from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-09-01 12:10 [#00028398]

I find this to be rather disgusting and disturbing. It is important to note that I warn you before watching this, and if you are faint of heart do not do so, or if you do - do not blame me. Iam doing this for serious reasons.
What are your thoughts on animal testing? Its a very..... tough subject. I dont fully agree with it, but then again for some things I do. But CRUEL? I wonder if there are ways around it. I hope so.
Footage 2 You were warned.
from a warm place on 2001-09-01 12:23 [#00028401]

Fear Factory wrote a very beautiful song about animal testing called 'Crash Test':
Some men believe Animals aren't seen Testing on their minds Testing with their lives You can't believe Not even perceive Animals that die Animals that cry...etc
from brisbane on 2001-09-01 12:27 [#00028402]

i so hate rotten.com... its fucking the most lame site on the web.
animal testing blows... its wrong.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-09-01 12:27 [#00028403]

Hm... well I was thinking more a long the lines that people could discuss this issue?.. based possibly on the fact that they have watched this video... in light of bringing them to reality.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-09-01 12:28 [#00028404]

teapot: well yes.. I enjoy some of rotten.com - i find it intrieging {spelling is horrible tonight!... 5:20am} I would like some of you to watch it, if you think you can handle it. I know its wrong, or that its gross of me to post that here.. but its a link.. dont go if you dont want.
from brisbane on 2001-09-01 12:29 [#00028405]

humans are the shittest species in existance, i hate us.
from brisbane on 2001-09-01 12:31 [#00028406]

ive got the video playing here, but i look away after about 5 seconds... i know it happens and i know the reality of the situation... but seeing it is a bit too much for me.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-09-01 12:31 [#00028407]

Sometimes.... *sigh* I agree.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-09-01 12:32 [#00028408]

teapot: I understand..... I do not wish to describe what is happening, it is more than someone can imagine. Its not right to tell, or show what is is.. without warning, and a choice. Its reality... and its sickening that someone can do that to another living thing. Alive......
from brisbane on 2001-09-01 12:32 [#00028409]

what the fuck are they even testing in that video? i think those dudes doing it are just getting off on it, no more.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-09-01 12:36 [#00028410]

teapot: did you watch it all?... its horrible. there is 1 more as well... its a bit different. They are testing something yes
the videos were made about the time os WWII and they are doing tests on them to see how to treat Burns from Plane crashes ....... it was later concluded by the American Govt. that the tests were inconclusive and uneeded....
from brisbane on 2001-09-01 12:44 [#00028412]

i watched up until they did a close up of the skin, and then i couldnt watch anymore... not coz im squimish or anything, just coz i know that the image will stay with me for a while... thats what happened the first and only time i went to rotten.com...
you might find rotten.com intrigueing.. fair enough, we all have some morbid curiosity, but the thing that makes me sick about rotten.com is it seems to me that they actually enjoy the images... like "ha ha look at this guys face, its all OVER the place Wicked!"
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-09-01 12:45 [#00028413]

I dont think its really like that..... not really. Im not a regular visitor there.. maybe like... 1 every month.
from brisbane on 2001-09-01 12:49 [#00028417]

i wasnt suggesting that you were like that... its just the impression i get from the site... i dunno, i probably dont know enough about it and im just making up my own asumptions...
was that video presented in 'check out this pig being burnt, cool' way or a anti animal testing kinda way... you know what i mean?
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-09-01 12:50 [#00028418]

It.. wasnt presented.. like that. I was presented .. as the people who were presenting it were disgusted at the Govt. for something like this. As I would be... or am.
from brisbane on 2001-09-01 12:57 [#00028423]

so who did it? the americans?
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-09-01 12:58 [#00028424]

Yeah - It was the americans. I suspect that almost every major country at the time conducted similar experiments on animals.... and some humans.
from Miami, FL on 2001-09-01 13:01 [#00028425]

Whaaa? Rotten.com is just plain awesome. It's *the* place to de-sensitise yourself as well as remind you how easily life can squashed. You will never catch my ass on a motorcycle, hehe
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-09-01 13:02 [#00028426]

