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thinking meat

offline oyvinto on 2007-12-10 06:09 [#02152720]
Points: 8197 Status: Lurker | Show recordbag



offline Sclah from Freudian Slipmat on 2007-12-10 06:13 [#02152721]
Points: 3121 Status: Lurker



offline big from lsg on 2007-12-10 06:18 [#02152723]
Points: 23533 Status: Regular | Show recordbag



offline oyvinto on 2007-12-10 06:24 [#02152725]
Points: 8197 Status: Lurker | Show recordbag



offline tolstoyed from the ocean on 2007-12-10 06:24 [#02152726]
Points: 50073 Status: Moderator

is meat at nasa aware of this?


offline Wolfslice from Bay Area, CA (United States) on 2007-12-10 06:29 [#02152728]
Points: 4853 Status: Lurker

/is m_o~ware of this\



offline oyvinto on 2007-12-10 06:29 [#02152729]
Points: 8197 Status: Lurker | Followup to tolstoyed: #02152726 | Show recordbag

they are in denial, as usual


offline staz on 2007-12-10 06:43 [#02152730]
Points: 9844 Status: Regular

this story is a bit shallow, i demand .. something.


offline big from lsg on 2007-12-10 07:22 [#02152736]
Points: 23533 Status: Regular | Show recordbag

i knew it already
that's why i was hands down


offline Sandy from Morocco (Morocco) on 2007-12-10 18:51 [#02152962]
Points: 1493 Status: Regular | Followup to big: #02152736

I did too!



offline S M Pennyworth from East Timor on 2007-12-11 01:59 [#02152990]
Points: 2196 Status: Lurker

brilliant! :)


offline big from lsg on 2007-12-11 02:22 [#02152992]
Points: 23533 Status: Regular | Followup to Sandy: #02152962 | Show recordbag

does that mean you have to post your balls and penis?


offline Sandy from Morocco (Morocco) on 2007-12-11 08:15 [#02153025]
Points: 1493 Status: Regular | Followup to big: #02152992

It's a high five, man! high five!

... though I suppose it could also look like a sword fight
if the two people were doing hand stands...


offline BoxBob-K23 from Finland on 2007-12-11 09:25 [#02153037]
Points: 2440 Status: Regular | Followup to Sandy: #02153025

it's a hare krishna wanker running at me with hug intentions


offline BoxBob-K23 from Finland on 2007-12-11 09:26 [#02153038]
Points: 2440 Status: Regular | Followup to BoxBob-K23: #02153037

not yours, but the one before... oh nevermind


offline big from lsg on 2007-12-11 09:49 [#02153042]
Points: 23533 Status: Regular | Followup to Sandy: #02153025 | Show recordbag

ah, you mean o/*\o


offline Drunken Mastah from OPPERKLASSESVIN!!! (Norway) on 2007-12-11 09:56 [#02153043]
Points: 35867 Status: Lurker | Show recordbag

      / \
  \o/   \o/
   |       |
  / \     / \


offline freqy on 2007-12-11 10:34 [#02153063]
Points: 18724 Status: Regular | Show recordbag

'meat' is prepared flesh..multi national investors changed
the name so not to scare the kids that have no idea where it
comes from.,this meat...Far to much money invested in the
production of meat. Compassion must be avoided at 'nearly
all cost' for the sentient life that once inhabited the
flesh that they seriously abuse and turn into meat...As long
as the cost to diseave billions doesn't out weigh the profit
,They'll continue to lie and poison the land and produce
highely unatural quantities of meat.. total fuk up.


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