from college, US on 2001-07-07 01:25 [#00012936]

After reading many of the old threads I've come to realize that a lot of what I thought only I got out of Aphex Twin (above any other musician) is actually fairly common. I'm speaking of the gut wrenching that RDJ manages to do; I get this "feeling" from almost anything he's done, other people cite fingerbib alot, and sometimes girl/boy.
Has there been any discussion about what it is that makes this so common? I don't think n'sync is getting this kind of reaction out of anybody, and I don't think anyone (bach, floyd, coltrane, et al) ever has.
My two theories are: a) His fan base is consistantly of a higher grade. Idiots and numb-nuts can't listen to this stuff, its beyond them. Far too intelligent and heartfelt for their poor little intellects. Thus those that do make comments are more likely to make intelligent and heartfelt comments about more intelligent and heartfelt reactions.
b) RDJ has somehow managed put something more then sound into his music. I'm a materialist myself, but if one thing could convince me of the exhistance of a real soul its Aphex Twin's effect on many people. Heh, but prolly not.
c) last options. He's just that good. A mush of options a) and b); by creating music and putting all of himself into it he manages to get more out. By running around naked in his music he gets our reactions as bare as possible without them being to our own experiences.
anyone agree or disagree? or think I'm off my rocker?
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-07 01:45 [#00012941]

No I think your somewhat right about some things, its hard to tell really. Because we only see, and feel what OURSELVES do.. in actuality, ofcourse this is true right? We can only be ourself. So, with this in mind.. I mean maybe the NSync peolpe do feel the same way, and see everyone else as being nieve and lame because we don't get the appreciation for their fav tunes, its all opinions, and unfactual. I tend to agree with you somewhat, [a little], because I enjoy AFX a hell of a lot, that is a biased opinion. So, whatever. Anyone could argue anything, forever. I love AFX, and appearntly so do you. I don't try to anylize it. Its just good. Your not crazy.
The Grey Gentleman
from Eugene, OR on 2001-07-07 02:18 [#00012947]

You're off your rocker.
Some people feel the same about those other bands you mention, especially Pink Floyd.
Contrary to popular belief around here, RDJ is not the second coming of Christ, he's just a damn good musician that makes great noise/music. I mean, I'm sure "Crappy Live At Roskilde" affects the same as me (great mental beatdown).
Different strokes for different folks. You make it sound like only highly intelligent, advanced extraterrestrials can grasp or comprehend RDJ's music. That's rubbish. You can say the same about Yanni or Vangelis
It's a matter of taste, not super-psychic powers.
on 2001-07-07 02:25 [#00012948]

i have to agree with the last post on other musicians having an amazing effect other than rdj...floyd, bjork and tori amos give me that feeling from their music..as does rdj
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on 2001-07-07 03:22 [#00012951]

Well yeah he is not the second coming of christ, no one says that around here, and you shouldn't take it that way, cause its not true at all.
There are many other artists that make me feel good.
from college, US on 2001-07-07 04:29 [#00012953]

I'm not saying that other musicians don't inspire great feeling as well as Aphex Twin does; its just that the way Aphex Twin gets to me (and, per the initial question, hopefully others) is more raw and direct then anyone else and far more consistant. I've got 20-some cds each of Pink Floyd and RDJ and while Pink Floyd is absolutely spectacular they've never gotten inside my head the way Aphex Twin's stuff does.
I understand the "different stokes for different stokes" jazz far more then you probably imagine I do and I do give many other artist their deservant respects but my initial commect/theory still holds: that RDJ puts more of his raw feelings directly into his music then most any artist has ever been able to and anyone who really pays attention and has the capacity to recognize it does so.
clobe smith
from over here on 2001-07-07 04:47 [#00012955]

i don't know if it is intelligence. i have many a friend that are quite smart (much smarter than me by a long shot) who do not understand how i can listen to this "noise." i think it's just a matter of being open minded and what your paticular tastes are.
(oh, and by the way, what floyd did for me in high school, aphex twin does for me now.)
from here i am on 2001-07-07 06:19 [#00012961]

correct me if i'm wrong here, but i think what quilt is saying is that while many other artists inspire and move people, and do require some intelligence to appreciate them, aphex does so in a way unlike anyone else, and the way he does it seems to be the same for everyone (that gut wrenching feeling). i know the first time i heard rdj it almost made me feel sick even though i loved it, and it took a long time before i could handle to listen to the entire come to daddy album all the way through. now it doesn't twist my guts so much as it feels like it's tweaking my brain. i'm not sure i could handle to listen to a lot of aphex if i was on lsd. his music does seem to fuck with yer head.
from college, US on 2001-07-07 07:24 [#00012964]

exactly; I couldn't have (and didn't) put it better myself. The first time I put in the RDJ album, which was also the first Aphex Twin I'd ever heard, I really felt sick to my stomach just in the first 10 seconds. The dissonance, the rapid fire beat, the sweet melody, the shrill ostinato, it all hit me like a brick. I'm not mentally unstable and I wasn't going through any "hard times" so its not like I was looking for a vent, I was just listening, and yet I can still remeber the first time I head it to this day. No one else has every been able to get that kind of reaction out of me, esp. on a first listen.
Its this "gut wrenching" that raises my curiosity, and the way he does it fairly consistantly. I listened to a lot of different kinds of music and several of them do get emotional responses out of me, but never as intense.
Maybe if some people have experienced the wrench (tm) from other artist as well as RDJ we can try to see if there is a definite source or at least some consistancy.
As for me, the only thing that I can think of is a small part of Haydn's Symphony No. 80 in D Minor, but its a far cry from the wrench (tm)
guilt (not quilt ;)
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