(high effort spam) Of The Milk Fed Lamb | xltronic messageboard
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(high effort spam) Of The Milk Fed Lamb

offline Wolfslice from Bay Area, CA (United States) on 2024-07-04 23:44 [#02636767]
Points: 4857 Status: Regular

Of The Milk Fed Lamb (4:21)

Been working on this for the last month with the last of my
time off. Enrolled now in a serious and expensive trucking
school where I'm gonna learn how to drive the big rigs. I
think this probably the last spam I can produce for a little
while. I'm also working on the Elden Ring DLC (and loving

I think the drum work and sound design here is on point.
Melodies, while basic, harmonize into something worthwhile.
It's about the best I can do right now.

If you have 4:21 I'd appreciate a listen but if not I still
love you boo


offline hevquip from megagram dusk sect (United States) on 2024-07-05 00:26 [#02636769]
Points: 3374 Status: Regular

yeah i like it. makes me think about how i've been sitting
on a track of my own that i've been too lazy to finish &
upload and that i should feel bad because i've probably had
even more free time than you to put something together and
i've failed to do so. i even bought new gear so i should
feel super inspired. congrats on working towards a cdl; i've
liked driving in the past, but was never sure if i could
commit to a career of it and honestly i'm kind of a pussy
when it comes to backing up trailers, so the idea of doing
it with something 26' or longer always felt like a barrier
even though that's what school is for.


offline Wolfslice from Bay Area, CA (United States) on 2024-07-05 01:27 [#02636772]
Points: 4857 Status: Regular | Followup to hevquip: #02636769

hey thanks for the listen and for the encouragement on the

I don't know shit about driving a big rig. I've even driven
a manual in my life, nor have I driven in show (California

The admissions officer really set my mind at ease on all
this, it's normal, they will train. If fucking braindead
idiots can learn this stuff, so can I, and so can you.

I encourage you to just open up the track and work on the
things you've already identified need work. Export what you
have to your phone, go outside with headphones and have a
drink and listen to it 5 or 10 times. What else needs work?
That's my process. For 15 years I settled for things too
easily. "Sounds good enough." Last 5-8 years I go the extra
mile on every detail, made a real difference in my music.


offline Wolfslice from Bay Area, CA (United States) on 2024-07-05 01:34 [#02636773]
Points: 4857 Status: Regular

I've *never even driven a manual.

*missed an entire word.


online recycle from Where is Phobiazero (Lincoln) (United States) on 2024-07-05 04:18 [#02636774]
Points: 39947 Status: Regular

Last Spam in a while my butt,
You do
And do this often (remix)LAZY_TITLE


offline belb from mmmmmmhhhhzzzz!!! on 2024-07-05 09:54 [#02636778]
Points: 6377 Status: Lurker

i like the melodies especially in this one, you take care
with softness, velocity, something i can't quite put my
finger on. nice


offline Wolfslice from Bay Area, CA (United States) on 2024-07-05 11:46 [#02636779]
Points: 4857 Status: Regular

thanks belb

yeah the softness you're describing is probably just a good
amount of dynamic adjusting of reverb and volume to little
swells at opportune moments.

despite thad's migivings (love u thad), I really have so
much going on that I dunno when I'll be able to put this
time into another track, so I'll share my most secret tech.

It's probably something everyone knows how to do already,
but I dunno, I just figured it out myself over like 23 years
dicking around in daws:

write a basic melody and make it sound as good as you can,
but it's still just a little loop. add a note or two here
and there, for variation.

Now duplicate the entire track, your midi sequence in tact,
and audition a new sound-- or design one from scratch. make
it your own, either way. Now both are playing together. Add
a few notes to the new track that arent on the first.

Kill the volume on the new track, 0db. And then just hit
record and play with flirting with the volume on the second
track, let it just cut in a little here and there.

What a difference that makes to ANY sound. Anyway thats it,
that's my secret tech which everyone probably already knows
about it. Thanks for listening and I'll let you all know how
the truckin' goes.


online recycle from Where is Phobiazero (Lincoln) (United States) on 2024-07-05 13:53 [#02636781]
Points: 39947 Status: Regular

More good spam or walk away quietly


offline hevquip from megagram dusk sect (United States) on 2024-07-06 00:05 [#02636784]
Points: 3374 Status: Regular | Followup to Wolfslice: #02636779

this is actually what i do too. everything starts with "the
idea"...a motif on a synth, running bland presets through
pedals, plonking one key that just sounds good, liking some
vocal sample, sometimes not even musical in nature; deciding
beforehand to build a track linearly bar by bar, plugging x
into y and then z, buying gear and focusing on learning a
specific function, loading sounds/triggering pads in a
certain formation/pattern on my mpc, take a sample and time
stretch it and time stretch it and time stretch it and time
stretch it, oh i've never worked on risers/builds so let's
structure a song around that and not focus on verse/chorus,
oh my mixing sucks so let's focus on that instead of
composition/arrangement, oh i've never chopped an amen break
so let's try that, etc.

sometimes "the idea" is musical, sometimes it's conceptual.

once i've got "the idea", it's time to expand upon it with
arrangement & composition, which is actually very easy
because i play & sequence everything in on specific pieces
of gear for each part, then i start copying sequences while
changing a few things out, and then i go into each sequence
and start replacing certain sounds/samples/patches. for me,
it's very "modular" in that i arrange & compose mostly over
16 bars on few pieces of gear with one sequence, then pull
out & replace what i want. i'll start changing things around
every 2-4 bars. 16 bars play out, but first 8 bars are one
patch, second 8 bars are another. program 4 bars of drums
and deciding to drop the last bar to insert a sampled drum
fill. 16 bars of bass are sampled then chopped up with other
bass fills/one shots. 2 bars of call, 2 bars of response.

everything is cohesive to "the idea"

i've basically found that arrangement & composition is easy
and if you listen to most music these days, it's actually
extraordinarily simple, but with a lot of "aphex" influence
i.e. everything changes/goes crazy every 2-4 bars. it's
pretty interesting to see just how much idm has influenced


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