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drop in cd sales

offline Clobe Smith from san francisco (United States) on 2002-05-29 23:17 [#00241265]
Points: 512 Status: Lurker

i read in the la times today:

"after 10 consecutive years of annual growth, profits
contracted last year in the record industry by 3%. CD
burning, free downloading of music from the Internet and the
enormous rise in popularity of movies on DVD were
contributing factors in this decline." (every generation
has the crap music, but this is a little ridiculous. i
can't tell linkin park from aphex theory to pod to incubus
to who knows what. it all sounds the same to me)

i was thinking about this and started to wonder if this
accusation was true. maybe, just maybe, no one really
wanted the new j lo album, or the new back street boys or
whatever crap the machine is pumping out. is this possibly
not "our" fault, but maybe "their's" for the lack of good
commercial music (i use the term commercial losely).

and this isn't necessarily a debate of is downloading mp3s,
and burning your own cds is right or wrong. it's been done
before ... a lot.

do you think they are quick to point fingers that it's the
consumers fault, or this just some idea way off base?


offline ExHore from Stamford, Ct. (United States) on 2002-05-29 23:27 [#00241271]
Points: 2157 Status: Regular


*grabs balls*


offline thethirdball from Polly Pisspot (Canada) on 2002-05-29 23:27 [#00241272]
Points: 1629 Status: Lurker

Call me a capitalist but I happen to believe that
downloading is the culprit.

Commerical music is created that way because market
researchers spend millions of dollars determining what music
will make the most amount of money. Artistic merit is not
considered nor is any other non-monetary detail. This
system has worked for the past 10 years.

The music business (major labels) is there to make a profit
nothing more. If you're tastes are not those of the
majority then commercial music is not made for you.

Just my opinion.


offline sgt growley from Deal (United Kingdom) on 2002-05-29 23:29 [#00241273]
Points: 247 Status: Lurker

Yeah, it's easy for them to point the finger the internet,
it distracts attention from the fact that it is the
industry's fault.
I have no sympathey for an industry that wastes millions on
crappy videos for Britney and such, and pays millions for
Maria Carey NOT to record anything. It makes me so cross
that money could have been spent on loads of new bands that
need a break and might sell loads if they got the chance...


offline ExHore from Stamford, Ct. (United States) on 2002-05-29 23:29 [#00241274]
Points: 2157 Status: Regular

why sell music?

should we sell air?



offline Laserbeak from Netherlands, The on 2002-05-29 23:32 [#00241275]
Points: 2670 Status: Lurker

Music has been raped long enough, maybe people are beginning
to see that now.


offline ExHore from Stamford, Ct. (United States) on 2002-05-29 23:35 [#00241278]
Points: 2157 Status: Regular

i agree with the lazer beak


offline ExHore from Stamford, Ct. (United States) on 2002-05-29 23:36 [#00241279]
Points: 2157 Status: Regular

but watch the companies try to shut the download-wares down,
then they'll be a new one, they'll never win.


offline tolstoyed from the ocean on 2002-05-29 23:41 [#00241281]
Points: 50073 Status: Moderator

im not causing drop
i think


offline thethirdball from Polly Pisspot (Canada) on 2002-05-29 23:45 [#00241284]
Points: 1629 Status: Lurker

I'm sorry but I can't agree with Lazerbeak. I've lost faith
in humanity.

Don't get me wrong I think that individuals can awaken to
the suckatude that is commercial music but there's no hope
for the populace as a whole.


offline ExHore from Stamford, Ct. (United States) on 2002-05-29 23:51 [#00241290]
Points: 2157 Status: Regular

he means society's music


offline ExHore from Stamford, Ct. (United States) on 2002-05-29 23:52 [#00241294]
Points: 2157 Status: Regular

i mean, I know Warp Records is still a business so theyre
gonna start doing whatever tehy can do get money.

take A-PC for example, theyre first ep ruled all, amazing,
excellent. their new lp reminds me of fucking jay-z with
aphex twin wannabe music playing in the background. what
the fuck?


offline Taxidermist from Black Grass on 2002-05-29 23:53 [#00241297]
Points: 9958 Status: Lurker

Ummm. the music industry had its best year ever the year
before they took napster off the market. The year after they
took napster off the market, the music industry took one of
its worst dives ever.

Maybe people were pissed off at how openly petty the music
industry became. Maybe a lot of people became so dependant
on napster to help them decide upon what to buy, they felt
lost without it. Either way, napster seemed to do nothing
but help the music industry, and they fucked it up. Now
they're getting fucked up.


offline Inverted Whale from United States Minor Outlying Islands on 2002-05-29 23:53 [#00241298]
Points: 3301 Status: Lurker

There is/was a recession going on, entertainment items like
CDs are the first to go.

