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EpicMegatrax writes more bullshit

offline Hyperflake from Wirral (United Kingdom) on 2016-07-13 22:09 [#02499639]
Points: 30996 Status: Regular

yes you seem like you have quite an active mind to say the
least, what keeps your mind occupied most of the time?


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2016-07-13 22:17 [#02499643]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

whatever it's in the mood for. it's like a squirrel driving
an eighteen-wheeler. is the squirrel driving the truck, or
is the truck driving the squirrel. it depends on the moment,
and the terrain. i make loads of to-do lists because they
really do help, but they all go to shit rather quickly when
i wander off in the middle. some days it's very hard to
concentrate on work and having the freedom to piss off and
go hiking or drive around fast is also very important to
remaining functional. i am terrible about things like health
insurance and taxes because it's boring. the trick i've
learned, there, is to make it interesting. like the post
office -- i got mad into the post office. all these flat
rate boxtypes: A1, B1, Small, Large, Medium, 1095.... 1095?
what's that? certainly not the norman invasion; that's 1066
(my brain offering charmingly daft suggestions as always). a
week later i realized it was the volume in cubic centemeters
or something. until i found that trip figuring out which box
i wanted didn't happen well, if at all. and then, magically,
i was extremely good at it. but so much of it remains dull,
for now.


offline Hyperflake from Wirral (United Kingdom) on 2016-07-13 22:23 [#02499644]
Points: 30996 Status: Regular

Which state do you live in?


offline mohamed from the turtle business on 2016-07-13 22:43 [#02499646]
Points: 31145 Status: Regular | Show recordbag

i think he's american


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2016-07-13 23:21 [#02499659]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

i took a break to make some tea and i spotted some activity
in the parking lot as i was waiting for my electrokettle. i
could see them talk and gesticulate, but not hear it. i was
dubbing it over in my head.

portly brunette: "dog! stop!"
some blonde: "hello! hello dog!"
portly brunette: "sorry! he just wants to say hello to
some blonde: "oh, i totally understand. i had a dog once"
some blonde says hello to dog properly.

before that i was thinking it looked exactly like a calico
cat from a distance. i could do something like:

portly brunette: "dog! stop!"
me: "that's a very nice cat you have there."
portly brunette: (indignant) "he's not a cat, he's a dog!"
me: "oh, yes, of course he is." as one would speak to a
i say hello to dog properly.

these are exactly the sort of things i am seriously tempted
to do but usually don't. especially here. i've tried some of
the other people in the building, but so far they're all fat
loud low-brow idiots.


offline Hyperflake from Wirral (United Kingdom) on 2016-07-13 23:28 [#02499662]
Points: 30996 Status: Regular

we got ourselves a genuine weapons grade A Yankee doodle in
our midst


offline Hyperflake from Wirral (United Kingdom) on 2016-07-13 23:41 [#02499677]
Points: 30996 Status: Regular | Followup to EpicMegatrax: #02499659

you should have played a tone from your speakers only the
dog could hear and watch it go ape shit


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2016-07-13 23:41 [#02499678]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

nobody -- and i mean nobody -- calls me yellowcake


offline Hyperflake from Wirral (United Kingdom) on 2016-07-13 23:43 [#02499679]
Points: 30996 Status: Regular

^ your now on CIA watch list


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2016-07-13 23:45 [#02499680]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular | Followup to Hyperflake: #02499677

see, my thing was absurdity. i'm not looking to piss the
lady off, just do the whole conversation -- which i've had
myself a thousand times -- with a bit more panache. i'm
hoping for a chuckle. many people would just be annoyed, or
even get mad. meanwhile, your thing is some socipath shit
out of trainspotting. the park, the dog, the gun, the marky
marksmanship.... solid lol any time i think of it, but i
don't believe in punishing dogs for their owners


offline Hyperflake from Wirral (United Kingdom) on 2016-07-13 23:49 [#02499681]
Points: 30996 Status: Regular

depends on if its a techno tune transposed 30 octaves or

it could possibly like that

but yes i wouldn't do that really i like animals


offline Hyperflake from Wirral (United Kingdom) on 2016-07-13 23:53 [#02499684]
Points: 30996 Status: Regular

some of those dogs that celebrities stick in their handbags
look like ewok babies


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2016-07-14 05:43 [#02499688]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

my parents' dog once did the rca dog thing. head tipped,
sitting in front of the speaker.... what the fuck? it was
venetian snares, rossz, and it was the first blast of drill
bass in hajnal. track is pretty orchestral up until that
point and i fully understand why the dog was confused. my
parents were too. my dad thought "winnipeg is a frozen
shithole" was hilarious but i don't think he actually likes
the music.


