400 club? OMG | xltronic messageboard
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400 club? OMG

offline LeCoeur from the outer edge of the universe (United States) on 2002-02-25 09:50 [#00100668]
Points: 8249 Status: Lurker

i honestly can't believe i'm at 400 pts.....it's kinda
scary! =) anyway i've enjoyed earning each and evey point
and want to thank all of you for inspiring my frequent
posts! long may the inspiration continue.

btw....in celebration here is a link to a HILARIOUS site
that made me giggle, and for SOME reason think of this
message board!



offline teapot from Paddington (Australia) on 2002-02-25 09:51 [#00100671]
Points: 5739 Status: Regular

hey no fair... im nearly there... bah


offline LeCoeur from the outer edge of the universe (United States) on 2002-02-25 09:53 [#00100677]
Points: 8249 Status: Lurker | Followup to teapot: #00100671

ehehhe......let your MOUSE help you out...ehehhe


offline teapot from Paddington (Australia) on 2002-02-25 09:56 [#00100684]
Points: 5739 Status: Regular

my mouse has gone far away... now im a scared little


offline LeCoeur from the outer edge of the universe (United States) on 2002-02-25 09:58 [#00100688]
Points: 8249 Status: Lurker | Followup to teapot: #00100684

awwwww......i loved that mouse pic...you looked kinda scared
of it...eheheh

check out the site below....tis funny =]


offline teapot from Paddington (Australia) on 2002-02-25 09:59 [#00100690]
Points: 5739 Status: Regular

site below?? *looks*


offline nacmat on 2002-02-25 10:03 [#00100700]
Points: 31271 Status: Lurker

its funny... but there is no sex in it :-(

only joking.... well not really.... well yes
well a bit joking and a bit not... i mean come on!! where is
the sex?


offline LeCoeur from the outer edge of the universe (United States) on 2002-02-25 10:07 [#00100707]
Points: 8249 Status: Lurker | Followup to nacmat: #00100700

hahahha......nacmat....thats the POINT silly. =]
there's TOO much testosterone on this mb...ehehe so i think
a NO SEX ban should be in effect.....agreed?? ehheheh

someone mentioned the average male thinks of sex every 6
seconds, so this site will provide a way to FREE YOURSELF
from the shackles of SEX....ehehheh

enjoy it all.....and i'm off to bed....tis 3am and i must
get up in 5 hours! till the morrow my fellow friends,
countrymen, etc......eheheh


offline nacmat on 2002-02-25 10:08 [#00100710]
Points: 31271 Status: Lurker | Followup to LeCoeur: #00100707

sleep well my friend... g night... see you


offline teapot from Paddington (Australia) on 2002-02-25 10:10 [#00100714]
Points: 5739 Status: Regular

mmm hmm i got my gf 'kitty' too this mb the other night and
im not too happy with the treatment she got, theres some
real asswholes on this mb


offline teapot from Paddington (Australia) on 2002-02-25 10:11 [#00100715]
Points: 5739 Status: Regular

did that even fit into conversation well if it didnt i
wanted too say it anyway.


offline IronLung from the 91fwy in soCAL (United States) on 2002-02-25 10:14 [#00100718]
Points: 8032 Status: Lurker | Show recordbag

I agree....this MB doesnt need to have ANY sex posts....


offline marlowe from Antarctica on 2002-02-25 11:00 [#00100750]
Points: 24571 Status: Regular

i mighta known kitty was your girlfriend - it figures


offline Ceri JC from Jefferson City (United States) on 2002-02-25 16:07 [#00101005]
Points: 23549 Status: Moderator | Show recordbag

Good point ironlung. I wasn't aware that it did. One of the
things I like about this site is it's relativley celibate
compared to most MBs...


offline IronLung from the 91fwy in soCAL (United States) on 2002-02-25 16:11 [#00101009]
Points: 8032 Status: Lurker | Show recordbag

I just kinda think, like you said, I appreciate this site,
and deem it my fav BB, because it IS ABOUT MUSIC....and ALOT
of cool people talking about the same music I enjoy....


