from Vancouver (Canada) on 2005-12-19 14:25 [#01803411]
Points: 7669 Status: Regular
Tell me your dream and I will interpret them for you. I have been reading quite a lot on the subject and I am getting pretty good at it.
on 2005-12-19 14:29 [#01803413]
Points: 24805 Status: Lurker | Show recordbag
I dreamt I was on a messageboard writing out the contents of a dream about writing on a messageboard where I was writing out the contents of a dream about writing on a messageboard where I was writing out the contents of a dream about writing on a messageboard where I was writing out the contents of a dream about writing on a messageboard where I was writing out the contents of a dream about writing on a messageboard where I was writing out the contents of a dream about writing on a messageboard where I was writing out the contents of a dream about writing on a messageboard where I was writing out the contents of a dream about writing on a messageboard where I was writing out the contents of a dream about writing on a messageboard where I was writing out the contents of a dream about writing on a messageboard where I was writing out the contents of a dream about writing on a messageboard where I was writing out the contents of a dream about writing on a messageboard where I was writing out the contents of a dream about writing on a messageboard where I was writing out the contents of a dream about writing on a messageboard where I was writing out the contents of a dream about writing on a messageboard where I was writing out the contents of a dream about writing on a messageboard where I was writing out the contents of a dream about writing on a messageboard where I was writing out the contents of a dream about writing on a messageboard where I was writing out the contents of a dream about writing on a messageboard where I was writing out the contents of a dream about writing on a messageboard where I was writing out the contents of a dream about writing on a messageboard where I was writing out the contents of a dream about writing on a messageboard where I was writing out the contents of a dream about writing on a messageboard where I was writing out the contents of a dream about writing on a messageboard where I was writing out the contents of a dream about writing on a messageboard.
on 2005-12-19 14:30 [#01803415]
Points: 5888 Status: Moderator | Show recordbag
I almost never remember my dreams. Very very rarely. And I can't remember any specific ones from the last 10 years right at this moment. What does that tell you?
on 2005-12-19 14:31 [#01803417]
Points: 5888 Status: Moderator | Followup to ecnadniarb: #01803413 | Show recordbag
Nested recurring dreams. Or programmers nightmare.
on 2005-12-19 14:32 [#01803418]
Points: 5888 Status: Moderator | Followup to xceque: #01803417 | Show recordbag
on 2005-12-19 14:32 [#01803419]
Points: 24805 Status: Lurker | Followup to xceque: #01803415 | Show recordbag
You have a temporary loss of your 10 year dream memory brain part.
on 2005-12-19 14:33 [#01803421]
Points: 24805 Status: Lurker | Followup to xceque: #01803418 | Show recordbag
*sobs in corner chewing someone elses nails*
from illadelphia (United States) on 2005-12-19 14:34 [#01803423]
Points: 2443 Status: Addict
i mostly dream about exgfriends...that and swears
from United States on 2005-12-19 15:23 [#01803463]
Points: 3026 Status: Lurker
i dreamt about gianna sitting on my lap facing me and kissing me real hard and then staring at me like with this weird gaze penetrating into my SOUL.
from Vancouver (Canada) on 2005-12-19 15:25 [#01803466]
Points: 7669 Status: Regular
ecnadniarb: you are contantly searching for meaning in your life, this dream in particular is an indication that you have recently lost something that before you lost it had little or no value to you, but now you are missing it. You are probably gay.
euphonicfilter: you fantisise about past sexual encounters and on the whole find them more gratifying than real ones. I am guessing from what I get from your post that most of them involve fat girls peeing on you, if this is, as I belive, the case it indicates that your are apporantly aware that you smell and these dreams indicate a clensing of sorts. Try to stop wanking off so much and your relationships will improve and you are probably gay anyway.
from Vancouver (Canada) on 2005-12-19 15:34 [#01803476]
Points: 7669 Status: Regular
thatne: Oh shit, being kissed in a dream by a lizard indicates that you have a real feeling of self loathing. To have it remove your soul means that you are looking to change yourself. STOP, you can only get worse. Shut yourself up in a room and don't come out. You are a danger to yourself and to others and more than likley gay
on 2005-12-19 15:35 [#01803477]
Points: 24805 Status: Lurker | Followup to 010101: #01803466 | Show recordbag
Your reply is laden with latent homosexual lament.
from Vancouver (Canada) on 2005-12-19 15:37 [#01803480]
Points: 7669 Status: Regular | Followup to ecnadniarb: #01803477
In your case I mean gay in the old fashoned way like, Gay Paris or Gay window. All the others are queer, in the old fashoned sense of the word
on 2005-12-19 15:39 [#01803482]
Points: 24805 Status: Lurker | Show recordbag
That means they are simply strange. Queer didn't mean an arse ramming bum bandit until later. I am sure you meant the latter.
