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monolith - volume 1

offline melack from barcielwave on 2009-12-24 08:03 [#02354230]
Points: 9099 Status: Regular

can we already start the gossip it suspiciously smells afx?


offline Steinvordhosbn from London (United Kingdom) on 2009-12-24 08:12 [#02354238]
Points: 3185 Status: Regular | Show recordbag

Sounds (and smells) very AFX, Syphonic Flash is just too
good to be made by any of the breed of RDJ acolytes, it has
the mark of the master, I like it all a lot.


offline melack from barcielwave on 2009-12-24 08:25 [#02354245]
Points: 9099 Status: Regular

yes, it sounds great!

the sound + the titles + secret identity

and volume 1, a title that makes you expect more volumes :)


offline mohamed from the turtle business on 2009-12-24 08:27 [#02354246]
Points: 31139 Status: Lurker | Show recordbag

i like 22 Livingstones


offline Descent from the salt of Satan's sweat. (United Kingdom) on 2009-12-24 08:31 [#02354248]
Points: 2298 Status: Addict

All these soundwaves hit the normally slow beach of Rephlex
right when I'm trying to be frugal.


offline retape from (Norway) on 2009-12-24 08:53 [#02354256]
Points: 2355 Status: Lurker



offline Descent from the salt of Satan's sweat. (United Kingdom) on 2009-12-24 09:04 [#02354259]
Points: 2298 Status: Addict

"11. Where can I send demo's to?
Rephlex, PO Box 86, Redruth, TR15 9AL, UK."


I'm going to send them an C90 full of recordings of
different types of coughs.


offline Steinvordhosbn from London (United Kingdom) on 2009-12-24 09:15 [#02354268]
Points: 3185 Status: Regular | Followup to retape: #02354256 | Show recordbag

I'm not fussed really, as long as it isn't by you, you
charmless cunt.


offline Descent from the salt of Satan's sweat. (United Kingdom) on 2009-12-24 09:15 [#02354269]
Points: 2298 Status: Addict

Also, the release has "Now booking for 2010 tour - Please
see the Help page for more information" written next to it,
which only a few other artists such as Aleksi Perälä have.


offline melack from barcielwave on 2009-12-24 09:28 [#02354275]
Points: 9099 Status: Regular | Followup to Descent: #02354269

+ monolith ;)


offline melack from barcielwave on 2009-12-24 09:29 [#02354276]
Points: 9099 Status: Regular

oh i was the link, srry


offline AMPI MAX from United Kingdom on 2009-12-24 09:52 [#02354282]
Points: 10789 Status: Regular

yea im enjoying this. theres nothing here to hate


offline pidgin from St Kilda on 2009-12-24 09:54 [#02354284]
Points: 542 Status: Lurker | Followup to retape: #02354256

omg retape is monolith


offline AMPI MAX from United Kingdom on 2009-12-24 10:06 [#02354288]
Points: 10789 Status: Regular

been listening to this for a while


offline zazen on 2009-12-24 10:21 [#02354293]
Points: 184 Status: Regular

Monolith is definitely not AFX

He's been hanging out on watmm for a while, he might well
hang out here too for all I know.


offline Steinvordhosbn from London (United Kingdom) on 2009-12-24 10:22 [#02354294]
Points: 3185 Status: Regular | Show recordbag

What does "he" say toward the end of "Vigton 3 Stun"? Unless
he says "Vigton 3 stun" of course...


offline Descent from the salt of Satan's sweat. (United Kingdom) on 2009-12-24 11:57 [#02354314]
Points: 2298 Status: Addict

Just got this, liking it a lot. Track three is called "Tron"
in the ID3 tags, for some reason.


offline Descent from the salt of Satan's sweat. (United Kingdom) on 2009-12-24 12:18 [#02354322]
Points: 2298 Status: Addict

Some of this has a similar scent to RichTuss D. James' "Shiz
Ko E". I like it.


offline greggreg from United Kingdom on 2009-12-24 12:24 [#02354327]
Points: 143 Status: Lurker



offline staz on 2009-12-24 15:34 [#02354390]
Points: 9844 Status: Regular

Quite damn good. I don't think it's AFX, but it's very much
in the avenue of The Tuss.


offline mermaidman on 2009-12-24 15:44 [#02354393]
Points: 8199 Status: Lurker

i think it is the richard d. james, afx or the tuss or the
aphex doesnt fucking matter


offline Descent from the salt of Satan's sweat. (United Kingdom) on 2009-12-24 18:11 [#02354452]
Points: 2298 Status: Addict

I've listened to this quite a lot, tonight. 22 Livingstones
is really good.


offline Indeksical from Phobiazero Damage Control (United Kingdom) on 2009-12-24 18:15 [#02354455]
Points: 10671 Status: Regular | Show recordbag

it is isnt is tricky dickhead.


offline Magi from TLN (Togo) on 2009-12-24 19:12 [#02354480]
Points: 88 Status: Lurker

outrageous ep!


offline ijonspeches from 109P/Swift-Tuttle on 2009-12-24 21:16 [#02354493]
Points: 7731 Status: Regular | Show recordbag

hot ep deffo
dont see afx written all o ver it
since i like it very much im kind of disappointed
its an mp3 only release.
i feel a bit shit for mentioning this since im thankfull for

the music and all but i dont see why its mp3 only
whats the reason behind this bollocks?


