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Stranger Things (spoilers)

offline fleetmouse from Horny for Truth on 2016-08-03 03:25 [#02501243]
Points: 18042 Status: Lurker

Mainly, in season 2 I want to see some of the romantic
subplots followed up. Will Hop date Joyce? The implication
was that maybe he already has at one point, that he's worked
his way through all the women in town. Will Steve act like a
big twat again? Will Jonathan get another crack at Nancy?
Not that she deserves him. Will Mike take El to the Snow

All the Half-Life shit, ehh whatever. I guess there will be
more monsters and shit, and more synth music.


offline Gwely Mernans from 23rd century entertainment (Canada) on 2016-08-14 00:07 [#02501955]
Points: 9853 Status: Regular

I like how it ended, that classic end of movie twist and

In season 2 I'd like to see a new story and new cast, like
if it did the anthology thing True Detective and American
Horror Story does.


offline Gwely Mernans from 23rd century entertainment (Canada) on 2016-08-14 00:09 [#02501956]
Points: 9853 Status: Regular

Just feels like all the characters had their arcs, if it
kept up with the same story in season 2 I duno, would be a
stale milking imo. I'd be content either way actually, was
really good would watch more.


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2016-08-14 01:20 [#02501963]
Points: 24760 Status: Regular | Followup to fleetmouse: #02501243

my tangent for this thread is "strange things" by adam
freeland, off of the album Cope (tm). i said to myself: no,
actually read the first post before just replying with it. i
did, and concluded my strange thing is cooler that your
strange thing. tangent: justified. reply to thread


offline fleetmouse from Horny for Truth on 2016-08-14 12:47 [#02501998]
Points: 18042 Status: Lurker | Followup to Gwely Mernans: #02501955

both those season 1s were perfect, and the followups didn't
do them justice. Now you're scaring me. They left enough
hanging, though, like what about kids 1 through 10? What
about some other creatures? Is there an HEV and who gets to
wear it?


offline Gwely Mernans from 23rd century entertainment (Canada) on 2016-08-14 16:54 [#02502007]
Points: 9853 Status: Regular | Followup to fleetmouse: #02501998

Yeah the anthology format is hard to live up to when you
have such a stellar season, it becomes the basis of
standards for the next one. Still feels like it could work
though because 'Stranger Things' to me even sounds like a
series of Stephen King stories.

Shows these days try to wrap everything up and try not to
leave anything hanging but I prefer there being some
mystery, especially since it's going for that classic
Stephen King vibe. I think enough was told that we can piece
the lore together ourselves instead of lapping up more
seasons about more of the test subject kids and the upside
down. But none of what I'm hoping for even matters when the
producers have said they hope for several more seasons with
the same characters.


offline fleetmouse from Horny for Truth on 2016-08-15 16:34 [#02502031]
Points: 18042 Status: Lurker | Followup to Gwely Mernans: #02502007

maybe it's bad when creators and greedy distributors listen
to dumb fans like me who want more, more of the same. :-(


offline Mr Dictionary on 2016-08-15 17:40 [#02502032]
Points: 77 Status: Lurker

- how does the other side work? why would it have cars and
movie theaters, and why would they be run down? if you
construct something here, it appears there, but run down?
- Why did they avoid an emotional payoff with 11s mom? "you
have a mom. your name is whatever" "here is a picture of
your daughter, she saved us all."
- i didn't find the characters not talking to each other
charming. i think its OK to do that, but then you pay it off
with everyone laying it all out. they had everyone in the
same room finally and just shared like 2 lines before they
moved on.
- i know there was an egg, but did they just genocide the
other side? that ecosystem might have need it.
- i don't understand what the bear trap and fire did. it
allowed them to track the blood to its nest in the library,
but it was actually at the school because it attacked
everyone there. they didn't even weaken it.
- i'm ok with the homages, but the Under The Skin one
bothered me because more people know about Stranger Things
than Under The Skin.
- the monster was significantly less scary once you got to
see the whole thing. i'm pretty sure thats been true since


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