My pic is trippin out! | xltronic messageboard
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My pic is trippin out!

offline blue_clax from Edmonton (Canada) on 2002-03-11 20:53 [#00121611]
Points: 411 Status: Regular

I hate to make a thred about this... but there was nothing
in the FAQ and i couldnt find any info threw a search... Iv
changed my pic but its not showing the new one??? well it
did for a second... but then it went back?? what up with


offline 010101 from Vancouver (Canada) on 2002-03-11 20:55 [#00121615]
Points: 7669 Status: Regular

Perhaps your old pic is still in your cache.


offline blue_clax from Edmonton (Canada) on 2002-03-11 20:56 [#00121617]
Points: 411 Status: Regular

I thought about that... so i cleared it and its still the
same.... hmmmmm

is anyone else seeing the new one?


offline blue_clax from Edmonton (Canada) on 2002-03-11 20:57 [#00121619]
Points: 411 Status: Regular

whoa!! its the new one now??? for how long i dunno??? lol...
maybe i just needed to make a thred.



offline Clobe Smith from san francisco (United States) on 2002-03-11 20:59 [#00121622]
Points: 512 Status: Lurker

that happens whenever i change my pic. takes a few minutes
to switch to the new one


offline lctroboy from BorÃ¥s (Sweden) on 2002-03-11 21:00 [#00121623]
Points: 1705 Status: Regular

Hey. It's the guy from Cowboy Bebop.


offline Clobe Smith from san francisco (United States) on 2002-03-11 21:06 [#00121635]
Points: 512 Status: Lurker

yes. :-D


offline LeCoeur from the outer edge of the universe (United States) on 2002-03-11 21:09 [#00121639]
Points: 8249 Status: Lurker

Cool pic. i tried several times to change my pic to one of
kitty cats, but it didn't work.....i think it was too big =)


offline Clobe Smith from san francisco (United States) on 2002-03-11 21:14 [#00121645]
Points: 512 Status: Lurker

thank you. i wanted to go as spike for halloween, but was
too lazy to try


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