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AE - doctrine

offline E-man from Rixensart (Belgium) on 2002-05-30 23:21 [#00243311]
Points: 3000 Status: Regular

this track really remind me of lfo's first album, it's one
of the few i like on incunabula
what are your thoughts on this track???


offline Laserbeak from Netherlands, The on 2002-05-30 23:53 [#00243356]
Points: 2670 Status: Lurker

It's nice and hypnotic. and I like the synth sounds


offline JivverDicker from my house on 2002-05-31 02:34 [#00243460]
Points: 12102 Status: Regular

I read an interview with Ae when they said that they were
signed to Warp because Mark Bell Heard their demos over the
phone as he was speaking to Rob. He said something like 'Wow
that's cool, what are you playing' etc..... Rob said 'Mark
from LFO loves this track that you are playing'...etc
Then Ae were signed!

Autechre are really cool.


offline titsworth from Washington, DC (United States) on 2002-05-31 02:36 [#00243461]
Points: 14550 Status: Lurker | Followup to JivverDicker: #00243460

*shakes head sadly*


offline nacmat on 2002-05-31 02:36 [#00243462]
Points: 31271 Status: Lurker

autechre are my favourite music makers


offline titsworth from Washington, DC (United States) on 2002-05-31 02:38 [#00243464]
Points: 14550 Status: Lurker | Followup to nacmat: #00243462

i wish ae had answered my "if you could pick any 5 artists
to form a musical supergroup with" question seriously. maybe
they did. they said "the first 5 musicians ever."

personally i'm still waiting for my Godspeed You Black
Emperor! / The Last Emperor (rapper) collaboration.


offline JivverDicker from my house on 2002-05-31 02:40 [#00243466]
Points: 12102 Status: Regular | Followup to titsworth: #00243464

Tits, I'm sorry.... I'm drunk now......I did a great track
tonight and I'm feeling all happy. The Ae story is
true....what are you up to?


offline titsworth from Washington, DC (United States) on 2002-05-31 02:44 [#00243468]
Points: 14550 Status: Lurker | Followup to JivverDicker: #00243466

you must read a lot about warp artists jivver! such an
expert! ;)

you should let us hear your music. personally i've been up
to some rapping. me and Archrival on this board have been
trading battle verses. it's on the top page, go to
"ArchRival vs. Titsworth Courier - Part II" and read it. he
hasn't responded with his 2nd verse yet, but all in all
we'll each have 4 verses.

hope you had a good time in paris and other places. i get to
go to russia, denmark, sweden, and germany in july.


offline JivverDicker from my house on 2002-05-31 02:47 [#00243469]
Points: 12102 Status: Regular

Tits, I'll email you a link in a minute.....It's not
finished but......

check your mail in 1 minute...


offline titsworth from Washington, DC (United States) on 2002-05-31 02:49 [#00243471]
Points: 14550 Status: Lurker

alright cool
btw never send file attachments to howisya@hotmail; if you
want to send mp3's you're more than welcome to at: or via aim or soulseek.

don't forget to read the battle lyrics while you're on


offline JivverDicker from my house on 2002-05-31 02:54 [#00243476]
Points: 12102 Status: Regular

What I sent is not really finished, the graphics don't lock
yet..... move your cursor to change between the sound files
and change the graphics.......8)


offline titsworth from Washington, DC (United States) on 2002-05-31 03:01 [#00243477]
Points: 14550 Status: Lurker

thanks for the link, the animation is awesome! i like the
whole thing best when it's really fast and chaotic. the
graphics and music are much better than the version on the
front page (i'm checking out the rest of the site). good

btw i was just kidding you, i know you're a good historian.


offline JivverDicker from my house on 2002-05-31 03:12 [#00243489]
Points: 12102 Status: Regular

I'm going to bed........night tits.


offline KisserDicker on 2014-07-22 08:34 [#02474052]
Points: 112 Status: Addict

Why are you bullying me in public freqy? Saying I go to
bookstores and buy books I'm not interested in? This is
very hurtful and not a good way to conduct yourself.


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