america tipping adventure | xltronic messageboard
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america tipping adventure

offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2024-04-29 23:04 [#02635141]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

why am i supposed to tip for take-out? i mean, i even do
sometimes, but it's kind of annoying to... alright, you're
some kid at the italian place and you have this deal like
"it's going to ask you as a question about dsfjgkdf" and
it's a tip thing and it's confusing and there's not an easy
"no" option, and, um,,,,mmmm

i take a page from my dad's book. i don't have my glasses.
i'm a boob. i knock a stupid decorative bird over. i ignore
it, still trying to figure out the display. i can't. too
late. it's expired. the screen is gone. no tip. i put the
bird back on its perch [right in front of the freaking tip
LCD?!]. have a nice day


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2024-04-29 23:07 [#02635142]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

i mean, that was by accident, and it wasn't. i didn't mean
to knock that stupid bird over. but it expressed my feelings
perfectly. and putting it back was a thing that felt like a
tip and there you go. my solutions have me, before i them


offline Hyperflake from Wirral (United Kingdom) on 2024-04-29 23:19 [#02635143]
Points: 30992 Status: Lurker



offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2024-04-29 23:55 [#02635144]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular | Followup to Hyperflake: #02635143

same as the scam the doctors have going on on in the other
direction i suppose


offline ijonspeches from 109P/Swift-Tuttle on 2024-05-02 07:40 [#02635152]
Points: 7796 Status: Regular | Followup to Hyperflake: #02635143 | Show recordbag

thats rich!
i need a 1st of march edition,
something like, read das kapital etc.


offline ijonspeches from 109P/Swift-Tuttle on 2024-05-02 07:48 [#02635153]
Points: 7796 Status: Regular | Followup to EpicMegatrax: #02635141 | Show recordbag

could have been worse,
might aswell accidently pushed the bird in his face!

i find tips kind of weird, when i get them,
for doing a job i already get paid for.
people ought to earn enough by their employer.
higher minimum wage is the way to go imo.
as well as low to no taxes for low income.

there is good examples for nice tipping aswell though.
its pretty cool that you have the option to pay more,
for staff, if you want to,
when ordering stuff from a company imo.


offline -crazone from smashing acid over and over on 2024-05-02 19:20 [#02635154]
Points: 11220 Status: Regular | Show recordbag

Never been to America but don't be a cheap ass and just give
a tip wherever you are. It's all about karma.


offline Wolfslice from Bay Area, CA (United States) on 2024-05-03 03:09 [#02635156]
Points: 4855 Status: Regular

I really don't like tipping for take out.

In the US we've always tipped (and generally pretty well)
for full service, sit down to eat dining. Personally I do
like 20%.

It's only the last couple of years where these automated
machines epic is talking about have kind of tried to change
the culture for tipping take out as well. It's annoying and
it's expensive.

It automatically selects give you some options. 10%, 15%,
20%, 25%. And "Other."

Take out situation, I select other and put $2.00 USD. You
get 2 bucks. Take it or lick my asshole, you dumb bitch.
Always a woman at the counter. Epic is right, the person at
the counter is always like "It's going to ask you a
question." Fuck your question, you did nothing and I'm quite
sure you have more disposable income than I do (which is in
the negative).


offline Wolfslice from Bay Area, CA (United States) on 2024-05-03 03:09 [#02635157]
Points: 4855 Status: Regular

also i dont like women


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2024-05-03 05:11 [#02635158]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

alright... what was it... the movie where sickly whatever
his name is, oceans' dogs, 11 reservoir, something... the
conversation waitressess, tipping. that's fucking 40 years
ago, you dipshits. it WAS true. now you go to mcdonalds and
it's a fucking LCD screen saying: you bought a milkshake,
tip $5? and it's because they don't fucking pay people
livable wages and do shit like "we're paying you the money
you made at mcdonalds as a prepaid debit card that costs
money to use" and at a bar, a busy waitress? fuck. yes. tip.
even if she's a jerk. especially if it's understaffed and
she's a jerk because it's understaffed. but 3pm, the italian
joint, some teenage shit, his family owns the place [bet you
$20 i'm right here] and he hates working at the restaurant
and he just wants to milk me for cash and fuck you, you
little spoiled shit.

tip? if it's deserved? fuck yes. even if rude? still yes, if
it's deserved, because rude can come from systemic abuse and
the tip alleviates this somewhat. but i won't support a
business abusing its employees [either by not going, or not
tipping some asshole kid forced to man the counter] and i
won't tip as some stupid perfunctory social pressure thing

but i really made this thread, because, like, i did this
before. and i'm walking out of the italian joint and
thinking "i knocked that fucking bird over before" and
"that's something dad would do"

just, oh, i'm a boob. tip LCD? this is so complicated i've
knocked your fucking bird over. i've put it back up. there's
your tip. good day

i dunno, it's like -- i guess, if anything, this is a
frustrating problem and i made a thread because i nailed it
there. again.


