from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-09-05 12:28 [#00029573]

I cant say more. There are worse ones. MUCH Worse ones... this one is mild compared to what there is on there... the worst shit ever.. the human race is doomed.
go to
I cant even look at theve videos.... stuff like Faces Of Death. I hate it it.... FUCK i hate it. SICK. Do not look if you are faint of heart. im not fucking kidding, people puke from this stuff.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-09-05 12:36 [#00029575]

Look im sorry I posted this.. really iam. no one should see this stuff.... really. this site here.. that i told you all about is horrible...... all those videos of the most fuct up deaths and suicides ever.... shows the reality of the world. at its worst. it shows the way people treat other human beings..... I cant believe this shit still exists on the internet... its been about.... 5 years since ive seen this shit on the internet, for free.
dirty little bitch
on 2001-09-05 12:38 [#00029578]

so why have you put the links on this site? do you want us to puke?
you are indeed a strange person.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-09-05 12:40 [#00029580]

Yes iam strange.... I know im sorry i alraedy said that. you dont have to watch if you dont want to.... thats not even the worst one.... there are some ones that .... just... go right over my fucking head.. and make me feel as if iam going to puke.. seriously.. i almost threw up watching this other one.... i stopped looking after about 3... I was dizzy/light headed.. and felt very ill. the one where the black tribes are angry at each other and.. they have 1 hostage and.. they treat him like n othing, like dirt.. like shit. like hes already dead. and then where the jeeps rip off the guys arms.. the suicides.. the shootings............................... this one... i really am sorry.. but you dont have to watch.
from Milan on 2001-09-05 13:25 [#00029595]

Jaffa Kid
from Fog On the toon. on 2001-09-05 13:28 [#00029596]

Christ , man, I was eating aswell....
on 2001-09-05 13:32 [#00029597]

Its not always pleasant. But its real. A lot of that stuff happens because of the lifestyle that north american's propegate.
It seems like people will always want the good, and ignore the negative side effects.
on 2001-09-05 13:35 [#00029598]

shit ..what the fuck is wrong with me? I don't like seeing sick stuff like that. But still I went to that site and downloaded a few and now my stomach is a bit fucked. That clip with the guy shooting himself in public is unbelievable, it's like he turns into a doll after he shoots himself.
The Supremes
from Motown on 2001-09-05 13:48 [#00029604]

A lot of people on this site (often the same people who moan about non-AFX-related stuff being posted) seem to have an unhealthy obsession with watching sick footage. Watching this stuff does not give you any great insight into the human condition, just as watching footage of concentration camps does not help you understand Hitler. It's just voyeurism, however you dress it up, especially as the footage is often shown without context or background.
Fuck rotten.com and all the other pervert snuff peddlers.
from Milan on 2001-09-05 14:01 [#00029608]

... I haven't words about this sites... I am confused because I never see stuff like that, but I don't think this is the right place for to speak about this kind of things, it's not correct.
Jaffa Kid
from Fog On the toon. on 2001-09-05 14:02 [#00029609]

Try the Jeffrey Dahmer forum, I hear they love shit like this :)
Sound Assassin
from Patent Office UK on 2001-09-05 14:37 [#00029616]

Aphex Twin and Braindance is really cool! Don't you think.....
(changing the subject quickly...)
from Milan on 2001-09-05 14:57 [#00029620]

Sound Assasin: Yeah, I am agree... now I'm listening "Cuckoo" from Analogue Bubblebath 4 and I back to be happy...
P.S.: This isn't the forum of MARYLIN MANSON..., this is the adrenalinic MB of the king Aphex Twin!!!
The Supremes
from Motown on 2001-09-05 15:09 [#00029624]

Yes. Too much gothness on this MB. Fuck Marilyn Make-up, Nine Inch Nobs, pictures of dead people . . . lets all take acid and sit in a big circle singing happiness.
Sound Assassin
from Patent Office UK on 2001-09-05 15:14 [#00029626]

