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offline zaphod from the metaverse on 2002-09-08 05:15 [#00383806]
Points: 4428 Status: Addict

anyone here fans of the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy? 42


offline ecnadniarb on 2002-09-08 05:16 [#00383808]
Points: 24804 Status: Lurker | Show recordbag

I am not a fan, but I know of it.


offline Inverted Whale from United States Minor Outlying Islands on 2002-09-08 05:20 [#00383820]
Points: 3301 Status: Lurker

I'm a big fan, although the 5th book of the trilogy was a
total disaster ...

I still have my pair of peril sensitive sunglasses from the
old computer game...


offline marlowe from Antarctica on 2002-09-08 05:24 [#00383821]
Points: 24572 Status: Lurker

yes Whale, the 5th book was.... strange. so melancholy, and
then he killed them all.

i have the mp3s of the radio play too (used to have the
tapes but someone borrowed them and died in a terrible
ferret-related accident)


offline roygbivcore from, of course! on 2002-09-08 05:28 [#00383825]
Points: 22557 Status: Lurker

i used to have a pair of shoes which i scrawled DONT PANIC

oddly enough i was wearing them on september 11th


offline marlowe from Antarctica on 2002-09-08 05:34 [#00383829]
Points: 24572 Status: Lurker | Followup to roygbivcore: #00383825

and it's an anagram of DOC 'N' PAINT


offline Desdemona from Lake Mendota on 2002-09-08 05:44 [#00383835]
Points: 630 Status: Lurker

I am a fan of its quotes, I can't remember reading it.
(Lost in the haze of the 5th grade, I guess) I spent a lot
of time in high school writing 42 under math questions I ran
out of time to answer on tests. There was a history teacher
who'd actually give you credit for that once a year.


offline w M w from London (United Kingdom) on 2002-09-08 05:48 [#00383839]
Points: 21392 Status: Lurker

I heard about that "42" bit inderectly from another source
(a book about chaos I reckon)

They realized that while the answer was clear and precise,
the question was not


offline zaphod from the metaverse on 2002-09-08 05:52 [#00383840]
Points: 4428 Status: Addict

my favorite in the series is the restaurant at the end of
the universe. it falls apart once you hit mostly harmless,
which was obviously written to cash in.
anyone here read Dirk Gently books?


offline marlowe from Antarctica on 2002-09-08 06:04 [#00383851]
Points: 24572 Status: Lurker | Followup to zaphod: #00383840

If it was written to cash in, it wouldn't have been in the
vein it was... It was written shortly before he died, and
unless God has changed his policies, cash is useless in


offline zaphod from the metaverse on 2002-09-08 06:06 [#00383853]
Points: 4428 Status: Addict

ummm. mostly harmless was written in 1992. he died in 2000.
eight years. you do the math.


offline roygbivcore from, of course! on 2002-09-08 06:06 [#00383855]
Points: 22557 Status: Lurker

uh, it was written at least 5 years before he died... i'm
not sure when it was written but i remember reading it well
before i heard he was dead.... long before


offline roygbivcore from, of course! on 2002-09-08 06:07 [#00383857]
Points: 22557 Status: Lurker



offline zaphod from the metaverse on 2002-09-08 06:07 [#00383859]
Points: 4428 Status: Addict

anyway it wasn't his decision to write. his publishing house
knew they would make money and literally forced him to write
the thing.


offline urb from Trondheim (Norway) on 2002-09-08 16:09 [#00384095]
Points: 568 Status: Regular

Ah.. Dirk Gently's hollistic detective agency. Adams was an
excellent writer.

Anybody read his book with Mark Carwadine, Last Chance to
See? Great read, even if you're not an enviromental nutter.


offline Ubik from United States on 2002-09-08 16:15 [#00384096]
Points: 662 Status: Lurker

maybe i'm stupid... but what came first... the first book or
the radio show, then later there was a TV show


offline zaphod from the metaverse on 2002-09-08 16:35 [#00384102]
Points: 4428 Status: Addict | Followup to Ubik: #00384096

radio show came first, then books and tv
and Last Chance to See is my personal favorite of all of his


offline Jarworski from The Grove (United Kingdom) on 2002-09-08 17:59 [#00384155]
Points: 10836 Status: Lurker

The first book was easily the best IMO... although the third
book I think had the funniest passages, if I remember that's
the one where Arthur Dent learns to fly... I laughed solidly
for about 5 pages :oD


offline zaphod from the metaverse on 2002-09-08 18:25 [#00384179]
Points: 4428 Status: Addict | Followup to Jarworski: #00384155

in the fourth book dent flies and has sex on the wing of an
the second was by far the best though.


offline J198 from Maastricht (Netherlands, The) on 2002-09-08 19:33 [#00384235]
Points: 7342 Status: Lurker | Show recordbag

i just borrowed this book (the first 4 parts) from a friend
and look forward to reading it. I just finished fight club
which was most excellent and i'm also looking for the 2nd
book in the 'his dark materials' trilogy. Great reading
recommendations on this messageboard!


offline thanksomuch from planet claire on 2002-09-08 19:49 [#00384242]
Points: 544 Status: Regular

i am a fan.


offline Ubik from United States on 2002-09-08 20:02 [#00384250]
Points: 662 Status: Lurker

so did Douglas adams write the original radio show by
himself? or did he just condense it all into book form from
a group effort?


offline marlowe from Antarctica on 2002-09-08 21:03 [#00384302]
Points: 24572 Status: Lurker

Oh well, I take it back then


offline qrter from the future, and it works (Netherlands, The) on 2002-09-08 21:15 [#00384314]
Points: 47414 Status: Moderator | Followup to Ubik: #00384250

every version in every media (book, tv, radio) is a
different version of just about the same story. very

I love HG2G.. I have the tapes - been listening to them
today actually..

I love the part with Arthur flying too - wasn't it because
he was falling and saw the bag he had lost years before at
Heathrow airport lying on the ground..?

I love the first page of the last book too.. with the people
who design starships that run on bad news, which meant they
weren't welcome anywhere in the universe.. HA HA HA HA!


offline qrter from the future, and it works (Netherlands, The) on 2002-09-08 21:15 [#00384316]
Points: 47414 Status: Moderator

"in large friendly letters on the cover"


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