from over there on 2001-09-01 20:09 [#00028514]

teapot, you seem to be one of the few people hear with a head on your shoulders. unfortunatly there is all sorts of animal testing out there. some times, i think tasting is nessisary, for things like new meds, and even some surgeries, but burning off what appears to be a dog's skin for the sake of testing burn treatments? i do not believe in the un-nessisary testing on animals that is done all too often.
i am sure you all have heard of peta, they are against pelts,a dn fur coats and what not, which i some what agree with, but i think testing, in a gruesome and horrible way is inhumane, and down right wrong. i especially hate the damn arguement "well, animals don't have souls.." but, even if they don't "have souls (which could be a lengthy debate all it's own)", they DO have pain sensory, and they are HURTING..
from over there on 2001-09-01 20:12 [#00028516]

one more thing, it is a pig and not a dog, and they are BURNING it with a blow torch. it seems they FILMED the BURNING of this animal, and NOT the actually TREATMENT. like it is soooo fucking important to see the animal held down in extreme pain and torment. fucking bastards. if i had seent he faces of the fucks who did this, i would kick their asses untill they are wheel chair bound.
from over there on 2001-09-01 20:23 [#00028518]

rotten.com should be taken down. there are ways to shock people with out showing burnt bodies, disfigurement, diseased vignas, murder victums, BBQ babbies, and detached body parts. i wonder what it is like to be so demented. i have to admit, i have looked at gross bloody pics, and i have even taking an art class that used dead bodies for drawing (advanced anatomy drawing lab). but there is no need to go out of ones way to provide images of death, pain and torment to the world.
on 2001-09-01 21:32 [#00028527]

i have not seen the video, and i do not want to. based on the comments above i am inferring that it was made about 50-60 odd years ago at a time when ethics about humane treatment of animals did not exist in laboratory settings. this is not the case today -- and if it is, then obviously there is something wrong. there are so many private testing companies, so that it is impossible to control the standards of research everywhere. this a perfectly reasonable quesion to ask ('is animal testing wrong?'), yet to show something that is obviously going to raise the ire of anyone with an iota of kindness about them strikes me as wrong and antithetical to the whole point of discourse about a topic like this.
i worked in a psychiatric lab for a summer where they did research on mice. the people who worked there were the kindest, warmest, most sensible people i have ever met. yes, the mice were being tested, but it was to investigate a mechanism in mice that is similar to what schizophrenic humans have in their brains. you will notice the "yes...but" phrasing in this sentence, and anyone who defends animal testing must phrase their answer in this way. of course, if there were a better way to make human lives wrecked by schizophrenia or any other debilitating illness even slightly more tolerable without sacrificing animals in the process, then of course researchers would employ those methods. as it stands, whenever you ask "is animal testing wrong?" you must necessarily be met with the corollary question in reply, "should preventable human suffering and death be allowed to happen?" morally, there is no middle ground, it is as insoluble an issue as whether there is a God...
on 2001-09-01 21:48 [#00028529]

just wanted to add another comment in relation to what i said earlier about the insolubility of this issue. i just want to say that i'm not trying to preempt discussion or anything just by saying it's an impossible issue to resolve....also to ask another question -- what do you all think about stem-cell research? the advent of stem-cell research, if legalized thoroughly, could raise the average life span by a good 5-10 years. there are many fatal illnesses that might be eradicated. granted, a lot of economic things would have to be ironed out before these technologies would be accessible to everyone, but....there seems in both questions, the stem-cell one and the animal testing one, to be an underlying anxiety about progress. do we limit progress if it means saving the earth of a theoretical over-population boom (which would be accompanied by resource-depletion, possibly more crime, etc.)?
on 2001-09-01 22:07 [#00028536]

kill the stupid humans not the animals they have not done anything wrong
from on a friends computer and i am drunk on 2001-09-02 05:36 [#00028594]

dave, you are RIGHT. as god puts it there is no "grey" there is only black, or white.. it is a tough issue, and yet, un-ethical abuse of any one is wrong.. amen..
from on a friends computer and i am drunk on 2001-09-02 06:16 [#00028601]

i have a friend who watched this with me and she also thinks it is gross.... once again, amen.... ok, i don'tknowif i can even type any more, jeeze... gross peope should go to hell..
on 2001-09-02 11:43 [#00028677]

i'm just going to say this
watching videos and viewing images on such sites as rotten.com simply creates a market for it, making people create evil to feed the supply (my opinion)
animal testing may have been needed in times of old (maybe), but in the last 50 years there is no way it should have ever been done. If the American government put the money they spend on military into developing a human synthesis machine that tests could be carried out on in an artificial environment, giving real life read outs, then animal testing wouldn't be needed. And i'm not joking around when i say that, it wouldn't take more then 10 years to produce if they cut their "defence" budget a little bit...guess wars just that little bit more important then saving lives
Super Magnetic Neo
from Australia on 2001-09-02 11:51 [#00028678]