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2016-07-19 20:05 [#02500180]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

i was doing my thing at that park i mentioned before and
some guy flagged me down and started talking about pokemon
go. i started explaining my nonsense about conserving brain
cells, but stopped -- oh, go on then*. talked about random
shit and got in my car and turned up T99 and drove off. then
i thought: i wonder if anyone would ever bother to track me
down and chat me up for a laugh. this guy seemed like a
bored nerd; nothing going on like that. just got me
wondering after i drove off -- i wonder... oh, nah, i'm too
dull for that. then i ceased mulling it over and accelerated
my automobile crisply. later i figured i may as well head
that one off at the pass, unlikely as it is -- if you're
from the internet and you run into me while hiking, please
announce yourself and i will buy you a beer or something


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2016-07-19 20:07 [#02500181]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

*phrase lifted from chris clark (myspace, reply to my fanboy
question, 2009)


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2016-07-19 20:27 [#02500182]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

target=_blank>fings lifted from richard d. james
(drukQs interview, internet, 2001).

it's charming to be able to pull all these bits out of my
brain instantly for a forum post, but we get along to
"myriad, english class, freshman year of high school, weekly
vocab list" and you'll understand me when i say i have some
trouble concentrating at times.


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2016-07-19 20:28 [#02500183]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

does this link work better?


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2016-07-19 20:28 [#02500184]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

apparently not. from the top


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2016-07-19 20:51 [#02500191]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular


it's the usual case of how i remember: i can catch a vague
whiff of some subconscious processing going on. it's not one
of the newer ones; the memory is too old. it was ones where
his replies were lower case, grammatically challenged, and
sassy. it wasn't the quintessential drukQs interview, but
that was my first google because it was a composite match
for the vibe of the one i actually wanted. similarly, as i
was looking to link my initial post about the word, i
remembered it was on a two-page thread i helped derail. fry
and laurie? no, that seems too recent, let's check. nope.
oh! impressions. that's it. it's on page one, i think? no,
two. i'm certain this got me there faster than going to
google, using site:xlt, and combing through the false
positives before i found what i wanted.

i don't remember where and when i learned most words. the
more interesting ones are what stick around, along with
plenty that are essentially noise. what does stick around
sticks around very clearly and directly, and comes tumbling
back at me when i'm trying to make polite conversation. a
third of a second is lost as i reject this as irrelevant; i
could have been thinking of something to say. if a
conversation gets deep i'll get a few in a row and stare off
into space for a whole second.

so it is this weird thing where my memory is genuinely
useful but also genuinely annoying. it's also really hard to
quantify -- not photographic, hell no. just real good. i am
interested in quantifying it because it's behind a lot of my
best shit. code gaess, you know, establish the parameters of
your weapon. range, effects, sweet spots...


offline Hyperflake from Wirral (United Kingdom) on 2016-07-19 21:07 [#02500195]
Points: 30996 Status: Regular


some old articles here


offline Hyperflake from Wirral (United Kingdom) on 2016-07-19 21:08 [#02500196]
Points: 30996 Status: Regular

yeah my memory is exactly how you describe it, not eidetic,
but when it comes to vague usless trivia im really good at
that, things that make an impression on me really burn into
my brain


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2016-07-19 21:14 [#02500200]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

before i quit watching, i won quite a few simpsons trivia
contests. a lot of that is gone now; i don't miss it. but
there's plenty i do miss... it doesn't feel like it's
getting older; losing my edge... not yet, anyways. it's more
like, as i go through life and more gets wired in those
little pockets of detail start to get lost in the maze. i've
found i can pull all sorts of stuff back through meditation
i thought i'd lost -- deliberate, steady effort. i am trying
to cultivate this a bit more.