Labium Sweat
from United States on 2005-12-19 15:42 [#01803485]
Points: 922 Status: Regular
I have been writing mine down for a while now... I've had some strange ones... I'm not sure how serious you are about your interpretations, you guys would all just laugh at me if I mentioned any.
from junk sleep on 2005-12-19 15:44 [#01803488]
Points: 6474 Status: Lurker | Followup to euphonicfilter: #01803423
I hope you're not having teh gayhomosex dreams about me!1!!111
from junk sleep on 2005-12-19 15:45 [#01803489]
Points: 6474 Status: Lurker | Followup to euphonicfilter: #01803423
I hope you're not having teh gayhomosex dreams about me!1!!111
on 2005-12-19 15:46 [#01803490]
Points: 24805 Status: Lurker | Show recordbag
Two attempts and you still left the "not" in 'teh' post.
from junk sleep on 2005-12-19 15:48 [#01803492]
Points: 6474 Status: Lurker | Followup to ecnadniarb: #01803490
I'm flattered, anyway.
on 2005-12-19 15:52 [#01803498]
Points: 24805 Status: Lurker | Show recordbag
Flattery is the highest form of flatter.
Drunken Mastah
from OPPERKLASSESVIN!!! (Norway) on 2005-12-19 16:53 [#01803567]
Points: 35867 Status: Lurker | Show recordbag
I ran and then I stopped running because there was an elevator that I was riding before I started running that I had to ride and already was riding, but I was really tired from running from to the elevator.
from Vancouver (Canada) on 2005-12-19 17:05 [#01803580]
Points: 7669 Status: Regular
Drunken Mastah: Running in dreams indicates that you have clear goals in life, unless you are running from something and then it means that you are afraid to take the next step in your life unless you are forced to. The elevator that you can not enter means you have seen obvious limits to reaching your goals, another very common dream of this type is where you are climing a ladder and you run out of rungs. This kind of dream tells me that you are scared of your ability to perform. If you continue to have these sort of dreams, I suggest that you set your goals a little lower as you are probably incapable of the most simple of tasks.
Drunken Mastah
from OPPERKLASSESVIN!!! (Norway) on 2005-12-19 17:21 [#01803591]
Points: 35867 Status: Lurker | Followup to 010101: #01803580 | Show recordbag
oh.. I could enter the elevator, and I wasn't running neither from nor to anything; I was in the elevator the whole time, but when I was running, I was running to the elevator while already being there, and thus running from it and to it at the same time. I was inside it the whole time, but when I ran, I kind of wasn't while I still was.
from Ontario on 2005-12-19 20:17 [#01803657]
Points: 2934 Status: Lurker
all i remember is a praying mantis, a big one.
from Vancouver (Canada) on 2005-12-20 09:43 [#01803849]
Points: 7669 Status: Regular | Followup to Drunken Mastah: #01803591
Oh sorry, that just means you are in love with something you really shouldn't be. Maybe a dog or an old lady who smells of wee.
Drunken Mastah
from OPPERKLASSESVIN!!! (Norway) on 2005-12-20 09:46 [#01803850]
Points: 35867 Status: Lurker | Followup to 010101: #01803849 | Show recordbag
that's a bit too accurate, actually...
from mathbotton (United States) on 2005-12-20 10:06 [#01803859]
Points: 8833 Status: Regular | Followup to ecnadniarb: #01803482
"on the right side of the boat, you can see some homosexuals.
en el izquierda del barco, pueda ver los fanny bandits."
from Vancouver (Canada) on 2005-12-20 10:24 [#01803862]
Points: 7669 Status: Regular | Followup to DeLtoiD: #01803657
Dreaming of insects indicates that you envy those who have a hard skin. You may be wanting to tell someone something that may hurt them and are hoping that they will take it well.
from Vancouver (Canada) on 2005-12-20 10:24 [#01803863]
Points: 7669 Status: Regular | Followup to Drunken Mastah: #01803850
I told you I was good!