Hello Mr purple Camel, are you going to take me to the pink desert to see the multicolored tortoise with horns!?
Mr purple Camel
on 2001-09-05 15:30 [#00029633]

no not today, i'm having my hair done at four, and then i must catch a plane to new york. i've got a very important meeting in the morning, and i'm already behind schedule. next week, yah? we'll do lunch, yah? see ya babes.
djfony -mike b-
from helemano, hawaii -djfony.8m.com- on 2001-09-05 17:05 [#00029641]

taxi...you know before you open your mouth you should do a little research . All Im gonna say is that guy is not american he is a Czech soldier. I have the same file but with audio and the rest of the narration.
Pisses me off when I see retarded ass comments like that.
from over here on 2001-09-05 20:28 [#00029672]

reflex, you turd.. cut it out. i mean, some of us have the strength not to look, but some of us, and i am not anming any names, are sheep heads, and you're ganna kill their fragile little minds.....
from over here on 2001-09-05 20:31 [#00029673]

wait a sec..... chechnya?? i have been there! my parents have done missionary work (yeah, they are christians....) there! i have yet to look at the pics or what ever, and i sure as hell don't want to now.. i am just going to tell my rents to keep chechnya off there list for next year..
on 2001-09-05 21:18 [#00029677]

I never said he was an american soldier. Your putting words in my mouth. Message boards are great for that. What I said was that it is a result of the North American lifestyle.
Unfortunately, whenever people see something unpleasant they get defensive. I am not saying the images are wonderfull, or anything like that. It really is quite repulsive.
Human beings are so defensive, that they will block things out so easily. I know when this gets a response it is going to be a bunch of people saying "You don't know shit about shit."
The thing is, I am secure in the fact that my thoughts are baised out of objective reasoning, and not an instant fear baised instinct. Are you?
from an egren's coffee shop on 2001-09-05 21:26 [#00029678]

ahaha! it's funny to me how people can feel this way. i have not yet viewed the pictures because i'm at work, but i've seen what some would say is wretched. christ, it's only us, that's what we look like inside out or ripped open. it's only flesh, blood, bone and sinew. i'm not the type to get off on gore, but i do find it amusing.
from an egren's coffee shop on 2001-09-05 21:31 [#00029680]

perhaps i am more interested in the psychology behind it. maybe i'm more interested in peoples reactions as to what they feel. i dont think there is a preset emotion that is applied. maybe fear at least from the fact that we realize such can happen to us. i look at it from the aspect that we all die, some in manners worse than others. i find the people that can perform such acts interesting too and as to why they can or do perform those actions against one another.
on 2001-09-05 21:31 [#00029681]

Oh yeah? well wait untill I punch you in the nose. Then you won't be laughing, would you?
on 2001-09-05 21:33 [#00029682]

I think the funniest part is that most of us know deep down that we are all equally capable of commiting those horrible things, given the right circumstances. :)
from an egren's coffee shop on 2001-09-05 21:38 [#00029685]

i would do it probably if i could get away with it. i'd like to make a really gory movie. someone get their head mashed in a cogwheel, someone gets shot in the face with an automatic weapon, someone gets stabbed in the face, someone gets their head pulled off, someone gets shot in the stomach and all the bones and intestine flies out the back, watch someones stomach burst and all the intestine fall out, someone gets vaporized, etc.
from a plastic bubble on 2001-09-05 21:40 [#00029686]

people's reactions to this sort of thing are probably based in intstinct...seeing other people being physically destroyed inspires fear and disgust acts as sort of primitive defense mechanisim i guess.
i would be more disturbed if that sort of thing didn't bother people.
from an egren's coffee shop on 2001-09-05 21:49 [#00029688]

i think part of it comes from our fear of death and that we dont want to acknowledge the fact that we cease to exist at one point. people think they are too important to die.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-09-05 23:19 [#00029707]

WHATEVER....... dont fucking look if you dont want to, jesus fucking christ, you think I care if I "damaged" your life or made you feel sick!? Guess what, that was you. And for the record, shut the fuck up about gothenss, and nine inch nail "nobs". thake your arrogant, and quite ignorant ass out of here. Oh blah blah blah gothenss, since goths really listen to Nine Inch Nails and look at dead bodies, so no one else can???? You fucking idiot, so stereotypical.
from over here on 2001-09-06 01:12 [#00029732]

damn it reflex, you pansy.. you can sure as hell dish it out, but you can't fucking take it..... i was being SARCASTIC, chill out...
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-09-06 06:07 [#00029785]

shutup. i have had the worst day of my life. one of my good friends was killed last night. got hit by a drunk driver. I dont need any of this. im out.
The Milkman of Human Kindness
on 2001-09-06 10:08 [#00029811]

Oh boo hoo on your dead friend. You were so cut up about it you decided to surf the net?
from New York, New York on 2001-09-06 10:29 [#00029814]

chek this out, some dope GORE hiphop thats one of the best white rappers out there (he piss on eminem)., some ill rhymes about gore, porn etc. I know you will love it
from New York, New York on 2001-09-06 10:30 [#00029815]

