outside time... | xltronic messageboard
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outside time...

offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2024-05-17 15:20 [#02635499]
Points: 25183 Status: Regular

...is still a time.

no response is still a response.
every car makes a statement -- a big truck, a convertible.
the statement a bland foreign compact makes is no statement.


offline dariusgriffin from cool on 2024-05-17 20:01 [#02635502]
Points: 12343 Status: Regular

outside time is not a time. but it's not really
something we can intuit i suppose, like we can't intuit a
fourth spatial dimension or ultraviolet hues


offline kei9 from Argentina on 2024-05-17 21:54 [#02635503]
Points: 423 Status: Lurker

Outside time either you are outside subjectivity (most
likely) in which case you cant experience anything, but also
outside space; as being in space is becoming, which can only
happen in time. assuming such thing can be presented to a
mind, that mind would have access to every point in space
and time, as that is what the world is beyond subjectivity;
everything happening at once everywhere. Such mind would not
be able to interact with the world in any way without
falling into space and time; and you cant be in space and
time without understanding the world as separate from
yourself, that is: being a subject.

no time = everything at once without succession, so either:

1 it can be represented in infinite space, to know such
thing you have to move around in that frozen world, but you
cant think of movement as anything else but change of
position in time.

2 everything is going on at once and this is presented to
your awareness all the time, without change. but devoid of a
succesion of thoughts (wich can only happen in time), what
can you say you would be aware of?


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