confield = sloppy mess? | xltronic messageboard
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confield = sloppy mess?

offline Asche XL on 2002-06-24 02:30 [#00282244]
Points: 4241 Status: Lurker

I recently got confield, being an autechre fan to begin
with, i just think this album is a sloppy boring mess,
anyone care to share their opinion on this album?


offline nhiiq from the hanging valleys on 2002-06-24 02:33 [#00282246]
Points: 481 Status: Regular

hell no, give it a few more listens is all i can say... i
think everything is tight/ interacts on that... the only
thing i would call sloppy is bine. but that's just the way
it is as far as i can tell.


offline AMinal from Toronto (Canada) on 2002-06-24 03:13 [#00282263]
Points: 3476 Status: Regular

*dies of heart attack*


offline Crocomire from plante (United States) on 2002-06-24 03:20 [#00282267]
Points: 2116 Status: Lurker

it will all fall into place like a tight puzzle once you get
over the initial shock, at least it did for me, except bine
wich is like a sloppy scrapyard soundtrack.


offline zaphod from the metaverse on 2002-06-24 03:39 [#00282271]
Points: 4428 Status: Addict

confield is good after a few listens. just like ep7. i just
wish they would make something more along the lines of amber
or tri repetae.


offline CORTEX from Canada on 2002-06-24 03:48 [#00282274]
Points: 3346 Status: Regular

if, for you, 'recently' means shorter than 4 months, then i
agree that it sounds like a sloppy mess to your ears. not
to me though, it sounds like music with so much texture it's
palpable, i can actually physically touch it (well, feels
like it anyway)...


offline AMinal from Toronto (Canada) on 2002-06-24 03:49 [#00282276]
Points: 3476 Status: Regular | Followup to CORTEX: #00282274


some of the best music EVER imo


offline CORTEX from Canada on 2002-06-24 03:53 [#00282279]
Points: 3346 Status: Regular | Followup to AMinal: #00282276

it's almost as if confield is beyond music.


offline Asche XL on 2002-06-24 03:55 [#00282282]
Points: 4241 Status: Lurker

hm, maybe ill give it some more listens before it collects
dust ( which was its future before i reconsidered)


offline CORTEX from Canada on 2002-06-24 03:58 [#00282286]
Points: 3346 Status: Regular | Followup to Asche XL: #00282282

or let it collect dust for a while and pop it back in your
stereo after a month.


offline Apt_Zet from Afghanistan on 2002-06-24 04:01 [#00282291]
Points: 240 Status: Addict

Sloppy mess? Come on man you should know better than to come
posting crap like that. This is one of those albumns that
even if you don't like it you can't admit it's not a

It didn't rub well with me at first (not for same reasons as
most people, I like my shit wierd), but I could tell that it
was a great albumn. It is their great original ideas
evolving and there style and sound production at it highest
quality yet IMO.


offline AMinal from Toronto (Canada) on 2002-06-24 04:02 [#00282293]
Points: 3476 Status: Regular | Followup to CORTEX: #00282279

yes it stretches the definition of music at times.....
especially when ur first getting used to it

it IS cutting edge


offline Asche XL on 2002-06-24 04:04 [#00282295]
Points: 4241 Status: Lurker

sorry for being harsh

notice: i did put a question mark rather then an exclamation
point or period

I just felt it was messy, sounds like they hit record & the
cat walked across the keys on their sampler/synth (heh)
anyway yeah...ill chcek it out again. Im an AE fan, dont get
me wrong, just felt this album was of the weaker sorts


offline CORTEX from Canada on 2002-06-24 04:04 [#00282296]
Points: 3346 Status: Regular | Followup to AMinal: #00282293

cutting-edge, avant-garde, it's got it all!


offline Apt_Zet from Afghanistan on 2002-06-24 04:13 [#00282309]
Points: 240 Status: Addict

"I just felt it was messy, sounds like they hit record & the

cat walked across the keys on their sampler/synth (heh) "