offline ijonspeches from 109P/Swift-Tuttle on 2009-12-24 22:28 [#02354502]
Points: 7731 Status: Regular | Show recordbag

damn its braindancing railway raver mood and beyond
im going crazy over this
i want this ep but no mp3
it doesnt cost much
i may purchase crumby mp3s, fuck
it seems i have to, damn bastards


offline retape from (Norway) on 2009-12-25 03:57 [#02354531]
Points: 2355 Status: Lurker

vigton and f-tron are quite good. really appreciate that
they let us listen to the complete tracks before downloading


offline cuntychuck from Copenhagen (Denmark) on 2009-12-25 07:24 [#02354554]
Points: 8603 Status: Lurker

really good.


offline Advocate on 2009-12-25 08:00 [#02354557]
Points: 3319 Status: Lurker

am i the only one who thinks f-tron is ridiculously fun?

it's like a collab between daft punk and the tuss.


offline Fah from Netherlands, The on 2009-12-25 08:03 [#02354558]
Points: 6428 Status: Regular

Am i the only one who actually knows who monolith is?


offline greggreg from United Kingdom on 2009-12-25 08:05 [#02354559]
Points: 143 Status: Lurker

nope i know who he is


offline Sano on 2009-12-25 09:12 [#02354560]
Points: 2502 Status: Lurker

Not a fan, sounds too cheesy to me, like a washed up, easy
listening MTV commercial Tuss.


offline Magi from TLN (Togo) on 2009-12-25 09:19 [#02354563]
Points: 88 Status: Lurker

Fah, please tell us who he is...JK?


offline Sano on 2009-12-25 09:21 [#02354565]
Points: 2502 Status: Lurker

It's some guy on watmm, I know that much.


offline Terence Hill from Germany on 2009-12-25 09:23 [#02354566]
Points: 2070 Status: Lurker | Followup to Sano: #02354560



offline Fah from Netherlands, The on 2009-12-25 09:58 [#02354568]
Points: 6428 Status: Regular | Followup to Magi: #02354563

A nice bloke, quite chatty, might be from watmm i dunno.


offline Jaser from Castle Greyskull (United Kingdom) on 2009-12-25 15:44 [#02354621]
Points: 2101 Status: Regular

MONOLITH chose the name because of it a direct link to where
he comes from, a little town near Stonehenge. Stonehenge is
a Monolith. It also has a link to the monophonic sources he
uses. Monolith believes his music is strongly influenced by
my surroundings and the hardware he uses.
monolith on myspace


offline sadist from the dark side of the moon on 2009-12-25 16:38 [#02354632]
Points: 8670 Status: Lurker

i want that track from the beginning of paradinas
explorations set.


offline mdv from Zwolle (Netherlands, The) on 2009-12-26 00:25 [#02354702]
Points: 167 Status: Regular

Monolith = The Tuss = Richard D james.

The Tuss and Monolith are made on thesame new Roland gear,
V-synth, Fantom, maybe MV8800 or Boss DR880 etc.


offline pandandpirate on 2009-12-26 03:21 [#02354713]
Points: 6 Status: Lurker

It's not afx. The dude put a complimentary message on
mymyspace yonks ago. I doubt that would be something his
messianic twinness would ever do.

It's good shit though.


offline SebSeb_fr from France on 2009-12-26 03:43 [#02354717]
Points: 70 Status: Lurker

22 Livingstones is so great.
Monolith, if you read me : tu es génial, mec


offline mermaidman on 2009-12-26 03:52 [#02354720]
Points: 8199 Status: Lurker

monolith is supposed to be paradinas, why should richard use
paradinas' name, but it sounds like a new release from the
great tuss


offline sadist from the dark side of the moon on 2009-12-26 04:16 [#02354722]
Points: 8670 Status: Lurker

i doubt it's afx if there is some booking information. so
what you go to a monolith gig and richie just pops on stage
right ?


offline mdv from Zwolle (Netherlands, The) on 2009-12-26 14:16 [#02354861]
Points: 167 Status: Regular

well there's no denying that the tuss = monolith
and i thought it was clear that the tuss is rdj, it sais so
in the ID tag of the tuss music downloaded from rephlex


offline mdv from Zwolle (Netherlands, The) on 2009-12-26 14:17 [#02354862]
Points: 167 Status: Regular

perhaps possible is that the tuss is richard + someone else,
and that monolith is someone else without (or with less) rdj
on it.


offline mdv from Zwolle (Netherlands, The) on 2009-12-26 14:19 [#02354864]
Points: 167 Status: Regular

i ment that same someone else as is on the tuss offcourse

btw the naming is similar too.
analord, reference to the lord of anal fucking or
the tuss, english slang for cock.
monolith, big fallus thing.


offline atwood from The Library (United Kingdom) on 2009-12-26 14:29 [#02354865]
Points: 2236 Status: Regular | Followup to mdv: #02354864 | Show recordbag

Have you ever seen someone like,really slack jawed,with
maybe a shiny over wet bottom lip,and a kinda glazed
Thats what I think I probably look like now after reading


offline khrimson from the fridge on 2009-12-26 14:57 [#02354868]
Points: 1757 Status: Regular

not aphex but try as hard as possible to sound like analord
version of him, infact he could be him, but he's not, maybe,
who knows, I like his tracks, wait he sounds more like tuss
than aphex, that is like some sort of open project, tuss is
a style, like 2000+ version of acid, there are awesome
basslines in these tracks, as in the EE mix track, that had
synthstrings on top that was cheesy as fuck and definetly
not aphexian, the more I listen the more I recognize the
differences, he surely likes changing reverb decay and
reverse, a&d


offline ct_tapes on 2009-12-26 15:03 [#02354869]
Points: 20 Status: Lurker

i'm totally into this.


offline Steinvordhosbn from London (United Kingdom) on 2009-12-26 15:03 [#02354870]
Points: 3185 Status: Regular | Followup to khrimson: #02354868 | Show recordbag

Every time you say "a&d" Baby Jesus farts on a kitten's


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