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I wish we can go back to

offline AphexTwin11 from OOOOOO (United States) on 2023-03-28 01:07 [#02626260]
Points: 905 Status: Lurker


With the knowledge we have now.

Wouldn't that be a treat.

I can almost barely feel it sometimes. The old vibe.



offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2023-03-28 03:16 [#02626264]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

i remember christmas break 2001. the ibm deskstar hard
drives had just emerged from the "deathstar" controversy to
"ok you can buy this now" and dad got me something like...
was it 30gb? 80gb? don't particularly recall, but for all
the "deathstar" drama, the drive never died; that i still
might have it.

but then i also got my copy of drukqs in the mail from
amazon over christmas; remember thinking, "this is quite
good, can't wait to see what he does next year"


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2023-03-28 03:26 [#02626266]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

why 2005, though? that clearly feeling 2001 in my previous
that 2005 was actually a rather unpleasant year for me

so are you chasing 2005 specifically? or just how things
were ~then?


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2023-03-28 03:42 [#02626268]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

Why are you not AphexTwin05?

why couldn't aphex have simply kept going after drukqs?
except for perhaps the fainting spells and heart


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2023-03-28 03:47 [#02626269]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

if you asked rdj, "why didn't you keep going after drukqs?!
that was a good direction -- can't you just keep going
further there?" i half figure the answer -- the real answer,
not the cheeky press answer -- would be, "are you fucking
kidding me?" to which i would reply: no? but maybe, perhaps,
that i am asking for something further should
register as some sort of success?


offline recycle from Where is Phobiazero (Lincoln) (United States) on 2023-03-28 03:54 [#02626271]
Points: 39947 Status: Regular

2004 and 2006 were so much better

Opinions on that Epic 😳😳


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2023-03-28 03:56 [#02626272]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

Is AphexTwin11? or 36?
this topic seems genuine and i'm willing to delve into 2005
but i'm not precisely sure why we're stuck there in


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2023-03-28 04:00 [#02626273]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

that, oh, it'd be a terrible move to literally put out an
album "drukqs 2.0" even if you are not teh aphex twins.
because, richard or not -- it's kind of funny to think of
naming one of my own albums that -- then you have anoraks
with a bowling score card comparing everything

i more mean: eventually, i acclimated to this; it soaked in.
i've caught up. now where are we going next


offline AphexTwin11 from OOOOOO (United States) on 2023-03-28 04:33 [#02626274]
Points: 905 Status: Lurker | Followup to EpicMegatrax: #02626264

That's still a lot for me 🤣 I advance slowly on
technology like old folks do


offline AphexTwin11 from OOOOOO (United States) on 2023-03-28 04:39 [#02626275]
Points: 905 Status: Lurker

2005 was around the time I started discovering the web and
search engines and forums and joined XLT. age 16/17. So much
was still a mystery then, the touch of female, being
downtown, traveling, even music was just barely beginning to
emerge beyond top 20 radio and Kazaa results.

I think it was something to do with usename available and
easy to type and remember. 🤣

A drukqs2 would be fuckin sick! Rdj wa really the fellow to
expand electronic sound and genre as far as I am concerned.
Great mental power. Today seems so hard to even fathom a
push in a new direction.


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2023-03-28 04:55 [#02626277]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

i doubt rdj reads xlt. but i am sort of thinking: part of
the charm of this place is someone who knows someone
might and alright, actually, since i'm mouthing off,
i should be clearer

just recently, i've my thread where i've delayed going to
the ER two days because i want to fucking finish my track
before dealing with my broken foot. i've a decent sense of
pacing about any chemicals, but certain tracks, i get how
you can just drive yourself to the end. that someone on
watmm fifteen years ago posted a story of afx going around
asking for meth on tour, and, not sure i buy that, but you
can see a guy dropping acid a few times a week and then
plowing through loads of amphetamines otherwise to realize
the vision. or something. that could you perhaps write a
book about this album? that maybe this very well nearly
killed him

consider that a positive review. explanation for why i want
more. but also forgiveness if he doesn't feel he can put his
body through such again


offline AphexTwin11 from OOOOOO (United States) on 2023-03-28 05:05 [#02626278]
Points: 905 Status: Lurker

I mean, I've seen enough stuff first hand that anything i
read or hear anywhere is usually totally fathomable so it
could very well be.

And I would not be surprised if he saw the forum at least
once in his life or had a personal or work friend mention it
to him. If my dumbass could find zilty I'm sure he could
perhaps know about it.

Seems wild to speculate on whether or not our hero in music
would or would not care about his zany fan base enough to
interact in a secret way somehow cause the man's been pretty
zany himself from what I gather 🤪

It's at least fun to think about.

If you can do any home remedies to heal your foot more props
to you! I might have to visit a clinic soon too if my hip
and back doesn't improvel. Nearly 3 weeks now and the pain
is still pretty bad.

We gotta be careful especially as we age you know it's very
easy to get hurt and put ourselves out of the normal routine
we are so used to.