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2016-07-19 21:16 [#02500202]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

my favorite interview, by far, was the one done on some site
called "space age bachelor." most of the interviews around
then were entertaining but devoid of actual information
(aside from new words, anyways) and that one felt somewhere
between stream of thought and a very thoughtful verbal
portrait of james. he should ring that guy up, again. or me,
if he wants absurd questions to reply to with absurd


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2016-07-19 21:21 [#02500203]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

i hadn't known the word myriad but for a year or three
before teachers were telling me it was a bad word, no, don't
use that. i didn't get it; it seemed like a perfectly
servicible word to me. nothing too fantastic, not terribly
aesthetic, but still something that could be a better word
than anything else in the proper context. then i got to
college, and i was converted. myriad freshman using myriad
myriads. my god. i think i've only used the word two or
three times before this thread because it's become a cliche.
verbal dubstep wubwub bass, used by people who want to
appear up on the words, but aren't. once i knew that, i
couldn't use it anymore. poor taste. it worked in the post
above because it's... well, not a pun. i dunno what to call
it. i just have myriad memories of things like myriad. a
situational pun? recursive? i'll think about this


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2016-07-19 21:23 [#02500204]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

it's a fractal quibble.


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2016-07-19 21:28 [#02500207]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular



offline Hyperflake from Wirral (United Kingdom) on 2016-07-19 21:29 [#02500208]
Points: 30996 Status: Regular

I try to do the guardian quick crossword every day to
discover new words that i dont know, and read more books, i
think i need to read much more


offline Hyperflake from Wirral (United Kingdom) on 2016-07-19 21:30 [#02500210]
Points: 30996 Status: Regular | Followup to EpicMegatrax: #02500202

you dont know where i can see that interview do you?


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2016-07-19 21:31 [#02500211]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

i remember a few interviews i've never been able to track
down. one was pretty harsh; the interviewer clearly didn't
like him. depicts the acid lord taking bong rips in a tour
bus and then decimating the interviewer in simon says. that
won a nod of approval from me, really, but i half wonder if
he sued that one off the internet. it's probably just lost
or offline, but i wonder...


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2016-07-19 21:31 [#02500212]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular | Followup to Hyperflake: #02500210

i linked the space age bachelor one above; LAZY_SPACE.


offline Hyperflake from Wirral (United Kingdom) on 2016-07-19 21:36 [#02500214]
Points: 30996 Status: Regular

cheers will read it now,


offline Hyperflake from Wirral (United Kingdom) on 2016-07-19 21:38 [#02500215]
Points: 30996 Status: Regular

fucking hell he got $125 grand for bank of america advert


offline Hyperflake from Wirral (United Kingdom) on 2016-07-19 21:41 [#02500217]
Points: 30996 Status: Regular

good about turning the private health care add down though,
my gf works for the NHS


offline Hyperflake from Wirral (United Kingdom) on 2016-07-19 22:00 [#02500224]
Points: 30996 Status: Regular

I told my girlfriend "aphex twin in this old interview says
he is teaching his computer to write music so he can spend
more time shagging his girlfriend"

she said "smart guy"


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2016-07-19 22:59 [#02500235]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

i think part of why it worked so well is the two of 'em were
in cultural sync more than most times he was interviewed. he
actually seems at ease, which is rare. quite directly, he
uses the word "chuffed." rdj does too. so does simon
travaglia, who writes the BOFH series. he's a kiwi that
migrated to england. then i run dry. my impression is it's a
pretty regional word, or a particular economic bracket or
something... narrow ownership. top notch nuance. numerous
parts of it are like that for me, i'm dredging up way more
context from it than i do from most of the rest. sort of a
smell or a sense of presence that i always want but rarely


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2016-07-19 23:00 [#02500236]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

er, the interviewer says he's chuffed to interview aphex.
since that wasn't clear atInit.


offline Hyperflake from Wirral (United Kingdom) on 2016-07-19 23:11 [#02500237]
Points: 30996 Status: Regular

yes chuffed is something working class people like myself
say, well i dont say it so much, my dad did, you still hear
it occasionally


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2016-07-19 23:11 [#02500238]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

years ago i came up with the aphex twin postulate: everyone
on an internet message board is potentially aphex twin, even
you. as saul (pooping wheelchair gangsta) lectures max in
pi, when you look for something, you find it everywhere in
nature. this is unrelated to the cosby posulate -- "there's
always room for puddin'." whether or not this is true
depends on whether or not the universe is infinite, because
if the universe were finite, it could eventually be filled
up with puddin' and there would be no room for puddin' no
more. is time discrete or linear?

