Aspects of Autechre(part1of4) | xltronic messageboard
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Aspects of Autechre(part1of4)

offline Riccardo from somewhere beyond the ultraworl on 2002-03-13 14:46 [#00124307]
Points: 869 Status: Lurker

A)which is the thing you like most of ae?
B)and the less one (if there's some)?

for me...
A)Of ae I love the fact that their music is celebral and
stop,they're the perfect example of braindance
B)ae music could be compared to sculpture....but I still
prefer painting (!?) I'm joking ae are perfect as they are


offline recycle from Where is Phobiazero (Lincoln) (United States) on 2002-03-13 14:50 [#00124316]
Points: 39507 Status: Lurker like ae.


offline IronLung from the 91fwy in soCAL (United States) on 2002-03-13 14:51 [#00124320]
Points: 8032 Status: Lurker | Show recordbag

Ahhhh...good topic....

A) Ae have always made me want to think more about the music
and sounds they make. Their tracks seem to open my brain up
and twist stuff around inside until I am SO curious and
blown away. AE seem to always keep thier fresh new sound
while at the same time coming up with even newer more
haunting soundscapes for us to get lost in.

b) I guess if I HAD to think of one thing I dont like about
AE, boy this is hard.....
My ONLY complaint would be that well...They dont tour often
enough, atleast here in SoCalifornia...

I have only got to see em once.



offline Inverted Whale from United States Minor Outlying Islands on 2002-03-13 14:53 [#00124324]
Points: 3301 Status: Lurker

a) ability to scare neighbors / unwanted party guests
b) can be a bit repetitious to my ears sometimes

p.s. I'm listening to Second Bad Vilbel right now! I think
this is my fav Ae track.


offline nacmat on 2002-03-13 14:53 [#00124327]
Points: 31271 Status: Lurker

a) the way they expand the limits of music

b) that they arent girls


offline Inverted Whale from United States Minor Outlying Islands on 2002-03-13 14:55 [#00124330]
Points: 3301 Status: Lurker

haha nacmat, b) is great!


offline recycle from Where is Phobiazero (Lincoln) (United States) on 2002-03-13 14:55 [#00124332]
Points: 39507 Status: Lurker

b) that they arent girls----hahahahah
which one is married to mira calix? sean or rob? dont


offline Riccardo from somewhere beyond the ultraworl on 2002-03-13 14:58 [#00124336]
Points: 869 Status: Lurker

what are you saying? mcalix is married to one of ae? I
didn't know that


offline recycle from Where is Phobiazero (Lincoln) (United States) on 2002-03-13 14:59 [#00124337]
Points: 39507 Status: Lurker dont remeber who it is


offline Meho Krljic from Beograd (Yugoslavia) on 2002-03-13 14:59 [#00124338]
Points: 6617 Status: Addict

They never stop pushing forward the limits set by them and
the rest of the IDM bunch. They're not closed to new
influences (they fell in love with french concrete composer
Bernard Parmegiani in '97.), they are never scared of
challenging their audiences. They're unpretentious on top of
everything. I love them!!


offline jand from Braintree (United Kingdom) on 2002-03-13 15:03 [#00124347]
Points: 5975 Status: Moderator | Show recordbag

a) one of the few bands that actually are more than the sum
of their influences...
b) They need to get experimental with release formats
again...the Minidisc thing was a good start but I'd
personally like to own a bit of Ae Software or something
like that....

(I had difficulty coming up with a b)..


offline Paco from Gothenburg (Sweden) on 2002-03-13 15:10 [#00124358]
Points: 2659 Status: Lurker

a) The early albums, I, A and Tri + ep's.

b) -



offline Meho Krljic from Beograd (Yugoslavia) on 2002-03-13 15:11 [#00124362]
Points: 6617 Status: Addict

Can't think of any bad sides, sorry...


offline recycle from Where is Phobiazero (Lincoln) (United States) on 2002-03-13 15:22 [#00124387]
Points: 39507 Status: Lurker

bad side---they dont relase more music more
often...........ahhhhhhh like afx


offline nacmat on 2002-03-13 15:24 [#00124394]
Points: 31271 Status: Lurker | Followup to recycle: #00124387

do you think 6 albums, 13 eps and 7 eps as gescom is not
in 9 years


offline Meho Krljic from Beograd (Yugoslavia) on 2002-03-13 15:25 [#00124397]
Points: 6617 Status: Addict

plus that great G-com minidisc


offline recycle from Where is Phobiazero (Lincoln) (United States) on 2002-03-13 15:25 [#00124398]
Points: 39507 Status: Lurker

i have most of the ae albums a few ep..but no gescom...there
is one in the store i saw...its jsut the cd arond some
bubble wrap......for like $12.00 or so..



offline recycle from Where is Phobiazero (Lincoln) (United States) on 2002-03-13 15:26 [#00124402]
Points: 39507 Status: Lurker

plus that great G-com minidisc-----WHATS that all about? saw
and read it on teh warp goodies it a 3" disk?


offline Meho Krljic from Beograd (Yugoslavia) on 2002-03-13 15:28 [#00124407]
Points: 6617 Status: Addict

