2ndMOUSE - armed to the teeth - futuristic IDM | xltronic messageboard
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2ndMOUSE - armed to the teeth - futuristic IDM

offline 2ndMOUSE from Belfast (United Kingdom) on 2007-11-13 13:28 [#02143360]
Points: 113 Status: Regular

Think ya might like this

Its full of broken fukt-up beats

It'll be on a forthcoming EP , which again , will be free.

Just a taste of whats to come............

armed 2 the teeth

Comments / feedback are more than welcome

thx for listening !!

If you missed it.......here's a free 9 track ep too

Stealth Mode EP


offline marlowe from Antarctica on 2007-11-14 03:44 [#02143492]
Points: 24571 Status: Regular

Attached picture


offline Co-existence from Bergen (Norway) on 2007-11-14 04:30 [#02143498]
Points: 3388 Status: Regular | Followup to 2ndMOUSE: #02143360

The first link gives me this response: Blocked! Apparently
wrong ID ! Please go back to www.soundclick.com

The second link leads to some very nice, kinda retro,
detroit-ish electronica. Tasty!


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