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2024-05-03 05:20 [#02635159]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

i guess i could clinch it. i was hoping for the chick with
long dark hair and... she likes me. but she's too young. and
god, i think she's nuts. BPD nuts. it'd be fun. at first

and she never bothers me with the tip LCD screen. instead i
get this kid and now i'm getting this tip screen shit. she
never trifles me on that. i guess she works later hours

it's a terrible idea and nevermind really


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2024-05-03 05:34 [#02635160]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

i guess, also -- it should be implicit. i want to get this
correct. it's not tipping good, tipping bad, but what's the
just decision? and i've nailed a complex decision, i feel,
and so a thread. and a discussion about where it all came
from. so i can further make appropriate, just choices


offline ijonspeches from 109P/Swift-Tuttle on 2024-05-03 07:34 [#02635161]
Points: 7796 Status: Regular | Show recordbag

if its in the cash register,
does it mean they deduct taxes from the tip?
that would be kind of insane.

the place my wife works in bought new cash registers 3 years
next thing you know, a new cash register system becomes
mandatory and they have to buy another 3 registers for a
shitload of money because the eu attempts to minimize fraud.
no place to sell the recently bought ones to either, theyre
obsolete. thats thosuands of € down the drain.

let me tell you one thing about work behind the counter
though epic
you think its easy compared to serving tables,
there may be such jobs where this is true but, still,
it can be utterly stressful. people can be absolute
pay is always low. so low, people cant afford the ride to
the job.
even if they cater to rich jerks.


offline Tony Danza from NAFO Suicide Hotline on 2024-05-03 14:51 [#02635162]
Points: 3622 Status: Regular

americans are irredeemable oinking pig demons


offline -crazone from smashing acid over and over on 2024-05-03 21:13 [#02635165]
Points: 11220 Status: Regular | Followup to Tony Danza: #02635162 | Show recordbag

Lol, so true, except thad.


offline belb from mmmmmmhhhhzzzz!!! on 2024-05-03 22:44 [#02635166]
Points: 6376 Status: Regular

I don't tip because society says I have to. All right, if
someone deserves a tip, if they really put forth an effort,
I'll give them something a little something extra. But this
tipping automatically, it's for the birds. As far as I'm
concerned, they're just doing their job.


offline Wolfslice from Bay Area, CA (United States) on 2024-05-03 22:56 [#02635168]
Points: 4855 Status: Regular | Followup to belb: #02635166

I wish it wasn't such a cultural expectation. It's not in
Germany, where I've spent a good amount of time.

Here in the US you just gotta tip for a sit down meal, been
that way since before I was born ('84). If you don't you're
basically an asshole.

This TAKE OUT tippin stuff, tho... it came about it covid.
It was never even an option before then. Now it's becoming
an expectation. I just give $2 bucks and move on. Be happy
wit it.

I was just kidding about it being only women btw if that's
what triggered Tony's american Pig comment. Women are
alright (tho worse than men in every respect).


offline big from lsg on 2024-05-03 23:04 [#02635170]
Points: 23583 Status: Regular | Show recordbag

just tip and be anti capitalist in your political


offline Wolfslice from Bay Area, CA (United States) on 2024-05-03 23:45 [#02635172]
Points: 4855 Status: Regular

and also remember in a true anti capitalist society you'll
enjoy the conversation in line to get your bread roll and
millipedes because lefties want you to eat fucking bugs.


offline Tony Danza from NAFO Suicide Hotline on 2024-05-04 00:20 [#02635178]
Points: 3622 Status: Regular



offline big from lsg on 2024-05-04 00:56 [#02635185]
Points: 23583 Status: Regular | Followup to Tony Danza: #02635178 | Show recordbag

get him, tony!


offline Tony Danza from NAFO Suicide Hotline on 2024-05-04 02:04 [#02635202]
Points: 3622 Status: Regular

wolfie is fine, he just had too much big boys drink and wet


offline Wolfslice from Bay Area, CA (United States) on 2024-05-04 03:42 [#02635203]
Points: 4855 Status: Regular | Followup to Tony Danza: #02635202

not even wrong.

The other day I drove up to my buddy's ranch in Coarsegold,
California. (coarsegold vibe 1, vibe 2, both capture
the feel pretty well)

I brought a bottle of tito's vodka for the party. But I took
a few pulls on the county backroads.