Thankssomuch: I agree, I think Rotten.com should be taken down. I feel sorry for the familes and friends of the people shown on that site. Just imagine if you were the parents of someone who died from burn's or a motorbike accident or whatever. If you loved your son/daughter of course you would be totally distressed. Well having a child die is awful enough but dying in a painful awful way would cause me distress. You would won't to morn over your loss. I know a very nice woman who lost her son he drowned. She has gotten over it now but I'm sure it would hurt her to no end if people could look at his dead body all over the net. She imagine the familes and friends trying to come to terms over thier lose while these people make fun of dead child/friend. I just think it's wrong. That's just the way I see it.
Animal testing is such a hard issue. On one hand I think it is awful that animals are treated badly, being a animal lover with four cats it distress' me no end. (And I'm not saying that people who dont have pets don't care, I'm just saying that I love my cats so much & I can't even let the thought of them being treated crulely enter my mind). But on the other hand what if animal testing lead to the cure to cancer or AIDS? It's such a hard issue... Very sad.
I hope one day there is a way to test things without hurting animals.
from Durham, NH USA on 2001-09-02 12:02 [#00028681]

I thought about this earlier today for some reason. If the world were taken over by anything resembling us, but slightly smarter, we would surely become test subjects. Unfortunately we have totally lost our place in the cycle of life on earth and really are like the Virus the Agents in The Matrix describe.
from Durham, NH USA on 2001-09-02 12:05 [#00028682]

I thought about this earlier today for some reason. If the world were taken over by anything resembling us, but slightly smarter, we would surely become test subjects. Unfortunately we have totally lost our place in the cycle of life on earth and really are like the Virus the Agents in The Matrix describe.
from none on 2001-09-02 12:25 [#00028688]

Its a perfectly natural food cycle. It wouldn't change a bit if another species were in our position. People have become so accostomed to not having to worry about predatory animals, that they have forgoten that reality is cruel.
Sure its not pleasant, but there are things out there that deserve our attention more.
from Melbourne on 2001-09-02 12:52 [#00028695]

like what? what could possibly be more important than the welfare of any living creature, especially an animal as intelligent as a pig? economics? space travel? technology? we deserve to rot with diseases if this is the way we treat other inhabitants on this planet
from Melbourne on 2001-09-02 12:55 [#00028696]

i hope i am a dolphin in my next life
Taxi-man (the evil one)
from none on 2001-09-02 14:40 [#00028705]

The thing is, a house cat hunts mice and birds as a means to practice hunting. It doesn't need to hunt. Its food is provided to it. But it still continues to kill mice and birds.
Thats just an example. I am a little tired, and don't want to fish around in me hed for anything else. The point is this: nature is extremely violent. As natural beings we are inherently drawn to violence.
This egocentric bullshit that people like to think (that we have outgrown our instincts) is totally backwards.
from Miami, FL on 2001-09-02 20:00 [#00028758]

SuperMagneticNeo: Bah, most of those photos are either taken during autopsy, or taken by investigators -- both of these are perfectly legal to paste about the internet. If I wanted an autopsy photo of Elvis or Tupac, I could easily attain these with the right excuse. Also, in regards to the part about someone seeing their dead relative/friend/etc on rotten.com or others; if that person(s) are regular visitors to sites such as rotten.com, then I really don't think it should bother them -- I would assume they would be 'de-sensitised' (like myself, btw -- I've seen two dead people in my lifetime, one actually died in front of my face). Now, on to 'Animal Testing'; this is a topic that will always be hot simply because most people cannot accept the fact that it is needed in the biomedical industry. Animal lover or not, I hope you do realize that we are at the top of the food chain. It is our natural instinct to stay at the top at all costs, even if poor fluffy the cat or spot the dog has to have it's cranium popped open like a beer bottle -- all of the animal's used in lab tests are farmed and all widely available (sometimes too widely [e.g. macaque's -- known to 'take over' whole cities]). Take your pick: a cow being slaughtered for it's meat or a cat being tested in a lab for research, they're both pretty gruesome but they're both part of life and they both breed life. Pffffft, my last post on this topic....
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-09-03 02:53 [#00028809]