I think you need more than a few years to see these trends.
Napster was huge in 1999. CD sales weren't down then.


offline ExHore from Stamford, Ct. (United States) on 2002-05-29 23:54 [#00241299]
Points: 2157 Status: Regular

but ill still buy some WARP stuff

not to give the artists hella money so they can be sellout
mobys, but just cuz i want to buy em hehe :)


offline ExHore from Stamford, Ct. (United States) on 2002-05-29 23:55 [#00241301]
Points: 2157 Status: Regular

i agree and disagree with the napster thing.

i mean, come ON, the majority of people downloaded every
single album and downloaded the cover art at www.cdcovers.cc


offline Inverted Whale from United States Minor Outlying Islands on 2002-05-29 23:57 [#00241303]
Points: 3301 Status: Lurker | Followup to ExHore: #00241301

And you know this because?

You and all your buds did it?


offline Taxidermist from Black Grass on 2002-05-29 23:57 [#00241307]
Points: 9958 Status: Lurker

Maybe thats what you did.

I know a lot of people that bought the music they liked.

That wasn't just a think I made up just to validate the pro
P2P argument... it a legitimate statistic. You can quote me
on it. I forget the sources (I have heard it from quite a
few places), but I can guarantee you that it is accurate.


offline ExHore from Stamford, Ct. (United States) on 2002-05-29 23:59 [#00241310]
Points: 2157 Status: Regular

thats cool, i was just talking probability, i was inferring
cuz the majority of americans, at least the thousands i
know, like free stuff and even scowl at a $4.99 cd


offline titsworth from Washington, DC (United States) on 2002-05-30 00:00 [#00241311]
Points: 14550 Status: Lurker

you guys ruined it for us cd buyers, the industry was all
set to drop PRICES of cd's (by a few dollars even) until the
sales got bad this year. fuck y'all.


offline ExHore from Stamford, Ct. (United States) on 2002-05-30 00:00 [#00241312]
Points: 2157 Status: Regular

also, in the us, look at music shops. NO APHEX, if any
there'd be 2 or 3 out of the hundreds of releases he made.


offline ExHore from Stamford, Ct. (United States) on 2002-05-30 00:02 [#00241315]
Points: 2157 Status: Regular

LOL how stupid of the corporations!!!

if they want more people to buy their cds, make them cheap
so that itll attract more people!

who the fuck wants to buy an $18 cd?!


offline Taxidermist from Black Grass on 2002-05-30 00:02 [#00241317]
Points: 9958 Status: Lurker | Followup to ExHore: #00241310

Most americans will buy the top twenty selling albums of the
year at most, and leave it at that.

The music industry makes a lot of money off those people.
The thing is... they are also the kind of people who
wouldn't dedicate more than a few minutes towards finding
those same trax online and burning them to cd. They would
rather not be arsed...

Same thing with canadians.


offline ExHore from Stamford, Ct. (United States) on 2002-05-30 00:03 [#00241320]
Points: 2157 Status: Regular

yeah, theyre called 'mainstream people'


offline tolstoyed from the ocean on 2002-05-30 00:04 [#00241321]
Points: 50073 Status: Moderator

music which is selling most its just not lasting. when it
gets 2 moths old nobody wants to buy it anymore.
its different with not so popular music imo.


offline Taxidermist from Black Grass on 2002-05-30 00:04 [#00241322]
Points: 9958 Status: Lurker | Followup to titsworth: #00241311

Actually, all the sources I have heard from say that they
are planning on dropping the prices due to lack of consumer


offline Inverted Whale from United States Minor Outlying Islands on 2002-05-30 00:04 [#00241323]
Points: 3301 Status: Lurker | Followup to titsworth: #00241311

Where did you hear this?


offline Taxidermist from Black Grass on 2002-05-30 00:05 [#00241324]
Points: 9958 Status: Lurker | Followup to ExHore: #00241320

Thats where the industry makes most of its money.


offline Inverted Whale from United States Minor Outlying Islands on 2002-05-30 00:06 [#00241325]
Points: 3301 Status: Lurker | Followup to ExHore: #00241312

Tell the record store manager about it, if you haven't
already. If they don't know people want it, they won't stock


offline jingle from London (United Kingdom) on 2002-05-30 00:06 [#00241326]
Points: 502 Status: Regular

i think downloads do hurt music sales: with regards to the
the sales of the commercial phlegm that record companies
spew out i don't really give a shit but when people do it to
independant or struggling artists it pisses me off: the
little guys need the money so the odd download is okay if
you want to know more about an artist but whole album stuff
is really cunty: an album is for life, not just for


offline Taxidermist from Black Grass on 2002-05-30 00:08 [#00241328]
Points: 9958 Status: Lurker

I haven't stopped buying albums. I do burn a lot of cd's


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