wizards teeth
on 2001-06-02 13:00 [#00007997]

I met a lovely lady three minutes ago.
Do you think it is too soon to pop the question?
Question being: "Hello do you like Aeroplanes?"
Today I work in morning, Later my friend arrives back from place that has many skyscrapers and other high concrete things. There are also a few people addicted to Gin who wander the street asking to borrow money. I asked one of the people what they needed the money for. This dialogue below is a re-enactment of the scenario:
Gin addict - "Hello can I borrow some money?" Me - "What do you need it for?"
Gin addict - "I need to purchase a Russian Dictionary"
Me - "Why?"
Gin Addict - "I need to write some love letters to a Russian Horse"
Me - "I am afraid I cannot condone such activity, but I will teach you the pronunciation of the word "hairnet" in Balinese"
Gin Addict - "Ok, thanks"
The End I will one-day study Witchcraft; I will use the knowledge that I gain to help develop some new potions that will allow man to communicate with pigs.
My dad invented the "apple harness" and my mother invented the "rhombus". That is how I am able to boast about my lovely mansion:
"Hello, I have a lovely mansion"
Who likes going to the swimming baths? If I had to give myself a rating out of ten for swimming I would probably give myself a 6.7 out of ten. My legs are made from sodium therefore it is not a good idea to go into the water that much. I tend to watch by the side of the pool, but I do enjoy purchasing those lovely black plastic combs they always have for sale.
An obligator item for all "children fiddlers"
* Please note - I am not one of these people with wandering hands.
Hello Jimmy if you are reading this message board. If you are I will see you at ten o'clock tomorrow down the owl sanctuary.
I predict a new form of currency shall be introduced in the year 2003. It will be soap based.
>Syntax Error : I stroke cannons
from .. indeed the cannons be stroked ... boulivarde .. on 2001-06-02 13:10 [#00007998]

.. an all all pistons are firin' .. on that one .. ; - ] ... *grunts in porno pig bleeps* ...
oh yeah an about .. "I will one-day study Witchcraft; I will use the knowledge that I gain to help develop some new potions that will allow man to communicate with pigs" ... that would be great .. cause i can can ask the pig wot's growin' organs for peoples .. to go easy on the gin .. oh and the truntions ..
wizards teeth
from behind some platic on 2001-06-02 13:15 [#00008001]

Please tell my Grandad to whip the pheasant before I get home.
If he does not I will not allow him any extar butter in this weeks pay packet.
Oh I do love being nasty - HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA (M)
*To be laughed in an "evil" style
from .. fire .. fire .. fire .. station .. junction .. on 2001-06-02 13:15 [#00008002]

... oh but the pepper sprays cool'eesz .. my don't mind a bit 'ov spice'ee pork .. but make it kung fu style ..
from *rubs hands togeather .. * .. nuclear sub station .. "there's water in my radium .." place .. on 2001-06-02 13:18 [#00008003]

.. sounds like a menu ... little game as an entree never hurt anyone ... (and grandpa's atteries will be all a thank'ee thank'ee .. for the bonus that look's like less to digest ... )
wizards teeth
from behind some platic on 2001-06-02 13:19 [#00008004]

I shout as one of my fists strikes a poor boys hip and causes him to lean to one side until his ear is resting in his soup.
Sh*t - I have just broke my spine. I suppose that will teah me to stop throwing knives at barely dressed ladies who have been attached to wheels by clown.
Clowns Eating Beavers may I add.
from ... ahah .. jungle village .. on 2001-06-02 13:22 [#00008006]

.. good thing soups on the menu now .. as your a paraplegic .. you'd better get used to it .. *offers straw .. and evil grin* ..
wizards teeth
from behind some platic on 2001-06-02 13:23 [#00008007]

One day I wll inform everyone I see how much it costs to wrestle some invisible tanks.
But until then I will keep the secret close to my chest.
In my chest I keep the following:
Heart x 1
Lungs x 2
Thorax x 1
I will be evicting my thorax soon due to unpaid rent. If anyone would like to move in I will be pleased to negotiate a good deal. The rent is quite cheap.
One stipulation - Do not be too noisy as I need to respire at least three times per day !
wizards teeth
from behind some platic on 2001-06-02 13:26 [#00008008]

No I am not yet a paraplegic.
But I am a lethargic parachutist, this will probably lead to paraplegism, as I can never be bothered to pull the chord on my chute.
from searching for a new ./... chambers on 2001-06-02 13:29 [#00008009]