back from my one night holiday.. it was nice.
bottom line : rotten.com and other related sites shoult NOT be taken down, if you want them taken down because of their content, then that makes you worse then "they" are. Thats not fair in the least.. at all. No. I dont agree that it should be advertised around the net.. but its not. And if you dont want to go there, then dont. Its not your choice to think it should be taken down. I personally do not think it should be taken down. Its ones opinion. And as much as you try to force it on someone, its not right.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-09-03 02:53 [#00028810]

CHemX: I as well have seen 2 dead people in my time. Its rather disturbing.... changed me really.
on 2001-09-03 03:00 [#00028812]

a year ago for the first time at a funeral i actually looked at the departed person in their coffin and immediately began crying..i've never seen anything that could tear me apart so quickly
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-09-03 03:08 [#00028814]

I didnt mean dead like.. in a coffin.
I saw I drowned person who was dead beside me in this pool out in millwoods. then I saw.. well 3 dead people I guess...... this person in a motorcycle accident who got decapiated by a fence, and finally.... ugh this person who had been dead for 2 weeks floating in the river that runs through my city.. murder victim.
Jaffa Kid
from Newcastle on 2001-09-03 03:27 [#00028818]

Killing Babies and prodding pigs to death with electronic pokers...fucking hell, Rotten.com sounds more like a snuff site than anything of any educational/factual merit.....it's early here and I don't want grotesque images of death and torture floating around y head before sleep........by the way is that popular with people?!! :(
from Miami, FL on 2001-09-03 03:56 [#00028821]

I wouldn't call it a snuff site, it has some funny stuff that isn't about death/gore. There's something intriguing about it -- you see it once and there's something that makes it.
http://vagina.rotten.com/motorcycle/motorcycle.j you wanna see it again. I wish I knew the psychology behind pg
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-09-03 04:38 [#00028822]

Whatever... it is very popular. It gets about 20'000 hits a day. Thats not too bad. I think they get a lot more than that now... im quite sure they get many many more than that now.
I dunno its interesting stuff..... its not supposed to be educational, its for the morbid..... and thats all. I visit there sometimes to look for something new.
Barrett, Syd
from Toronto on 2001-09-03 05:59 [#00028843]

that was one of the most horrible things i've ever seen. thank you reflex.
on 2001-09-03 06:06 [#00028844]

Rotten dot com is purely for entertainment. Half of the stuff the put up is fake, too.
Its that mentality... watching the ambulance from a passing car. 'What could be more horrible than that?'.
The fact of the matter is, we are all going to die. Its kind of silly to glorify it. Or distance yourself from it.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-09-03 06:12 [#00028848]

Most of the stuff - if not all is real. Its not fake.
on 2001-09-03 07:18 [#00028860]

i've seen that motorcycle photo before. It looks fake to me.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-09-03 07:26 [#00028862]

its not a question of looks... it IS real. explain how it is fake.
from Miami, FL on 2001-09-03 07:39 [#00028863]

the motorcycle photo is not fake - you can see his teeth half hanging out, his face is split almost to his eyes... geeze, must of hurt ;o)
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-09-03 07:41 [#00028864]

yeah .. all that stuff... on rotten.com is real. to make something to look fake.. from that sort of thing would be near impossible.
on 2001-09-03 07:48 [#00028866]

OK. Most of the people I know who work in prostetics as well as those who work in morgues and such will agree. The fake stuff looks more real than the true thing.
But if you look at the pictures of BBQ'ed babies? Those are not real.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-09-03 07:51 [#00028867]

How do you know!? I mean come on.... thats one thing. So these people stage murders, car crashes, police killings, and accidents, disasters and the police came and paramedics and hospital staff and all that.. to whatever pic we are talking about.. these people that make fakes have some serious friends.. all over the world. Yeah right... I dont believe that crap. they are real
and the dead babies.. who knows... the world is a big place..... full of weird things.
on 2001-09-03 07:57 [#00028868]