offline dave from saskatoon (Canada) on 2002-02-25 18:33 [#00101156]
Points: 1135 Status: Regular

100 to go


offline corngrower from the fertile grounds of Iowa, w (United States) on 2002-02-26 00:29 [#00101760]
Points: 4404 Status: Lurker

Im in there

Dawm, how you pull ahead of me so far LeCoeur?


offline xlr from Boston (United States) on 2002-02-26 00:57 [#00101829]
Points: 4904 Status: Regular

And i just made it to the 200 club.


offline Xanatos from New York City (United States) on 2002-02-26 01:00 [#00101833]
Points: 3316 Status: Moderator | Show recordbag

count me in!


offline The_Funkmaster from St. John's (Canada) on 2002-02-26 01:10 [#00101852]
Points: 16280 Status: Lurker

oh, Kitty is your girlfriend Teapot? I'll keep that in mind
man... I'll keep my rude posts to myself... :)


offline Kitty on 2002-02-26 01:12 [#00101855]
Points: 337 Status: Lurker | Followup to The_Funkmaster: #00101852

haha :-p


offline The_Funkmaster from St. John's (Canada) on 2002-02-26 01:16 [#00101860]
Points: 16280 Status: Lurker

hehe... :)


offline teapot from Paddington (Australia) on 2002-02-26 01:18 [#00101863]
Points: 5739 Status: Regular

booyah! :P


offline Kitty on 2002-02-26 01:18 [#00101865]
Points: 337 Status: Lurker | Followup to The_Funkmaster: #00101860

How are you fuc-funkmaster?:P:)


offline teapot from Paddington (Australia) on 2002-02-26 01:18 [#00101868]
Points: 5739 Status: Regular

ohoh im nearly at 400!


offline Kitty on 2002-02-26 01:21 [#00101877]
Points: 337 Status: Lurker | Followup to teapot: #00101868

that's good :P


offline teapot from Paddington (Australia) on 2002-02-26 01:22 [#00101880]
Points: 5739 Status: Regular

it is good, and you caught halfway up too me in 2 days...


offline Ophecks from Nova Scotia (Canada) on 2002-02-26 01:22 [#00101881]
Points: 19190 Status: Moderator | Show recordbag

Fast approaching



offline teapot from Paddington (Australia) on 2002-02-26 01:45 [#00101949]
Points: 5739 Status: Regular

400!!! yay!!!! wizardry here i come!


offline aperson from Brentwood, TN (United States) on 2002-02-26 01:46 [#00101950]
Points: 1134 Status: Lurker

I will beat you ophecks! *spams*


offline Zombiekev from Ardmore (United States) on 2002-02-26 01:47 [#00101954]
Points: 2857 Status: Lurker

500 club is now open


offline Kitty on 2002-02-26 01:48 [#00101959]
Points: 337 Status: Lurker | Followup to teapot: #00101949

Congrats :|


offline Kitty on 2002-02-26 01:49 [#00101966]
Points: 337 Status: Lurker | Followup to teapot: #00101949

I hope you're happy :|


offline teapot from Paddington (Australia) on 2002-02-26 01:51 [#00101976]
Points: 5739 Status: Regular

i am very happy ;)


offline Kitty on 2002-02-26 01:52 [#00101978]
Points: 337 Status: Lurker | Followup to teapot: #00101976



offline teapot from Paddington (Australia) on 2002-02-26 01:53 [#00101986]
Points: 5739 Status: Regular



offline The_Funkmaster from St. John's (Canada) on 2002-02-26 01:59 [#00102008]
Points: 16280 Status: Lurker

feel free to call me fuckmaster!!! :)


offline The_Funkmaster from St. John's (Canada) on 2002-02-26 02:00 [#00102012]
Points: 16280 Status: Lurker

I'm almost in the 600 club babee!!!! I have a feeling my
whole life will change...


offline pachi from yo momma (United States) on 2002-02-26 02:18 [#00102084]
Points: 8984 Status: Lurker

geez. i still got a ways to go, but that's really my primary


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