Burgers. Happy America! | xltronic messageboard
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Burgers. Happy America!

offline bingob on 2007-11-07 01:53 [#02141575]
Points: 675 Status: Lurker

Today is american independence national day. Hooray! We
will celebrate with what makes americans what they are. Fat.
We celebrate the burger. What is your dream burger? This is
mine, starting downstairs:
-Bread (of course)
-Hot sauce, like taco/fajitastyle
-A patty of meat
-a thick layer of greasy bacon
-a copy of analogue bubblebath 3
-pickles and tomatoes and olives
-a patty of meat from the ass of Braedens hot MILF
-even more cheese
-some hot powder (chili, cayenne)
-top bread with seeds

Now you


offline swears from junk sleep on 2007-11-07 03:09 [#02141584]
Points: 6474 Status: Lurker

Don't forget the pickles.


offline SlipDrinkMats from Thanks (Bhutan) on 2007-11-07 06:24 [#02141610]
Points: 1744 Status: Regular

I think my dream burger would be

bap base
English Mustard
Meat Patty
Slice of processed cheese
Gerkin slice
Hot Chilli Sauce
the contents of the Fizz Whizz package that came with Joyrex
top bap
Maybe the Aphex logo grilled onto the bap as a bonus.


offline bingob on 2007-11-07 06:32 [#02141611]
Points: 675 Status: Lurker | Followup to SlipDrinkMats: #02141610

That's a tasty bitch!


offline bingob on 2007-11-07 06:32 [#02141612]
Points: 675 Status: Lurker

Or bi-atch as they say over there


offline swears from junk sleep on 2007-11-07 09:15 [#02141640]
Points: 6474 Status: Lurker

I like to have ketchup and cheese and pickles on 'em,
otherwise bacon and BBQ sauce. I like those diced onions
Wimpy used to do as well. Lettuce ruins the texture, so I
just have that on the side.


offline oxygenfad from www.oxygenfad.com (Canada) on 2007-11-07 09:40 [#02141645]
Points: 4439 Status: Regular


offline PORICK from fucking IRELAND on 2007-11-07 09:55 [#02141646]
Points: 1911 Status: Lurker

battur burgar


offline Gwely Mernans from 23rd century entertainment (Canada) on 2007-11-07 09:58 [#02141648]
Points: 9853 Status: Regular

the secret behind mcdonalds tasty onions in their burgers is
that they're pickled onions.

i got a mental image of getting a burger and the toy that
comes with it is a minidisc with unreleased afx abb tracks.
that would be an interesting reality.


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