No, a fucking 88 track minidisc (you know for minidisc


offline recycle from Where is Phobiazero (Lincoln) (United States) on 2002-03-13 15:31 [#00124415]
Points: 39507 Status: Lurker

kool-----yeah warp said the best way to listen to this cd
was to put it on random play........can a minidisk be burned
to a cdr? will it be relasaed as a regular cd?


offline Meho Krljic from Beograd (Yugoslavia) on 2002-03-13 15:33 [#00124421]
Points: 6617 Status: Addict

I got it in mp3 and burned it onto cdr. I don't think it
will be coming out on cd. Check out audio galaxy for it if
you can.


offline recycle from Where is Phobiazero (Lincoln) (United States) on 2002-03-13 15:37 [#00124425]
Points: 39507 Status: Lurker

Meho Krljic ----whats your email addy? not in at me
please about this.....thanks...thad


offline Meho Krljic from Beograd (Yugoslavia) on 2002-03-13 15:44 [#00124432]
Points: 6617 Status: Addict

Just did, recycle.


offline recycle from Where is Phobiazero (Lincoln) (United States) on 2002-03-13 15:44 [#00124434]
Points: 39507 Status: Lurker



offline jand from Braintree (United Kingdom) on 2002-03-13 15:53 [#00124441]
Points: 5975 Status: Moderator | Show recordbag

Yeah, the whole idea of the Minidisc thing was that you'd
play it on Random with zero gaps and it would create you a
new AE record with every listen...

Kinda Generative Music type thing...

Works fine as MP3s with Winamp using one of those Gapless
Output plugins...not sure if you'd be able to achieve the
same with a CD could burn it with zero gaps but
whether it would play perfectly on Random play, I don't


offline Meho Krljic from Beograd (Yugoslavia) on 2002-03-13 15:59 [#00124451]
Points: 6617 Status: Addict

It's not perfect, but OK...


offline Meho Krljic from Beograd (Yugoslavia) on 2002-03-13 16:04 [#00124464]
Points: 6617 Status: Addict

Uh, anyway I'm leaving now, so, see you all tomorrow.


offline IronLung from the 91fwy in soCAL (United States) on 2002-03-13 16:05 [#00124467]
Points: 8032 Status: Lurker | Show recordbag

Have a good night Meho=)


offline recycle from Where is Phobiazero (Lincoln) (United States) on 2002-03-13 16:07 [#00124472]
Points: 39507 Status: Lurker

see ya turkey ~~~~~~~:0)


offline IronLung from the 91fwy in soCAL (United States) on 2002-03-13 16:09 [#00124481]
Points: 8032 Status: Lurker | Show recordbag

like take CONFIELD for example...

It reminds me or makes me think of what a child discovering
his hearing sense is kinda like. The album is full of wierd
sounds and distorted off timed beats, which are a mystery
when first heard, but so mysterious and beautiful at the
same want MORE. And as you progress with the
album, your sense of hearing changes and develops, tuning
into the "little things and background noises" more than
ever. Each track seems to hynotize me and keep me guessing.
Thats the magic of Ae.



offline E-man from Rixensart (Belgium) on 2002-03-13 18:51 [#00124727]
Points: 3000 Status: Regular | Followup to IronLung: #00124481

that's also what i love with autechre

that's also one of the things i like in rdj


offline recycle from Where is Phobiazero (Lincoln) (United States) on 2002-03-13 19:40 [#00124789]
Points: 39507 Status: Lurker

thats why afx and ae are teh best...


offline Cheffe1979 from fuck (Austria) on 2002-03-13 19:46 [#00124793]
Points: 4630 Status: Lurker | Followup to IronLung: #00124481

i totally agree with you, ironlung


offline CORTEX from Canada on 2002-03-13 22:57 [#00125111]
Points: 3346 Status: Regular

a) the complexity of their music. i also like the
"seriousness" in their music, which is an element i think
aphex is lacking sometimes. i like aphex's music a lot, but
i'm pathologically addicted to autechre!

b) too many limited releases (especially under their gescom
alias). also, i'm disapointed with many answers they gave
to the fan questions on apart from that,
they are musical gods!


offline IronLung from the 91fwy in soCAL (United States) on 2002-03-13 23:01 [#00125115]
Points: 8032 Status: Lurker | Show recordbag

ahhh very good point CORTEX...I was also kinda dissapointed
with the answers they gave to MOST of the questions.

But I guess I'll let it slide...heh heh

Ae still rules the world!!!!


offline TrevorGod from Toronto (Canada) on 2002-03-13 23:38 [#00125152]
Points: 894 Status: Regular

B) They seemed to pick pretty generic questions to answer.
I expected something different from Ae. Plus they never
answered the question I emailed them: why am I so lazy?

A) Their rythms, melodies and sounds are just from another
planet. That makes me happy : )


offline pachi from yo momma (United States) on 2002-03-14 00:09 [#00125172]
Points: 8984 Status: Lurker

i can't think of any negative critique to give Ae :)


offline w M w from London (United Kingdom) on 2002-03-14 00:29 [#00125192]
Points: 21386 Status: Regular

The extremely well thought out intellectual concepts,
creating sound that evolves, creating what interests them
and completely ignoring reactions of others, making it have
"feeling" in spite of being largely mind music, it's just
beautiful. They're interested in making stuff that can't be
described with words, and I can't really.


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