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2023-03-28 06:06 [#02626280]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

admittedly this is somewhat projection. that i'm getting
older, and i've done some lovely music, but who the hell
knows about it? on some levels, however, this is almost
beside the point. that i've been working on this track, the
gear has been on almost a week, and my foot is broken, and i
should probably be in bed, but the gear is still on, there's
a snowstorm tomorrow, the day after that is sunday, why yes,
it makes complete sense to just wait. for what i admit, in
the back of my mind, was about what i felt i needed to get a
tolerable take. but damn if i could have had another three

the chemicals comment, it's like -- no, we're not addicts,
neither of us, but fuck -- i have to finish this shit. and
then obsession takes over

back in my personal universe, however, like six people will
listen to it and it's a gigantic money sink. but still i
manage to get into a state over it that's like, a fever

and so when i say i forgive him: i'd never really thought
about it before, but i see this same, like.. desperation...
in drukqs. and if going back there might kill you, then
don't. i think we'd rather have rdj around instead of 2/3 of
drukqs 2.0


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2023-03-28 06:21 [#02626281]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular | Followup to EpicMegatrax: #02626280

Seems wild to speculate on whether or not our hero in
music would or would not care about his zany fan base enough
to interact in a secret way somehow cause the man's been
pretty zany himself from what I gather

that as one ages, indexing becomes more complex, and that's
the real death of neuroplasticity... the paperwork...

but, i say this because, was it 2006 i said this? 2010? i
lean towards the 00's

in any case, i proposed The Aphex Twin Postulate: that
fucking anyone on an internet message board might be The
Aphex Twin, including you yourself

here, this is more like, "well, someone might read
it" and i'm not particularly looking over my shoulder. more
like, "oh, hmm, what if someone did" and then i've run my
mouth again.


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2023-03-28 06:24 [#02626282]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

"you cannot get in trouble for things you did not say"

i've first heard this phrase today, and it feels very much
for me, but not only does mohamed not want to go to the
mountain, but the mountain ain't particularly moved neither


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2023-03-28 07:34 [#02626283]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

if i had to count my blessings. that no one gives a shite
about me, means i can sample whatever the fuck i want all
day long and never see a shred of consequence. rdj probably
couldn't even fart on a stevie wonder snare hit sideways

but, oh, if i actually had to care about that, i suspect it
would tighten things up a little in my approach. math still
winds up him being a lucky bastard. then how much money does
simon cowell have and how much less does he deserve it, and
meanwhile i'd like to be able to afford a house.

i'm not naturally synaesthetic... but i've seen movies in my
hed to music since i could barely string a sentence
together. that this is still probably my best thing; it's
gotten to the point where i use animations of tweening
shapes to remember beats

but then... a few years before bitcoin existed, people were
fucking about with CUDA in advance and you had some nascent
convolution reverb plugins that used the GPU. about the same
time i read about synaesthesia; tried acid. read interviews
of RDJ talking about synaesthesia, SAW II, dream composing,
all that -- and SAW II, h said this was like being in a
powerhouse on acid? mood is more being buried under the
blankets on mushrooms

in any case, i put it together, and said: if i can learn to
be synaesthetic, that will be like using CUDA to run
convolution reverb on my GPU: more of my brain on music, and
this means better music

two weeks later, i was so effective at this that i managed
to legitimately walk in to a tree, because i'd tuned my eyes

then, finals, i didn't have time to learn enough piano
pieces, so i said i was playing [some autechre song] as i
knew none of the students or parents would fucking know that
and then fucked around on the piano for four minutes and
everyone clapped politely

i'm not a rich famous ginger with a hot wife, but i do still
feel like someone


offline ijonspeches from 109P/Swift-Tuttle on 2023-03-28 08:01 [#02626285]
Points: 7807 Status: Lurker | Show recordbag

basically we had that knowledge back then,
we just ignored it and had a good time
its hard to get back to it, once the genie is out the bottle


offline nacmat on 2023-03-28 11:45 [#02626286]
Points: 31271 Status: Lurker | Followup to recycle: #02626271

You still post here?


offline ijonspeches from 109P/Swift-Tuttle on 2023-03-29 07:31 [#02626287]
Points: 7807 Status: Lurker | Followup to nacmat: #02626286 | Show recordbag

its all chatGPT bots here
good to see you though,
hows it going, and...
do you have a new hat?
love, ijon .-)


offline recycle from Where is Phobiazero (Lincoln) (United States) on 2023-03-29 08:27 [#02626288]
Points: 39947 Status: Regular | Followup to nacmat: #02626286

Yeah pink condom hat guy!


Xlt 4 lyfe


offline mappatazee from ¨y¨z¨| (Burkina Faso) on 2023-03-29 23:27 [#02626323]
Points: 14290 Status: Regular | Followup to nacmat: #02626286

hey nacmat you still live in spain?


offline AphexTwin11 from OOOOOO (United States) on 2023-03-30 04:16 [#02626331]
Points: 905 Status: Lurker

Holy crap!


offline Mr_mathers from The Cave (France) on 2023-03-31 19:26 [#02626358]
Points: 142 Status: Lurker | Followup to AphexTwin11: #02626260

I wasn't born back then


offline Mr_mathers from The Cave (France) on 2023-03-31 19:26 [#02626359]
Points: 142 Status: Lurker

So I wish we could go back to 2012 instead.


offline recycle from Where is Phobiazero (Lincoln) (United States) on 2023-04-02 17:14 [#02626372]
Points: 39947 Status: Regular

We can’t so enjoy 2023 and on betches 😘


offline ijonspeches from 109P/Swift-Tuttle on 2023-04-02 19:21 [#02626373]
Points: 7807 Status: Lurker | Show recordbag

irellay enjoy collapse
cnat believe its 5 years already
time is a monster
but if i could go back, i hardly could,
thinking i might not meet my wife again.


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