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afx remix

offline hexagonaldope on 2002-03-13 12:37 [#00124097]
Points: 441 Status: Lurker

i want to do one, but dont know which i should do, ????



offline Binaural Tea from Christmas City (Christmas Island) on 2002-03-13 12:38 [#00124100]
Points: 1912 Status: Lurker

follow your imagination.
thats the best way.
if that fails, try recycle?


offline Meho Krljic from Beograd (Yugoslavia) on 2002-03-13 12:40 [#00124104]
Points: 6617 Status: Addict

Girl/Boy could use some treatment. As well as To cure a
weakling child. Great tracks both. Have you heard V/VM's
dismemberment of AFX on their "help Aphex Twin" 3" CD's?


offline Binaural Tea from Christmas City (Christmas Island) on 2002-03-13 12:41 [#00124106]
Points: 1912 Status: Lurker

yeah i heard those tracks are totally whack..
did they have richards permission to release it and use his
name in the shit?


offline jand from Braintree (United Kingdom) on 2002-03-13 12:41 [#00124107]
Points: 5975 Status: Moderator | Show recordbag

Maybe go with one you don't like that much....

and try and make it so you do like it...


offline hexagonaldope on 2002-03-13 12:42 [#00124110]
Points: 441 Status: Lurker

no ihavent, i thought the idea was to remix a particular
track, or is that my memory playing tricks, ps i dont have
that many afx tracks, im more a rephlex girl (i only have
ambient 2, and about 3 tracks off druqks)


offline jand from Braintree (United Kingdom) on 2002-03-13 12:43 [#00124112]
Points: 5975 Status: Moderator | Followup to Binaural Tea: #00124106 | Show recordbag

VVM have got a pretty cool rep here in the UK so I doubt rdj
minded at all...

in fact, I reckon he would have been chuffed...(well, until
he heard em...what a wasted opportunity...)...


offline Meho Krljic from Beograd (Yugoslavia) on 2002-03-13 12:50 [#00124125]
Points: 6617 Status: Addict

well, I don't think it was cleared by the big head, because
their whole strategy is disrespect through dismemberment
and, hopefully, out of all this conceptual murk, some good
music comes. In fact these discs are quite good, certainly
the most consistent in quality I've yet heard from V/VM
(note: at the moment V/VM is just this one Kirby bloke...).
They have an OK site at


offline luzid from Meerbusch (Germany) on 2002-03-13 12:55 [#00124132]
Points: 103 Status: Lurker

what i have started yesterday is a remix of ventolin.. well,
"remix". i don't use samples from that track. it's more like
a cover song ;)



offline Resident Evil from heat some coffee, mmm, mmm (Australia) on 2002-03-13 12:55 [#00124134]
Points: 1643 Status: Lurker

I heard the V/VM "remix" of windowlicker and it just seemed
like a speeded up version of the original.


offline Meho Krljic from Beograd (Yugoslavia) on 2002-03-13 12:57 [#00124138]
Points: 6617 Status: Addict

Uhm, I don't know, some tracks were completely destroyed and
some are recognisable. As I recall W-licker was turned
inside-out a bit but still recognisable. Can't remember that
it was sped up. Could be another version.


offline eXXailon from purgatory on 2002-03-13 12:58 [#00124140]
Points: 6745 Status: Lurker

I'd like to make a remix "54 cymru beats style" (like the
chaotic end of this track, 4:30-5:30), but I don't know what
software to use. Suggestions???


offline Resident Evil from heat some coffee, mmm, mmm (Australia) on 2002-03-13 12:58 [#00124142]
Points: 1643 Status: Lurker

As for the remix hexagon, perhaps you could do something
from SAWII and add vocals (yourself or from another source)
and / or samples of the news.

I think it sound pretty cool to have something off SAWII
filled with samples of newsreaders, it would suit the mood


offline hexagonaldope on 2002-03-13 12:59 [#00124144]
Points: 441 Status: Lurker

LOL good idea res


offline Resident Evil from heat some coffee, mmm, mmm (Australia) on 2002-03-13 13:00 [#00124147]
Points: 1643 Status: Lurker

I probably just have a shitty memory Meho :-)


offline recycle from Where is Phobiazero (Lincoln) (United States) on 2002-03-13 14:12 [#00124242]
Points: 39507 Status: Lurker

"follow your imagination.
thats the best way.
if that fails, try recycle? "---HA AHAHAHAHHAHA

hex.-----do cock v10....give us some afx acid in the


offline hexagonaldope on 2002-03-13 19:18 [#00124768]
Points: 441 Status: Lurker

the first rough mix is up at


offline titsworth from Washington, DC (United States) on 2002-03-13 19:27 [#00124776]
Points: 14550 Status: Lurker

nice domain name lucy


offline aneurySm from Ann Arbor (United States) on 2002-03-13 19:28 [#00124777]
Points: 1698 Status: Regular

so what song is that?
nice slow build


offline hexagonaldope on 2002-03-13 19:49 [#00124796]
Points: 441 Status: Lurker

its saw II disc 2 track 3 and the acidyish thing at the end
is one oh his acid tunes like bradley strider or something


offline recycle from Where is Phobiazero (Lincoln) (United States) on 2002-03-13 19:59 [#00124801]
Points: 39507 Status: Lurker

Aphex Twin - Selected Ambient Works Volume II
Releasedate March 7th, 1994
Catalog WARPCD21
Available formats CD/LP/MC

01. [cliffs] [7:21]
02. [radiator] [6:27]
03. [rhubarb] [7:37]
04. [grass] [8:51]
05. [mold] [3:27]
06. [curtains] [8:42]
07. [blur] [5:02]
08. [weathered stone] [6:45]
09. [tree] [9:48]
10. [domino] [7:09]
11. [white blur 1] [2:37]

01. [blue calx] [7:16]
02. [parallel stripes] [7:55]
03. [shiny metal roads] [5:29]
04. [grey stripe] [4:38]
05. [z twig] [2:01]
06. [window sill] [7:13]
07. [hexagon] [5:50]
08. [lichen] [4:07]
09. [spots] [7:02]
10. [tassels] [7:24]
11. [white blur 2] [11:21]
12. [match sticks] [5:36]

Bonus tracks:
04. [hankie] [4:35]
19. [stone in focus] [10:04]

way kool lucy !!!!!!!!!!!!!


offline marlowe from Antarctica on 2002-03-13 21:31 [#00124956]
Points: 24571 Status: Regular

shiny metal rod, not roads....


offline recycle from Where is Phobiazero (Lincoln) (United States) on 2002-03-13 21:37 [#00124971]
Points: 39507 Status: Lurker

its on the explore page PHOBIAZERO THIS MIGHT WANT TO GET


offline Gonzola from Stockholm (Sweden) on 2002-03-13 21:48 [#00125000]
Points: 912 Status: Moderator | Show recordbag

geez....i've looked through that page a LOT of times and
never seen that.


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