Carefull this sounds like those people that hear IDM for the
first time. :-)

synth? I thought the synth sound was so absent. Or bet yet,
integrated perfectly.


offline Ophecks from Nova Scotia (Canada) on 2002-06-24 04:17 [#00282318]
Points: 19190 Status: Moderator | Show recordbag

No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no non on on onono
noono nononononohnononnononononononono

I felt the same way for a month or two... and now I think
it's one of the best albums EVER. So stick with it, or I'll
kick your ass.


offline revpersona from Plainfield (United States) on 2002-06-24 04:30 [#00282348]
Points: 3167 Status: Lurker

I tend to agree with you Asche, givin I've listened to the
album a number of times, I mean A LOT.

Though, that's probaly part due to the fact I only enjoy
æ first 3 albums.


offline Amonbrune from Vancouver (Canada) on 2002-06-24 06:00 [#00282493]
Points: 7327 Status: Addict

Cortex: You're absolutely right! It is almost beyond music
itself. it's freaky.

Confield is compeletly orchestrated right. I always
imagined Bine to be an Opera with micro organisms dancing
and acting to those strings. It IS very much of an opera
song. Two things are happening: motion and music...which
sounds completely different from drums and melody. its more
action obviously. things are happening and strings are
playing along. Its a very emotional track for me sometimes.
don't laugh lol.


offline Cheffe1979 from fuck (Austria) on 2002-06-24 07:25 [#00282538]
Points: 4630 Status: Lurker | Followup to Amonbrune: #00282493



offline Steamtank from Melancholia Isle (Poland) on 2002-06-24 07:34 [#00282542]
Points: 1271 Status: Regular

i have to be silent for 2 weeks because of my trollishness
but now i must comment your statement/question- confiled is
the greatest and the most modern album ever made in
electronica world. of course it is my opinnion- and the
"bine" piece is the most impressive one on this album.
confield is cold chaos of the robots empire fall.


offline Crocomire from plante (United States) on 2002-06-24 07:39 [#00282545]
Points: 2116 Status: Lurker

i also agree it's almost beyond music.
one of the biggest things to happen in music EVER! it's in a
league of it's own.


offline w M w from London (United Kingdom) on 2002-06-24 07:53 [#00282553]
Points: 21424 Status: Lurker

sloppy mess is sort of a good description for confield
actually, not a perfect description but adequate since I
don't want to bother thinking up any other. Relative to
lp5/ep7 and track 4/5 of chichlisuite, and tri rep.. which
are all "beyond music" imo, confield is not finished
perfectly and flawlessly. Some tracks ponder the reason of
their own existence. Autechre are like the final castles in
original nes mario's lost levels though, relative to the
normal levels of other artists. So even confield is better
than most other artist's pointless shit.


offline Kryocera from Plano, TX (United States) on 2002-06-24 08:01 [#00282556]
Points: 92 Status: Lurker

i still prefer drukqs


offline Kryocera from Plano, TX (United States) on 2002-06-24 08:04 [#00282558]
Points: 92 Status: Lurker

although, I do appreciate the direction it takes, and the
musical limits it redefines


offline Kryocera from Plano, TX (United States) on 2002-06-24 08:06 [#00282559]
Points: 92 Status: Lurker

it simply doesnt absorb me though, emotionally that is


offline Bob Mcbob on 2002-06-24 09:07 [#00282623]
Points: 9939 Status: Regular

i loved confield! i 'got' it straight away, when i heard of
Ae this is what i thought the music was going to be like,
much better than anything else theyve done...tho i do admit
they have a few crappyer tracks like Bine, i really liked
cfern adn parhelic triangle for some reason.....
on a related note, listening to Tri repetae again, i managed
to find emotion in that song thatstarted ambient..c/pach i
think it was....but then the beats started and ruined it :S


offline license from out of nowhere on 2002-06-24 09:13 [#00282630]
Points: 865 Status: Lurker

hm...maybe I need to give it another go. for some reason, I
remember all of you guys completely trashing Confield, and
if you're all converts now, I must be missing out on
something :p


offline princo from Shitty City (Geelong) (Australia) on 2002-06-24 09:13 [#00282631]
Points: 13411 Status: Lurker

confield is an masterpiece :D


offline Meho Krljic from Beograd (Yugoslavia) on 2002-06-24 09:13 [#00282632]
Points: 6617 Status: Addict