.. does it come with half flush setting on the dun'ee .. as i'm very concious 'ov those type 'ov things ... and i wouldn't mind if you manicaured the lawn on that rooftop abit .. as it's a little shab'ee .. an might put the hatchlings off slipping down into my lovepad ..
.. hmmm .. call and response .. we should take up pentogospelism .. o(~; - ] ..
from .. fantasy .. i will be .. toll way .. on 2001-06-02 13:32 [#00008010]

well .. get a guitar .. much easier .. chords .. and you can play 'em one handed i hear .. which makes the pulling (wiv ah'va hand) a very approachable option ..
wizards teeth
from behind some platic on 2001-06-02 13:41 [#00008011]

No I am afraid it does not, i don't bother flushing when I do a solid.
I like to keep them for nostalgia, I have a lovely collection in a cabinet in my house:
I have brown ones, long ones, little ones, ones with nuts in, some as big as your hat.
I like to call it "my stool" cabinet.
I often invite the youngsters around to have a look, but last time i did this the autorities were called.
I now go home and dry my mother.
I will take the scenic route, you know which one I mean. Past the Dentists.
"Don't worry I don't bite" - That is what I say to all the items of food I eat.
from ... sensible .. hights .. on 2001-06-02 14:01 [#00008012]

.. eheh .. usually the dentist .. gasses you .. for that type 'ov shenanigans .. but maybe you like a bit 'ov consciousness .. when he get's up to his trick's with you .. oh the mayhem they get thaught in dentistry conventions .. "and this ones .. for opening the vulva ..."
one owner only .. mint condidtion .. very fresh ... unique item ... with russian esthetic .. from the furnature inside furnature period ...
... back to hawai .. and it's question and answer time .. for the vulva entry delivery system manufacturers sales team .. "so what .. if it's in the furnature period ..." asks the ever inquizitive young mr. dent .. 'ov the small orthapedic surgery company 'ov Dent and Ture ..
.. "well sir .. your a dentist. .. Apply a little cotton wool .. "
wizards teeth
from inside a monkeys pancreas on 2001-06-02 14:45 [#00008013]

Cotton Wool reminds me of baby ghosts.
Dentists remind me of men with coats who like to eat young boys teeth.
I can only assume they eat them.
They take them out and you never see them again, saying that Dentists probably sell teeth to double glazing salesmen for them to make the frames for the windows the sell
from ... the florishing trading centre 'ov souls .. that is mephisto's dwelm .. on 2001-06-02 15:23 [#00008014]

... tis .. the tooth fairy don't yah know .. she started associating herself .. with teeth .. cause 'ov her almost obessive love for nitrous oxide ... paying the dentists for the teeth .. is just a cover .. for her dirty little secret ..
she then onsells the teeth to the baby ghosts .. who need solid teeth .. for their vaporous selves to eat at various spiritworld dining functions .. as they are all now old enough to eat at the big table with the other sprites .. but were never blessed with the gift 'ov pearly whites .. before they hit those other pearly's .. (the one with the gates .. that are all squeek'ee .. and wot need oilin' .. cause noone visits them parts no more) .. when they were all solid an smell'ee .. an real .. an wee wee'd all the way home .. into a semi-trailer load 'ov cotton ..
from ... clouds .. on 2001-06-02 15:28 [#00008015]

.. nightsz .. mate .. thanks for all the pun ...
(soz.. .. i wasn't replying quicker .. was just doing other stuff elsewhere ..)
*yawns* .... *and yet more ... arrrhhh yawnsz* .. .. *yawns* ..
from Edmonton on 2001-06-02 20:31 [#00008054]

wizards teeth: Hello, I am rainblo and I absolutely enjoy reading your posts, I think your writing is brilliant, one day I will have my own magazine out, it will have all sorts of stuff in it and I think you should write articles in it, that would be so wicked... you are amazing!!!
from Denmark on 2001-06-02 21:20 [#00008061]

I only have three words to say to all this
"Donkey dick stacks"
from Fraggle Rock on 2001-06-03 00:25 [#00008073]

Yeah, you oughta consider some sort of writing type stuff. Just do it for fun, not to get paid (but maybe you will get paid) Most people's brains are wired so the right hemisphere are concerned with "artistic" things like spacial relationships and the left hemishpere is logical things like language and math. I think some of your language hemisphere fused to your spacial one though you crazy goof.
from perth on 2001-06-03 14:54 [#00008106]

SWAI : "big floppy donkey dick" lol.
from Denmark on 2001-06-03 16:37 [#00008113]