anyways, i remember thinking Jivver was Someone with a
capital S. part of it was him, tone of confidence and
generally thoughtful/clever. mostly, though, it was people
on this board who were always complete dicks to everyone
suddenly being on their best behavior when addressing him.
omg it's aphex! then, no, mark bell, LFO. who's LFO? i'd
never heard of LFO. still makes me giggle.

throughout my life i've had moments where i've gotten angry
because of an adjective someone picked, or something that
small -- and it's not the word choice, it's that i
understand why they went with that word, i can draw a line
back to some nasty negative shit underneath and fuck off.
it's crazy how much i'm starting to pull out of it. i've
scared people a few times, and that also makes me giggle.


offline Hyperflake from Wirral (United Kingdom) on 2016-07-19 23:13 [#02500239]
Points: 30996 Status: Regular

its sad i only found out he was the guy from LFO just before
he died, i saw them live i though his music was very good
especially the first album, was weird how he seemed so
acerbic on here, i guess it was because he was from
Manchester, perhaps it was just his internet persona i'll
never know


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2016-07-19 23:24 [#02500240]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

chuffed dad -- is that about right? feels right. i found
this on metafilter over a year ago. surfaced in my mind
immediately. took three or four minutes of guessing keywords
to actually re-find it.


offline Hyperflake from Wirral (United Kingdom) on 2016-07-19 23:26 [#02500241]
Points: 30996 Status: Regular

have you seen the monty python four yorkshiremen sketch? i
know its exaggerated but thats how working class people talk
about their miserable situation growing up


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2016-07-19 23:26 [#02500242]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

a lot of our overlapping time on here was during a period
when i was pretty foul-tempered and depressed. it's like
being a doctor, when i want to hurt someone i know precisely
where to cut. he spotted me doing this and wrote something
back essentially saying, "hey, now, easy there, that's just
plain mean. too much." and he was right, even though i
wouldn't admit it at the time. he wasn't nasty, he just
enjoyed absolutely enraging people with little pokes and
prods and clever zings. was ~quite good~ at it too


offline Hyperflake from Wirral (United Kingdom) on 2016-07-19 23:28 [#02500243]
Points: 30996 Status: Regular | Followup to EpicMegatrax: #02500240

my granddad was a welsh miner, he was an explosions guy


offline Hyperflake from Wirral (United Kingdom) on 2016-07-19 23:29 [#02500244]
Points: 30996 Status: Regular | Followup to EpicMegatrax: #02500242

i hadnt noticed to be honest you seem pretty decent to me,
we all have our off days, i called someone a cunt on here
the other week, which is totally against my nature


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2016-07-19 23:32 [#02500245]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

then he simply had a way with words in a thoroughly english
way. you festering arse-boil


offline Hyperflake from Wirral (United Kingdom) on 2016-07-19 23:34 [#02500246]
Points: 30996 Status: Regular

yes he was very good at that, i think it was from him being
from manchester, its a city full of twats so he probably had
to fend for himself from a young age, im extrapolating of
course. It takes me a hell of a lot to get my trigger point
a hell of a lot, some people are just experts at knowing how
to insult you


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2016-07-19 23:34 [#02500247]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular | Followup to Hyperflake: #02500244

i have a bit of a mean streak and i don't like it. i do my
best to keep it under-wraps, but not much is wrappable after
the amount of whiskey i was drinking at the time. my life is
a mess but i feel a lot happier these days; urge to cut into
people is much more distant. and i stopped drinking like


offline EpicMegatrax from Greatest Hits on 2016-07-19 23:38 [#02500248]
Points: 25264 Status: Regular

didn't he start off breakdancing? drives me mad i'll never
know what he'd have made of all my rambling about beds and
dancing and kinesthetics, even though he'd probably have
just called me a twat and logged off.


offline Hyperflake from Wirral (United Kingdom) on 2016-07-19 23:40 [#02500249]
Points: 30996 Status: Regular

my father was a functional alcoholic, he drunk half a bottle
of whiskey a night and became quite nasty on occasion, hence
why im pretty much tee total, i wouldnt like to become that


offline Hyperflake from Wirral (United Kingdom) on 2016-07-19 23:41 [#02500250]
Points: 30996 Status: Regular | Followup to EpicMegatrax: #02500248

for some reason you really got on his goat, i wonder why


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