from Sweden on 2005-12-20 11:42 [#01803892]
Points: 3840 Status: Lurker | Followup to 010101: #01803411
i have a bad dream where i look into a mirror and my teeth turn grey & black and then i look down at my hands and my teeth are in my hands, with blood all over them & i look back into the mirror and smile, but i can't. i'm too scared to open my mouth to see what i've done.
from bloated exploding piss pockets on 2005-12-20 13:20 [#01803967]
Points: 4540 Status: Regular | Followup to Quoth: #01803892
That's the oldest dream in the dream book
from tell the world you're winning on 2005-12-20 13:46 [#01803991]
Points: 27799 Status: Regular
i had a dream i was in a swimming pool filled with jelly with all of the all saints - still can't work that one out, can you help?
from Sex on 2006-05-24 01:14 [#01905764]
Points: 7543 Status: Lurker
I had a dream last night. I was in my local supermarket and I was purchasing picking orange apple juice.
Then I woke up this morning and opened the fridge. I REALLY expected some apple juice but there was nothing. I am pissed as it's one of the first times I believe so strongly in one of nmy dreams.
from United Kingdom on 2006-05-24 06:28 [#01905884]
Points: 39 Status: Lurker
I dreamt I was walking back from a friend's house (about 15 minutes in reality) I found a shortcut which isn't really a shortcut but any way, it was dark and the street lights were working so I risked it. I was then chased by an animal that was kinda a combination of a koala, dog and bear. I was scared. I ran home and woke up when I was just about to fall over and splat on the ground.
from Udine (Eriko Sato's undies) (Italy) on 2006-05-24 06:31 [#01905887]
Points: 1706 Status: Lurker
i think you have dreamed about the comet disaster
from Australia on 2006-05-24 06:35 [#01905889]
Points: 2777 Status: Regular
I dreamt a friend of mine was a heroin addict.... he was helpless and had resigned himself to his future....... i was distraught and powerless..... I had to try to avoid stepping on needles that surrounded his apartment.... later in the dream he found out he had AIDS, and I new he would die soon.. he had simply given up and was a shell of his usual self.... I was upset, crying and unconsolable..... had a great sense of loss.
from melbs on 2006-05-24 07:08 [#01905900]
Points: 4480 Status: Lurker | Followup to kittylamurka: #01905884
a combination of a koala, dog and bear.
because we all know how fast and scary koalas are.
from bloated exploding piss pockets on 2006-05-24 07:17 [#01905909]
Points: 4540 Status: Regular | Followup to pigster: #01905900
well, yeah, that koala is scary
from your mom's room (United States) on 2006-05-24 08:41 [#01905982]
Points: 2777 Status: Regular
ok... I put in a movie entitled cloak...... I noticed that Kevin Cosner was on the box..... when it started, there was a girl with a dagger in her head, bleeding profusely.... and a VERY large needle in her palm running all the way down her arm... she slowly yanked the 2 of them out.... the needle with her teeth.... and she walked through a pair of glass doors.... the doors slammed shut, and immediately filled with water..... then (from her point of view) outside the door the were people running around in fast forward....... then the middle of the door melted through dimentions or something and there was herself telling..... well.... herself.... that she was never going to get out..... all of this was on what looked like flickering gothic yellowed film stock film stock....
what's wrong with me ?
from United Kingdom on 2006-05-24 13:36 [#01906281]
Points: 39 Status: Lurker
the koala bear dog monster thing in my dream was fast and scary.
on 2006-05-24 14:34 [#01906339]
Points: 31271 Status: Lurker
I dream with bees a lot
"I am afraid of them and they are right where I have to go, or very near to where I am, so0 I am nervous all the time"
" my teeth begin to move till they fall"
Mr Brazil
from Oh Joan, I love you so... on 2006-05-24 18:24 [#01906439]
Points: 1970 Status: Lurker
Being chased…
At first it started as being pursued by people dressed in white. A lot of people. At times I was with a child, as though I was protecting it as well as myself from the people after me.
As harmless as it seems, this caused great fright and awakened me filled with terror.
The dreams, if at all connected, progressed to being chased by zombies. These chases were relentless; if I ever had a moment, a feeling of safety that I could savor, it would last less than seconds and then the zombies were back on me, sometimes within less than a hands reach and with me having to dredge my body for the energy to continue running.
Again, these dreams caused me great fear.
There have been other variations, but these two are the most prominent.
I haven’t had them for a while, though.
