the right in the pic


offline Quoth from Sweden on 2002-02-06 03:04 [#00081098]
Points: 3840 Status: Lurker

ah, ic... but really Xanatos, is there a difference between
"footbaggin' " & hack?


offline Xanatos from New York City (United States) on 2002-02-06 03:22 [#00081102]
Points: 3316 Status: Moderator | Show recordbag

well basically in real footbag, you never really kick the
bag, you just go from stall to stall.

hackysack usually refers to hippies in a circle (which is
all well and good), but footbag there is usually no kicking
or passing to another player, and there are move lists &
scores. you can actually play competitively..

We usually don't take ourselves so seriously though, we play
to have fun.

this is footbag


offline Xanatos from New York City (United States) on 2002-02-06 03:23 [#00081103]
Points: 3316 Status: Moderator | Show recordbag

viddy - quoth: peep this


offline aron from saskatoon (Canada) on 2002-02-06 03:26 [#00081110]
Points: 3756 Status: Lurker

i have a pair of Axo shoes.
they're motocross shoes, which means tons of padding, which
means tons of comfort, which means happy aron.

they're wicked for skeboarding and biking.


offline joey from montréal (Canada) on 2002-02-06 03:51 [#00081125]
Points: 1220 Status: Lurker

gravis, they are grey... i wore them at my wedding 1.5 years
ago. they are worn and ragged now. i also wear some cofra,
steel toe, anti-slip shoes while at work and school


offline Smyrma from Beloit, WI (United States) on 2002-02-06 03:53 [#00081127]
Points: 2478 Status: Lurker

I'm currently wearing Chuck Taylors which were originally
high tops, but I modified them to make them low tops.


offline Quoth from Sweden on 2002-02-06 04:11 [#00081138]
Points: 3840 Status: Lurker

holy shit... that was cool... Xanatos :) THANK YOU!


offline Narkotic from United States on 2002-02-06 04:21 [#00081140]
Points: 664 Status: Lurker

uhh... globe chet thomas IV's, white in color


offline Ophecks from Nova Scotia (Canada) on 2002-02-06 04:46 [#00081145]
Points: 19190 Status: Moderator | Show recordbag

My cousin kicked a hackeysack (footbag, whatever! :-p) into
my eye once, so I threw it into HIS eye, temporarily
blinding him.

No point or moral to this fable, except please don't kick
those things over to me!


offline Xanatos from New York City (United States) on 2002-02-06 05:06 [#00081155]
Points: 3316 Status: Moderator | Show recordbag

/me kicks ophecks with a hackysack


offline Xanatos from New York City (United States) on 2002-02-06 05:07 [#00081156]
Points: 3316 Status: Moderator | Show recordbag

oh, you said DON'T kick it into your face, sorry, I thought
you meant...


offline IronLung from the 91fwy in soCAL (United States) on 2002-02-06 08:22 [#00081204]
Points: 8032 Status: Lurker | Show recordbag

Checkered old school VANS....slip on's


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