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car accident

offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2024-05-21 12:13 [#02635640]
Points: 25183 Status: Regular

i think i might have literally accidentally caused a car
accident the other day. i was wearing incredibly loud
multi-color pants and a wizard hoodie and i was completely
minding my own business. happily listening to hardcore tano
and shuffling in gigantic black combat boots. because shit,
i got it! i see how you do shuffle dance now. and so i'm
shuffling down the sidewalk. in loud pants and giant combat
boots and a wizard hoodie. and i hear a bang -- i think. i'm
wearing noise-cancelling cans. it sounded right, and look
right, but there's nothing. i think the sound bounced off of

then i was just running out to the store before a friend is
over and i'm waiting for him and he should be hear already
and there's a car alarm going off. so i think: i'll just
stay up here in my aerium and do yoga until that car alarm
stops and then i'll check my phone.

because i thought it would stop after 30 or 60 seconds, you
know? like when someone sits on their key fob and "your car
is alarmed" "oh shit sorry" *boopBoop* and it stops

but instead i hear... that sounds like a fire engine? the
car is still alarmed? and it's two or three minutes? so

i put on my shoes and go out and there is a car accident
right in front of my house with fire engines and ambulances
and my friend is walking down the sidewalk oh hello

no, i have no idea what happened either


offline ijonspeches from 109P/Swift-Tuttle on 2024-05-21 18:34 [#02635646]
Points: 7763 Status: Lurker | Show recordbag

did you cause it thinking about it,
cause that would be an incredibly strong power.


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2024-05-21 19:03 [#02635648]
Points: 25183 Status: Regular

i had a hood up covering my face and was not aware of any
cars at all. i was briefly self-conscious about
shuffle-dancing down the sidewalk but since i've had a hard
time getting it, and whoa, okay, something just clicked
there, and fuck it. i keep going

who knows what lies in the subconscious. but from my
perspective, i was entirely minding my own bidness and if
you're distracted looking at someone shuffle dancing on the
sidewalk and fuck your car up, that's not on me. mind your
own bidness


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2024-05-21 19:04 [#02635649]
Points: 25183 Status: Regular

do as thou wilt shall be the whole of the law


offline ijonspeches from 109P/Swift-Tuttle on 2024-05-22 07:36 [#02635665]
Points: 7763 Status: Lurker | Show recordbag

maybe you ought to be more careful as to where you´re
shuffling though. Someone might get confused as to whether
you´re going to cross the road or not. maybe this could be
used as sort of a protest movement too.


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2024-05-22 07:55 [#02635666]
Points: 25183 Status: Regular

i was on a sidewalk, i was not relevant to any motor
vehicles. neither were my pants, which

maybe what i was doing was actually pretty sick? i couldn't
tell. is that criminal?

is it criminal to do some sick shuffling in loud pants? i
couldn't tell you.

no, perhaps. they were powerful pants. and then add the fact
that i've discovered some powerful dance move to powerful
pants, and...

i have no idea. i wasn't paying attention. i don't have a
car. certain cheesebags have decided i'm not allowed to have
a car. i was just wearing clothes i enjoy and listening to
music and walking down the sidewalk and fussing around with
sick dance moves in my combat boots and i actually missed
the fact that there was a car accident until i was doing
yoga for quite a bit and the car alarm hadn't stopped and
the fire engine and...

maybe it's kind of like a raindance and i should be careful.
but if you care about my brain pants you should drind your
ovn bidnesssssBOOM you've rolled out of a side-street and
your babby is WAH. WAH. needy babby cry. PLOP YOUR AIRBAG?

the law does not hold my pants accountable
the law does not hold my shuffling accountable
the law does not hold my combat boots accountable
the law does not hold my wizard hoodie accountable

but it's fair enough. until i get some shit i am owed in
life [e.g. a car, $256k etc] i am just going to keep dancing
down the sidewalk and shuffling in combat boots. you
assholes glaring at me hav^H^H had a car, okay? and look you
have a family and a babby and i have none of these things.
just my pants and my headphones and my boots and shuffling
and you can eat shit with that glare you're spoiled and it's
your own fault and i'm going to maintain a complete poker
face and telling some lookly-loo, oh, no, no idea what

thank you for reading my car acciden^H^Hzilty thread


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2024-05-22 07:58 [#02635667]
Points: 25183 Status: Regular

that's how it's done downtown.


offline big from lsg on 2024-05-25 09:28 [#02635696]
Points: 23533 Status: Regular | Show recordbag



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