I liked Confield from the first second on. It is my
favourite Ae album. Am i perverted? I like such challenging,
complicated, seemingly chaotic but still controlled shit.
Every time you listen to it, you discover new angles. It's
not just a collection of beats and tunes, it's an
envirnment, being almost endless in its complexity and still
not a braggadacio of complicated edits.


offline w M w from London (United Kingdom) on 2002-06-24 09:15 [#00282635]
Points: 21424 Status: Lurker

Is bine track 6, or that one that sound like the patterns
that would be created with a tornado's spinning debris, if
the debris was composed of shapes that magically mutated and
changed form and mass... that's my favorite confield track,
track 1 kicks ass too. I guess the linear tracks aren't as
good I think, not as thinkyamajig.


offline license from out of nowhere on 2002-06-24 09:17 [#00282638]
Points: 865 Status: Lurker

well, I've always liked every bit of Cfern. and Eidetic
Casein. Uviol's OK too until they start making weird
fart/bonk noises. I liked Lentic Catachresis for the first
20 seconds or so, esp. the supercreepy vocoder voice.

I definitely got that "environment" thing from it though,
which was was like the music was taking on a mind
of its own, growing to fill up its container.

I'll see tomorrow if my brother will let me borrow it. I
think I'm going to give it another shot.


offline princo from Shitty City (Geelong) (Australia) on 2002-06-24 09:19 [#00282640]
Points: 13411 Status: Lurker

i got a tenth track named Mcr Quarter (Bonus) its a live
from someone on soulseek... i was just wondering about etc.


offline Meho Krljic from Beograd (Yugoslavia) on 2002-06-24 09:20 [#00282643]
Points: 6617 Status: Addict | Followup to license: #00282638

exactly: a life of its own: you feel like you are not
listening to something crafted but something grown from a
seed. Which may well be the case, from some AE interviews
I've read, I got that they are a lot into "generative"
music: you know, having an algorhythm (spelling?), setting
parameters and letting the machine do the rest, waiting to
see the results no-one can predict. Much of it must be crap,
but some of it is pure gold and they seem to know it.


offline license from out of nowhere on 2002-06-24 09:22 [#00282647]
Points: 865 Status: Lurker

sorta god-like in a way, eh? :) maybe the results would be a
lot better with a little "divine intervention"...


offline Bob Mcbob on 2002-06-24 09:22 [#00282648]
Points: 9939 Status: Regular

ae is supposedly the most experimental band in the world and
confield is supposedly their most experimental
once youve heard it youll never be surprised by music again


offline Meho Krljic from Beograd (Yugoslavia) on 2002-06-24 09:26 [#00282653]
Points: 6617 Status: Addict

license: yes, god-like: hindu religion describes the
creation in the very similar terms. But I think, they did
intervene (does this word actually exist), that's why the
music is so great (to me at least), they never value
experimentation more than the final product.

Bob: that's a bit preposterous to say (although I see why
you say that): weird avantgarde and experimental shit from
the 40s, 50s and 60s would still have you shitting your
pants in surprise.


offline w M w from London (United Kingdom) on 2002-06-24 09:29 [#00282658]
Points: 21424 Status: Lurker

there's always the future to piss us off with new pointless
ways/ideas/inventions in the pointless pseudo"science" of

Listen to crunch though, they have composition that is
different but matches autechre in experimentally detailed
masterpieces, like art pylon. Their music mutates a lot. But
it always retains a simple prototype of symmetry.