About a mile out from his house I had to pee worse than I
ever, ever had in my entire life. I was listening to NiN- A
Warm Place, which is usually soothing but I was jerking all
over from having to uirnite. I pulled over, got out of the
car. I peed a little bit into my underoos and pants before I
got the zipper down. I literally pissed myself, but just a

The nice thing about xltronic is that most of the members
here actually have an almagamation of each other and don't
judge on any one incident, so even with my honesty I'll
still get a bit of benefit of the doubt and be affectionally
called Wolfie, even if I'm a 40 year old drunk pisser who
posts about eating woke millipedes.


offline ijonspeches from 109P/Swift-Tuttle on 2024-05-04 08:09 [#02635204]
Points: 7796 Status: Regular | Followup to Wolfslice: #02635203 | Show recordbag

its also the place where people come to take a piss.


offline ijonspeches from 109P/Swift-Tuttle on 2024-05-04 08:17 [#02635205]
Points: 7796 Status: Regular | Followup to Wolfslice: #02635172 | Show recordbag

someone peed all over a mexican bar,
true story

this may hev been the tipping point of this conversation


offline big from lsg on 2024-05-04 11:20 [#02635210]
Points: 23583 Status: Regular | Show recordbag

conservatives are mad because ron desantis banned lab grown

at least on /r/conservative they are


offline steve mcqueen from caerdydd (United Kingdom) on 2024-05-05 00:29 [#02635221]
Points: 6453 Status: Regular | Followup to big: #02635210

will you still be working at the Yarn Barn?


offline steve mcqueen from caerdydd (United Kingdom) on 2024-05-05 00:33 [#02635222]
Points: 6453 Status: Regular

Service staff at posh places in UK at least are told they
should be emotionless and robot-like. It gets a bit
difficult around me when I've had a drink.


offline steve mcqueen from caerdydd (United Kingdom) on 2024-05-05 00:48 [#02635224]
Points: 6453 Status: Regular

Fuck service charge, tip means extra if service was good,
simple as.

So coupla dimes here n there, all the difference.


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2024-05-05 02:55 [#02635225]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular | Followup to steve mcqueen: #02635222

Service staff at posh places in UK at least are told they
should be emotionless and robot-like. It gets a bit
difficult around me when I've had a drink.

this made my ears perk. do you mean you have trouble
handling it, or do you mean... it's hard not to troll them?
if it's the former, interesting. if it's the latter, i want
details and techniques

my style in this sort of situation is to precisely follow
the normal robot script, but then flagrantly throw something
farty and weird in like an alien bursting forth from your
chest cavity. instead of... "...precisely!" it seems we've
said personkly and this is not a word, and... no, not
an alien, it's like some chick's fake boob insert fell out
and into the communal salad bowl. personkly, my good
robot butler. you've got it exactly

and i am playing this completely dry and deadpan and the
hardest part is not showing my amusement as the gears jam on
this weird autistic dash of style and does he know he said
that? did i hear him say that right? did this happen at

maybe. maybe


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2024-05-05 02:56 [#02635226]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

you can break someone's robot program like that all night
and still tip like a gentleman, i should add. there's no
conflict between the two action items


offline dariusgriffin from cool on 2024-05-05 21:27 [#02635228]
Points: 12366 Status: Regular

oh my god just tip the fucking kids you knobs
they're literally risking their life bringing you your
stupid food and in your awful awful country they must be
paid like, a cent


offline dariusgriffin from cool on 2024-05-05 21:35 [#02635229]
Points: 12366 Status: Regular

wait sorry you said take out not delivery well fuck it you
people have jobs and money so just give them all the money
they're doing a more important job than you


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2024-05-07 07:00 [#02635245]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

i'm pretty close to losing all my shit again, thanks. i
can't afford the squarepusher album, i don't own a
turntable, and if i did, i might have to throw it out in two
months anyways. and he still hasn't provided any technical
support w/rt which missing linux library soulseek needs so i
can pirate it

anyone want to buy some music gear?


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2024-05-07 07:03 [#02635246]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

i mean i guess i could have bought a squarepusher album
instead of eating

mostly what i eat is: 1) cheerios with banana 2) peanuts 3)
granola but sometimes we need a hardcore protein hit and it
was probably a poor financial decision. to even buy a


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2024-05-07 07:04 [#02635247]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

i'm out of actual zigs. i can afford more i'm just starving
myself for the evening. and not.


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2024-05-07 07:05 [#02635248]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

and i even still do sometimes.

what is a tip anyways?


offline Tony Danza from NAFO Suicide Hotline on 2024-05-07 16:54 [#02635259]
Points: 3622 Status: Regular

Stop talking bad about the economy, which is doing great. Do
you want Trump to win? Racist.


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