Hi how has your day been ? | xltronic messageboard
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Hi how has your day been ?

offline yoyoyo from cornwall on 2007-11-10 14:52 [#02142546]
Points: 1543 Status: Lurker

what have you done today ?
me i woke up at 13,00 and sat infront of the computer untill
16,00.then got me big fat pizza.then got me some beers.then
had fun taliking on the net + music banging : ).and present


offline hanal from k_maty only (United Kingdom) on 2007-11-10 14:58 [#02142549]
Points: 13379 Status: Lurker | Followup to yoyoyo: #02142546 | Show recordbag

i woke at 7.00am,had wank.
had a mighty boosh marathon ready for new series next week.
drunk beer
had wank
drunk beer
had wank


offline thepuss on 2007-11-10 15:02 [#02142550]
Points: 73 Status: Regular

hahahanal, how many hands you got?

another day of making music and browsing the net...i'm
playing a bit more of piano too recently aswell. Chopin
ballade G minor bilieve it or not (the one in the pianist)


offline Raz0rBlade_uk on 2007-11-10 15:04 [#02142551]
Points: 12540 Status: Addict | Show recordbag

i got up nice and early 8:45

went shopping

stocked up on drugs

now i'm sozzled


offline misantroll from Switzerland on 2007-11-10 15:05 [#02142552]
Points: 2151 Status: Lurker

I worked, I worked
I drank
I drank
I'm drinking
I'll soon wank


offline yoyoyo from cornwall on 2007-11-10 15:23 [#02142554]
Points: 1543 Status: Lurker | Followup to : #02142553



offline yoyoyo from cornwall on 2007-11-10 15:24 [#02142555]
Points: 1543 Status: Lurker

23,23 i had a lol


offline yoyoyo from cornwall on 2007-11-10 15:25 [#02142556]
Points: 1543 Status: Lurker

i cant wank when i am drunk


offline PORICK from fucking IRELAND on 2007-11-10 15:33 [#02142557]
Points: 1911 Status: Lurker

a bit boring, but nicer towards the end..


offline marlowe from Antarctica on 2007-11-10 15:46 [#02142560]
Points: 24571 Status: Regular

Been working on a track, mucking about with my daughter,
sweeping up dead beetles.


offline yoyoyo from cornwall on 2007-11-10 16:23 [#02142569]
Points: 1543 Status: Lurker | Followup to PORICK: #02142557

hi added you to facebook today : )


offline pigster from melbs on 2007-11-10 16:55 [#02142573]
Points: 4480 Status: Lurker

did an all nighter last night. worked on two songs which im
really happy with : ) though now im struggling to stay awake
and its only 11am. good times ahead.


offline J198 from Maastricht (Netherlands, The) on 2007-11-10 17:12 [#02142577]
Points: 7342 Status: Lurker | Followup to thepuss: #02142550 | Show recordbag

thats awesome. i'd kill to be able to play chopin decently.


offline Ophecks from Nova Scotia (Canada) on 2007-11-10 17:47 [#02142597]
Points: 19190 Status: Moderator | Show recordbag

Lots of lemon pie and music and one ''wank''


offline w M w from London (United Kingdom) on 2007-11-10 17:49 [#02142598]
Points: 21386 Status: Regular | Followup to Ophecks: #02142597

that's touching


offline yoyoyo from cornwall on 2007-11-10 17:53 [#02142599]
Points: 1543 Status: Lurker

yo test


offline nacmat on 2007-11-10 18:13 [#02142600]
Points: 31271 Status: Lurker

went to see a cathedral made by just one person
ate with girlfriend and her parents


offline yoyoyo from cornwall on 2007-11-10 18:28 [#02142603]
Points: 1543 Status: Lurker

i like sitting on my ass and drinking beers and be
antisocial seeing real people.but like to talk to people on
the internet


offline tolstoyed from the ocean on 2007-11-10 18:49 [#02142608]
Points: 50073 Status: Moderator

it's been complete crap. i was meant to go to some festival
in italy but it all went wrong and i stayed at home. sucks.
im going to a david toop and otomo yoshihide lecture/gig on
tuesday and wednesday which should be fun though.


offline yoyoyo from cornwall on 2007-11-10 19:26 [#02142616]
Points: 1543 Status: Lurker

soon i will got to bed.
i got me all the best elliott smith albums in the end.


offline oyvinto on 2007-11-10 20:07 [#02142621]
Points: 8197 Status: Lurker | Followup to yoyoyo: #02142554 | Show recordbag

the post was deleted.. what did it say?


offline marlowe from Antarctica on 2007-11-10 20:11 [#02142622]
Points: 24571 Status: Regular | Followup to oyvinto: #02142621

that may have been hanal's post of midget fucking.


