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offline big from lsg on 2022-12-16 09:24 [#02623215]
Points: 23461 Status: Lurker | Show recordbag

share it

i watched 258 hours this year, and -more amazingly, to me-
154 days. also i chatted more than i thought: 1,22 K.
channel points: 76,3K (i don't know how to value this, it's
probably high, because i do support monetarily)

i mainly watched trackmania streamers. there's some others,
but they didn't make the recap


offline pomme de terre from obscure body in the SK System on 2022-12-16 19:10 [#02623217]
Points: 11943 Status: Moderator | Show recordbag

Hours Watched: 958
Days Watched: 259
Channel Points: 687K
Chat Messages: 560

I mostly watched GTA V Roleplay

What is your screen name on Twitch, big?


offline dariusgriffin from cool on 2022-12-16 21:21 [#02623218]
Points: 12288 Status: Regular

28 hours and my #1 emote is PunOko


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2022-12-16 23:37 [#02623220]
Points: 24970 Status: Addict

twitch recap: it's been pouring rain and my neck was sore
from watching cars almost crash into each other. so then i
set up a camera into OBS and i am messing with the levels,
and, how do i stream this? can i just do the janky icecast
ogg video rigamarole? no, i have to pick from a list of
things, like youtube and twitter and... some sketchy looking
names, too. odd. oh well. OBS still a good tape deck. i'll
figure out streaming someday later. and how to make my own
receiver for it


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2022-12-16 23:38 [#02623221]
Points: 24970 Status: Addict

transchoder error


offline epohs from )C: on 2022-12-17 13:54 [#02623225]
Points: 17620 Status: Lurker

Hours Watched: 2.6K
Days Watched: 323
Channel points: 1.36M
Chat Messages: 4.93K

I mainly watched GTA RP.

I have a problem.


offline big from lsg on 2022-12-18 09:25 [#02623235]
Points: 23461 Status: Lurker | Show recordbag

i'm biggiesmartypants

my most popular emotes are

^_^ :) ;) :'( and mfgAngry

PunOko is cuty

some impressive numbers here. i rarely do the Twitch in the
background thing, myself, which i hope one with almost 10
hours a day does ^_^

@EpicMegatrax you just have to sell your soul to Amazon and
then everything is set up automatically


offline big from lsg on 2022-12-18 09:29 [#02623237]
Points: 23461 Status: Lurker | Show recordbag

last half year i think i started lurking more, though. so
that's a first step towards having it on in the background

this streamer i watch, scrapie, says he basically has twitch
on himself 24/7


offline ijonspeches from 109P/Swift-Tuttle on 2022-12-18 10:14 [#02623240]
Points: 7731 Status: Regular | Show recordbag

0 hours, 30 mins (est.)
tuned into the app/channel couple of years ago for the first
time, but i guess im not into modern games like that or
maybe i wasnt into those offered on the front page. all i
[grandpa] could think of watching fortnite is: why would you
do that? the graphics, settings and gamplay just dont make
any sense at all.


offline ijonspeches from 109P/Swift-Tuttle on 2022-12-18 10:16 [#02623241]
Points: 7731 Status: Regular | Show recordbag

love to play trackmania again. the first one was sheer joy
for 10€. log in, race, instant fun for 10 mins or 10
hours. i dont understand why it has become unreasonably


offline big from lsg on 2022-12-18 11:54 [#02623246]
Points: 23461 Status: Lurker | Followup to ijonspeches: #02623241 | Show recordbag

i remember when Fortnite dropped. i knew pubg (Player
Unknown Battle Grounds) pretty well from watching it on
Twitch. Fortnite is such a big rip-off from that, that i
first thought it was a skin for it (only with that added
building, which i don't get the appeal from)

trackmania is something. i guess it's semi-expensive, still
not as big a rip-off as what most of the big studios put out
(from what i've heard; i don't have much first hand


offline big from lsg on 2022-12-18 14:21 [#02623247]
Points: 23461 Status: Lurker | Followup to ijonspeches: #02623241 | Show recordbag

you're the first person i know outside of TM, that likes TM

so i have to ask: what's your opinion on ice?

i just got AT (and top 10 K) on 24 of the campaign. almost
as fast as this guy, but not really, but 4 seconds
faster than my previous PB, lol. i guess this answers
whether i like it, lol2


offline ijonspeches from 109P/Swift-Tuttle on 2022-12-18 17:16 [#02623250]
Points: 7731 Status: Regular | Show recordbag

only played the original game and two of its older add ons,
until ten years ago, so i dont know ice at all. i was just
pissed that id have to pay 30€ for the original game, a
game i already own. literally that game wasnt possible to be
played online outside of steam as far as i know and i
couldnt connect the old game to steam.

then there is the newer versions which seem cool, but i
havent got around to playing them yet as i first had to
upgrade my pc and then never saw a discount for them. plus
steam reviews were full of issues and bug reports, so i
didnt want to pay a full price for one of the new versions
as of yet.

during the annual week of snow i enjoy doing a powerslide
making deliveries though, when no one sees. so snow is cool
i guess. yeah and every time i see a tow truck i cant help
but thinknig "ramp ahead!"


offline big from lsg on 2022-12-18 21:06 [#02623251]
Points: 23461 Status: Lurker | Followup to ijonspeches: #02623250 | Show recordbag

ah, like that. that sure seems a valid complaint

i bought the original, TM united, but recently. it should be
on sale every now and then. that also goes for the new one,
but it's also pretty free for most maps, like the campaign.
you do need a good pc for it (but also it can run bad on a
good pc, because the coding is apparently bad)

real life TM with snow seems cool!


offline ijonspeches from 109P/Swift-Tuttle on 2022-12-18 21:29 [#02623252]
Points: 7731 Status: Regular | Followup to big: #02623247 | Show recordbag

i was so confused about what the main game to play is
trackmania united (collection from way back at hefty 29€
considering i have this in on the shelf already)
the tm²´s, which come in at a total of 70€
turbo, a console port, but the newest of the series.

i conclude to just buy TM² stadium and be good with it.

that ice vid looks so smooth,
probably takes countless hours of practice tho ^^


offline big from lsg on 2022-12-19 09:41 [#02623257]
Points: 23461 Status: Lurker | Followup to ijonspeches: #02623252 | Show recordbag

the game where it's at, now, is, 'Trackmania', which the
fans call Trackmania 2020. you can't get it on Steam, you
should get it on Ubisoft Connect, but you can also get it on
this other thing that i forgot the name of, that has

this newest Trackmania is stadium, just like the biggest
hit, which was Trackmania Nations Forever/Trackmania United
(United is the paid version)

all the other TMs are cool, though. i like Turbo, because i
adore the arcade look (and music, and feel). and i like
Lagoon, though sand drives anyone mad

ice takes some hours before it 'clicks'.

this is a fun, non-hardcore fan video about TM (also you can watch Wirtual on YouTube, for a
lot high production videos) (and this guy has three
good videos, 2 on ice)


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