offline license from out of nowhere on 2002-06-24 09:30 [#00282660]
Points: 865 Status: Lurker

yeah, I heard Confield and afterward, hearing Alva Noto for
the first time blew my mind. :)
and I think you're right, they did intervene. I'm interested
in trying some of this on my own; I wish they weren't so
damn secretive of their technique!


offline Meho Krljic from Beograd (Yugoslavia) on 2002-06-24 09:33 [#00282662]
Points: 6617 Status: Addict | Followup to license: #00282660

secretive? They actually write their own software to match
their aims, not much help would that do to you except if you
were after cloning their own sound...

wmw: crunch? who are they?


offline Bob Mcbob on 2002-06-24 09:34 [#00282664]
Points: 9939 Status: Regular

i didnt say there would never be any more music that it
'more experimental' than confield, but once u do hear
something else u would not be surprised by it, u would be
comparing it to confield or some other ae works.....

as for the future, i cant see a lot of cahnge from whats
already been done, imagination and technology may not have
nesseccarely reached their limits yet, but they are winding
down, if u get my drift....


offline license from out of nowhere on 2002-06-24 09:34 [#00282665]
Points: 865 Status: Lurker

I don't think they distribute the software though. I haven't
seen it, anyway...

yeah, I just did a search for crunch and didn't have much
luck...label? album? track?


offline Bob Mcbob on 2002-06-24 09:35 [#00282666]
Points: 9939 Status: Regular

in the 3rd track of confield i could easily recognise the
track they sampled and norman cook has used it too....


offline license from out of nowhere on 2002-06-24 09:36 [#00282667]
Points: 865 Status: Lurker

I think that the argument that we've already discovered
everything was made a few decades ago, though, Bob. and I
think they were making claims that all we can do now is
improve ourselves morally and ethically - the results speak
for themselves...


offline license from out of nowhere on 2002-06-24 09:38 [#00282671]
Points: 865 Status: Lurker

haha! I think they used those samples just because it seemed
out of character for them.


offline license from out of nowhere on 2002-06-24 09:40 [#00282673]
Points: 865 Status: Lurker

I'm going to go to bed though.

wow, looks like I'm only a couple messages away from being
an Aged Poppa!


offline Meho Krljic from Beograd (Yugoslavia) on 2002-06-24 09:41 [#00282675]
Points: 6617 Status: Addict

bob: check out Francisco Lopez for instance. (a good
starting point:

license: no, they don't but it's a custom-made stuff, for
their own purposes, for specific tracks...


offline w M w from London (United Kingdom) on 2002-06-24 09:43 [#00282681]
Points: 21424 Status: Lurker

Crunch (tipper and some guy that doesn't mention his name on
the internet often enough for people to remember)
label: musik aus strom
album: 1 (nullpluze)
great tracks in my stupid opinion: art pylon, toe tac tic


offline Bob Mcbob on 2002-06-24 09:45 [#00282683]
Points: 9939 Status: Regular | Followup to Meho Krljic: #00282675

so what of his stuff do u think i shoold buy as a startin


offline Meho Krljic from Beograd (Yugoslavia) on 2002-06-24 09:53 [#00282690]
Points: 6617 Status: Addict | Followup to Bob Mcbob: #00282683

bob: that's fucking tough question. His music is almost
completely silent: you have to listen to it on headphones
and concentrate real well in order to actually hear it. It's
real amazing tho, the way you have to strain to hear it
really alters the way you hear music (BTW, a lot of his
music is just samples of jungle (forest, not genre) -
cicadas, flies, rain...), it's like discovering secret
places (I almost typed "sacred" there). I have another of
his albums that is made of sound of thunder in its entirity.
It is difficult to describe just how wonderful that is.


offline Taxidermist from Black Grass on 2002-06-24 10:33 [#00282738]
Points: 9958 Status: Lurker

I don't understand anyone who is not drawn into track 7 (I
forget what it is called). That track is so immaculate. I
become oblivious to everything else when I hear it. It is
the perfect song.


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