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da vinci's coda

offline EVOL from a long time ago on 2007-11-10 04:12 [#02142393]
Points: 4921 Status: Lurker



offline marlowe from Antarctica on 2007-11-10 04:37 [#02142403]
Points: 24571 Status: Regular

I'd be interested to know why he drew a staff across the
painting, and why he chose that particular place to draw a
staff. Unless he was following some sort of evidence trail,
it seems a little.... made-up.


offline EVOL from a long time ago on 2007-11-11 03:44 [#02142659]
Points: 4921 Status: Lurker

he was stoned


offline futureimage from buy FIR from Juno (United Kingdom) on 2007-11-12 00:20 [#02142882]
Points: 6427 Status: Lurker

That's really really believable IMO. Da Vinci was such a
talented genius, he would've been the kind of guy who
would've done that.


offline retape from http://retape.net (Norway) on 2007-11-12 03:43 [#02142914]
Points: 2355 Status: Lurker

Da Vinci = afx


offline w M w from London (United Kingdom) on 2007-11-12 04:20 [#02142925]
Points: 21386 Status: Regular

That niggas a polymath n shit, just like dr dre. There's no
good google videos on any of the polymaths on wikipedias
polymath list, which isn't even a complete list since dr dre
isn't on it. I don't want to read about them; how
primitively unentertaining. I watched half of some crap
about isaac newton and they had actors fag acting some crap,
so I went and read some shit at the singularity
institute instead. I wonder what its like to be a primitive
girlfriend having human. I miss the age of gene replication.
Now its all about memes and the viruses in your head are my


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