I nice video is there with his uncle shooting up heroin.
from New York, New York on 2001-09-06 10:30 [#00029816]

The song is called "I need Drugs" chek it out!!
from New York, New York on 2001-09-06 10:32 [#00029817]

Deputy Dawg
from the Mild West on 2001-09-06 12:57 [#00029824]

... to further Mr Archrival's post, I would suggest everyone gets hold of Necro's album 'I Need Drugs'. It fucking bangs, and he is the most sick-minded MC to ever grace vinyl.
Jaffa Kid
from Newcastle on 2001-09-06 13:04 [#00029825]

Sicker than Kool Keith on a bad hair day? ...I'm gonna have to check that :)
Deputy Dawg
from the Mild West on 2001-09-06 14:00 [#00029831]

.. If you're local record shop moans and says they can't get hold of it, tell them it's distributed by Cargo. And then slap them and tell them to quit squealin'.
(I used to order stock for a record shop, which is how I know such dull information)
Baron Von Picklefoot
from The Baron Got a new computer !!!! on 2001-09-06 14:26 [#00029833]

I sometimes space off and forget who I am and where I am this is where I really like to be I wish I could just stay there!THE BARON HAS SPOKEN!!!!P.S. DON'T TAKE AND FIBERGLASS NICKELS!
from n on 2001-09-06 15:26 [#00029844]

everytime I see stuff like that it stays burned in my brain for a few days and I cant enjoy my life for a while and keep dwelling on it, like why did it happen, what are the facts, who was he, it or she.. stuff like that.. soooooo I am staying clear of it
from Scotland on 2001-09-06 16:37 [#00029852]

yeah same here only i can't stay away from it, if i see a link to a video of some guy being decapitated or something i have to download it even though i know it's going to scare the shit out of me.Quite worrying.
from Trondheim, Norway on 2001-09-06 22:58 [#00029904]

I downloaded the shit, and i felt really sick, like, i had to step away from the computer. I had problems sleeping too. But I have to agree with Rephlex, I'm the one who downloaded it. He didn't tell me to do it...and that's what's interesting about the whole thing; i mean, why did I want to see a man get killed. Everything that is illegal/insane or secret in a way intrigues humans...
And by the way..stop harrassing Reflex. I don't like it. He's prob a nice guy deep down. Aren't you Flex?
from n on 2001-09-06 23:15 [#00029911]

im too scared to download it , glad I didnt... I am having a good day, want it to continue..
I am curious though to what the heck it is... wait no no dont tell me.. geesh
Jaffa Kid
from Newcastle on 2001-09-07 00:35 [#00029921]

I am curious, if it's as popular as some people say, how come it's legal? Surely if it depicts people being killed on film it can't be held in high regard/taste? Even on the internet now we have laws and regulations so.......start worrying.
from Milan on 2001-09-07 07:24 [#00029966]

Don't watch... it's better!!!
from London on 2001-09-07 07:48 [#00029970]

Oh man! I was downloading that video with a big grin on my face, thinking "ha! I can stomach something like this". But fuck, after seeing it I just feel sick, I'm sort of trembling. I haven't really ever seen footage of someone actually dying. The grin has turned to a frown... I never want to see another one of these things ever again.
Actually, that's a lie, I'm downloading that suicide video.
from London on 2001-09-07 09:06 [#00029976]

Well, Reflex, I'd like to thank you for making me completely fucking paranoid now. I just went downstairs to get a beer, and on the way I felt like I would die at any moment. I've now got this awful fear of death, caused by watching those snuff videos. But, I guess, it isn't your fault. It's not my fault either. It's the SICK FUCKS who do these kinds of things, they are the worst people in the world.
That guy who shot a man who raped his child, though, that was kinda justified, in a way. Human's need to get revenge, it's a natural thing inside us all, and if I had a daughter and some sick cunt raped her, I'd feel the same as the shooter in the video. Torture and execution for no reason is just literally an evil thing to do.
from London on 2001-09-07 09:09 [#00029978]

I didn't realise what a pussy I was until today. I should probably desensitise myself to these kinds of things, hopefully it wouldn't mean I'd turn to "the darkside" but at least I wouldn't be shocked. People must build emotional defenses against these kind of things. Anyway, that's the end of my ranting.
from Republic Daghestan (Russia) on 2001-09-07 09:50 [#00029985]

Chechnya is situated on a border with Republic Daghestan.
from over here on 2001-09-07 21:26 [#00030085]

heh heh, i love it when reflex tells me to shut up....
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