offline oyvinto on 2007-11-10 20:17 [#02142624]
Points: 8197 Status: Lurker | Followup to marlowe: #02142622 | Show recordbag

midgets need sex too


offline PS on 2007-11-10 20:31 [#02142629]
Points: 1876 Status: Lurker

She had an offensive spider tattoo right above her special
minge. There were penises all over the place!


offline PS on 2007-11-10 20:36 [#02142630]
Points: 1876 Status: Lurker

I spent most of the day working on my speaker pillow. It
should be ready by next weekend, just in time for sleeping.
Also, I made lemon crisps with the wife and vacuumed all the
crud out of the window screens. I am having a few drinks


offline darkpromenade from Australia on 2007-11-10 20:46 [#02142632]
Points: 2777 Status: Regular

I got up at 8, cleaned my old bike components, went to look
at carpet'n'stuff with the wife, came home and had some
lunch (toasted cheese and tomato on toast), surfed the net
looking for parts for my bike and setting up some ebay bids,
listening to the cricket. I'll go for a ride in an hour or


offline roygbivcore from Joyrex.com, of course! on 2007-11-10 23:18 [#02142637]
Points: 22557 Status: Lurker

got up at 9
got up at 10
worked 12-6
got home 6:45
had a pizza with the lady and watched cops
lady went home
got high as hell
played majora's mask
dicked around on the internet (downloading porn torrents)
here i am


offline SlipDrinkMats from Thanks (Bhutan) on 2007-11-10 23:26 [#02142638]
Points: 1744 Status: Regular

I can honestly say I've had one of the best days/nights of
my life.


offline goDel from ɐpʎǝx (Seychelles) on 2007-11-11 01:25 [#02142642]
Points: 10225 Status: Lurker

I'm having a pretty geeked-out weekend: spent the entire day
installing kubuntu 7.10 - which wasn't that difficult -
after which i tried to compile & install both insight and
kdbg (gui's for gdb) which was hell. it boils down to: find
out which packages to install to make it work. thank god
there are only 4000 of them. shitty linux.
they still don't work and i have to finished some
assignments next wednesday. :/


offline darkpromenade from Australia on 2007-11-11 03:00 [#02142650]
Points: 2777 Status: Regular | Followup to SlipDrinkMats: #02142638

Now you've just got to share the details!


offline Combo from Sex on 2007-11-11 03:32 [#02142655]
Points: 7532 Status: Lurker

I had a wank this morning and right now I'm talking to a
girl over the Internet.


offline Raz0rBlade_uk on 2007-11-11 03:39 [#02142657]
Points: 12540 Status: Addict | Followup to Combo: #02142655 | Show recordbag

you did it in the wrong order


offline Combo from Sex on 2007-11-11 03:42 [#02142658]
Points: 7532 Status: Lurker | Followup to Raz0rBlade_uk: #02142657

Nah she's just a friend. I thought about her while wanking
tho, but becuz I had nobody else in mind.


offline Co-existence from Bergen (Norway) on 2007-11-11 05:42 [#02142672]
Points: 3388 Status: Regular

I've had a hell of a day... My computer is crashing again
and again and again and again. If I wait for 4 hours it
might be able to keep going for five minutes --> Blue Screen
--> re-boots --> fails to load windows --> wait as long as I
can... and then do it all over again... Any suggestions?


offline uzim on 2007-11-11 06:01 [#02142679]
Points: 17716 Status: Lurker

i was at a party for a friend's birthday yesterday evening,
went to bed at 3am, woke up today at 11am, started working
on an exposé for university, ate something, now i'm
drinking some tea while listening to music (Miles Davis,
Saul Williams, The White Stripes) and i'll continue working
for the exposé later.

i'm ok.
still longing for the summer though.


offline SlipDrinkMats from Thanks (Bhutan) on 2007-11-11 10:56 [#02142736]
Points: 1744 Status: Regular | Followup to darkpromenade: #02142650

I got to "hang out" for a while with XLT's very own foul
mouthed Jivver and benefit from his, what I'm lead to
believe is called in the trade, rider.


offline tolstoyed from the ocean on 2007-11-11 11:22 [#02142741]
Points: 50073 Status: Moderator

even worse that yesterdays. i could have gone to the last
day of that festival which was also the best one but i put
my phone on mute and i didn't hear when a friend called to
ask if i want to come along. man


offline sadist from the dark side of the moon on 2007-11-11 15:32 [#02142794]
Points: 8670 Status: Lurker

just got home after merzbow. i'm so wasted that i'm barely
seeing the screen. probably the best gig i've been to.


offline SValx from United Kingdom on 2007-11-11 17:42 [#02142824]
Points: 2586 Status: Regular | Followup to SlipDrinkMats: #02142736

sounds.. HORRIBLE. :D


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