Donkey dick stacks
its something that just flew out of my friends mouth one day (figurately speaking, even though it would have been funny 2 the other way)
now i´ve made a track called it since, with this vocoder voice repeating it to death
nekta killa
from in a bin on 2001-06-03 19:05 [#00008131]

don't give me that cr5ap. the artist always knows best and what you are sayong os bollocks byeeeeeeeeeeee he he nekta
Chris Ochre
from Newcastle, UK. (www.mp3.com/ochre) on 2001-06-03 23:49 [#00008146]

I predict WT will talk more arse in the future.
from .. you fkin' morons ... street ... on 2001-06-04 01:24 [#00008156]

wizards teeth
from behind some platic on 2001-06-04 10:06 [#00008191]

Hey Chris are you Ok.
I live near Gateshead in Newcastle.
Are you aware of any "Aphex Style" nights in Newcastle ?
If so let me know.
I would also appreciate it if you would keep such comments to yourself if you have no valid reason for them, OK Sonny Jim?
from .. jim's my mate .. and the day isz sunn'ee ,... on 2001-06-04 11:39 [#00008199]

.. o (9;- p ...
.. i didn't mean offense ... and if anyone was well poo poo .. ; - p .... had just got into work .. then read those ingratiations .. with none in me direction .. and felt like there was half a mango missing .. an all that two to tango ..
Chris Ochre
from Newcastle, UK. (www.mp3.com/ochre) on 2001-06-04 19:22 [#00008230]

I'm only kidding WT, Delet, just pulling your leg. No animosity or offence intended, hence the ' ;) ' at the bottom. Rock on with the complete nonsense banter, then.
Jolly good,
Nah, I don't know of any decent nights in Newcastle, Teeth. I think Egypt Cottage had an electronica night with Aphex, ATR, Autechre etc, but I'm not sure if it's still on. Never went to it anyway. Newcastle's being taken over by house clubs now, but I'm sure there's a decent night going on somewhere that doesn't consist of house, trance or UK garage. I'm surprised World Headquarters doesn't have an IDM type night, nice little (very little) place though.
*I've got to get a job, get a job, get a job. I've got to get a job, get-up-early in the mor-ning* And then I can go to the US and fritter my money away on cheap petrol as me and a mate drive towards the horizon...
from ... ahah .. croisant parlour .. on 2001-06-04 19:40 [#00008233]

.. hmm .. my last post ... was in reply to wizards .. post prior ... 'ad .. nuffin' .. to do with you chris mate .. but .. oh well ..
... take it ..ease'ee .. any'owsz ...
Mr. Hour
from Badnew on 2001-06-04 21:18 [#00008238]

Wizards Teeth:
Question: Have you ever tried selling garns on the early spring fair?. I did so last year and i sold plenty. Tip: If you cut the garns ahalf so that the tiny giplets can be reached by a fork, you can actually paint them any color you want!! By the way, i have paid some attention to your idea of purchasing, as you called them, "hassypacks" to transform people into anything they want to and make them happy, and actually, the garns make out a pretty good alternative!. I sold one to the villageboy John, and he immediately liked it. He sat it down atop of his tele and he named it "Swingy Bob with a poak-neth".
I have, according to myself, found out how to find the hassypacks:
1. Take a paper. Paint it green. 2. Scrape the paint off with a razor. 3. Melt down a copy of SAW II (disc 2). 4. Apply the paint on the data side. 5. Melt again so that the paint sticks to it. 6. Play the disc on your HiFi-Stereo. 7. You will hear whispers. The voices will tell you a secret code.
8. The code tells you how to make coco with salty bread. The hassypacks are there.
on 2001-06-04 21:54 [#00008240]

every night is an aphex style night
nekta killa
from in a bin on 2001-06-04 22:18 [#00008244]

i would burn SAW2 CD2 but its the only one i have, i lost CD1 :(, sorry about that message further up, i was so pissed i couldn't see the screen. or spell. sorry UI mixCD YES YES YES OHHHHHH BABY
from Ontario (Soon to be Newfoundland) on 2001-06-04 22:51 [#00008250]

Wizards Teeth: I happen to be of relation to 2 dentists. Now... i'm not susposed to tell you people this but, on a yearly basis all dentists gather to show off their biggest tooth. The top ten biggest teeth are put in a ring and fight to the death. The owner of the last tooth is rewarded with drill sound effects (the ones you hear when waiting) and is allowed to make the sacred "Drink of teeth" where as all the teeth are put into a giant blender and liquified. The drink gives giant power and often cures old age.
from Australia on 2001-06-04 23:55 [#00008257]

AHA!! so that's how they do it!!
from perth on 2001-06-05 14:37 [#00008314]

dont some secretaries do that too? in russia?
from Ontario on 2001-06-05 15:53 [#00008324]

secretaries do the same but instead of teeth they use old documents that didnt ever go anywhere...
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