ChemX: I know of 1 place.. that is far worse.. holding many many more images. ..... your right though.. the motorcycle one is BAD.
from brisbane on 2001-09-01 13:02 [#00028427]

urgh that fucking motorcycle one haunted me for weeks!
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-09-01 13:03 [#00028428]

The Video Being talked about.
WARNING: Extreeme content.. do not watch if you are a weak person/weak stomach. Your warned. Dont do it if you dont want to... its reality.
Super Magnetic Neo
from Australia on 2001-09-01 13:03 [#00028429]

I never viewed the video because I know it would disturb me quite a lot...
I think animal testing is very wrong. It's good for people to be worried about human life and all but they should do experiments on something other than a living breathing creature.
On the subject of Rotton.com, this friend told me to go there, I did, I felt sick :-)
Teapot: I too get the feeling that they are laughing at most things and treating it like a joke. I may be wrong, thats just how I see it.
I was happy to see them condeming the animal testing in the video though...
from Miami, FL on 2001-09-01 13:06 [#00028430]

Super Magnetic Neo: scroll down to the link to guy about to eat a baby, I could never tell if that one was real or not.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-09-01 13:08 [#00028431]

ChemX: it is... I read and heard about it on the news and other stuff its real... the human fetus/babies such as that... have extreeme nutrient content in them.... healthy cells that are so young and fresh that some of them are beleived to form into what the body needs... right after birth.. cancer fighting.... whatever you wish.. ofcourse no one normal would do that..
from brisbane on 2001-09-01 13:11 [#00028432]

urgh who cares whether its real or not, the last thing you'd want is for it to be real... and if it wasn't real, then you'd have to wonder what posessed someone to go: 'hey im gonna make it look like im eating a baby, that will be funny'
sick sick!
i hate humans! im glad im a monkey.
Super Magnetic Neo
from Australia on 2001-09-01 13:11 [#00028433]

ChemX: I feel that the eating the baby photos are fake. It doesn't look real to me. And I'm glad... stuff like that freaks me out to no end.
I know that if I spend more time at Rotten.com I'll see something that will haunt me for a couple of months... I've had that happen to me before, and I don't want it to happen again :-)
I am a very weak of heart person.
from brisbane on 2001-09-01 13:12 [#00028434]

its real? :o
im gonna become a hacker and im taking rotten.com down!
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-09-01 13:12 [#00028435]

no.. the baby eating photos are real. i did some reasearch when it was first brought up a while ago......
Super Magnetic Neo
from Australia on 2001-09-01 13:13 [#00028436]

REFLEX: My God! It's real? Thats awful.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-09-01 13:14 [#00028437]

Example: racist people are bad. people who say that racist people should be shot are worse. the idea here is that.. if you dont like something... and want to condem it, in its own right then you are just as bad or worse for wanting to do so.
1 person hates 1 racial group, and there fore is racist. 1 person hates racists and wants them to shut up.... this is wrong. everyone, no matter how fuct up... is entitled. its the only right way.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-09-01 13:15 [#00028438]

Super Magnetic Neo: yes I know... it really is odd.. and quite disturbing.
Super Magnetic Neo
from Australia on 2001-09-01 13:16 [#00028439]

REFLEX: Do you know if the baby died at birth/natural causes or ... shudder ... it was killed? I am very sorry if that questions freaks some people out.
from brisbane on 2001-09-01 13:16 [#00028440]

reflex:are you referring to me saying i was gonna take down rotten.com? coz that was kinda a joke... and i agree with what you just said..
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-09-01 13:19 [#00028441]

teapot: I knew you were joking.. I was just making a point.. thats all! >:D
Super Magnetic Neo: the baby.. was most likely a fetus..... and thus was killed in the womb..... for that reason, or another... iam guessing from the info I found that it wasnt intentional.. the death that is.
The worst thing ive seen in my life, is this footage from a abortion clinic.... little fetuses... all alien looking... thousands of them in little containers.... full of blood..... i was pale for the whole day.. and couldnt..... ugh. it was bad.. opened up my eyes.
from brisbane on 2001-09-01 13:21 [#00028442]

i dont understand what the benefit is in seeing those kinda things tho?
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-09-01 13:23 [#00028443]

