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Stabbing Westward

offline WooferAttack from Milano (Italy) on 2002-03-14 08:11 [#00125533]
Points: 12920 Status: Lurker

Bad news, they broke the band. I'm really sad because I
loved the firts albums and they made amazing songs.


offline REFLEX from Edmonton, Alberta (Canada) on 2002-03-14 08:24 [#00125539]
Points: 8864 Status: Regular

I saw them twice live for some reason!


offline Taxidermist from Black Grass on 2002-03-14 08:25 [#00125540]
Points: 9958 Status: Lurker

And their original song titles.

Can't forget that.


offline LeCoeur from the outer edge of the universe (United States) on 2002-03-14 08:31 [#00125543]
Points: 8249 Status: Lurker CROWN =)

darn....when did that happen. i liked them....i always felt
they were a NIN rip off....just a bit....but it's sad to
hear they broke up =(


offline Taxidermist from Black Grass on 2002-03-14 08:32 [#00125544]
Points: 9958 Status: Lurker

But what about their song titles... anyone else in with me
on this?

And that little foldy thing that came with one of their
albums... that was dope.


offline REFLEX from Edmonton, Alberta (Canada) on 2002-03-14 08:34 [#00125545]
Points: 8864 Status: Regular

NIN rip off?? watf??s


offline Taxidermist from Black Grass on 2002-03-14 08:34 [#00125547]
Points: 9958 Status: Lurker

You know... the have a similar sound... similar lyrics. The
only thing that was different from NIN was the song


offline WooferAttack from Milano (Italy) on 2002-03-14 08:47 [#00125550]
Points: 12920 Status: Lurker | Followup to LeCoeur: #00125543

Lies (Ungod) and Sleep (Peel...) were my fav songs... I love


offline LeCoeur from the outer edge of the universe (United States) on 2002-03-14 08:51 [#00125555]
Points: 8249 Status: Lurker | Followup to Taxidermist: #00125547

i think they sound WAY similiar on some of their songs.....i
dunno.....i still like them but it's a familiar sound =)


offline WooferAttack from Milano (Italy) on 2002-03-14 09:01 [#00125565]
Points: 12920 Status: Lurker

Read below...

Stabbing Westward' site


offline Contour Regard from Herscher (come and find me) (United States) on 2002-03-14 09:02 [#00125566]
Points: 132 Status: Lurker

everyone is just breaking up...fear factory, stabbing
westward, next we'll hear that micheal jackson's face broke
up after so much plastic surgery


offline WooferAttack from Milano (Italy) on 2002-03-14 09:09 [#00125573]
Points: 12920 Status: Lurker | Followup to Contour Regard: #00125566



offline LeCoeur from the outer edge of the universe (United States) on 2002-03-14 09:23 [#00125591]
Points: 8249 Status: Lurker | Followup to Contour Regard: #00125566 looks like it's melting poor fellow =)


offline recycle from Where is Phobiazero (Lincoln) (United States) on 2002-03-14 16:24 [#00125932]
Points: 39507 Status: Lurker

the first 3 stabbing westwards cds were great......4
sucked...ive seen them like 6 times they are so powerful


offline WooferAttack from Milano (Italy) on 2002-03-14 16:28 [#00125940]
Points: 12920 Status: Lurker | Followup to recycle: #00125932

I agree with you.


offline pantalaimon from Winterfell (United Kingdom) on 2002-03-14 16:54 [#00125965]
Points: 7090 Status: Lurker | Show recordbag

yeah i've only heard a few songs but they are too similar to
nin imo.


offline WooferAttack from Milano (Italy) on 2002-03-14 17:52 [#00126033]
Points: 12920 Status: Lurker

NiN has a more harsh sound.


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