What the f*ck does any of this have to do with Aphex Twin?
on 2001-09-03 07:58 [#00028869]

You can get the exact same effect from taking some plastic babies and putting barbeque sauce all over them.
Learn to laugh a bit...
I mean, rotten dot com is nothing to be taken so seriously. A lot of the pictures are real. But how is it so hard to believe that they might throw a few fake ones in there?
on 2001-09-03 07:59 [#00028870]

Richard D james likes to look at rotten dot com.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-09-03 08:01 [#00028871]

We are not here to talk about Aphex Twin 100% of the time. That would suck and get really old really quick.
I can laugh, who says they are not real!? They could be fake.. but who knows. Whats and who is to say that they are fake!? Rotten.com shows some real stuff, and iam sure most of it is real anyways. Its alright.
from Miami, FL on 2001-09-03 08:09 [#00028876]

mrhandicapped: what, you're not tired of the 'What's yer favorite afx track?' type topics?
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-09-03 08:12 [#00028880]

I was tired of those.... the first damn day!
])avid Violence
from Florida. on 2001-09-03 09:23 [#00028903]

Why are you people arguing over the authenticity of this web site. I went there once a few years back, and haven't been back since. I consider myself moderatly desensitised, but not to the point of where I would waste my time preparing my brain for discomfort and misfortune.
It's preposterous to think that this conversation is going anywhere. One will argue, and the otherside will argue back. I think everyone will agree, the visitors to the site in question, have one of two things: curiosity, or an aquired distaste for it. That is simply, it.
I don't visit there, for it serves me no purpose. So that is my question, what purpose does this site serve, other than to show others misfortune? It dosn't educate me does it? Hell, it dosn't even really entertain me. That stuff, and (i think its still up) www.freshmeat.com, That stuff bores me.
Oh yeah, I like doddeccaheadron, and orban eq trx4 offa drukQs. good stuff. Man, we humans are some sick fucks ehh?
Super Magnetic Neo
from Australia on 2001-09-03 09:30 [#00028905]

Okay, okay. So saying it should be taken down (Rotten.com) is going to far, I agree.
But I'm starting to understand why I said it...
I'm some what drawn to it. I know I'm going to be sickened but there is this curoscity (sorry bout spelling!!) in me. Perhaps my subcounsious (again sorry bout spelling) is trying to say I dont like it but somehow I look at it some times, if it wasn't there I wouldn't look. I hope you know what I mean!
So from now on I'm taking control of my internet habits. I have myself to blame and only myself to blame.
Ah! I feel better now =D
After seeing films such as Fight Club & Cube I've tried to take a different look at my life.
I also hope I didn't offend any rotten.com fans by my thoguhts.
Super Magnetic Neo
from Australia on 2001-09-03 09:30 [#00028906]

Okay, okay. So saying it should be taken down (Rotten.com) is going to far, I agree.
But I'm starting to understand why I said it...
I'm some what drawn to it. I know I'm going to be sickened but there is this curoscity (sorry bout spelling!!) in me. Perhaps my subcounsious (again sorry bout spelling) is trying to say I dont like it but somehow I look at it some times, if it wasn't there I wouldn't look. I hope you know what I mean!
So from now on I'm taking control of my internet habits. I have myself to blame and only myself to blame.
Ah! I feel better now =D
After seeing films such as Fight Club & Cube I've tried to take a different look at my life.
I also hope I didn't offend any rotten.com fans by my thoguhts.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-09-03 09:37 [#00028909]

I wouldnt worry about it.
from Miami, FL on 2001-09-03 09:38 [#00028910]

Super Magnetic Neo: Dictionary.com ;o)
Super Magnetic Neo
from Australia on 2001-09-03 10:55 [#00028931]

What was that again? dicshownairy.com? :-)
I'm glad no one was offended.
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-09-03 11:01 [#00028933]

Hows this Woofer?
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-09-03 11:02 [#00028934]

from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-09-03 11:04 [#00028936]

from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-09-03 11:05 [#00028938]

just want to try them all.. almost all. i wont do it again.. just experimenting.
from Durham, NH USA on 2001-09-03 11:19 [#00028943]

What makes humans existence so utterly important anyways? What is our ultimate goal in our most lofty technological feat, space travel. To move on to another healthy planet once we have completely sucked the resources and polluted this one all to hell. We are totall facists to think we can just destroy complete species to make our lives more comfortable.
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