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offline Oddioblender from Fort Worth, TX (United States) on 2003-07-31 22:18 [#00803175]
Points: 9601 Status: Lurker

Mwa ha ha! More NES remixing! Rejoice!

Right click the click below and "save target as"



offline corticalstim from Canada on 2003-07-31 22:32 [#00803183]
Points: 3885 Status: Regular

haha - this is so funky fresh - sounds like an electronic
pimp smack :D

what did you use to make this? did you sample the original
melodies? or do the synthesis yourself and sequence with


offline Oddioblender from Fort Worth, TX (United States) on 2003-07-31 22:35 [#00803190]
Points: 9601 Status: Lurker

i actually, on my other remixes, took the original melodies
and looped them in - but on this one, i actually recreated
the melodies myself and sequenced them. painstaking stuff.
it's not exact on some of the melody timing, but that's what
adds my unique touch to it.

glad you enjoy it! i'm downloading sylvia's rainbow right

i recommend the ninja gaiden and contra remixes while you're
waiting. ;-)


offline Skink from A cesspool in eden on 2003-07-31 22:39 [#00803192]
Points: 7483 Status: Lurker

Hehehe this is cool!


offline corticalstim from Canada on 2003-07-31 22:40 [#00803193]
Points: 3885 Status: Regular

ok - ive listened to em all - and they all rock :D

i like the ninja gaiden one best though


offline Oddioblender from Fort Worth, TX (United States) on 2003-07-31 22:42 [#00803198]
Points: 9601 Status: Lurker

skink: thank you!

corticalstim: everybody LOVES that ninjagaiden. i actually
submitted it to OCremix, and they're reviewing it as we


offline ambsace from canaDUH. on 2003-08-01 00:12 [#00803246]
Points: 6326 Status: Lurker

hehe. another well done little spin on one of our 8 bit
favs.'s got nothin' on ninja gaiden. ;]


offline ambsace from canaDUH. on 2003-08-01 00:13 [#00803247]
Points: 6326 Status: Lurker

i'm likin' the bit from about 25 seconds in until about 40
seconds in. *nods*


offline Oddioblender from Fort Worth, TX (United States) on 2003-08-01 17:17 [#00804815]
Points: 9601 Status: Lurker | Followup to ambsace: #00803247

thank you sir! :-D


offline Oddioblender from Fort Worth, TX (United States) on 2003-08-01 17:28 [#00804836]
Points: 9601 Status: Lurker

anyone else with comments?


offline AphexAcid from Sweden on 2003-08-01 17:43 [#00804878]
Points: 2568 Status: Lurker

I'll check it out. Downloading right now ...


offline AphexAcid from Sweden on 2003-08-01 17:49 [#00804897]
Points: 2568 Status: Lurker

Phat track. I like the simplicity. Simple melody, hard
beats, y'know, and that little
beat-warps-into-melody-in-the-ending-thingy is nice.


offline Oddioblender from Fort Worth, TX (United States) on 2003-08-01 17:54 [#00804907]
Points: 9601 Status: Lurker

thank you! though i think EVERYONE still agrees that ninja
gaiden is superior.


offline AphexAcid from Sweden on 2003-08-01 17:59 [#00804915]
Points: 2568 Status: Lurker

Well, yes, it's Ninja Gaiden, doh! :D


offline ecnadniarb on 2003-08-01 18:31 [#00804929]
Points: 24804 Status: Lurker | Show recordbag

All the tracks like this you have done sound decent but at
the end of the day you are working with a track that is 90%
compete to begin with. :)


offline Oddioblender from Fort Worth, TX (United States) on 2003-08-01 20:29 [#00805007]
Points: 9601 Status: Lurker

that's quite true, sir. :-D

it's just that i haven't really gotten my originals to where
they should be. i'm sorta taking a break from original music
right now. mainly because i've had little inspiration. but
i'm constructing new methods of songwriting with each
original and remix, so hopefully soon i'll have something
that blows people away. :-D


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