For some there is benefit. For others there is not. I was in between..... real life issues such as abortion concern me.. in ways - I chat about such things and various other concerns with friends at cafes sometimes. It was disturbing, some people need to know, and see the reality of our world, before they have an opinion.
Super Magnetic Neo
from Australia on 2001-09-01 13:25 [#00028444]

REFLEX: I'm relieved the baby/fetus wasn't killed on purpose.
I'm sure that footage from an abortion clinic would have been extremly shocking and disturbing.
Well, after all these depressing images theres one thing I know will make me happier...
from brisbane on 2001-09-01 13:27 [#00028445]

i see what you mean...
theres nothing you can really do tho, so why upset yourself? best to just be oblivious to it and enjoy your own life while you've got it...
...thats just an idea... i mean, i do think about these things and they do upset me... and i think.. 'why bother? what good is it doing?'
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-09-01 13:27 [#00028446]

Super Magnetic Neo: true.... oh well. Nothing makes me too happy these days except for a few things..... going to the clubs and getting drunk/dancing with women. or anticipating getting my equipmen, anticipating working on my new job. and anticipating.... and the act of getting laid.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-09-01 13:29 [#00028448]

teapot: maybe... thats 1 perspective. I would rather know.... even if it shock/horror me.... thats fine with me. ive seen this sort of thing in real life.... not quite that.. but pretty bad. This is a bad thing to think of.... but I wonder how people who kill other humans.. get over it? I hear a lot of the time the first person they kill they throw up and have nightmares for a while..... and everytime it gets easier?.. hm.. strange.. the human mind is capable of anything.
from Denver, Colorado on 2001-09-01 13:33 [#00028450]

Oh my God. I made myself watch the whole thing. I dont think I'm going to sleep any time soon.
Super Magnetic Neo
from Australia on 2001-09-01 13:34 [#00028451]

"and the act of getting laid" - REFLEX
from brisbane on 2001-09-01 13:37 [#00028453]

it is just desensitising... the more you see, the more your mind must think its a normal acceptable thing which it isnt..
the only thing that makes me happy nowadays is spending all my money on cd's(i love catching the bus home from the city and looking at all the artwork, and just dying to hear the music)
and making music myself... the other day i wrote a track that was just packed with emotion... my mom was being stalked and id had a punch-up with her x-boyfriend (the stalker) and it was just a big pile of shit, thats a good way of discribing it.
yeah well, i wrote a song im really proud of after it all went down, and i felt 10 times better... music is such a good outlet for negetive (and positive) emotion...
yeah.. *puts on tilipia, that song always makes me smile :)*
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-09-01 13:40 [#00028454]

Super Magnetic Neo: hahah yeah.. the act.. is.... so good! like this one time... 2 weeks ago.. that was nice!
teapot: well.. I think that its a part of life.. just not what we see.. I dont think its NORMAL or accepted.... no one said that, and you didnt say it wasnt... its just that its there.. so its real. These things happen a lot... death, sickness.. morbid stuff.
from brisbane on 2001-09-01 13:42 [#00028455]

yeah true...
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-09-01 13:43 [#00028458]

Hmm yes.. with this last post for the night.. Iam out.. to bed that is its 6:35am here havent slept yet. Going out of town tomorrow for a family reunion... got some of my family staying here to *guard* the house.. ahaha... no,, just to watch my dog. hehe. But anyway... ill talk to all yall later.
from Oxford, UK on 2001-09-01 18:57 [#00028491]

What happened with the motorbike? I have a motorbike and I do worry sometimes...
from brisbane on 2001-09-01 19:06 [#00028493]

well, there was a photo of this dude and the bottom half of his head was missing... rotten.com, i dont recommend it.
from ardmore on 2001-09-01 19:11 [#00028497]

what would you rather us i kill off thousands of humans or rats?
from UK on 2001-09-01 19:19 [#00028500]

I think I might have been sent that picture by email in the past, except the explanation for his state was that he was drunk and had lit a large firework while holding it in his mouth.
Either way it made me feel sick.
Someone at work showed me this news clip of a mountain climb accident. I went pale as I saw two live people turn into limp bodies bouncing down the side of a rock face.
Seeing that stuff gives me no pleasure at all. I'm glad you don't see that stuff on British news. It's all cencored.
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