What do they mean? Thank you in advance 010101.
from planet rock (Sweden) on 2006-05-24 21:55 [#01906467]
Points: 3114 Status: Addict
one funny one i had was that 50 cent was in the swedish racket tennis(ping pong) national team and they played one of his songs evry time it was a round break and he tried look cool and tough evrytime as always.hehe and i cant remmeber much more but its a true dream
from seattle (United States) on 2006-05-24 22:35 [#01906472]
Points: 10965 Status: Regular
i have a recurring dream where i bite down and my teeth stick together, then when i open my mouth they all get pulled out or cracked. then i crunch down again on all the crunchy sharp bits.
from seattle (United States) on 2006-05-24 22:39 [#01906473]
Points: 10965 Status: Regular
i have a recurring dream where i am trying to run but i can't gain speed. it's like running in a swimming pool. i have to lean way forward to get any speed.
from seattle (United States) on 2006-05-24 22:41 [#01906474]
Points: 10965 Status: Regular
i have a recurring dream where i'm in my car but i'm sitting in the back seat. i am trying to drive the car by reaching over the seats.
Gwely Mernans
from 23rd century entertainment (Canada) on 2006-05-24 22:58 [#01906476]
Points: 9856 Status: Lurker
Dream A -
in this dream, i was moving down a river in a canoe, it was very calm. The setting was very canadian, and the nature seemed untouched. An indian woman/eskimo passed me on her canoe. She was indian but even in this forest nature, she was wearing what the eskimo usually wore. After she passed me, I wasn't myself anymore, I was her, and I was about to embark on her journey. By the time I became her (or rather, her camera angle), It became evident that this wasn't a present day story, it was at least 500-1000 years ago, in the western canadian region. It shifted to winter, And the woman could barely move the oars, infact it was her shivering body motions that actually causes them to just barely move. She passed two senile old men in another canoe, and saw the head of a fish in the waters, She jumped out of the canoe (in what was to be shallow water by this point) and stabbed the muddy fishhead with a sharp wooden stick. She went to bite it and quickly dropped it. The old men laughed while saying "rotten fish, rotten fish, hee hee". She ran up the shallow water and climbed up a dirt ledge, she was on land now, and it was spring or summer. She ran up this path for a long time, throughout all of nature. She found a prophetic old woman near the top. She said nothing, but at this point, I could feel the most eerie occurance was about to take place. They walked, the woman followed the old woman. They were talking to eachother, not in any language I would be familiar with, but it had something to do with the most fertile piece of land in existence. With the womans eyes, I looked down a cliff edge to where the old woman was pointing. There was a very small field with a wall of steep cliff circling it. It was grassy, but there was a line of trees, about 10-15 at least and they were tall at lengths you could only imagine. This land was divine. I heard a disgusting sound, and looked behind me, there was an alien behind me that just killed an indian man about 20 feet away, then running off into the forest. This
Gwely Mernans
from 23rd century entertainment (Canada) on 2006-05-24 22:59 [#01906477]
Points: 9856 Status: Lurker | Followup to Gwely Mernans: #01906476
This was the same size as a human, but walked upright like a monkey tries to, just a bit of an arch in the back. The neck was very long and had alot more mobility than ours does. This alien's body was completely covered in white hair/fur. After I saw it, things became very hectic. All us indians were running for our lives, we all knew this was going to happen, we just couldn't defend ourselves. I fell down and stood my ground, the old woman kept running but shouted "Hide under oil! They can't hurt you if your around oil!" Luckily I fell in some dry yellow grass piles with lots of black oil all over them, so I hid. UFO's and spaceships flew around the forest tree peaks and zapped indians, there was one that was also fertalizing the land by spraying something on it. This UFO continued to leave and come back right in front of me, like it knew I was there and kept re-checking. I stood up, the ship began to unfold like oragami and a white light enveloped my vision. I then woke up.
from Utrecht on 2006-06-25 00:13 [#01926801]
Points: 19379 Status: Regular | Followup to 010101: #01803411
with my wife we visited Barcelona and went into La Sagrada Familia, it looked really huge and awesome. An old spanish woman told Sylwia that she is very pretty [don't remember either in spanish or english] . Then i saw the pope [no idea if it was B16 or JP2, maybe an impostor] - he was passing by so i kneeled on 1 knee and kissed his hand.
I need to come to Barcelona and see the cathedral, it's one of the greatest buildings in the world.
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